Transcripts For CSPAN3 American Artifacts U.S. In France Cha

CSPAN3 American Artifacts U.S. In France Chateau-Thierry Belleau Wood July 11, 2024

Second and third u. S. Divisions into the area around the chateau to stem the outflow. Both divisions responded with spectacular spirit and success. The Third Division, and the battle for the crossing, broke one of the most brilliant military annals. Th and victory infantry began pushing the germans back. U. S. Marines, fighting with the Second Division, reclaimed important ground in a fierce contest known to history as the wood. E of bello announcer American History tv visited key monuments, battlefield, and cemeteries in northeastern france with the story from mitchell yockelson. We visit the chateau monument about 60 miles from paris to learn why u. S. Forces were in the region and how they helped the french. Directly behind me is the monument. We are on top of hill 204. Metersans it is 204 high. It is to honor the american troops who fought in the aisnemarine sector. Aisnemarne sector. It was from may to the middle of july of 1980. The monument is being restored in honor of the world war i centennial taking place for the american contribution 2017 to 2018. On the other satyr are statues of two women, one american and one french, who were Holding Hands in honor of their sons, brothers, uncles, and cousins who risk their lives. The monument was dedicated in 1937. It is one of three significant american monuments on the western front that is established by the American Battle Monuments Commission and remains under their guidance. Lists thent itself villages the americans liberated. Below that are the divisions, 10 orps thatplus two c were actively engaged in the area. Wood andudes bellow chateauthierry. It had been largely untouched, including the september 1914 verse battle of the marne. That would change on may 31, 1918 when german soldiers mes andted past rea hoping of crossing the river at chateauthierry and heading to paris. The french were in a panic and concerned they did not have enough troops to block the germans. Pershingacted general and asked for help. He had been fighting desperately to keep the americans as an independent union, hoping to form his own army at some point by the end of the summer. He recognized the perilous situation and offered the french to divisions that were in a not far from paris. One was the Second Division and the other was the Third Division. An American Division at the time was a little more than 27,000 officers and men. That was twice the size of the french and even German Forces and the british forces. The Second Division headed in the direction of belleau wood while the third headed toward chateauthierry. 30 was thest may seventh machine gun battalion, a motorized unit attached to the Third Division. Around t the area france. They knew the germans were in the vicinity and threatening paris. The roads were clogged, it was difficult for troops to get to the chateauthierry area. Effortstroubling their with the fact they were driving forward trucks and ford trucks and vans, ones made in england of lesser quality parts. They were described as flimsy with horrible tires that along the trip, which took 22 hours to reach an area nearby, the tires trip often go flat and the to have to stop and change the tires. Eventually they made it in the seventh machine gun was shifted along the riverbank of the marne at chateauthierry where they helped the french, including senegalese troops, prevent the germans from crossing. The american monument on 204 can be seen from chateauthierry in the valley. We moved our camera into the city near the river to continue the story. Directly behind me is a monument in tribute to the Third Division. Not only the First World War where the helped stop the germans from crossing, but the Third Division penetrated this area in the Second World War after the normandy invasion and kept the germans from penetrating even further into the area. The grateful french placed this monument and keep it protected in memory of the americans who were in this area and both world wars. There were two bridges that crossed over chateauthierry. The only crossing point in five miles to get across the marne. The germans had fought the americans handtohand in town, the seventh machine gun battalion was able to get across the river on the south side, opposite th from where i am standing, in block the germans. The germans did make it into the north part of chateauthierry where they were engaged by the americans and french. Meanwhile, the french had placed detonations under the two ondges and blew them up one june 1 and the other june 3, preventing the germans from going any further as the americans were able to hold the germans back from further penetration. The battle the Third Division earned the moniker of the rock of the marne. Our next stop is about six miles from the town of chateauthierry in belleau wood. The forest is on a hill above the cemetery. We are standing right in the heart of belleau wood, renamed after the battle which ended june 26, 1918. The brigade of marine by the french. The battle is iconic. There is no other world war i battlefield for the americans that is set up like a National Park service battlefield in the united states. Du 1955, felix to in 1955, felix de weldon dedicated this monument that he designed. Its the archetype of a marine, hes looking tough with his shirt off. There were two regiments of marines that fought in this area, the fifth and sixth marines, it was part of the second u. S. Division. It was an army division. The marines probably had more experience than the army at the time of world war i. Marines had been deployed around the world, in the caribbean. But general pershing, the commander of the American Expedition forces, didnt want the marines to be part of a. E. F. It took lobbying from the congress, by help from the secretary of the navy, the