Danger lurks in the air we breathe on airplanes By Dela Ahiawor || Climate Journalist Listen to article Former British Airways Captain, Tristan Loraine asserts that 11 million people fly across the globe every day, oblivious to toxins (harmful substances) that lurk in aircraft cabin air. In his most recent documentary feature"Everybody Flies," Captain Tristan exposes the issue of contaminated air onboard aircrafts. And all its concomitant health risks, which includes cancer, infertility, neurological effects and complications to pregnancy (the unborn child). The former British Airways Captain fell victim to toxic cabin air and consequently lost his career due to ill health. Captain Tristan who doubles as Co-chair of the Global Cabin Air Quality Executive ( GCAQE), the leading global entity on the issue of contaminated air; recently intimated his apprehensions in an interview with this writer.