Transcripts For CSPAN3 Lectures In History American Cartoons

Transcripts For CSPAN3 Lectures In History American Cartoons In World War II 20240713

Has stuck with me ever since, and the lesson of it draws from two parts, two separate biblical texts. One is from second kings, if youre interested, chapter four. Where the prophet elijah not elijah, but elijah has somebody bring him 20 loaves of barley, and hes got to feed 100 men. And his servant asks him, how are we going to do that . 100 men . Weve only got 20 loaves of barley and the prophet says, give them to the men that they may eat, for thus says the lord, they shall eat and have some left. So, he set it before them, and they ate, and they had some left, just as the lord told him. And theres an incident from the new testament where jesus is confronted with a crowd of people, 5,000 people. How are we going to feed all these people . And one of his disciples says, well, heres a young boy with five barley loaves and two fish. Not a lot. It could take like six months of six months worth of pay to feed the crowd of 5,000. All weve got is five barley loaves and two fish. Jesus said, bring it up. He gave thanks to it, and the whole crowd was fed and there was more than enough. And i remember my pastor saying, it doesnt matter how little you are. You can be a little guy. And i was a little guy. You can be a child. You can be a boy. You can be a girl. It doesnt matter. When theres a need, if you bring your little bit, however little bit you might have, god will use that to meet the need. And he was trying to tell us that it didnt matter how little we had. If we use it faithfully to a righteous cause, it will help a big need to be met. And ive been thinking about that lesson for a long time as ive been contemplating, what are we going to talk about in terms of world war ii and paying for world war ii . And in the days of world war ii, the need was indeed great. Franklin roosevelt as president made a number of speeches to the American People in the weeks right after the attack on pearl harbor. And one of the things he impressed upon the American People was that everybody, rich, poor, old, young, didnt matter, had a role to play, a very Important Role, in getting this monumental job done of paying for the war and winning the war. Im going to give you an excerpt of his state of the Union Address from 1942. Just a few sentences that are going to encapsulate what he was talking about here and how he was urging all americans to do their little bit. Fdr came before congress, and before the American People on that occasion, and he said, war costs money. So far, we have hardly even begun to pay for it. We have devoted only 15 of our National Income to National Defense, as will appear in my budget message tomorrow. Our war program for the coming fiscal year will cost 56 billion, or in other words, more than half of the estimated annual National Income. That means taxes. And bonds. And bonds. And taxes. It means cutting luxuries and other nonessentials. In a word it means an allout war. By individual effort and family effort in a united country. Now, when he was talking about individual effort and family effort, he was talking about kids, too. And family effort meant that even if you were over here on the home front, and your loved ones were fighting overseas over there, as the popular song went, there was still work that you could do to help defeat the enemy. Everybody, both young and old, and no matter how much you had or how much you didnt have, had a very Important Role to play in this United States war effort. And roosevelt wanted to make very, very sure that everybody was clear about that. Early in that new year of 1942, the United States treasury is already going to work trying to figure out how to get americans to help pay for the war. Now, roosevelt talked about taxes and bonds, and bonds and taxes. We know what taxes are, right . Its when the government compels you to pay a certain part of your income to meet the costs of government doing what it has to do. But what are bonds . A bond is an iou. Write that down, an iou. Its a statement that the United States government owes you money for so much. See, basically, what uncle sam was doing was saying, were going to have people pay us taxes to pay for this thing, but we also are going to have to go into debt to pay for this thing. Now, show of hands. How many people have some sort of United States savings bond . Okay, weve got a few hands. How many people have been given Something Like that for a birthday or a graduation or something of that kind . Right . Its a very, very important looking piece of paper thats not a toy. You open the card. Its not a toy, but its a very official looking piece of paper with some very official historical looking people on it. And what your parents may have to explain to you is that it is a u. S. Savings bond, which means you keep it. Dont do anything with it for a while. But in a few years, youll be able to cash it and get money so that, what, you can pay for your education, you can pay for this, you can pay for that, for important things. Its an investment in the future by having uncle sam go into debt to you, okay . Thats a savings bond. What the United States treasury decided to do was to initiate a savings bond program specifically for the purposes of collecting money for the war effort. Okay. How much . Well, you can get a United States savings bond at that time for as low in the amount for as low as 18. 75. If you gave the United States government 18. 75 and said, hey, i want to buy a bond, and you wait several years for that bond to mature, it would give you back 25. Thats not a bad deal, huh . You put out 18. 75, you get 25 back, years later, but this is all in lending uncle sam money to help win the war. I dont know about you, but what if youre a little kid in 1942, a little kid with his hands in his pockets . And one thing he does not have in his pockets is 18. 75. Because remember, 1942, were just coming out of the great depression. So, what, am i out of this . Am i out of this great crusade . And the u. S. Government says, oh, no, youre not. You can buy something called United States savings stamps. United states savings stamps . Yes, yes, yes. See, heres what you would do. Youd get yourself a Little Green Book like this. And in that Little Green Book, you would place, every time you would go and buy u. S. Savings stamps what are you talking about, stamps . Im talking about stamps, like this. You could get you know, they would have these. They would sell these over the counter at banks and at other institutions. And its like, okay, all ive got is 10 cents. Thats not much. And theyd say, thats okay. Thats enough, because for 10 cents, watch this. For 10 cents, you can go ahead and buy one u. S. Savings defense stamp. Okay. How does that help . How that helps is, you get to the Little Green Book here, your stamp book. You put the stamp right in here. And maybe youve gotten other stamps in the past. You stick it right there. And these stamps watch this these stamps are in various denominations. Some of them are 10 cents, some of them are 1, 50 cents or Something Like that. And you get them and you get them and you get them, and you fill the book full of them. And when it comes out to 18. 75, you walk over to the place, and with that 18. 75, you can buy yourself a war bond now, those of you who are math experts are going to realize that a 10cent stamp, its going to take you a lot of time to buy enough savings stamps for 18. 75. Thats why the stamps came in various denominations larger than that, 1, 5, things like that. But what if you were strictly a 10cent kind of person . Its all right. What it did was, as were going to see, the cost of a comic book back then was 10 cents, right . Action comics number one, the first appearance of superman. Its got that 10cent price sticker on it. Its worth a whole lot more than that now, but 10cent price sticker. If youve only got 10 cents, heres what you do. You might spend one dime on a comic book. Maybe another dime on Something Else, like a cookie or some ice cream. But then another dime youd spend on this. But what you did is you had friends. I bought superman for 10 cents. You may have bought batman. You may have bought wonder woman. And what we would do is swap and trade, see . Whats happening, even on the level of a little kid and his friends or her friends is that it encourages kids not to spend every dime they have but to put some of them away into u. S. Defense they called it defense savings stamps. And what this did, among the merits of the u. S. Savings Bonds Program was that it curbed inflation, because whats happening is that when people arent spending all the money theyve got, it puts a cap on inflation. World war ii was an inflationary time, and it reversed the deflationary process of the great depression. So, its one thing to have a little bit of inflation to get you over the great depression, but you dont want too much. And the way to do that is to encourage americans to keep some money in their pockets. Or save it. And this book and other books like it represented you putting money away, lending it to uncle sam to help win the war. Youre not spending it on stuff. And that over time curbs inflation among kids, and theyre asking adults to do the same thing. They would be payroll savings, where, you know, you dont get your complete paycheck. You let part of that paycheck go for buying war bonds and things, see . So, thats what the war bonds and Stamps Program is about. Thats what its about. So when you say buy defense bonds and stamps, thats what its about. If youre not rich enough to buy a full bond for 18. 