Date Time Dana-Farber Medical Oncology Chair receives Sjöberg Prize for cancer research Benjamin Ebert, MD, PhD, Chair of Medical Oncology at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, George P. Canellos, MD, and Jean S. Canellos Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, and Institute Member of Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT, has been awarded the Sjöberg Prize, an annual international prize in cancer research. The prize was awarded for Dr. Ebert’s discovery of the mode of action of lenalidomide in the treatment of hematological disorders. This is the fifth time that the Sjöberg Prize will be awarded. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences selects the laureates and the Sjöberg Foundation provides the financing. The prize amounts to one million dollars, of which $100,000 is the prize sum and $900,000 is funding for future research.