Transcripts For CSPAN3 Lectures 20240704 :

CSPAN3 Lectures July 4, 2024

Insurrection this u. History, and and most of these wor have included illustrations of the violence that were published in its immediate aftermath in the weekly newspapers. None of these many studies or pur accounts have used these images as much more than endorsement for or reiteration of their text. Certainly, they have not served as evidence to be value waited in their own evaluated in their own right. Illustrated newspapers covered e riots. The three American Pictorial weeklies dominated the coverage. Ey were supplemented by three british pictorial papers and two french publicationings. In all, some 80 engravings of varying size, detail and quality depicted the unprecedented events. When these are considered together with the newspapers editorial cartoons and portraits along with cartoons in the humor magazines published in the u. S. And abroad as well as separately published prints and broadsides, illustrations, unpublished sketches and two photographs, theumber of riot images expands enormously. Their quantity and the International Nature of contemporary pictorial News Coverage o the riots present if us wit an opportunity to consider what historians may gain fromritical engagement with an informed evaluation of such visual evidence. The destruction of the asylum on fifth avenue just north of t reservoir where the New York Public Library is now located a late on the afternoon of july 13th was onef three riot events that received the most attention in the american and european Pictorial Press. Built in 1843 by the association for the benefit of colored orphans, the asylums building with its generou gunds occupied a block from 43rd to 44 seet facing fifth avenue. Whatev tensions existed between its white benefto and the citys black community, it was rogzed as a prominent, benevolent reform instutn dedicated to assisting theitys impovesh black residents. Within hou of the riots start, t asylum became a target of the largely irish working class cloud that invade crowd that invaded, ransacked and then burnt it down. The plunder and burning of the asylum were among the we dominant subjects of prints and pictorial News Coverage. The july 25th issue of Frank Leslies illustrated newspaper, at eight years the oldest of the three u. S. Weekly pictorials, included a special doublepage supplement depicting 13 scenes during monday, july 13th, and to a lesser extent, tuesday, july 14th, the first two days of the riot. Since the pictorial papers were dated by tht day of the week ofheir publication, these images may have actua reached the public as early as july 18th, only five days after the violence began. Publication in suchromity to the events required intensive labornd haste, entailing shortcuts that delivered the news in a timely fashion. But at some cost to clarity and detail. So the end graving of the, as its called, burning of the colored orphans asylum along with the iues other illustrations w noticeably crude in its execution although specific ao place. Showing the crowd along the 44 street side of the burning building. The new york illustrated news, the new a least solvent newest and least solvent pictorial weekly, also rhe out images of the riot withs within days of the onset of the violence. Like those, these images lacked clarity the,nd they also were visually vague regarding context. Despite the murkiness of these illustrations, both renditions of the attack on the colored orphans asylum featured one significant detail of the event, the number of women who were reported at the scene and their looting of furniture, bedding and other possessions. In contrast, the pillaging women as they were described in both newspapers, were reduced to one prominent and a few hazy firers in the harperseekly engraved in the burning and sacking of the colored orphans asylum published a week later in its august 1st issue. While the three weeklies made a point of crediting in print their special artists who covered the civil wars military campaigns, no new yorkbased artist was identified. Frank leslie had learned after his paper broke the socalled swill milk scandal in 1858 which involved the death of children who drank milk from cows that ate taintedded field from local new york distilleries that naming artists in certain circumstances only exposed them to lawsuit or physical harm, hazards that would surely be compounded in the context of rioting and its aftermath. Harpers weekly introduced in 1857 and once more began the most republican of the pictorial weeklies did not credit the 22yearold thomas nast as the source of several of its illustrations. We know, however, that he returned to the city on july 12th from a frustrated effort to cover the battle of gettysburg. And years later he told his bioer if that he had witnessed biographer that he had witnessed and sketched some of the violent events. If any of the 11 harpers engravings of the riot were basedded on nasts work, it was the fullpage illustration featured in the august 1st issue. Nast knew the asylum neighborhood well having lived on west 44th street until 1862. With an addleek for publication and production for publation, the dramatic and detail thed illustration ylums grounds front fifth avenue and was more evocative of the events than the pictures in leslies and the illustrated news. Its delineation of the rioters and victims and the narrative it conveyed, however, was less reliable. In accordance with the storytelling strategies of news engravers, the picture both compressed and extendedded the narrative of the event into one image. But aside from the very few women shown among rioters and and spectators in the foreground, the engraving presumably based on that sketch also portrayed scattered attacks on africanamerican children fleeing the burning building. 