Transcripts For CSPAN3 Reel 20240703 :

Transcripts For CSPAN3 Reel 20240703

Everybody likes a good game of football in scheme of things, football follows baseball as naturally as ball comes up. Summer. And but perhaps youre wondering what football has to do with combat. Counterintelligence lets see if we can figure it out. You may remember the big upset of season when the team from little southern tackle the harper panthers to a tie. The wise guys are still trying to figure that game out. It is. The score is nothing to nothing with only seconds to play. And all eyes are on. Joe jenkins panthers quarterback who has never made less than 20 points in a game. Joe back for a pass, but boys from texas seem almost to be expecting this. And jenkins is behind the line for a ten yard loss. Only one play left in the game. The ball has passed to jenkins and he stopped, after a short game. And thats the game. Now, what everybody would like to know is how did an Inexperienced Team like that from Southern Attack manage to stop the panthers . The answer is simple. It seems that only a week before the panthers played another game against the patriots in that game, joe jenkins was having a private picnic. He was passing, running, kicking all over the field. And 70,000 people came to see him chalk up a of 21 to 6. Among those 70,000 high up in the grandstand and sat a man with binoculars, a movie camera in his lap, and a little black book and pencil in his hand, ever so often he would scribble something in this little black book, and occasionally he would grind out some film with its movie camera. This man, as you probably guessed, was a scout, a football spy. The scout brought this little black book and camera home to southern tech in the coach one over film a notebook very carefully. This is what they found out from the film. Now recalled the signals for a forward pass. Now watch carefully. Yes thats the giveaway. Joe has a habit of winning his index when signaling for a pass, but the patriots know this. So the pass was completed. But that wasnt the only giveaway. Watch this one. Jenkins is going to run the ball this time. See, joe hitches his right foot a few inches back on his left. He does this in order to enable himself to get a quicker start. He does it only when hes going to carry the ball, never when hes faking it. Everybody said that the panthers an off day when they played too, but that is not the story. The truth is that the boys from tech had a little advance information in warfare. Too must avoid these unconscious giveaways. And unlike football, the are higher. The consequences more serious and grave. Each you as far as enemy intelligence is concerned, is a walking book of information to drop your guard for a split second, make your life and the life of your fellow. You can put this down as an unshakable rule that to underestimate the enemy intelligence is fatal. It is the responsibility of every one of you to safeguard military information, combat conditions. Let us look at some of the men of the 27th division as they prepare to move up to the front. Orders have given to just one moment. You there . Yes. You with a bayonet in your hand. What . Put it out. Cut water. Now take that camera out of your bag. What . Now, come on. You heard what i said. Take it. Well, thats a good way. Now, you know you can take that up to the front with you. Why not . Its only got one roll of film, a couple of shots that took buddies. Take a walk in here. If you should be captured with that camera in your possession, the enemy would learn that were going to start a big major offensive in a few days. Are you talking about just for me, developing my one roll of film . Will you still for a moment . You took a of johnny higgins, didnt you . Yeah. Do you know when that picture was developed . The enemy will see something more than higgins in. The background. Theyll see a pretty big formation of tanks. So what . Its no military secret that weve got tanks. Maybe the tanks arent, but the formation is a very valuable secret secret. Oh, the formation, huh . The enemy knows that tanks are never massed such an extent near the front unless an immediate offensive is planned. Yeah. Now thats what they can. From your harmless picture of johnny higgins. Gee, i never thought of it that way. Of course, you. You were spending all your time thinking of ways to fool the sergeant. All right, all right. So i made a mistake. When your life and, the lives of all your comrades are at stake, its no longer a mistake, but a crime and a crime as serious as murder. Remember that. Okay. Okay. I heard you. Wise guy. Im having to leave behind. Leave behind. Oh, yeah, yeah. My camera. Glad you came across for that, morgan. I know you had it. Just want to save it. Give it up yourself. Thats a fine way to talk. Well you dont think id take that camera up to the front with me, do you . Well, if stuff like that in the hands of the enemy, why . Well, its a crime. Thats what it is, sergeant. Im surprised that you. Johnson. Youve got another diary for me, sergeant. This is the fourth one of these youve taken away from me. I just started this one in regulations. Johnson, these are all set to rearrest you. You can get them back later. But there is no secrets in here. I dont even know any secret myself. I dont know about that. Let me