In collaboration with the publishing house Argo, the Czech Scouts have released a new comic book that depicts a plethora of stories from key periods in modern Czech history. Titled Odvaha je volba (Bravery is a Choice) the publication features drawings from several leading Czech illustrators. Tomáš Vovsík and Marek Steininger, photo: Czech Radio What does it mean to be brave? And what is the cost of upholding this virtue in difficult situations? Those are the questions explored in a new book published through collaboration between the Czech Scouts and Argo. The 128-page book consists of seven stories spread over various important periods in Czech history, starting from the Habsburg era and ending with a story from the contemporary period, chief script writer Marek Steininger, who co-authored the book with his colleague Tomáš Vovsík, told Czech Radio’s Radiožurnál.