Share this article Share this article SAN DIEGO, April 5, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Cue Health Inc. ("Cue"), a healthcare technology company, today announced "Cue for Schools," a COVID-19 on-site testing solution for K-12 schools and universities that uses the Cue Health Monitoring System and the Cue COVID-19 Test for Home and Over The Counter (OTC) Use, the nation's first molecular diagnostic test available without a prescription with Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Cue's easy-to-use, portable COVID-19 test provides lab-quality results directly to connected mobile smart devices in about 20 minutes and Cue's natively digital platform allows for end-to-end integrated reporting to meet both state and federal reporting standards. Cue's OTC COVID-19 test can be administered by anyone, anywhere making it easy for schools to utilize. As part of the "Cue for Schools" program, schools will receive customized on-site or virtual support for their testing setup on the Cue Health platform, as well as assistance with automatic data reporting which is often the biggest hurdle for schools and school districts looking to implement large scale COVID-19 testing.