75, well, go collect some stamps, 10 cents a piece, 1 apiece, 5 apiece. Until you save enough to buy a bond. Okay, everybody clear on what the defense bonds and Stamps Program was about. And how, whether you were rich or poor, an adult or little kid, you could participate. And of course, the government did not hesitate to tell you that youre doing your part. You may have a brother, an uncle, a parent overseas fighting. You can do a little bit for them. Your little bit is able to help in this great endeavor. And thats where the cartoons come in. U. S. Government was very smart. They said, well, weve got to get taxes and bonds and bonds and taxes, and they went to walt disney. And they said, walt, we need your help to get americans to pay their taxes. And walt disney was thinking, well, if americans dont pay their taxes, youre going to throw them in jail, right . I mean, whats the problem with incentivizing here . I mean, i sure would pay mine and they said, mr. Disney walt okay, walt. Walt disney was very informal. We cant arrest and jail the whole country if were going to just rely on fear and intimidation, its not going to work. We cant jail every last person in the country. We have to get people to want to pay their taxes. And thats going to be tough. Nobody likes paying taxes. And walt disneys nodding. And they say, okay, now, walt, this is what we want you to do. We want you to come up with a character, called mr. Taxpayer. And we want that character, mr. Taxpayer, to talk about and walt said, no, no, no, no, im not creating a new character. Youre not . No, because weve already got the perfect character for you. Donald duck. Donald duck . Donald . Listen, folks. And he said, the disney studios just like any other studio were giving you one of our star actors right now. Just treat it that way. They said, okay. Because if cantankerous donald duck can be persuaded to pay his taxes, then anybody can. And remember, in previous weeks when we looked at the history of animation, we saw some animated cartoons of donald duck, and we saw how con tank rouse he could be. We saw how he was based in part on the cantankerous secretary of the interior, harold ickes. If donald can pay his taxes, anybody can pay his taxes. So, what were going to do is im going to show you just a bit, just a bit of a clip of a cartoon that walt disney created involving donald duck persuading him, and through persuading him, persuading the American People to pay their taxes. I want to show you how its done. How did they do that. How did they work into the argument . All right. There he is, a new spirit in america. Thats right. The spirit of a free people, united again in a common cause to stamp tyranny from the earth. Thats right our very shores have been attacked. That is not right your whole country is mobilizing for total war. Your country needs you. Okay im on it are you a patriotic american . Yes, sir eager to do your part . Yes, sir then theres something important you can do. Oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy, ill do it you wont get a medal for doing it. Oh, thats all right. It may mean a sacrifice on your part. Ill do it anyway. But it will be a vital help to your country ill do anything anything shall i tell you what it is . Yes what is it . Tell me shall i . Tell me what it is your income tax. Income tax . Yes, your income tax. Income tax. It may not seem important to you, but it is important. It is . Yes, and its your privilege, not just your duty, but your privilege to help your government by paying your tax and paying it promptly. Oh, whats the big hurry . Whats the big hurry . Your country is at war. Your country needs taxes for guns, taxes for ships, taxes for democracy, taxes to beat the axis oh, boy taxes to beat the axis thats the spirit. Yes, sir now how about your income tax . Oh, boy oh, if everybody attacked the process of paying their income tax with that much enthusiasm and tax payments, early tax payments went up after the release of that cartoon. It worked. And walt disney made sequels to it with donald duck. Paying his taxes. And the catch phrase you heard was taxes to beat the axis. Taxes to beat the axis. And the rest of that cartoons going to show that it pays for planes and tanks and guns and cannons and all of those implements of war. The thing that youre not crazy about doing is vital to this great enterprise of fighting and winning the war. So much for taxes. How about bonds . Well, other studios got involved also, and i want to show you a bugs bunny cartoon in which he sings a popular song any bonds today, and i want to caution you about something. Even as we are involved in this grand enterprise to fight the axis powers and the totalitarianism and the racism that they represented, the United States could still not raise itself entirely above its own racism in that time. Im going to show you why, because bugs bunnys going to perform a bit in blackface, patterned after a popular performer of the time, al jolson, who had sang a song called my mammy in the 1927 groundbreaking talking feature, the jazz singer, the film that signaled the end of the silent era and the beginning of the talking era. So, when bugs bunny does that blackface impression, hes imitating a specific performer, and hes saying uncle sammy, instead of mammy, but still, the racism is inexcusable. Its why you dont see this cartoon too much, and its one of the very, very few cartoons with bugs bunny that uses this offensive form of humor. The tall man with a high hat and whiskers on his chin will soon be knockin at your door, and you ought to be in. The tall man with the high hat will be coming down your way get your savings out when you hear him shout any bonds today come on, folks, come on, skip right up and get em any bonds today, bonds of freedom, thats what im sellin, any bonds today scrape up the most you can, here comes the freedom man asking you to buy your share of freedom today aw, kitties will be blessed, we all invest in the usa sammy, oh, my uncle sammy, here comes the freedom man cant make tomorrows plan, not unless you buy a share of freedom today any stamps, any bond today now look at that. I want you to freeze your attention on that image here. For defense buy United States savings bonds and stamps. The u. S. Treasury adopted this symbol. This is the minuteman soldier. This is from the revolutionary war days. And they said, you know, weve got to impress upon the American People that this world war ii that we are involved in now is just as important a fight for freedom and independence as was the revolutionary war in 1776. So, if you want to be in that grand tradition of the patriots of 1776, then youve got to do your part for defense in buying United States savings bonds and stamps. This was a very prevalent symbol around the country advertising the need to buy savings bonds and stamps. It even made its way into the first issue of wonder womans own magazine. This is a panel from a story, from the end of the story of one of the adventures wonder woman had in wander woman number one. And wonder woman says, when you see these minuteman posters, boys and girls, remember, hes talking to you. So, yes, the superheroes that we have been spending a number of days in this class researching the origins of and getting into the background of, they, too, are joining in this effort. And ill tell you something, its not as if the comic book company was just, well, lets slap that in there. No, there was cooperation with the u. S. Government because the back cover the back cover of wonder woman number one was dedicated to a letter to the boys and girls of america from the secretary of the treasury himself. A special message to the boys and girls of america from Henry Morgenthau jr. , secretary of the treasury. You see the letter head here, the secretary of the treasury in washington. Boys and girls of america, heres a way for every one of you to help your country. Every time you buy a savings stamp, you are helping uncle sam to pay for a part of a gun, plane, or ship which your fathers, brothers, or uncles are using for the defense of our country. If every one of you 40 million boys and girls would buy at least one 10cent savings stamp every week, you would be lending your uncle sam 200 million every year. Think of all the guns, planes, and ships he could buy with that. Remember, you can help to keep em flying by buying a defense stamp every week. Sincerely, American People<\/a> in the weeks right after the attack on pearl harbor. And one of the things he impressed upon the American People<\/a> was that everybody, rich, poor, old, young, didnt