Government gets involved. If you pay people more to be unemployed than they would to be employed good afternoon, everyone. Welcome to Kingswood Community center. Actually, thats the one down i used to work. Its a joke. Anyway, its great to be here. And back at a place where, you know, i want to thank Wayne Jefferson for having us here at the Hicks Anderson center. Being from delaware, everybody knew who hicks was. He was deeply involved in social justice issues and the politics of the state for a long time, and was very much engaged back in the days after dr. King was assassina assassinated, and the city was in flames. And he was a good friend. A good friend. And i want to thank him for i used to work over on the east side. And i got to know hicks very well because he did a lot of work over there as well. And, you know, folks here at this center, as wayne will tell you, are going gods work. This Community Center gives people hope and a place to belong. I saw hope as a senator when, as i said, i watched my son, the attorney general of delaware, beau biden, he would attend mass and then walk here and sit around for the better part of the day and see if he can find ways to help, and see what they may need or not need. And as i said, the east side, i was a teenage lifeguard, and my career as a public defender started. Thats where i got involved with the community. This center is named after my buddy, Hicks Anderson. We went way, way back. Just walk around wilmington, and everybody has a story about hicks. He cared, he was always there for you, and he built a wonderful family, including twin sons who gave back so much to this community, and continue to do so. They served in the United States army, and now theyre serving jointly as the poet laureates of the state of delaware. And one is a state representative, and hicks and his family and everyone else at this enter embody the defining story of america. For generations, americans who are black, brown, native american, immigrants, have always found they were pushed out, not fully included in our democracy and our economy. And they pushed forward, thats the story of the people of this community. And of this country. Thats why i couldnt think of a more meaningful place to talk about my build back better economic agenda. A bold, practical plan that will help build a stronger and more just and sustainable economy for everybody. Everybody, this time, is included. Its a story of two civil rights eras we lost last week. One who shows the way forward, each of them, their separate ways. Reverend vivian, he faced drownings and beatings, and he said you cant turn your back upon the idea of justice. And congressman john lewis, who crossed the Edmund Pettus bridge one last time sunday. He said freedom is not a state, its an act. I walked the bridge twice with him. And until you walk that bridge, and some of you have done it, and you get to the crest of the bridge. The first time you can see down the other side. When i walked over with him a couple of years ago, i thought to myself, what in gods name did it take in terms of internal fortitude, courage, to walk down there, seeing those folks with clubs and on horses. Waiting at the bottom of the bridge, with no way back. I spoke to john just before he died. He was on his deathbed. And i said, can you talk . He wanted to talk. Instead of answering my concerns for him, he asked about me. He asked about us. He asked that we stay focused on the work left undone to heal this nation. To remain undaunted by the Public Health and economic crisis, taking the blinders off and showing the systemic racism for what it is that plagues this nation. People are seeing now, all the folks risking their lives, stacking the shelves in the supermarkets, farming the food, getting it to our tables. All of those folks, most of whom are black and brown. One thing the senate and the president can do right away is pass, right away, pass the bill to restore the Voting Rights act. Just yesterday, it was renamed in the congress in memory of john lewis. You know, with the effusive praise even from republicans, back that with the action. I have said its one of the first things ill do as president if elected. We cant let the fundamental right to vote go aside. And more than 4 million americans have tested positive and counting for coronavirus. Black and latinos are three times as likely to be infected, and twice as likely to die from the virus as white people. More than 30 million and counting are collecting unemployment checks. Black unemployment is at 15 . Latino, 14. 5 . 40 , 40 of blackowned businesses, 440,000 in total, have reported they had to shut down. And everything is worsened by this crisis of president ial leadership. To change the tone over the last few days, as trump has, doesnt change the facts of the last four years. Donald trump faces a real test and hes failed it. The basic threshold of being president. The duty to care for the entire country. Not just his reelection prospects. He has shown that he cant beat the pandemic and keep you safe. He cant turn the economy around and get america back to work. And he has horrifyingly and not surprisingly been intentionally spoking the flames of racism in this country. Ive said from the outset of the recent protests, theres no place for violence and destruction of property. Peaceful protesters should be protected, and arsonists should be prosecuted. President obama and i protected federal property, without the department of homeland security, turning it into a personal militia. That can be done today, but donald trump is determined to stoke division and chaos. Its not good for the country, but donald trump doesnt care. His campaign is failing, and hes looking