233 young wards escap a entnce where they were threatened by the crowd but not physically attacked. Whatever theuality of the illustrations, americans were able to view pictorial coverage of the riots within several days of their end. Contending with the barrier of the atlantic ocean, both drawings and engravings of the ris mt. U. S. Press took in the u. S press took two oneo two week from o to two weeks to reach european readers. One venn National Issue did not puish until august 15th. Although better engraved than their american counterparts, the four pictures including one depicting the attacking the on the asylum were cheerily derived from clearly derived from Frank Leslies supplement describe at first glance the illustrated london news uncredited engravings of the, as its called, the destruction of the colored orphans asylum which peared in the second of two consecutive weeks of riot coverage, also seemed inspired by leslie. Even more than the first, however, the london news engraving was finally observed. And when compared to contemporary new york fir insurance maps, appears true to the physical structure and dimensions of the asylums 44th street side. The first of [inaudible] american papers. It possessed resources that its german, french competitors lacked. The london paper dispatched a reporter to report on the american war in 1861. But by 1862, the talented and mercurial reporter had become a dead candidated dedicated supporter of the confederacy. And the content of london news illustrations accordingly was determined by its correspondents movement about the southern war front and and home front. In the north, especially new york, was not neglected. Thanks to the brush papers long establishment of citybased correspondents. Prominent if among them was Charles Dawson who was credited as the sketch artist the of several 1864 illustrations. He illustrate the illustrated london news did not identify any of its draft riot sources, but in light of subsequent works hes a strong cop tender as the artist of the contender as the artist of the riot sketches. He certainly needed the work as of july 4th in 1863 following the collapse of vanity fair for which he had served as editor. The similarity between the leslies and london news illustrations, in the 1850s and 1860s, it was common for artists to produce more than one version of a kevin to aecom days of a sketch to i accommodate two different can clients especially if they were separated by an ocean. Finally, they did not purchase sketches that were the basis for other publications engravings. The fullpage august 15th depiction of the, as its called, thensurgents burning th ohan asylum, copied inaccurate buildings looming in the back that could be mistaken for a parisian scene during the 1848 revolution but for the one vin yet tucked into its righthand corner. In keeping with the other images of the ameca civil war, the visualizations often involve a mashup of european and iconography and vivid imagination. During these riots, Frank Leslies illustrated newspaper assured its readers in its august 1st issue we have had no less than seven artists on the spot transferring with graphic skill the chief events. Our sketches are all real, not your Imaginary Affairs with obscure backgrounds which will do for any scene. Persons acquainted with the localities will attest to the accuracy of the sketch. These sketches were not made without risk and often obtained with great ingenuity, the mob looking intolerantly on such use of pencil and paper. Special pleading was no do you want apparent in leslies printings because with some of the backgrounds were, indeed, obscure. And leslies and the illustrated news were always challenging one another about whether their news images were derived from direct observation. If keep in mind that the artist the eyewitness sketch was but the first step in industrialized and fractured labor process involving intervening artist editors and supervisors and teams of engravers to quickly produce and disseminate pictorial news to the public. But essentially, the work of these artists was reportorial. Drawings, mainly battlefront sketches, demonstrate that aspect in their appended notes and instructions to office artists and engravers regarding the rendering of flora, fauna, landscape, dress, equipment and the numbers and dispositions of figures. But with no surviving original draft riot sketches to go by, can we assume the illustrations in at least the new york based weeklies and the London Illustrated news were, to use that slippery phrase, authentic . As fello practitioners of a new trade, a small dontly of artists dontly ofrtists knew one another wel and often moved back and forth between publications. The special artists small professional world, the preponce rand ill preponderance of illustrated events and the different points of view ises displayed suggest that artists followed the rioters together and often sketched in proximity to one another. There being marginal safety in numbers. In short, little accept rated the job of joint battles on the homefront from that of joint battles on the war front. To be sure, ascertain thing the original sketches authenticity does not make them either reliable or unreliable as evidence, but clarifying some of the conditions of these images production helps us to discern and distinguish documentation from interpretation. And to look through middle 19th century eyes to try to capture a more complex notion of the viewing experience in the past. In short, it helps us to begin to answer the questions what did these pictures tell or how were they read by their viewers in the summer of 1863, and what can they tell historians 158 years later. The crowd that gathered outside the ninth district on third avenue and 46thtreet on the morning of monday, july 13th, as the draft lottery was resumed after a deceptive sunday lull also attracted at least three newspaper special artists. The attack on and burning of the draft office with the fire quickly spreading to adjacent buildings and across 46th street initiated the violation. It also was the most illustrated of any riot event. Some of the engravings displayed the aftermath, the smoldering remains of the buildings, but artists for leslies illustrated news and the illustrated london news depicted the onset of the destruction. In keeping with the practice of the battle front colleagues, th evidently tried to find the best and relatively safest haven isage point from Vantage Point from which to sketch the scene. In this case, on the western fringe of the crowd. That latn provided three differt perspectives of a butcher shop across the avenue from the draft office bldg, a rickety wooden shanty the upon which ringingleaders