matter, had a role to play, a very Important Role<\/a>, in getting this monumental job done of paying for the war and winning the war. Im going to give you an excerpt of his state of the Union Address<\/a> from 1942. Just a few sentences that are going to encapsulate what he was talking about here and how he was urging all americans to do their little bit. Fdr came before congress, and before the American People<\/a> on that occasion, and he said, war costs money. So far, we have hardly even begun to pay for it. We have devoted only 15 of our National Income<\/a> to National Defense<\/a>, as will appear in my budget message tomorrow. Our war program for the coming fiscal year will cost 56 billion, or in other words, more than half of the estimated annual National Income<\/a>. That means taxes. And bonds. And bonds. And taxes. It means cutting luxuries and other nonessentials. In a word it means an allout war. By individual effort and family effort in a united country. Now, when he was talking about individual effort and family effort, he was talking about kids, too. And family effort meant that even if you were over here on the home front, and your loved ones were fighting overseas over there, as the popular song went, there was still work that you could do to help defeat the enemy. Everybody, both young and old, and no matter how much you had or how much you didnt have, had a very Important Role<\/a> to play in this United States<\/a> war effort. And roosevelt wanted to make very, very sure that everybody was clear about that. Early in that new year of 1942, the United States<\/a> treasury is already going to work trying to figure out how to get americans to help pay for the war. Now, roosevelt talked about taxes and bonds, and bonds and taxes. We know what taxes are, right . Its when the government compels you to pay a certain part of your income to meet the costs of government doing what it has to do. But what are bonds . A bond is an iou. Write that down, an iou. Its a statement that the United States<\/a> government owes you money for so much. See, basically, what uncle sam was doing was saying, were going to have people pay us taxes to pay for this thing, but we also are going to have to go into debt to pay for this thing. Now, show of hands. How many people have some sort of United States<\/a> savings bond . Okay, weve got a few hands. How many people have been given Something Like<\/a> that for a birthday or a graduation or something of that kind . Right . Its a very, very important looking piece of paper thats not a toy. You open the card. Its not a toy, but its a very official looking piece of paper with some very official historical looking people on it. And what your parents may have to explain to you is that it is a u. S. Savings bond, which means you keep it. Dont do anything with it for a while. But in a few years, youll be able to cash it and get money so that, what, you can pay for your education, you can pay for this, you can pay for that, for important things. Its an investment in the future by having uncle sam go into debt to you, okay . Thats a savings bond. What the United States<\/a> treasury decided to do was to initiate a savings bond program specifically for the purposes of collecting money for the war effort. Okay. How much . Well, you can get a United States<\/a> savings bond at that time for as low in the amount for as low as 18. 75. If you gave the United States<\/a> government 18. 75 and said, hey, i want to buy a bond, and you wait several years for that bond to mature, it would give you back 25. Thats not a bad deal, huh . You put out 18. 75, you get 25 back, years later, but this is all in lending uncle sam money to help win the war. I dont know about you, but what if youre a little kid in 1942, a little kid with his hands in his pockets . And one thing he does not have in his pockets is 18. 75. Because remember, 1942, were just coming out of the great depression. So, what, am i out of this . Am i out of this great crusade . And the u. S. Government says, oh, no, youre not. You can buy something called United States<\/a> savings stamps. United states savings stamps . Yes, yes, yes. See, heres what you would do. Youd get yourself a Little Green Book<\/a> like this. And in that Little Green Book<\/a>, you would place, every time you would go and buy u. S. Savings stamps what are you talking about, stamps . Im talking about stamps, like this. You could get you know, they would have these. They would sell these over the counter at banks and at other institutions. And its like, okay, all ive got is 10 cents. Thats not much. And theyd say, thats okay. Thats enough, because for 10 cents, watch this. For 10 cents, you can go ahead and buy one u. S. Savings defense stamp. Okay. How does that help . How that helps is, you get to the Little Green Book<\/a> here, your stamp book. You put the stamp right in here. And maybe youve gotten other stamps in the past. You stick it right there. And these stamps watch this these stamps are in various denominations. Some of them are 10 cents, some of them are 1, 50 cents or Something Like<\/a> that. And you get them and you get them and you get them, and you fill the book full of them. And when it comes out to 18. 75, you walk over to the place, and with that 18. 75, you can buy yourself a war bond now, those of you who are math experts are going to realize that a 10cent stamp, its going to take you a lot of time to buy enough savings stamps for 18. 75. Thats why the stamps came in various denominations larger than that, 1, 5, things like that. But what if you were strictly a 10cent kind of person . Its all right. What it did was, as were going to see, the cost of a comic book back then was 10 cents, right . Action comics number one, the first appearance of superman. Its got that 10cent price sticker on it. Its worth a whole lot more than that now, but 10cent price sticker. If youve only got 10 cents, heres what you do. You might spend one dime on a comic book. Maybe another dime on Something Else<\/a>, like a cookie or some ice cream. But then another dime youd spend on this. But what you did is you had friends. I bought superman for 10 cents. You may have bought batman. You may have bought wonder woman. And what we would do is swap and trade, see . Whats happening, even on the level of a little kid and his friends or her friends is that it encourages kids not to spend every dime they have but to put some of them away into u. S. Defense they called it defense savings stamps. And what this did, among the merits of the u. S. Savings Bonds Program<\/a> was that it curbed inflation, because whats happening is that when people arent spending all the money theyve got, it puts a cap on inflation. World war ii was an inflationary time, and it reversed the deflationary process of the great depression. So, its one thing to have a little bit of inflation to get you over the great depression, but you dont want too much. And the way to do that is to encourage americans to keep some money in their pockets. Or save it. And this book and other books like it represented you putting money away, lending it to uncle sam to help win the war. Youre not spending it on stuff. And that over time curbs inflation among kids, and theyre asking adults to do the same thing. They would be payroll savings, where, you know, you dont get your complete paycheck. You let part of that paycheck go for buying war bonds and things, see . So, thats what the war bonds and Stamps Program<\/a> is about. Thats what its about. So when you say buy defense bonds and stamps, thats what its about. If youre not rich enough to buy a full bond for 18. 75, well, go collect some stamps, 10 cents a piece, 1 apiece, 5 apiece. Until you save enough to buy a bond. Okay, everybody clear on what the defense bonds and Stamps Program<\/a> was about. And how, whether you were rich or poor, an adult or little kid, you could participate. And of course, the government did not hesitate to tell you that youre doing your part. You may have a brother, an uncle, a parent overseas fighting. You can do a little bit for them. Your little bit is able to help in this great endeavor. And thats where the cartoons come in. U. S. Government was very smart. They said, well, weve got to get taxes and bonds and bonds and taxes, and they went to walt disney. And they said, walt, we need your help to get americans to pay their taxes. And walt disney was thinking, well, if americans dont pay their taxes, youre going to throw them in jail, right . I mean, whats the problem with incentivizing here . I mean, i sure would pay mine and they said, mr. Disney walt okay, walt. Walt disney was very informal. We cant arrest and jail the whole country if were going to just rely on fear and intimidation, its not going to work. We cant jail every last person in the country. We have to get people to want to pay their taxes. And thats going to be tough. Nobody likes paying taxes. And walt disneys nodding. And they say, okay, now, walt, this is what we want you to do. We want you to come up with a character, called mr. Taxpayer. And we want that character, mr. Taxpayer, to talk about and walt