for a political lifeline. Its not about law and order. Its about a political strategy to revive a failing campaign. Every instinct trump has is to add fuel to the fire. Its the last thing, the last thing we need. We need leadership that will calm the waters and lower the temperature. Thats how to restore peace in the streets. But this election is not just about voting against donald trump. Its about rising to this moment of crisis. Understanding peoples struggles. And building a future worthy of their courage and their ambition to overcome. Last month, i stopped at Bethel Ame Church in wilmington and talked to a group of local faith leaders. They shared their anger and frustration at the state of affairs in our justice system, our health care system, our politics, our economy. Theres just a sense and its real that the deck is stacked, stacked against the community. The common theme was, how do we break the cycle . In good times, communities of color still lag. In bad times, they get hit first and the hardest. And in recovery, they take the longest to bounce back. This is about justice. I propose a criminal Justice Reform and policing agenda and im committed to seeing it through as president. Its also about jobs, goodpaying jobs. Financial stability. Building wealth for families of color. And passing it down to their kids. Its about Economic Growth for our country. And outperforming the rest of the world to stay ahead. Its also about dignity. For working people and the middle class. Many of you heard me say it before. My dad had an expression, a job is about a lot more than a paycheck, its about dignity and respect, its about your place in the community, and being able to look your kid in the eye and say, honey, its going to be okay, and mean it. Over 50 of the people in america dont think its going to be okay for their kids, theyll never meet the standard of living that they had. Over the last few weeks, ive laid out my build back better plan, based on necessities and the idea that you cant just build back to what it was before. We have to build back better. This time, bring everybody along. We need to make bold, practical investments to recover from the economic mess were in. And to rebuild the Economic Future our country deserves. Ive explained how these investments can be paid for. Ive laid it out. Today, im here to explain how the build back better plan will deal with systemic racism, and advance Racial Equity in our economy. So far, the build back better plan has had three parts ive spoken to. First, investing in American Manufacturing and technology so the future is made in america. And it includes all americans. Not just the seven cities that the vast majority of Venture Capital has gone to. Under my plan, well mobilize the biggest investment in rebuilding our economy since world war ii. Creating millions of goodpaying union jobs. It includes an historic investment in federal procurement. And we will make sure the goods and services are american made, from american supply chains, like steel, and battery technology, and so on. But for too long, federal contracting has been inaccessible to too many black and brown businesses. They too often never get a fair shot to apply. My plan makes sure that contractors and subcontractors of color get a fair shot. Were going to triple the existing federal goal for contracting with small disadvantaged businesses from 5 to a minimum of 15 by 2025. Well create jobs and growth along the way. We can do that. The second plank in build back better advances Racial Equity by mobilizing our infrastructure and taking on Climate Change with jobs. Take infrastructure, for example. In too many underserved communities of color, the road is falling apart, sidewalks are cracked, School Buildings are unsafe and outdated, parks are not safe for kids and adults to exercise in. And theres nowhere to go to buy fresh food for miles away. Air pollution causes childhood asthma, that follows them through their adult lives. Abandoned homes crush property values, and diminish the quality of life in the neighborhoods. But notwithstanding the systematic barriers, look at the energy, pride, and achievement of communities of colors. Just imagine if we could fully unleash their full potential. My plan would make sure these communities benefit from the hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayer investment. To rebuild roads, fill those cracks in the sidewalks, install broadband, close the Digital Divide, create spaces to live and work and play safely, where you can drink clean water, breathe clean air, and shop at a nearby Grocery Store with a fresh stock of healthy food. We cant rebuild the economy and meet this Climate Crisis unless we have people with the opportunity to rebuild their communities. Its about jobs, its about dignity, and its about pride. Im confident we can do this. The third plank of build back better is in caregivers who take care of our loved ones and kids. We want to reward the work in this country. We have to ease the Financial Burdens of care that families are carrying. We have to elevate the compassion, benefits, and dignity of caregiver workers and Early Childhood educators. Families are squeezed emotionally and financially. Trying to raise their kids and care for their parents and loved ones with a disability. My guess is some of you have been through that, with a parent who is ill and cant take care of themselves. You have to make the choice of going to work or staying home to take care of them, because the cost is so incredible. Or a young child, under the age of 5, figuring out how to pay for it. I was a single parent for five years with a lot of help. And i had a good salary, i was making 42,000 a year. Without my family, i couldnt have done it. They need help. But often they cant afford it. And the professional caregivers out there, Home Health Care workers, child care workers, often women, women of color, and immigrants, are too often underpaid, underseen, and undervalued. But these are things we can do right now to ease the burden. My plan would clear the waiting list that exists now of 800,000 people who are eligible for home and Community Care for a loved one through medicaid, who signed up but are waiting. 