Now we come to the Prime Ministers questions. Umbequestion number one mister speaker. Mister speaker this morning to mymy duties and we need to build th more songs on both sides speaker, we need to build more homes on brownville sites but we also need to make sure the houses weve got our of a decent standard. In states across my constituency we need investments to make sure for those have decent homes. So will be agreed by improving homes they will level up our economy and deliver workingclass communities . Ng my honorable fred is spot on and hell be hearing more about that in just a half hours time but hes quitealfuite right we d be building on brownfield sites and o building Beautiful Homes people actually want. Thank you, mr. Peakspeaker. Mr. Speaker, our thoughts are with the loved ones of those who sadly died to contracting the coronavirus and those that still are suffering from theon disease including the honorable member. I want once again to payori tribute to our medical staff working so hard to combat the to spread of this disease and care for those affected. I think we should all express our gratitude to the chief medical officer and the chief scientific advisor who is shown Exceptional Leadership the route and will continue to follow their advice. Mr. Speaker, sunday wase t T S International womens day, apeta day when we celebrate thel women omen around the achievements of women around the world. Recognizes the advances made inp working towards a goal of gender inequality. Most importantly reflector ref w far we have to go to achieve that. Workers who were overwhelmingly women are on zero hours contract. The essential care workers self isolate if the symptoms ofofmany coronavirus. Manyoice may feel they have no choice but to continue working. Will the Prime Minister finally bring an emergency legislation to guarantee sick pay for zero hours workers to help contain the spread ofd ofthe virus . Well, mr. Speaker, i know the whole house will wish to join the honorable gentleman in wishing my honorable friendwish the ministr for mental healt health speedy recovery. And i know, mr. Speaker, issued a a letter to her but across the a guided i parliamentary estate and use in your letter, mr. Speaker, we will be guided i england and ourth response to this situation. And they are also providing the honorable members and to the offices. As the right honorable gentleman knows, in just a few minutes we will be hearing from my right honorable event the chancellor on what measures were taken to protect everybody. As he knows he has brought statutes and they want. But for those were onill types f contract we will ensure they get the protection that they need, and nobody does the right thing by staying at home is ip penalized. E that i hope that legislatioo comes rapidly and it does guarantee that people dont have to make a choice between to spreading the virus because at they had to go to work or should staying at home self isolated s. As they should do if they got the symptoms. Can the Prime Minister explain why according to a report by the institute of Health EquityLife Expectancy the has gone don for the poorest women in our society . Well, mr. R. Speaker, over all, Life Expectancy is down at its but i wil highest level. But i will not and attribute to the consistent attri work ofs government and others, but it is absolute thi truth that there are too many instances into many parts of tha the country we we are seeing Life Expectancy not rising to we would like. It is true there are part of this country where one in 50 pregnant women are smokers in parts of the country were only one in four pregnant women are smokers. Uniwhatt uniting and a leveling up across this whole country. Thats why were putting countrd 12,000,000,000 pounds in public health. This is a party of nhs that is to putting record investments into our nhs precisely for the purpose. Mr. Ink ttancy has i dont think the Prime Ministerf answered my question. And it is no surprise life countries inhas gotten thedownd 50 cuts were made this portion ugly t on the shoulders of. Women we are one of the richest countriesount in the world and t is mindboggling that Life Expectancy should be falling in this country. Mister speaker, for the poorests people, for the forest people in our society Life Expectancy is falling. The government should have an answer to that. Misterer speaker, the prime in i minister supports the rules. Absolutely horrendous clause in a childs taxax credit ruled. Why do you think its right that t 200 mothers have to prove to the was conceived as a result of being raped so they can keep theirt t child tax credits . Prime minister. Mister speaker i want to correct the point just made. It is im afraid the case as has been revealed just in the last few days that mortality is at its lowest level in this country since 2001. Since 2001. Recipients of benefit,and will o obviously draws attention to an injustice and will do everything we can to rectify introduc it. Well, i would hope that means the Prime Minister is going to introduce legislation to end the two regulations to end the two policy and been the strategy because that exactly what happens when women who are victims of rape have to prove theyve been raped in order to get benefits for their child. 