said, no, no, no, no, im not creating a new character. Youre not . No, because weve already got the perfect character for you. Donald duck. Donald duck . Donald . Listen, folks. And he said, the disney studios just like any other studio were giving you one of our star actors right now. Just treat it that way. They said, okay. Because if cantankerous donald duck can be persuaded to pay his taxes, then anybody can. And remember, in previous weeks when we looked at the history of animation, we saw some animated cartoons of donald duck, and we saw how con tank rouse he could be. We saw how he was based in part on the cantankerous secretary of the interior, harold ickes. If donald can pay his taxes, anybody can pay his taxes. So, what were going to do is im going to show you just a bit, just a bit of a clip of a cartoon that walt disney created involving donald duck persuading him, and through persuading him, persuading the American People<\/a> to pay their taxes. I want to show you how its done. How did they do that. How did they work into the argument . All right. There he is, a new spirit in america. Thats right. The spirit of a free people, united again in a common cause to stamp tyranny from the earth. Thats right our very shores have been attacked. That is not right your whole country is mobilizing for total war. Your country needs you. Okay im on it are you a patriotic american . Yes, sir eager to do your part . Yes, sir then theres something important you can do. Oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy, ill do it you wont get a medal for doing it. Oh, thats all right. It may mean a sacrifice on your part. Ill do it anyway. But it will be a vital help to your country ill do anything anything shall i tell you what it is . Yes what is it . Tell me shall i . Tell me what it is your income tax. Income tax . Yes, your income tax. Income tax. It may not seem important to you, but it is important. It is . Yes, and its your privilege, not just your duty, but your privilege to help your government by paying your tax and paying it promptly. Oh, whats the big hurry . Whats the big hurry . Your country is at war. Your country needs taxes for guns, taxes for ships, taxes for democracy, taxes to beat the axis oh, boy taxes to beat the axis thats the spirit. Yes, sir now how about your income tax . Oh, boy oh, if everybody attacked the process of paying their income tax with that much enthusiasm and tax payments, early tax payments went up after the release of that cartoon. It worked. And walt disney made sequels to it with donald duck. Paying his taxes. And the catch phrase you heard was taxes to beat the axis. Taxes to beat the axis. And the rest of that cartoons going to show that it pays for planes and tanks and guns and cannons and all of those implements of war. The thing that youre not crazy about doing is vital to this great enterprise of fighting and winning the war. So much for taxes. How about bonds . Well, other studios got involved also, and i want to show you a bugs bunny cartoon in which he sings a popular song any bonds today, and i want to caution you about something. Even as we are involved in this grand enterprise to fight the axis powers and the totalitarianism and the racism that they represented, the United States<\/a> could still not raise itself entirely above its own racism in that time. Im going to show you why, because bugs bunnys going to perform a bit in blackface, patterned after a popular performer of the time, al jolson, who had sang a song called my mammy in the 1927 groundbreaking talking feature, the jazz singer, the film that signaled the end of the silent era and the beginning of the talking era. So, when bugs bunny does that blackface impression, hes imitating a specific performer, and hes saying uncle sammy, instead of mammy, but still, the racism is inexcusable. Its why you dont see this cartoon too much, and its one of the very, very few cartoons with bugs bunny that uses this offensive form of humor. The tall man with a high hat and whiskers on his chin will soon be knockin at your door, and you ought to be in. The tall man with the high hat will be coming down your way get your savings out when you hear him shout any bonds today come on, folks, come on, skip right up and get em any bonds today, bonds of freedom, thats what im sellin, any bonds today scrape up the most you can, here comes the freedom man asking you to buy your share of freedom today aw, kitties will be blessed, we all invest in the usa sammy, oh, my uncle sammy, here comes the freedom man cant make tomorrows plan, not unless you buy a share of freedom today any stamps, any bond today now look at that. I want you to freeze your attention on that image here. For defense buy United States<\/a> savings bonds and stamps. The u. S. Treasury adopted this symbol. This is the minuteman soldier. This is from the revolutionary war days. And they said, you know, weve got to impress upon the American People<\/a> that this world war ii that we are involved in now is just as important a fight for freedom and independence as was the revolutionary war in 1776. So, if you want to be in that grand tradition of the patriots of 1776, then youve got to do your part for defense in buying United States<\/a> savings bonds and stamps. This was a very prevalent symbol around the country advertising the need to buy savings bonds and stamps. It even made its way into the first issue of wonder womans own magazine. This is a panel from a story, from the end of the story of one of the adventures wonder woman had in wander woman number one. And wonder woman says, when you see these minuteman posters, boys and girls, remember, hes talking to you. So, yes, the superheroes that we have been spending a number of days in this class researching the origins of and getting into the background of, they, too, are joining in this effort. And ill tell you something, its not as if the comic book company was just, well, lets slap that in there. No, there was cooperation with the u. S. Government because the back cover the back cover of wonder woman number one was dedicated to a letter to the boys and girls of america from the secretary of the treasury himself. A special message to the boys and girls of america from Henry Morgenthau<\/a> jr. , secretary of the treasury. You see the letter head here, the secretary of the treasury in washington. Boys and girls of america, heres a way for every one of you to help your country. Every time you buy a savings stamp, you are helping uncle sam to pay for a part of a gun, plane, or ship which your fathers, brothers, or uncles are using for the defense of our country. If every one of you 40 million boys and girls would buy at least one 10cent savings stamp every week, you would be lending your uncle sam 200 million every year. Think of all the guns, planes, and ships he could buy with that. Remember, you can help to keep em flying by buying a defense stamp every week. Sincerely, Henry Morgenthau<\/a> jr. And there youve got the minuteman symbol again. And right down here, it says, this space is donated by the publishers of this magazine in the interest of National Defense<\/a> and victory okay . And of course, the company was dc comics. Dc comics had some levels to its organization at that time. There was the National Comics<\/a> wing which gave us superman and batman and aquaman and green arrow. And then there was the allamerican comics wing, which gave us wonder woman, the flash, Green Lantern<\/a>, and a number of other heroes. But the two companies were very interrelated. They were very close. And these are the publishers who said, you know, lets donate the back cover of the first issue of wonder womans own magazine she had appeared, of course, in allstar comics number eight first and then her first cover appearance was sensation comics number one, 1942. And they said, she is such a runaway hit that were going to give her her own magazine. First issue of her own magazine, theyre donating space to tell every boy and girl in america to buy defense savings bonds and stamps. This is serious stuff. This is serious stuff. Its serious because, beyond enjoying the adventures of wonder woman, theres really something you can do to be a hero. Lets look at a few other covers. Now here weve got worlds finest comics. And youll notice a few things. Number eight winter issue, a superman dc publication, right . And youve got superman and batman and robin handing out things that kind of look like these books, these Little Green Book<\/a>s and these pages of stamps. Thats what theyre doing. Theyre handing these out. But what are superman, batman and robin doing this under the sign of . You know we said that there was racism in that bugs bunny cartoon. Theyre underneath a big sign here that says sink the japonazis with bonds and stamps. Ew. Ew. When you start taking the names of peoples nationalities and making puns out of them, eh, youre dipping into racism also. You think sometimes, how would you feel if you happened to have been an american of japanese dissent and you really wanted to help and you really like superman and batman comics and you really wanted to buy defense bonds and