Give Our critical funding needs fall into two main categories: capital and operational. Our capital requirements pertain to our ongoing campaign to build a new 30-bed treatment facility and merge our three aging facilities into a single-campus model. Doing so would increase access to much-needed treatment, reduce wait times and provide sustainable long-term infrastructure for our health sector. Operational funding needs include resources that support day-to-day programming such as recreation/sports equipment, art supplies, smoking cessation medication, staff training, IT equipment (e.g. laptops) and scholarship funds for graduating students. Volunteer Given our vulnerable population and the sensitive issues they are dealing with, we must restrict ourselves to the recruitment, selection and incorporation of volunteers who bring specific skills to help meet client needs (as opposed to those who have a general interest in helping). Examples of current or past volunteers include: yoga/fitness instructors, financial management coaches, career counsellors, hair stylists, photography teachers, support animal guides, grounds maintenance, and educational tutors. We also welcome fundraising volunteers to help our philanthropy team.