Too Big to Fail: The Importance of the Global Ocean Economy Too Big to Fail: The Importance of the Global Ocean Economy Experts discuss the importance of immediate international action to protect the world’s ocean - and how to best work with local communities to make this happen. Published 03-12-21 Submitted by Economist Events LONDON, March 12, 2021 /CSRwire/ – Industry leaders, policymakers, NGOs, academia and entrepreneurs came together at the eighth World Ocean Summit to share their insights on how to ensure that the world’s ocean is best preserved for future generations. The event, which took place between March 1st - 5th is now available on-demand via this link free of charge. The event was the biggest ever - with more than 170 speakers participating in over 60 sessions which examined how to maximise the growth of marine renewable energy, how to tackle marine plastic pollution, how to introduce sustainable practices to fishing to conserve biodiversity and protect fish stocks, how to accelerate the decarbonisation of the shipping industry. In the plenary sessions, the event focused on the following key areas: ocean finance, governance, innovation and technology.