commandant of the marine corps, finally pershing acquiesced and allowed two regiments, the fifth and six marines would become part of the division. They would make a stand here at supper heavily over a month of fighting. During that period, they lost almost 10,000, wounded and killed. About 1800 of those marines were killed. Lets take a look at the areas that show how those marines fought during the period of june 5 through june 26, 1918. Now we are heading toward one of the three isolated germany artillery pieces. The one that im approaching is in 1896 model field gun, that could fire everything from high shrapnel, shrapnel and gas. These guns are what wreaked havoc on the american and french troops who were trying to break through the woods. You see these field guns, which were really the workhorse of the german army, throughout the western front. And the germans were the masters of defense. They used these when they were attacked, when the allies took the offensive towards them, and caused significant casualties. What we have here is the workhorse of the french army. And the americans, for that matter, because this is a 75millimeter artillery piece. This gun, and many others like it, were used throughout the western front by the french. It had been used as early as the 1870s, and it was a valuable piece of machinery for the americans. It should be known that the americans didnt have their own artillery, but relied on the french to provide artillery pieces in this part of the western front, not only the 75, but the 105, and 110. Artillery was used heavily during the battle of belleau wood, fired deep into the woods, which forced the germans to scatter from their trench position, and allowed an opening, which the fifth and sixth marines took advantage of. The marines launch an offensive attack toward belleau wood, and the americans are forced to go across hedges and heavy rows of wheat, which is now in full bloom in june. It will take another two weeks before the americans are able to penetrate to the south into the woods. Finally on june 24, a major thrust takes the marines through the woods handtohand fighting. On june 25, the marines penetrate deep into the woods. The germans havent fully retreated. Finally on that evening, into the next day, the 26th, the marines have control of the woods. Word was sent to the commander, and the marines now have been victorious. By the 26th, the marines have captured belleau wood and have prevented the germans from going any further in their offensive toward paris. The field pieces we see here, and the other markers throughout the woods, were placed in honor of the marines. This was, again, their iconic battle it certainly, before world war ii, you know the marines fighting in the pacific. The battle of belleau wood stood as the main marine corps battle for heroism. This was basically designed as a park to honor the marines who fought in this area. Standing behind me is one of the icons of the belleau wood battle. You will see this structure in many photographs, paintings, and other depictions of this landmark battle for the marines. It was an actual private hunting preserve, owned by the count and countess of belleau. They would come out here from paris, hunt wild boar and other animals. As you can see, the structure was heavily damaged. It has been occupied by the germans as an observation post. And then american and french artillery had shattered it to where it was no longer usable by the belleau family after the war. Here you are looking at an artillery shell hole, that had been fired either by the americans or the french, most likely using the 75 millimeter. To my right is a deep crevice, which is a german trench, which they constructed in late may when they started occupying belleau wood. It was through these trenches where the germans were welldefended, that the americans and the french had to fire the artillery and eventually move forward with the machine gun, rifles, and handtohand fighting to drive them deep from within the woods. Along this path, besides where the trench lines are and the artillery shells, the Marine Corps Historical Division had placed markers. The markers show the advance of the fifth and sixth marine regiment during the course of the battle to honor the sacrifices made during the almost monthlong battle in june of 1918. We are heading through the Second Division line on the battlefield. And you can see how steep the hills are, and how the troops of the Second Division, including two regiments and marines, had to fight their way up this hill, while being raked by german machine gun fire. Of course, these trees that are here now would not have been here at the time. They would have all any foliage would have been completely decimated. This marker commemorates the capture of belleau wood on june 26, 1918. Finally it was in american hands. The Second Division insignia was a star seen throughout the western front. This marker was put up to show that it was the Second Division that reached this part of the line. Im standing in one of the abandoned german trenches, that had been raked by artillery fire. From june 26th, when belleau wood was firmly in american hands, the Second Division troops stayed in this area and were able to have a line of sight across the valley to the le brusses farm, which was occupied by the germans. The americans used this to observe the German Movement across the valley from the farm, as they started to attack chateauthierry where they had been driven from in june. The germans are once again driven from chateauthierry, and chateauthierry is once again back in american and french hands. The alliance pressed the counterattack forward, and by the end of july, the force was removed. The tide had now turned. The initiative had passed to ally hands, where it would remain. Eight u. S. Divisions have participated in the successful counteroffensive, and their performance had met their