800,000. My plan would make sure every 3 and 4yearold child gets access to free and high quality preschool, like they do at this center. And low and middle income families wont spend more than 7 on child care for children under the age of 5. The most hardpressed working families wont have to spend a time because it will be free. My plan would pay and support our caregivers who overwhelmingly, as i said, are women of color. This plan to people workers, especially those without college degrees, gain new skills in Industries Like health care, and provides a pathway to a career. A health care worker, you can get training to become an emt, a nurse, or a physicians assistant. And well free up millions more to rejoin the paid work force. Studies indicate at least 2 million additional jobs will be created and more Economic Growth for our nation. And the economy as a whole will grow. We can do this. Today im laying out a fourth part of my build back better plan. Advancing Racial Equity across the american economy. Not just part of the other pillar of build back better. But this is in its own right. To start, we create a new Small BusinessOpportunity Fund. It dramatically expands on a successful obama Biden Initiative that generated billions for Small Businesses, particularly in hardpressed areas. Were going to take 30 billion and put it into this fund. Allowing expanded federal support for the most effective state, local, and nonprofit communities. And that 30 billion is estimated to leverage 150 billion in new financing and equity for more black and brown Small Businesses. So our Small BusinessOpportunity Fund supports an investment in a Small Manufacturer of color, helping them get started. Then private investors, we know, notice the promise of that business, and invest their private dollars as well. That helps the manufacturer scale and grow. Thats how we make sure the best ideas are not denied the financing they need because of race or zip code. Right now, were in the midst of one of the greatest threats to Small Businesses our country has ever seen. What is donald trump doing about it . Hes given big banks the green light to loan millions of dollars that theyre covered for by the federal government, and make millions in of dollars in fees by favoring their most welloff and wellconnected clients while shutting the door on smaller black and brown businesses. Some of you remember when i talked about the First Recovery plan put forward by the congress. I said we should use, the president should use the authority he is under the defense production act to force big banks to have to lend to Small Businesses. Theyre guaranteed the loan. We bailed them out before, what did they do . Do you have established credit with us, a bank account with us . The list goes on. And theyre denied. The result . Billions of dollars in covid relief programs benefited businesses with lawyers and accounts. The better connected businesses jumped to the head of the line, and the big banks accommodated them. Black and brown Small Businesses got shut out. Just 12 of black and brown businesses surveyed seeking help got the help they asked for. Now half of them will have to close up shop, and theyre a major provider of employment in this country. We cant afford for them to close. Their families cant afford for them to close. Under my plan, 50 of relief would be reserved for employers or 50 or fewer employees. Right now, were talking 500. Theyre Small Businesses compared to the fortune 500. But do you think Neighborhood Stores have 500 employees . Go down the main streets of so many small towns and see them shuttered. This will help many Small Businesses get lifesaving loans before the wellconnected businesses jump to the front of the line. Removing barriers is one of many things we have to do to close the racial wealth gap in this nation. Expanding black and brown homeownership is another. Today, in american cities, there are a number where about 75 of white americans own their own homes, and only 25 of black and brown citizens own their homes. Even in the middleclass communities of color, the same homes that exist in the White Community are often valued significantly less. The black residents then see their wealth accumulate much more slowly. Many of you are from middleclass families like mine. Where did my parents accumulate any ability to borrow and accumulate wealth . Their home. Many of us borrow against that to help send our kids to cool. The homeownership disparity denies economic opportunity. My housing plan will be a major [ inaudible ] we appear to have lost our feed from wilmington, delaware. We hope to resolve the issue, and turn to live coverage of joe biden shortly. Unfortunate, were unable to resolve the issue with the live feed from wilmington, delaware. We hope to have the entire event for you later in our programming schedule. Chance, and seal, or expunge the criminal record. They dont know how to do it. Its paper spread across different courthouses. Under my plan, if a state chooses to do that, the federal government will help put together the process and allow them the money to know how to be able to organize to do that. Organize their system. Thats what Racial Equity in