Transcripts For CSPAN3 Fmr. 20240704 :

Transcripts For CSPAN3 Fmr. 20240704

Half. Good morning thank you everyone for joining us today. Im glad to be here. I vested gentle lady from florida to lead us in the pledge of allegiance. I pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of america. And to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Thank you representative lee. We are here today to discuss an important, a very important vulnerable part of our population. The exploitation of children through child sexual abuse material. That is what has come to be known as csam will refer to it today as csam . Defined as pictures and videos that capture the sexual abuse of children below the age of 18. The term child pornography mysteries by the public is more accurate to call it what it is, evidence of child sexual abuse. The exploitation of children through kamala materials is a serious issue is growing and the United States and abroad. Reports of csam continue to grow with 3000 reports in 1998 growing to more than 1 million in 2014 18. 4 million in 2019. United states has a duty to protect her children from becoming victims of these despicable acts. Our subcommittee conducted a hearing on this subject in september we heard from many experts and survivor advocates in the field. We are concerned that discussion a shining light on the heroic efforts of identifying, roster restaurant giving a voice to these countless victims. It seemed as if something happens in Foreign Countries or in someone elses neighborhood, its much closer than we think. Identifying children depicted is crucial to stop the ongoing victimization captured the offenders producing it and rescuing the victims. The work cannot be done by federal government, joint efforts among federal, state, International Nongovernmental partners are essential for the identification of rescue victims. Youll hear more today about operation renewed hope from our witnesses. I would like to briefly touch on what it is and its impact. Operation renewed helper in july through august 4, 2023 the operation of the first of its kind in the United States joining federal Law Enforcement agencies with nongovernment organizations to identify, locate rescue victims of Child Exploitation. I understand operation renewed hope is ongoing i hope more victims continue to be rescued and provided with the care they need and deserve. Our Company Continues with him on security investigations to enhance our knowledge and understanding of investigations related to Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation. We present the work and gunter b vivek and some Government Entities such as hsi nonprofits such as the Tim Tebow Foundation for these are leading the charge identify rescue children. For that we thank them. Sunshine is the best disinfectant the best way to rid them of these predators who abuse and display children but we must bring attention to the innocent victims children living in the shadows longing to be discovered and rescued. We must not shy away from hard topics and hard conversations we have got to do better. This hearing is a continuation of efforts we started last fall i look forward to drink more to protect children in the United States and abroad. With that i yield back i now recognize the gentle lady missed dean for her opening statement. I think the chairman and thank you for convening this hearing. Chairman biggs i think the Ranking Member who could not be here. Because of her important work in the space. I thank her for asked me too sit in the chair in her absence. This hearing today on the identification of victims of child sexual abuse materials or videos or photos, i am here as a legislator is a member of congress but you might imagine im here more importantly as a mother and a grandmother to four grandchildren. The presence of child sexual abuse images and videos online is not new, its not a new issue for this committee. The current scale and scope and complexity of the problem has now reached epidemic status globally requiring a search for new solutions. That market for csam child sexual abuse material sometimes i worry it could be some other agency. We have to sate what is child sexual abuse material exceeds existing resources necessary to bring consumers of the images to justice. Moreover we have yet to fully address the quantum of resources and the manpower necessary to identify and rescue child of victims of these heinous crimes. The internet and digital devices have become tools of the trade for child predators including those who produce process and distribute material or groom, extort or coerce children to produce images and videos themselves. Perpetrators of this repulsive set of crimes frequently operate with impunity. Recording the commission of unthinkable acts of the young victims and trading the images for sports. Often knowing their identities and locations are cloaked behind a wall of encryption. Identifying all victims seen in child sexual abuse materials as of the utmost importance. Behind these images videos and live streams or children who may still be the victim of continuing abuse and suffering. Hoping to be found, hoping to be rescued. While Congress Certainly has the authority to enact more federal legislation, victims and survivors need help today. That is why we must fully support the various federal initiatives and partnerships already in place to help identify, locate and rescue victims. In other words is member of this body truly care about the safety of our children truly care about csam victims and the need to prevent the victimization of more children we will provide the necessary resources the funding to Law Enforcement into nonprofits who were in this critical space. We have to support prosecutorial offices. Everybody was on the front line when there are so many of you and im thanking you for being here today. For example the Internet Crime against Children Task force have become essential to investigating crimes committed against children on the internet and identifying victims. Although this program and list the service of more than a 5400 Law Enforcement agencies and prosecutors offices, Task Force Members are often stretched to a breaking point due to resource shortages. Task force members face the arduous task of reviewing thousands of images a year searching not only for some clue about the identity of the child depicted in the image, or their location but also for the location of thousands of ip addresses uploaded, downloaded or shared the images online. At the same time Task Force Members must sift through thousands of tips received to the saybrook tip line at the National Center for missing and exploited children determine which tips are actionable it seems clear we must evolve our focus to stress more on the victim centered prosecution. Although that were required dedicated additional resources, Law Enforcement should not have to choose between rescuing children and finding criminals. As i said as a member of congress, as a grandmother i think each of you witnesses are being here today. I thank you for the work you do. It must take an extraordinary toll on you. We all have a responsibility to all of our children and eradicate every form of Child Exploitation. I hope that through your experiences in advocacy and work todays conversation will lead to a victim centered solutions and i yield back thank you, mr. Chairman. Thank