HomeNews FeaturesTo my brother, who left an imprint on our lives To my brother, who left an imprint on our lives 19 December 2020 12:47 am - 0 My brother passed away five years ago, but still, I feel that he is living. He left behind a set of children who are like him three sons and a daughter. Though he passed away, yet his thoughts for his kith and kin is embodied in them. That is what should be of people, when they pass away, to leave their imprint, at least among his or her near relatives. S. B. Senaratne My brother left a stamp on the country as well when he initiated the “School Road Safety” programme as the Senior Prefect of Kingswood College, which has many firsts in the country. It was his innovative and it was done without any approval when he began to conduct the ‘Road Safety’ in front of the school with the “Prefects Court” helping him. Then after a few months, the Rover Group Master Mr. Blacker, as he was also a Rover went to the Police in Kandy and obtained their approval. This was one of the questions posed by Inspector General of Police Sir Richard Aluvihare when he questioned him at the interview. And the only question at the interview. It was a rare occasion when an Inspector General of Police sat on a Board of interview for Sub-inspectors. Only nine were selected, the other on the Board was DIG Sydney Soyza and two other Senior Police Officers.