commanders expectations and exceeded all others. Bravo the young americans, a british newspaper trumpeted, and a french dispatch provided their victories that was hurt across the world. The doughboy had proved his ability as a fighter, and it was obvious to all that the constantly increasing American Forces were to be a decisive factor in the war. Mitchell as we head down the hill, we will see the aisnemarne cemetery, which includes the more than 1800 marines that were killed during the battle. Meanwhile, there was a temporary cemetery up on this ridge, and you can see what the cemetery looked like from this faded photograph. There were wooden crosses, that were marked by dogtags. Each soldier in world war i, the first time dogtags were used, they were provided two of them. They were around their necks on a lanyard. And when a soldier was killed and buried, one of the dog tags was kept around his neck, the other was nailed to the wooden cross for later identification. But as we will learn, when we get to the cemetery, and especially as we going to the chapel, there are more than 1100 names of soldiers and marines who fought, not just that belleau wood, but chateauthierry and other areas around the marne, are missing. We know who these individuals were, we know their units, but we dont know what happened to them. We can only assume that they were killed and either buried in isolated graves that werent found, or because of the heavy artillery shelling, they were buried and never seen again. The remnants of belleau wood battlefield are on a hill above the aisnemarne cemetery, the final resting place of more than 2300 americans who died in this region in 1918 and 1919. Mitchell yockelson visited the cemetery to talk with shane williams, employed by the American Battle Monuments Commission. Shane i think its important for american visitors to realize this is their taxpayer dollars at work overseas, to tell the story of what took place here, with the memory of the fallen. Having said that, this is 40 . The headstones you see here are approximately 40 of those lives lost in this geographic region. All world war i. Were at a world war i site here. Again, it is not just the battle of belleau wood. I think what people are surprised to understand here at the aisnemarne cemetery. Yes, we are on the battlefield where primary u. S. Marine corps took over three weeks of very bloody combat in june of 1918, but in fact they were relieved by u. S. Army troops who continued the fight. Many of whom fell in the field to my left here. A beautiful countryside, as it was in 1918. You have a lot of stories here of u. S. Marine corps, u. S. Army. We had our navy medal of honor recipients buried just behind the camera here. So many stories to tell. We are just trying to find ways to make that connection with the visitor, who has a limited time at these sites. Mitchell is the 204 memorial under your direction as well . Shane yes. We manage out of the cemetery office, about 200 acres approximately. And then, yes, hill 204. We call it the chateauthierry american monument, but its 204 meters high. It is a frenchamerican monument the way it commemorates, built and maintained by the American Battle Monuments Commission. But if you take it detailed look at the villages, the names of the villages inscribed on the monument, and also why it was built, it is commemorating the french and american soldiers who fought and died sidebyside in world war i. It is kind of an interesting way to show this francoAmerican History and shared linkages. Mitchell you mentioned being on the battle of belleau wood battlefield, some of it is marked, which is kind of unique for an American Battlefield in france. We are used to this in the united states, National Park Service Sites like gettysburg and antietam. Can you talk about why the battlefield is marked and why it is important for people to walk through it . Shane we are always try to find a way where we can walk in history, for example. Going back and literally in the same footsteps, the marines where they came through the field on june 6 of 1918 to take a relatively small sector here, but at heavy cost. I always found, when i go back stateside, to National Parks, getting in touch with something that is physical, walking in the footsteps of history, that is why i was pleased that in the very early 1920s, american visitors actually found value in preserving that site. If not for those american visitors who came over on these war tourism tours, perhaps that battlefield would not be as preserved as it is today. That is a sidebar history that didnt have to do with the Monument Commission at the beginning, but in fact it was geared to abmc to maintain, that wasnt done until the 1930s. The belleau wood memorial association, thank you to those who have since passed on, who fund raised and came over here with american money to purchase those woods. Mitchell was that deeded . Shane it was deeded, yes, over the French Ministry over to america for maintenance and perpetuity. Mitchell the ground we are standing on, which is the cemetery, how many gravesites are there . Shane here, honored over 3000 men. There are 2289 burials and 1060 missing in action. Their names are inscribed in the memorial chapel. Mitchell so they could very well be buried in one of these unmarked plots. Shane in fact, we have 251 unknown soldiers, sailor, airman, marines that are buried here, so about 10 of the burials are unknowns. Their names are very likely on the wall here, but they could be on another wall or tablet of the missing in one of the american cemeteries as well. Mitchell i have seen that some of those unknowns have actually been recovered, is that the case here . Shane there are a total of seven of the 160 since the chapel was completed in 1930. For those listening out there who go to an overseas american cemetery, if you go to the ta

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