have a look at that thing. I have never seen so much activity in this area tonight. If its moved in last, everybody seem to think that we will be moving up soon. There must have been plenty doing in the front last night. Theres been a steady stream of casualties coming back for several hours. I understand we are going to have a new division commander, general riley. Ive been hearing a lot about them and everybody seems please you dont know any secrets. Why have you captured with this thing in your pocket . Johnson you may know as about this side of the front, as we do, and i could piece this information together with what they have. They know where our greatest strength is. All our officers are, and where our lines are. Wake us from casualties are a crime. To take this into action and. Im sorry, sarge. I said. Nixon. I wont keep you long. I just thought id remind you about something. Go ahead. Light a cigaret about cigaret. Case you a pound. Roberts didnt the sergeant. Dont you think you ought to remind him about it . I told him, but he said his girl gave it to him. And its going to stay with him. But his girl, a very pretty girl to be sure, foolishly had his name and Division Number engraved on it. The enemy can use information like that. Oh, i told him about it, but he wont give it up. Then why dont you tell the sergeant. Look, amanda, you got me wrong. Im no squealer. Youre a fool. Since when is it squealing to obey orders . All you men were told to turn in everything which shouldnt be carried into action. That means whatever you have and you know anyone else to have if theyre squealing. And its that it might save rabbits life for him, its the kind of squealing rabbits are to learn to appreciate. Im sorry. Id like to oblige, but i cant do anything like that. I guess there are other ways talking to me. I wasnt, but i am now. I think you better turn that cigaret case into the side so i get back, huh . Now i dont know your life, but its got a Division Number engraved on it. You can do me turn it in. Hey, what is this anyway . Look, robin, you wouldnt want me to beat you up on a nice sunny day like this, would you . Oh, youre kidding. Frankly, not proud of that case. How can i do it with neck in your hands. Nicely. Hey, sarge. Sarge, you forgot to give me some. On the way into action. Some of them possibly into the hands of the enemy. Its prisoners of war, but the rest of the outfit wont have to worry. They wont be betrayed by a scrap of paper stuffed into a pocket, a bit of jewelry with the telltale engraving, a thoughtlessly taken photograph or anything else might possibly give a bit of information to the enemy. But there are other ways in which a moment of heartlessness, even a moment of laziness, might put an invaluable piece of information into the enemys hands. As the infantry advances, so does the artillery guns forward to beat the enemy of support. An attack. One battery is set up in a long of trees, relatively near the front. The spot been carefully chosen. And as soon as the guns in position, they are carefully camouflaged, there will be no glint of metal, no unnatural shadow be spotted by an enemy observer from the air. The ammunition is located in a nearby grove of trees close to a road. This position will be carefully camouflaged when the old job is finished and a of you discloses nothing, even a close view from the air shows absolutely nothing yet the batteries for guns right along here and the ammunition dump is exactly here. All four gun crews can reach the dump this route without ever leaving cover and ammunition trucks can reach the dump along this route. This is an almost perfect job of placing and camouflaging, but unfortunately, its a long way around from number one gun to the dump. That is its a long way to walk and still keep undercover. Come on, we only get one more drift apart. Take it easy. I want 2000 miles a day between here and that. Does not lie here. Come on, lets go. We have to take a shortcut. Im going to get across that field. Hey, wait a minute. Youre not supposed to undercover. I cant be a sucker. Nobody around this gives you like the break. Come on, june. Behind. See, we set ourselves minutes walking the guys for number two. Get. Ive been doing it all along. Hi, joe. Hi. Its been the strap back. Oh, hey, you can back your truck up out of those trees and turn around as you go through all that trouble. I can swing around the corner of the field here last so long. Quit worrying. Worry. I go over the same way we came there isnt an mayor playing with in a hundred miles here. Thats right. There isnt an enemy airplane within a hundred miles today. But tomorrow and the next day there is nobody in sight when the enemy airplane did fly over. But that airplane did take pictures. The enemy always complete and periodical photographs of the area opposite its front. The picture taken today would be compared with one taken of the same area last week. At first glance, the two photographs seem to be identical, but the magnifying glass shows have been several changes in the terrain since the first photograph was taken. The second picture shows a faint path from number two gun to the ammunition dump. It also shows another path where joe took a shortcut and it shows a track in the corner of the field. The driver turned around to save himself a few