stamps, but you know, like one of the people on this cover, youre walking up there and thats the sign theyve got. Imagine if you were a kid in the real world, and its like, youre buying the next issue of worlds finest, and thats what theyre saying on the cover. Uh. Yeah. It tells you a bit about what was acceptable back then. And you see on the rest of this cover here, youve got lots and lots and lots of kids. And batman, robin, and superman are handing out these stamps. And theyre handing out these booklets. But, unfortunately, theyre also handing out morsels of racism. One shot example . I dont think so. Heres an issue of action comics. This is the magazine that introduced superman in the first place. This one is number 58. Worlds largest selling comic magazine. And the reason its the Worlds Largest<\/a> selling comic magazine is because of who is depicted here on the corner, superman. And superman is in the middle of a big printing press. These huge, big presses, probably like at the basement of the daily planet building, but more importantly, like at the basements of dc comics printing organizations, where youd have these huge, gigantic presses, and theyre printing out pages and pages and pages and pages and pages, like a factory. And so, this here is depicting superman Strong Enough<\/a> to run the presses all by himself. And what notice is he running out . Superman says, you can slap a jap with war bonds and stamps. And as you can see on this cover, theres a number of copies of that brochure that superman is printing out. Its not just a oneshot deal. I want to show you, since were in action comics, a couple of threedimensional examples of these covers. Ive got a copy here of action comics number 50. The 50th issue of action comics, Worlds Largest<\/a> selling comic magazine. Superman is saving some miners who are trapped by a cavein. Why did i put this up here . Because if you look at the lower lefthand corner, its got a small picture of superman walking in between two servicemen. And it says superman says buy defense stamps, help National Defense<\/a>. So, even if it wasnt the main part of the cover, the message would still be put someplace on the cover. And you know it hit people, the young audiences, effectively, because these messages were sold, were placed on the cover of the Worlds Largest<\/a> selling comic magazine. This one here, back the attack with war bonds, was another famous one. Didnt involve comic book characters, but it was a famous phrase, back the attack, because it rhymes. And were going to take a look at captain america here. I want you to buy war bonds now. Were going to get to him in a bit. I wanted to show you, tell you a little personal story that sewed the seeds of how i got interested in this stuff. A cousin of mine years ago when i was a little kid yeah, i think it was my 10th birthday. My 10th birthday. Gave me a retrospective book of batman and robin stories. Ah. Oh, i stand corrected. This is going to show just how much of a geek i am. My cousin got me the batman encyclopedia the christmas before. It was my aunt who got me the retrospective book of batman on my 10th birthday. Okay. Im sorry, im sorry. So, by the time im 10 years old, ive got these two big batman books. And im reading them and im studying them and everything. And one of the books had a whole gallery of batman covers from the 1940s, oh, and hes punching the joker and hes fighting the penguin, and hes dealing with the cat woman, and you had the first batman cover and you had the first robin cover and all those things. Wow all those characters that i liked reading about. And then in the middle of it was this cover. Batman and robin seem to be interrupting their adventures to sit on top of a giant bird. Whats going on here . Theyre not fighting the penguin. The penguin deals with birds, but no, no, no, its not about the penguin. What is this all about . And what are they saying here . Theres a few planes, if you look at the back. Batman and robin, they both have their fingers up in the v for victory sign, and theyre saying keep the American Eagle<\/a> flying, buy war bonds and stamps. Okay, that sounds good. Yeah, keep the American Eagle<\/a> flying. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But whats a war bond . And why buy a stamp . I mean, all i knew about stamps was the little thing you put on the top of the envelope when youre writing your thank you notes to your cousin and your aunt for giving you these wonderful batman books. Thats what i knew what a stamp was. But in the context of the war and i knew this was from the wartime period i had to find out, what is a war bond . What is a stamp . In this context. And why did batman and robin interrupt their adventures . This doesnt have the joker. It doesnt have the penguin. It doesnt have twoface. It doesnt have the catwoman. To sit on top of a big bird and tell their readers to do that in order to keep the American Eagle<\/a> flying. And its because of this. Its because the need is great. The need is great. And even if youre a little kid and youve just got a little bit, you can do something to help. If you dont have enough to buy a bond, you can buy one of those little 10cent stamps for the cost of a comic book, you know . Instead of buying batman and superman that month, buy batman, and then use the other dime to buy a defense savings stamp. Keep the American Eagle<\/a> flying. I said, wow, that was heavy stuff for batman and robin. Wow theyre getting all involved in the war effort. And there were other ways, too. Remember roosevelts speech excerpt that i read for you, it said that it also means cutting luxuries and other nonessentials. Sacrifice. Doing without in order to further a greater cause. And what the kids of america were asked to do through the cartoons and comics was not just to spare an extra dime for war bonds and stamps, to buy the stamp so that they could buy a war bond, but they were also asked to do without other things, like paper. Lets take a look. Like paper. Heres a cover, worlds finest number 13, where superman, batman, and robin are pushing this huge truck, filled and filled and filled and filled with paper. Whats the sign that robin is carrying . It says, fight paper waste and hang one on the paper hanger of berlin now, what theyre doing there is theyre taking a dig at hitlers personal biography. Hitler had been a number of things before he became the dictator of germany. He was a wanttobe artist. He was a house painter. And he would also hang up paper in various places. So, anything that the government or cartoonists could use to make a verbal jab at hitler and also promote the war effort, they would do. So, thats where youre getting this phrase of hang one on the paper hanger of berlin. But the thing of fight paper waste now, now, now, now, americans dont waste. How do we waste paper . Well, back then, before tv, you got your news through the newspaper. Its also where you got a lot of your favorite comic strips from, like dick tracy, like little orphan annie, and like supermans adventures in the newspapers. What do you do after the next day . You know, youve heard that phrase, yesterdays news . This is where it was derived from. Its yesterdays newspaper. What do you do with yesterdays newspaper . You throw it out. Not so fast not so fast. Paper is used for a lot of things, and you can use that waste paper to help the war effort. And inside this very comic book, alfred, batman and robins faithful butler, is going to show a young person in gotham city how. This was a oneshot, onepage story that makes the case for saving paper. And it starts like this paper, paper, everywhere, with which to sock the foe. Paper, paper, everywhere, and none to waste must go that comes from the rhyme of the ancient mariner, right . Samuel taylor colderidge, water, water, everywhere, and not a drop to drink . How many have heard of that poem . Okay, read that poem. This is a nice little pun on that poem. All right, whats happening in gotham city here . It says its a busy day for alfred. Butler extraordinary to bruce wayne and dick grayson, alias the batman and robin. And a kid not dick grayson comes up to alfred and says, hey, alfred, where are you going with all that junk . And alfreds there replying, junk . These are weapons of war, my boy weapons of war, the kid says, haw, haw, haw. Alfred says this is no jesting matter. If you dont believe me, just tag along and see. And they walk a block or two. And they happen to come upon his employers, batman and robin, who are collect of paper from kids in the neighborhood, and theyre throwing them in a truck. And the kids saying, batman and robin, what are they collecting all that wastepaper for . And alfred replies, because we have a paper shortage due to lack of manpower in cutting the timber used in Paper Production<\/a> everybody got that . Lack of manpower because, probably because theyve been drafted off to fight the war, so you dont have people to cut down the trees. And when you dont have people to cut down the trees, you have less trees being turned into paper, so youve got less paper, and that equals a paper shortage. Okay . And the kid