Astrological conjunctions and epochal shifts I am speaking and leading workshops at this event in Coba, Mexico. There is still time to join us (capped at 66 attendees due to Covid restrictions). Use the code ‘ 2020portal ‘ to get 10% off the ticket price. Phi Beta Iota: We are encouraging him to offer live streaming. Recommended. In 2006 I published a book that I still consider to be my best work — my magnum opus if you like: 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl. My quest was to discover the meaning of the prophecies we have received from many indigenous cultures and ancient civilizations around the world about this time. I focused on the end of the 5,125 year Long Count of the Mayan Calendar on December 21, 2012. Although I never said in my work that anything would occur exactly at or around that date, I was often lumped in with those who had made such predictions.