second enemy and intelligence can deduce only one thing. Those paths must lead someplace between the time two pictures were taken, something moved into that row of trees and into that grove. The enemy not have to see joe the has already seen the track that you made and that is enough. Joe will never make another track but killed. It wasnt the only harm done a battery of guns which all the homes and the fact that that new battery had been moved position gave the enemy in the attack that the battery was supposed to support the rules of camouflage which discipline must be observed without. Question do not make a necessary power that will give away position of something which has been properly camouflage but does not commit murder through carelessness. There is a man in last world war forgot these things. Hello. Yeah, there were lots of us that forget. Most of us are. We didnt mean anything by what we did. We didnt sell information to the enemy. We have any secret meetings with spies. We just forgot. I remember that spring of 1918. Very well. The generals have been having pretty much their own way, and i myself and tobacco are 23 division of pieces. So we were sent up to reinforce what was left of the outfit. Everybody knew we were going to have a big well word got around about the move up in two days. So we decided to have our last chance at nightline. I naturally had an error based on what the inside of my neck, giving to the enemy was the furthest thing from mind, but i had a few drinks and i was pretty proud. My outfit like in three weeks for a chance to get the fight up here. Fight you. At that point, i dont know if i ever saw one. Well show you. You will . The day after tomorrow when we got a real crack at those cherries. So it will be in the john bray before they know what happened. Youll see something from the 76th that that guy. I had a buddy there that night a fella from the 41st infantry. He hadnt been in town 15 minutes before he found himself a i dont even remember what her name was, but i didnt. There was anybody else in town but matter all of a sudden you dont talk to me anymore. As a matter. I was just thinking, i guess guess i am. I may not be seeing you after tonight. Seeing, but i live so close we could see each other all the time. Yeah, i know. But i wont be here. You see, were moving up in the morning. Ill be back. Of course, just in case, id like you to have something. Ive carried it. Its kind a good luck piece. Yeah. Day after tomorrow, the 76th. Were moving in the morning. I think id let them shoot me rather than willingly give information to the enemy. So what time . What . Well, i dont know how these things happen. I guess nobody ever. But they do happen. Within 24 hours, the enemy intelligence had learned a number of interesting things from the little bit of boasting that i did, they learned that the 76th division was moving into the sector them. They knew that the 49th was moving into the same area. And i knew that these outfits were going to attack the following day. Nobody knows how they got this little keepsake. Either, but they did. And from it, they knew that the 41st was in one of the reinforcing divisions. Already the enemy. What approximate strength, what we plan to do with it. You can guess what happened. We did attack just when i thought we would just when the enemy knew we would, the whole thing was smashed in about 2 hours. The 76th, the outfit that i was so proud of was almost wiped out. And some of the others were cut up pretty badly. Still, i my conscience, i only talked a little bit. What . I was too much. Dont you do it. Dont. Dont be careless. Even about Little Things and some other fellows here, they can tell you more about that. And. There much i can tell you that you dont know. I can tell you what happened . To me i as usual, it was only a little thing. I just wanted my wife to know i was getting along. Right now. Alice. Yeah she raises cain. If i dont write at least once a month. Given my regard. All right. Oh, and tell her if she sees now and to say that im all right. Sure, i will. And ill be glad to hear from. That letter reached alice somewhere along the lines, somebody read it who shouldnt have on the enemy received the information call headquarters was still at sharp and you would probably know what happened. Our headquarters didnt stay at sundown when it was blasted off the map and so was john nash. John and i have been here together many years now, many years, and i have had something on my mind all that time. I didnt talk. I didnt write any letters, i didnt write any diaries. But i am as guilty as anyone else for what happened at that corps headquarters. I was with stanley, when he wrote that letter and i knew what he was writing, i should have stopped him. I reported, do not hesitate to report violations of secrecy, discipline, even by a friend. You be saving his life and yours. And remember, do not commit any breaches of camouflage discipline. Dont take anything interaction with you, which might be of any help to the enemy when you go into action, do not leave anything behind which might give information the enemy. It might fall into his hands. Dont talk, dont write diaries. Dont write any military information in letters. Dont forget, not even for a second

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