War rooms across the city are posing a gloomy picture for the past two days. Share Via Email | A+A A- By Express News Service BENGALURU: War rooms across the city are posing a gloomy picture for the past two days. Repeated persuasion by BBMP staffers, nodal officers and even agencies is having little impact. Many are not keen to return to work citing safety, harassment and even embarrassment. But to ensure that citizens do not suffer, BBMP joint commissioners of each zone have told agencies to make sure there is no staff crunch. But it had little impact as the rumour got around that the 16 minority community staffers, whose names Bengaluru South Member of Parliament Tejasvi Surya had read out at the South Zone war room, were sacked. This left many staffers demotivated and unwilling to work, with others saying there is no professionalism. BBMP Chief Commissioner Gaurav Gupta and South Zone Special Commissioner Thulasi Maddineni clarified that the employees have not been sacked, but their service is on hold till the inquiry is completed.