says, paper shortage . You mean we might not be able to read our favorite comic magazines . I mean, hes bringing it home here to where it really hurts. And alfred says, righto got to hand it to alfred. He knows just how to say it. Righto but by salvaging all this waste paper, we provide a substitute, and well have sufficient supplies for both civilian and military purposes and the kid replies, military . There you go again. Whats paper got to do with war weapons . And alfred says, why, its used to make parachute flares, wing tips, bomb bands, and other military objects, containers for shells, army rations, and various other essential supplies are made from paper, too. See . You probably didnt know that. The kid didnt know that. And alfred says, everybody can help by using paper sparingly and by collecting waste paper. You can sell it to a dealer or turn it over to charitable organizations like the red cross or to your school. And the kid says, okay, let me help right now and he takes the big pile out of alfreds hands and he carries it himself. And alfreds very impressed. He says, i seem to have been very persuasive. And the kid says, dont worry, alfred, ill collect plenty of paper myself from now on and help bop hitler and here hirohito on the nose. And you see how this onepage story draws the connection between turning in wastepaper and bopping hitler and hirohito on the nose. Hirohito was the emperor of japan at this time. Well get into the thing of punching hitler in the nose in a little bit. But i want to show you a few other people getting into the act of salvaging paper. Take a look at comic cavalcade number six. Here weve got wonder woman again pushing the express wagon, and shes accompanied by her friends, the golden age 1940s versions of Green Lantern<\/a> and the flash. How many people had seen the latest liveaction flash tv show . All right. And that flash with the hat. We used to call him the flash with the hat when we were kids. He was the flash of the golden age, the 1940s. And i always used to wonder, how can he run so fast without losing his hat . Especially on a windy day or with the wind generated by him running so fast. But he could do it because hes the flash. See . And with Green Lantern<\/a>, i always wondered, with all of the different colors in his costume, the purple cape, the red shirt, the red and yellow striped boots, why does he call himself the Green Lantern<\/a> . He could have picked a whole bunch of other colors. Well, because the ring was green and the lantern was green. Okay . Like superman and batman and robin, wonder woman kept her basic appearance from the golden age to the present, so shes still recognizable to people who might not recognize the other two. Now you notice these three superheroes are leading a crowd of kids. Ill zoom in and zoom out at the same time here. Notice theres a crowd of kids, and theyre all doing what . Theyre all carrying big stacks of paper and wonder womans pushing a wagon filled with big stacks of paper. See . Shes got this wagon and all this paper is tied up. And this sign over here drives the point home. It says, war production urgently needs waste paper. Theyre not very subtle about it. And this tells you Something Else<\/a>, too. It tells you why comics from the world war ii period are so rare and scarce. And if youve got a mint condition or near mint condition copy of a golden age 1940s comic book, yes, you can sell it for a lot of money. Its not so much the age of the comic book, although thats part of it, but the scarcity. Because as one writer put it, the kids reading these comics back in the world war ii days were so good and so faithful about turning the waste paper in after they finished reading them. So many of those comics were destroyed, see . Thats why the comics were so scarce, because they were destroyed by the kids who finished reading it, finished sharing it with your friends. Now were going to take it and put it in one of these bundles and turn it into the government so they can use the spare waste paper. Everybody see that . I remember the 1989 batman movie and all the batman hoopla that came out of that. And a lot of people got it into their heads that if they started saving those comics from 1989, 1990, 1991, that they, too, could make a lot of money in 20 years, and it didnt quite pan out that way. You know why . Because we werent doing this anymore. Probably if you buy a comic now and save it and save it and save it, its probably not going to be the next action number one or the next Detective Comics<\/a> number 27 or even the next amazing fantasy number 15, which introduced spiderman. I remember, we said detective 27 was the first appearance of batman. You know. Its probably not going to be that. I mean, you can go ahead and save it if you want. You never know. You really dont. But if people count on that, theyre going to be very disappointed. The reason comics from this era are so valuable if you got a good or a mint condition copy today is because so many of them were destroyed in the paper drives. Okay, everybody see that . They were sacrificed to a larger purpose. I sometimes i sometimes i was born in queens. Grew up in queens, manhattan. And one of the things i loved was looking at things from the 19391940 worlds fair. That seemed to be so cool. And i wished that they had kept the trilon and the big globe, wished that they had not melted it down so that i could see it. But you know why they melted it down . For a bigger purpose. It was melted down for war material. The same with these old comic books. They were destroyed for a bigger purpose, because this was a generation of kids and their parents who said, whatever little bit ive got, even if ive got to sacrifice, im going to give that up for the bigger purpose. Weve got a war to win. If we dont fight this war, if we dont wage this battle, there may not be a future. For people to look back from. This is more than just the funny books. This is really serious stuff. Okay. Weve talked a lot about dc. Lets get more into marvel. We did talk about marvel. The last couple of classes, marvels first two big characters were the sub marriner and the human torch. Incidentally, the title submariner was borrowed from that poem, rhyme of the ancient mariner, water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink. Fire and water. And they would fight. Their first big superstar character, the one that really put them on the map in a way that they hadnt quite been before, was, of course, captain america. And we talked about captain america as a symbol of fighting the axis even in the time before the United States<\/a> officially entered world war ii. How many people have seen captain america the first avenger . Okay, all right. Which is good, because im going to show you a little excerpt of it, and im not going to feel so bad that i cant show you more of it right now. Because most of you have seen it. I want to draw your attention to one particular part. Just before he goes out in what he considers a clownish suit why am i out here selling war bonds . And the fellow says, listen, listen, bonds buy bullets, bullets kill nazis. And he draws that connection. And when he goes out there with that shield and hes reading all his lines, hes talking about the connection between buying a bond and helping your loved one overseas. This is a representation, i would say, of the reallife struggle that the captain america comic magazine was helping to wage, okay . Lets show the excerpt. Then im going to show you a couple of other comics. I dont know if i can do this. Sell a few bonds, bonds buy bullets, bullets kill nazis, bing, bang, boom. Youre an american hero. Getting there. The senators got a lot of pull up on the hill. You play ball with us, youll be leading your own platoon in no time. Take the shield. Go. Save the american way not all of us can storm a beach or drive a tank, but theres still a way all of us can fight. Fight, fight, fight series e defense bonds. Each one you buy is a bullet in the barrel of your best guys gun. For america wait, wait, wait, wait, wait what poster are they posing in front of . That one. That one. Thats right this is a takeoff of the famous uncle sam poster that says, i want you. That was done during world war i and was used again very effectively during world war ii. But here, captain americas saying, i want you to buy war bonds now. Now, many of you have seen this movie, and you know that as part of his war bond drama, part of the routine, i will say he wasnt dancing in it, but it was the act, that theres this guy who portrays hitler. And at the appropriate moment, captain america turns around and punches hitler in the face, right . And if you look at it closely, it inspires a cover of a comic book. This comic book captain america number one. Now, this is the actual, real captain america number one. That came out long before the attack on pearl harbor, and we talked about in class that joe simon, jack kirby, the people who produced what would later be called the Marvel Comics<\/a> line of comics it had a number of names back in these days, timely, atlas, et cetera, et cetera said, you know, were trying