capital Newspaper The African Union has declared 2021 the year of “Arts, Culture and Heritage: Levers for Building the Africa We Want.” Well done! However, African artists have not waited for anyone, any country or any institution to recognize or support their efforts, in line with the theme. Ethiopian artists amongst artists on the continent have had to fend for themselves, before Covid19, and during 2020 when 99% of the world experienced serious financial hardship. These conditions have not deterred artists from finding new media, fresh narratives and innovative spaces to share their work. Moa Anibessa Art Studio Gallery is just one of these spaces. Located in Kazanches, the center of Addis, Artist Prince Merid Tafesse has decided to open his family home of over 35 years to the public for the purpose of sharing his art, ideas and creativity. Full disclaimer: I am married to Prince Merid and gave great consideration as to how to write a piece about the avantgarde artist and his decision to open his very private life to the public, without partiality. Problem is I am very partial to art and role it plays in our society; evidenced by this very weekly column.