climbed to exhort the crowd. The three subsequently published engravings offer different views of the event. And especially of its location on the i dont want skirts of the i dont want skirts of outskirts of the city. And certainly no photographs to otherwise gauge its appearance. Another piece of corroborating evidence about these views of the city is an 1868 painting now in the collection of the New York Historical society by the new jersey artist the mario. Entitled give us this day our daily bread, the painting present if a vast, clutteredded scene of excavation from the westward Vantage Point of a rear window of a house near third avenue. The painting shows the strange, incomplete mosaic of new yorks postwar housing boom with isolated buildings and lonely telegraph poles dotting a land scape dominated by vacant lots. This scene assumes additional significance when juxtaposed to the 1863 rt engravings. The perspective of marios painting is from apot one or two lots south of the location of the building at 677 third avenue where the draft office was housed. In other words, it offers the reverse view of the panoramic illustrated london news engraving which looked east towa second avenue. In effect, the painting completed five years later is a draft riot scene chronicling the replacement of buildings, the destruction of which inaugurated four days of unprecedented violation. New yorks working class districts also were unfamiliar to most readers of the Pictorial Press with the exception of the five points, the area in lower manhattan. Is so for readers in 1863 and for scholars today, the illustrated london news engraving officers called the conflict unusual in depicting an irish working class neighborhood controlled and defended byhe rioters and the unsuccessful attempt by volunteers on the afternoon of wednesday, july 15, to break and establish territories. The specificity of the location, the block between 18th and 19th streets along first avenue, the relatively obscurity despite its numerous casualties of the event at the time and the absence of coverage of the incident in any pictorial paper other than the illustrated london news suggests this illustration recorded an actual scene detailing the appearance of a particular place with some data as with battlefront artists likely gathered after the violation. So rather violence. So rather than serving as a symbol of depravity, the liquor store in the left background could be the corner establishment, quote, from the villainous looking customers. Upstate visitor Ellen Leonard described in her 1867 harpers monthly article called three days of terror an account of the time she spent in an upper floor apartment on a nearby cross street between first and second avenues, quote, on the very edge of one of the affected districts, unquote. The illustrations of the riot crowd itself may have conveyed more evidence to alert contemporary readers than is immediately apparent. The visual markers of ethnicity were ubiquitous in the riot pictures. The pictorial of irish catholicism have been brought to readerses after three decades of cartoons, prints, reform tracks and city views. But finer distinctions of class position within the ethnicity could also be found in some of the illustrated press coverage in keeping with a convention that would characterize the practice of the illustrated press for some 30 years, these visual distinctions were not necessarily noted in the textual descriptions that accompanied the engravings. Their appearance spoke for themselves. Among the new york pictorial papers, the new york illustrated news published the largest number of pictures of the riot extending its visual coverage all the way to its august 29th issue. It also offered the most brutish and brutal images of the rioters and and their depredations. The signs of irish catholicism such as the blunt features of one of the people said to have been, quote, sketched from life, ran throughout the illustrated news riot coverage. Some of these displays of, as they put it, celtic physiology, would be reprinted in september 1863 as illustrations in the american phrenological journal to support its findings supposedly based on postmortem examinations of typical rioters heads and bodies. The crane yas, quote, moral, intellectual and spiritual regions were, sadly, dethe efficient. Continuing the quote, their heads were houses of only one story and that a basement. Almost every illustrated news engraving depictedded very little variation among rioters whether male or female. That uniformity perhaps due to the antipathy of the irish towards the british publisher. The rioters in harpers weeklys illustration shared similar physical trades as did the frequently watched metropolitan police. But occasionally, there were notable differences in appearance that drew attention to variations among the rioters that were rarely reported in the daily press. For example, the grisly harpers weekly engraving of a thursday scene at 22nd street and first avenue showed ragged women and children around the body of a dead sergeant. The physiology of these figures aligned with the deavenuety of their acts, their behavior and look merging into the ensemble that denoted rioting women in general as bad as unsexed and as amazons. The link between these womens appearance and immorality was surely not lost on the weeklys largely republican readership. But their rags and the alien features alsoesignated them as the most deaths do y want and usually least deaths do you want and usually least physical of the citys poor. Destitute. The second installment of riot institutions in Frank Leslies provided readers with more distinctions among the rioters. In the august 1st issue, two pictures in leslies description represent, quote, groups of rioters giving an idea of the parties concerned. Implicit in that opaque phrase was the idea of the parties concern was readily apparent the weeklys readership. These images also contained specific information that offers insight into the chronology of the formation and early composition of the riot crowd. In particular, group of the rioters marching down avenue a offered a crosssection of new york mail workers including on the leavitt a laborer

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