to make a statement against the isolationism. The isolationists were saying, eh, lets just make our separate American Peace<\/a> with hitler so that hell leave us alone. We dont need to get involved in the war. Lets just leave hitler alone and he will leave us alone. And there were folks who said, since when did hitler ever leave anybody alone if he had the chance to invade them . No, we need a hero thats going to express the need to fight hitler. There was a concern, because hitler was this dictator who might get killed at any time, that by the time this comic book hit the stands, that hitler might already be dead. And they felt, well, that might not be the worst whether he is alive or dead when it hits the stands. If you look at the captain america movie again, and theres a lot of comics sold of him punching hitler in the face, what the moviemakers did is to come up with a fictional in plot reason why this image became so popular. Action comics number one, he does lift up a car, smack it against a cliff. In captain america, it is like well, he couldnt have gotten that close to hitler, otherwise the war would already be over with. What they did is say this is a representational cover and the moviemakers came up with a real reason that inspired it. Everybody see that . Lets look a little bit at captain america covers which in and of themselves were pieces of propaganda, because you see, when you went to the newsstand to buy the comics, the cover was so important because it is first thing that met your eyes, and the captain america comics were masterpieces of propaganda, and he likes punching the enemy in the face. Case in point. Captain america number 13. The first captain america that came out after the attack on pearl harbor. Lets read this a bit. He is punching a japanese warlord saying, you started it, now well finish it. On the top lefthand corner it says, all out for america issue. Theres a special urgency, now we are at war. Lets open this comic and see what hits us on the first page. By the way, down here it says, remember pearl harbor which is kind of hard to forget at the moment when this comic was published. Lets open up the cover, and lets look at the first page. Ill zoom in here. All right. Captain america, new, exciting. Whos the editor . Stan lee. I told you that Martin Goodman<\/a> was head of Marvel Comics<\/a>, and distant relative of his who was just a kid at the time comes to marvel, hes hired to basically be a gopher. And whats a gopher . A go for this, go for that, and sweep the floor, and little rinkydink jobs like that. The guy had some income coming in, over time as simon and kirby moved to other things and features, other people at marvel were drafted into the army, stan lee becomes the only guy left in the office. Sometimes working for a Small Company<\/a> can help you out if youre the only guy left in the office. At that young age, guess what, hes the editor. Stan lee would later say it was supposed to be temporary while everybody else was at war, but it turned out that the temporary job that i had lasted like 30 years. Whats at the center of the page in between captain america and bucky . Whats at the center . Looks familiar. The minuteman image for defense buy United States<\/a> savings bonds and stamps. Bucky is even saluting it. Theres Something Else<\/a> here, too. Way down here on page 57, after you have finished reading the adventures of captain america and bucky, we have something down here with way down on page 57, we have a character called the secret stamp. Meet americas newest hero as roddy colt, United States<\/a> agent, dons the mask of the secret stamp in the first of many thrill a minute true to life adventures. How many people have heard of the secret stamp . I didnt think so. Whose the secret stamp . Are they not making a movie about him . The secret stamp is a kid on a bicycle, puts on a mask, has a cape, sells war bonds and stamps. But he got the governments attention. Let us turn to page 57 of this comic book. There he is. The kid, bicycle, and whats that button . It says, official u. S. Defense agent. Woohoo. But what is interesting about this splash page about the secret stamp is that the last page, in addition to the big minuteman image here, is also dedicated front and center to a letter to stan lee from the United States<\/a> Treasury Department<\/a> on december 2nd, 1941. That is a week before pearl harbor. And let us see what it says. Mr. Stan lee, editor, captain america comics. 330 west 42nd street, new york new york. Dear mr. Lee. We welcome the opportunity of congratulating you on the patriotic thought behind your new adventure comic strip roddy colt u. S. Defense agent. Remember, roddy colt is the identity of the secret stamp. Cant forget that. We like the idea very much and believe such a strip will be effective in connection with the plan promoted by Newspaper Publishers<\/a> now reaching national proportions to sell defense savings stamps through approximately 500,000 loyal Young American<\/a> newsboys from maine to california. Sincerely yours. Eugene w. Sloan. Director, defense saving staff, Treasury Department<\/a>, washington, d. C. Wow. This guy got the governments attention. Take the opportunity to buy some of these. These are on kindle or ibooks, and you can get a lot of golden age comics for a dollar just by reading these. Its not bad, the secret stamp. Hes a kid who is mad when bullies knock over a bicycle and take all the defense stamps for themselves. What does he do . He puts on a mask, a cape, gets on his bicycle and goes after them. He even gets the time at some point in the plot to call the police. Im always concerned about this kind of thing. You cant put on a mask and cape, on your bicycle, go after crooks. I mean, the guys could be dangerous, but the message got through. Selling u. S. Savings bonds and stamps was an important thing, and that you were working for your government when you did it, and anybody who tries to rob or steal them really was a crook. Not just against the person he robbed or stole it from, but against the government. And the point got through. Apparently the point got through very, very well because with each passing year, 1942, 1943, 1944, 1945, americans kept buying bonds. There were different loans. The second war loan, then the third war loan, fourth war loan, fifth war loan, and sixth war loan, and called the mighty seventh war loan. The idea was, and this may shock you, that if you begin to see good news in the newspaper about the war, this is not the time to sit back and say, okay, its over. I wont buy so many defense stamps. They didnt want you to do that. They didnt want you to do that at all. They wanted to make sure that people kept it up. Im going to play this song sung by the legendary bing crosby about how in the latter days of the war, americans were still urged to keep it up. To keep it up. All right. Im going to turn this up here. People are very fond of my colorful speakers. Im going to turn it way up. I hope it doesnt blow anyones hearing away, it shouldnt. Title, buy, buy, buy bonds which is pretty easy to remember. Here we go. Buy, buy, buy a bond and by buying the bonds it will bring you victory buy, buy, buy a bond and youll be standing by the victory arch when johnny comes marching home again oh you should need no request for afterall you know that you are investing in the best until lads come back again and back to the old attack again buy, buy, buy bonds this is no time to say that you have done enough this is the time to do your stuff and even if you cant be a soldier in the ranks you can be the guy that helped to supply the guns and planes and tanks and this is a time for you to do your best this is no time for you to take a rest the enemy is reeling and his moral is low, so now is the time to fall in line and deal the final blow buy, buy, buy a bond buy a bond and by buying a bond it will bring you victory buy, buy, buy a bond buy a bond and youll be standing by the victory arch when johnny comes marching home again oh, you should need no request for after all you know that you are investing in the best until the lads come back again back to the old attack again buy, buy bonds do you think the message got through . Oh yes. Oh yes. Buy, buy, buy bonds. Keep buying them, and do not think that just because the war seems to be going our way that you can slack off. And actually after the war was won and that hard fought victory was achieved, the United States<\/a> Treasury Department<\/a> continued to advertise u. S. Savings bonds and stamps as a way to finance your education, to finance a home, to finance civilian things you wanted as an important way to save money. As of 2012, you cant go to a bank or other overthecounter institution as they say to buy bonds, but you can buy them at the u. S. Treasury online website treasurydirect. Gov. People have been asking why arent u. S. Savings bonds and things of that nature as popular now as they were back in the days of world war ii . One of the reasons is that for some of the bonds youre not getting any interest. It is zero or 0. 3 . It doesnt seem like it is going to give you much anymore, not like when we talked about you put in 18. 