you the gentle lady yields back i reckon is a gentleman the Ranking Member from new york. Let me start by saying Ranking Members subcommittee Ranking Member Sheila Jackson lee sensor regrets. She was delayed as a result of his or her own primary yesterday you the gentle lady yields back i reckon is a gentleman the Ranking Member from new york. Let me start by saying Ranking Members subcommittee Ranking Member Sheila Jackson lee sensor regrets. She was a delayed as a result of his or her own primary yesterday and super tuesday and was on a flight to d. C. As we speak. Thank you, mr. Chairman for holding this important hearing and shining a light of efforts to combat the Sexual Exploitation of children. Law enforcement experts and victims advocates have reported advancements in technology have led to an explosion of child sex abuse material known as csam available distributed online. Horrific photographs and videos depicting depraved acts against children are now increasingly readily available to virtually every incident based Technology Including social networking platforms, filesharing sites, gaming devices and mobile apps. The demand for new and more egregious images and videos drives the market for this material part resulting in the continued abuse and exploitation of children. Since he Sexual Violence the see depicted in his images and videos was a record of the victimization suffering of a child its important Law Enforcement make identification victims of child sexual abuse material a priority. Too that end Congress Must provide sufficient resources and funding for those agencies and organizations charged with identifying, locating and rescuing these children. The importance of victim identification is multifaceted. To begin with because child sexual abuse material tangible evidence of victim identification enables a rescue of the victimized child. Not only victims remove from hostile environments, following removal they can be connected to the Services Support and care they need to heal and rebuild their lives. Victim identification also facilitates justice for victims. Tracing digital footprint back and distribute hers of the images as well as perpetrators of the abusive. Ensuring their prosecutor and held accountable for their crimes. Federal Law Enforcement agencies including the department of Human Security and the department of justice combats cases through targeted Enforcement Actions investigative initiatives and victim assistance programs. While these agencies work tirelessly in their investigation to attract and perpetrators involved in the production and distribution of this material, the committee to identifying and locating victims. However despite their best efforts federal Law Enforcement agencies cannot tackle this problem alone. The collaborative efforts of federal, local, state Law Enforcement agencies along with private and Nonprofit Organizations supported by federal funding and Grant Programs reached identifying rescuing victims of child sexual abuse material. Was supposed to bring offenders to justice and providing essential support to victims of Sexual Exploitation. Sixtyone coordinate Internet Crimes against Children Task forces across the country have been crucial to preventing, investigating, prosecuting and developing effective responses to Internet Crimes against children. Through their competence of efforts the task force represents over 5400 local, state, federal Law Enforcement and the prosecutorial agencies are making significant strides in identifying and rescuing victims of child sex abuse material. The growth of the problem continues to outpace the Resources Available to identify and locate victims when a Law Enforcement prosecutors the Tech Industry and other organizations must continually contend with the emergence of new technologies like Artificial Intelligence with further complicates their efforts. Today the National Center for missing and exploited children reports the cyber tip line has received more than 92 million reports. Child Victim Identification Program is reviewed over 331 million images and videos. Reviewing more than 25 million images annually, most of the children reflect in the images remain unknown, over 19300 victims have been identified. We should certainly commend the successes of other Law Enforcement agencies and identifying address when victims we cannot be satisfied while so many victims remain unidentified. I hope there is a discussion today it will focus primarily what congress can do to help identify more victims with the goal of reaching all of them. During a hearing last september exam the threat of Child Exploitation in the u. S. And abroad, we heard about the various struggles of Law Enforcement when confronting the edict of do more with less. Considering the plight of victims this is clearly unacceptable. The collaboration for it local, state, federal Law Enforcement and the nongovernmental entities is fundamental to addressing the complex challenges posed by investigating child sexual abuse material and identifying victims. It is our duty to fully support each of these entities and ensure they have the resources they need to accomplish the various missions which undoubtedly should be centered around victim identification. I look forward to hearing from our witnesses and i yield back. A gentleman yields. I think everyone for the opening staves of that objection all other Opening Statements will be included in the record. Im going to now introduce todays witnesses and i appreciate each of you for being here today and taking time out to talk about this important topic. Mr. Tim tebow is a former football quarterback have received awards such as the Heisman Trophy and being a 2023 inducted to the College Football hall of fame. His foundation the Gentoo Foundation brings faith, hope, love to those needing a brighter day in their darkest hour of need. In addition to other efforts as Foundation Works with dhs, hsi Cyber Crime Center on operation renewed hope to identify previously unidentified victims of child Sexual Exploitation and rescue the children of possible rate thank you for being here today. Mr. Jim cole, as the chief of Law Enforcement Enterprising Technology at operation light shine and Organization Works to combat Child Exploitation and Human Trafficking. He is a former supervisory special agent with dhs, hsi served previously as the chair of the Interpol Specialist Group on crimes against children. He also served as the chair of the victim identification subgroup from 2016 until 2019 thank you for being here with us. Mr. Jon madsen board president of raven nonprofit Organization Works to prevent Child Exploitation. He also serves as a chief operating officer a Software Company focus on visual media analysis to support victim identification and other Law Enforcement activities. He was previously detective at the Gainesville Police department served 10 years at north florida as Task Force Commander served as the chair of emerging Technologies Working Group rethink you for being with us. Ms. Camille cooper serves as Vice President of antihuman antn trafficking and Child Exploitation at the Tim Tebow Foundation. She has worked for over 20 years on child protection, Child Exploitation and child trafficking. She previously served for 13 years as a director of Government Affairs at the

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