50 years ago, mr. Speaker, the labour minister Barbara Castle introduced the equal pay act. But women are still paid 17 less than men, and under this government the gender pay gap is estimated to take men, gende0 years to close. Why hasnt the Prime Minister followed labours it lead and st there now recclosing it by 2030 . Mr. Nspeaker, not only are there now record when ininth appointment n this country but the gender pay gap is atake pay gand it was this conservate government that make sure the company said report on the gender pay gap, mr. Speaker. 17 gap that is too big, tooo wide and should be closed and a government should do it. Somethg about it. Peakmr. Speaker, every fortnight, three women are killed by their partner or expartnerrdo herereo Domestic Violence is onlyly likely to increase its large numbers of people are having to self isolate. Ten years of austerity has denied the funding they need to support victims ofofwi Domestic Abuse. Will he commit to the extra 173 million needed every year to ensure that survivors get the support they so desperately need . Et hey mr. Speaker, we just put record funding back into counsels to support that and all the responsibilities. Re we are committed when he talks of Domestic Abuse, we have brought forward a victims law to guarantee victimsrights and this government has an outstanding record of tackling violence against women and girls. And that is why we are now taking forward in this parliament are landlocked Domestic Abuse bill. Funding for Domestic Abuse bill will simply be a piece of paper. There has to be funding tostic ensure that those are victims of Domestic Violence gets the support they need in this sense they need that are underfunded by his government. Mr. Speaker, the prime made repeated offensive remarks against single mothers and their children. Yes, and he described an them as illraised, ignorant, aggressive and illegitimate. Against muslim women saying they look like bank robbers. Against working women suggesting the best way of dealing with advice for c female colleague is just to pat her on the bottom anday. Send her on hr way. Consewords have consequences. His offensive words are backed up with offensive andnd discriminatory policy. Dismantling local services which women, particularlyd thate disabled womentory policies disproportionally rely on. Can the Prime Minister apologize for his offensive comments and ensured that these discriminatory policies are reversed by his government . Et mr. Speaker, im proud of what this government has donene[s [shouting] im proud member i female mps in our body today. Im proud this is the only party that has producednewo to e female, not one but two in the [shouting] we can it be an extraordinary amazing thing, mr. Speaker, [shouting] wouldnt be an amazing think that party would produce a female leader of the own . Dont hold your breath, mr. , mr. Eadersr, but i will take a lessons from a party where women, good women, good female mps are bullied out of their party. [shouting] just because the it d the justice to stand up to stand up against antifeminism in the own party. [shouting] thank yo u very much, mr. Speaker. My right honorable friend the Prime Minister i know the great champion of the countryside as we benefited both from producing high Animal Welfare food and also the amount of carbon that is in the soil and through permanent pasture. In our conservative manifesto we stated on page 57 in our trade negotiations compromise our high Environmental Protection and Animal Welfare and foodighn a standards. Will the Prime Minister meet with me and other colleagues with world farming al fardiseaso discuss how Rural Farmers and growers in trade deals provide them with more opportunity, even more food [shouting] mr. Speaker, my honorable friend is right. We will not compromise our and Animal Welfare, not compromise on food standards and hygiene. Imm only too happy to meet him and his fellow farmers to discuss the opportunities ahead. Thank you, mr. Speaker. As the numbers infected by the coronavirus grow, the public concern grows with it. Last week the primeancial minisr gave the assurance that no one would be financially penalized for following health advice. And yet still millions ofo stop selfemployed workers have been left in deep uncertainty and poor financial healthh given if theyre forced to stop working. This house, mr. Speaker, we are in a privileged position. We will not be prfinancially worse off. Millions of workers are not in a privileged position. They may be forced to posit reln Social Security fork b an extend because of this virus. Eso for the record, ten Prime Minister tellme what t the stats can the Prime Minister tellme what the status is of the uk government . Mr. Speaker, its not my duty to cou comment on the trade rates by the country all i can tell you, i can tell you im a member which he knows very well, which he knows very well is that we and this government have already edadvanced from day for today one. Oday uwe will make those in unil and other benefits get the help they need from day and my right honorable friend the chancellor, we will be telling him more about what were doing to protect everybody in this aside to make sure everybody is not penalized for doing the right thing. E try h but let me try and hed Prime Minister. Per himand perhaps inform him e details here in ireland in response to the coronavirus the government has just raised the statutory secretary duke equivalent of o 266 pounds per week. This covers and thoseseseloyn selfemployment. In germany and austria to an 287 pounds, and sweden is 230. In spain it is 121. Pounds and but as in the uk, in the uk, Prime Minister its a meager 94 pounds, 25 per week. Prime minister, up to 80 of people across the United Kingdom could face infection in the weeks and months ahead. The tomany of them will be foro rely on sick pay. If the Prime Minister is truly committed to leveling up a good place to start musto commihe be statutory sick pay will he take the opportunity to stand up today and commit to raising the uk payment to the average eu level . Mr. Speaker, as a think most understand,the house the uk assistantthe ukhe for maf the countries around the world and xtencertainly in the eu. We have a universal freesi healh system, we have an extensive benefit system free for people across this country and, indeed, our Health System from a is, very wellprepared for this epidemic and i congratulate everybody in the nhs responsible for making thee preparations that they have. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Last week i had the pleasure of visiting a hospital to see a demonstration of an advanced surgical robot which represents in healthwardrd provision in my constituency. Thus the Prime Minister agree with me that technological advances in the nhs is paramount to providing the best level of patient care and will he agree to work with me . Yes, mr. , mr. Speaker, and thats why my honorable Friend Health secretary and i determined to advance robot technology, ai into nhs. Would put in in another 200il Million Pounds and it is that every the nhs is leading over 500 Million Pounds moreli increase of nearly from last year 5 . O mr. Speaker, a month ago i asked the Prime Minister about his to work on overstretched nhs. He dodges the truth. Can the Prime Minister today confirm exactly what steps he taken to ensure all these consoles to work in all of our hospitals . Ehe i yes, mr. Speaker, thats what introduced a fast track to nhs visa. On war widows. R. S mr. R. Poinspeaker, my right honorable friend has made this point to me and i heard i from the war widows of themselves about their own concerns. The ministry of defence iso looking for what can be done to provide meaningfulning support o those of lost their loved ones. Given that the previous treasury defence secretary sought and was refused permission from the treasury to help the estimated 265 war widows whose pensions were canceled wewhen they remarried and can be permanently restored only by t their going through a divorce and remarriage to their second husband, will the Prime Minister personally meet moira came and Mary Moreland of the War Widows Association, finally to put an end to this deplorable and this honorable situation . N . Speaker, the m. O. Is looking at this very problem and im conscience ofs, the isse that he raises, skedthat he raid with me. H friend secretary of t state for defense to meet the chairman of the War Widows Association to discuss further what we can do. Mr. Speaker, last week in thereleas awardwinning actor musician released a hardhitting new album and a short film the long goodbye which passed thehear heartbreak of many minorities where her are feeling unwanted ine britain where here oclock crime is speech affects public life. These are also the concerns of muslims in my i urge members of house to t listen to and watch it. So m could the Prime Minister ad hiding behindutt the ropes of his muslim ancestors, yes, we hasall know e has them, offer a fig leaf that is tha exchancellor of the cabt provided him, or resorting tof the potentially dividedfortat reflection of the barristers issue which is antisemitism . 300 300 complaints of is doing islamophobia from his party. Can he can you simply assure me what he is doing [shouting] order. Prime minister. Re t well, mr. Speaker, i can reassure that is racism inr hate orr this party, in ourhe Conservatie Party and i wish i could say the same of her own party. The news they are expecting their first child. All parents want the best stat in life for their children. Inwith the uk lagging behind the rest of the world i in the numbr of diseases that we test, we only test for nine conditions in theill country. Do you agree with me and will you support my Campaign Calling for a review of the new born baby screening m program . Mr. Speaker, she raises a very important point. Im glad starting this yearht hf screening for babies withtary sd severe combined hes man immunodeficiency would be evaluated for inclusion in the screening. But to my right honorable Friend Health secretary said hes more than willing to meet her to discuss further what screening and how screening can be improved. Provreeningow s what is he going to do to help the selfere employed in the noy Coronavirus Crisis . Im grateful to the honorable gentleman and what were going to do to ensure nobody is penalized for doing the right thing. Everybody has access to the benefits and the sports that they need, and if he can contain himself, mr. Speaker, my right honorable friend the chancellor will be setting out more in just a minute. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Will the Prime Minister join with me in min congratulating the mighty swim team for the five goldmedal haul at the International Opening last month . The swimmers involved woo mwer james will be, abbyaxshaw woods, and Molly Renshaw here surely be very epicenter of sporting excellence. Hear, hear. Stic im having worked at repi university and a fantasticng thr site. I know their global reputation i have no hesitation in congratulating them on her behalf. Can the Prime Ministernpopulr explained to me why he is so scotland, singularly unpopular inalf the independences lost half the scottish mps, support for