75, you get back 25. Youre not having that so much. Some people are nostalgic where you dont have the physical thing anymore. I mean, you can printout, go online, and you can buy the bond and print something out and stick that in your niece or nephews birthday card, but it doesnt seem the same. The government has been saying that by discontinuing the paper bonds were saving a lot of money regarding cost of printing the paper bonds. So thats a thought. But some of the romance is gone. Some of the romance is gone. And some people particularly, i can identify with this too, a generation that grew up before there were computers, before everything was online, they might find the online buying of bonds just a bit cumbersome as one reporter put it. It is not as easy as walking up to a place and maybe some celebrity might be there to give you one of these books and give you a set of stamps. You know, it is not like that anymore. It is kind of impersonal. The big reason is that people dont see it is much of an investment. I want to ask you this. I want to ask you this. And after i do this, im going to open it up for questions, for the qs and as. Dr. Taylor, were more interested in as than qs. I get that. Thats all right. Question is, does our government need money today, yes or no . Yes. Right . So why dont we have bond campaigns like we have been talking about over todays class for other purposes . Health care, ah, what else, to lower the deficit . There are places you can contribute money to the government to lower the deficit, sure, you can do that. But come on, where are the celebrities, the comic book characters or the cartoon characters, where are the songs about buying bonds . Where are people saying, hey, whatever you can give, it is going to help . Im saying, whatever the Economic Conditions<\/a> that may or may not make u. S. Savings bonds as attractive to americans on the street as they used to be, what about that idea of connecting a great cause to an individuals purchasing of savings bonds and stamps . What happened to that . Couldnt we do that again, and if so, what caused this . I would like to open it up for questions with the mic if anybody has some ideas. Just wait for the mic. Remember, we have talked about Lamont Cranston<\/a> and the shadow. You have to wait for that filtered microphone. Anybody like to take a crack, why dont we do this anymore . This could be fun. Go for it. Is it possibly because there isnt as much patriotism with it . While we are still fighting in iraq and afghanistan of course, there isnt as much of a greater threat as there was back in world war ii with the nazis and with the japanese . I dont know. I think people would argue that the threat levels are just as high in our post 9 11 world. But youre not the first person to think about whats happening to the patriotism. Whats happening to the patriotism . Would it be something about how paying money towards the government is somehow viewed as this socialist effort that people are now completely turned off from . It has to do with what do americans think about various terms like socialism and capitalism and all of the other isms. Is it not good anymore to pay money to the government . I want to throw in a related question on this for you to think about. Are americans more gung ho on paying taxes today than 1943 . What about that . What about getting a cartoon out there to help americans feel better about paying their taxes . Okay. Wait for this mic. I was going to say that society is different. People are more selfish today. People are more selfish today. Yeah, not willing to do those type of things anymore i think. It is a different era, different, you know, i think thats why. Thats sad. But its the reality. Why are people more selfish . It is all about me. I mean, arent there plenty of things to get excited about in terms of helping others . What happened to that . Is it because theres lack of trust toward our government now that theyre going to take our money and do the right thing with it . Now this is something youve hit upon. In the wake of vietnam and watergate, theres this idea that the government may not always be as trustworthy, may not tell the entire truth, and you might not and reporters might not be able to trust everything that the president says. There was an aura around the presidency in world war ii. Thats part of it, theres a mistrust of government, but maybe the mistrust is against the american publics own interest when it comes to not getting to be part of bond drives and savings drives. Is there a way to rebuild that trust . What do you think . What do you think . Hey, im taking my aquaman break here or submariner break. I should be bipartisan, right . Notice, one character here. One character there. One company here. One company there. One has to be bipartisan. Okay. But one thing d. C. And marvel and other companies had in common is that when Something Like<\/a> world war ii came up, they all pitched in to help. All joking aside on that, they all pitched in to help. But is there a great cause . When is the last time you picked up a comic book, saw a cartoon that talked about a cause in the real world . Real world, two syllables. It was escapism and also irrelevance. Irrelevance that said when you finish reading this comic and your friends finish it, give it to the government to help the war efforts. You want to hit hitler on the nose, help captain america do that. Buy u. S. Savings bonds and stamps. What happened . Think about it. Think about it. Large distrust in events like watergate, and i remember when i took a course with you, that when Abraham Lincoln<\/a> said something, nobody questioned it. I mean somebody has to question it now and again, but like the masses believed in their president. You think there was an understanding . There was an understanding that government is for us like theyre trying to help us. That was the mentality. But as vietnam, watergate, and as time went on, and you know, split between the people and the government happened. I think that thats why people now, ask any young person that doesnt know about knows decent amount of history, isnt in history courses, so they might not want to be affiliated with politics, the majority of people say that they dont know whats going on. Like they just dont want to hear about it. What is going on in the government, but the masses eyes now, like the government doesnt care. They are out just for personal gain, and when they do this, thats it. Whatever happened to the superhero approach that the government was a hero . Whatever happened to that . I feel like nowadays people have a distaste for helping the government, they dont want to help a government they dont agree with. So the government seems to need to get the image of being a hero again. How do we do that . How do we do that . Isnt there an issue now that we would never be able to get away with publishing a superhero punching another leader in the face, that we would view that now as poking the bear rather than as a nationalist or nationalism pushing forward of something . Instead it is dangerous almost. Were more likely to make fun of the crisis than act about it. Thats going to be part of it. When we look at what happens to comics, world war ii and the future, because were getting towards the end of our class today. I want you to think about something. How did, how did the image of the government change, and watch this, how did the image of the superhero change and the idea of were comic books good for kids in the first place, and what happened to that idea as we are moving out of the 40s into the 50s. We are going to be looking at a lot of issues that we explored today as the calendar moves from one year to another, and one decade to another. But were going to have to pick that up next time. So ill see you then. Were featuring American History<\/a> tv programs as a preview of whats available every weekend on cspan3. Tonight, remarks from the annual Lincoln Forum<\/a> symposium which takes place every november in gettysburg, pennsylvania. Historians answer the question, what caused the civil war . American history tv, tonight at 8 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan3. During world war ii, the u. S. Government contracted Walt Disney Studios<\/a> to create 32 short films. Disney contributed to hundreds of training and informational films for service branchs and the office of war information. Next on reel america, from 1943, education for death, the making of the nazi, based on a book with the same title, this cartoon lampoons the hitler youth","publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","width":"800","height":"600","url":"\/\/\/25\/items\/CSPAN3_20200402_155300_Lectures_in_History_American_Cartoons_in_World_War_II\/CSPAN3_20200402_155300_Lectures_in_History_American_Cartoons_in_World_War_II.thumbs\/CSPAN3_20200402_155300_Lectures_in_History_American_Cartoons_in_World_War_II_000001.jpg"}},"autauthor":{"@type":"Organization"},"author":{"sameAs":"","name":""}}],"coverageEndTime":"20240716T12:35:10+00:00"}

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