Transcripts For CSPAN3 House Appropriations Hearing On NASAs

CSPAN3 House Appropriations Hearing On NASAs Moon Landing Budget July 13, 2024

Id like to welcome nasa administrator, Jim Bridenstine and ken bowersox to the subcommittee this morning. Earlier this year, nasa commemorated the 50th anniversary of the landing on the moon, which remains the single most successful and Famous Mission and nasas history. Just a week before our bill was marked up in subcommittee, nasa submitted a 1. 6 Million Dollar Budget Amendment that intended to advance our humans to the years. This blowup obtained more information from nasa, regarding its plans to return to the moon. Of all of us on the subcommittee, we would like to send the first woman astronaut into the deep space, including to the surface of the moon and we want to do it in a responsible way, from the perspective of safety, cost and likelihood of success. As most of you know, i have been a strong supporter of nasa and we provide nasa more than 22. 3 billion in our house bill. However, i remain extremely concerned about the additional cause to accelerate the mission by four years. Some experts have said that they needed to in a meeting the deadline, c 25 billion dollars in the next years, compared to the original schedule. Today they have not provided a four estimate. In the time of fall neat, all competing for funding, an additional 25 billion dollars would severely impact vital programs, not only in this committee put across all subcommittees. Another concern i have is the lack of a serious justification for such a cause, since nasa has already program the landing, why does this need to split up the clock by four years, the time needed to carry out a Successful Program for science and safety perspective. For a lot of members, giving President Trump a moon landing and a possible second term should he be reelected. Not only nasas leadership has confidence in the success to advance this timeline, nasa acting associate administrator bowersox was a former astronaut with us today. He referred to the 2020 moon landing date as a difficult to achieve in a house science hearing just last month, saying i wouldnt bet my oldest childs birthday present on anything like that. Additionally, nasas manager for the human landing was quoted in an article about the timing saying, quote, this is a significant deviation for nasa and the government. All of this has to be done on the fast, on the quick, typically in the past, nasa is quite methodical, which is good. We are going to have to have an abbreviated approach to getting to industry standards and how we will implement this, this is a big shift for the entire nasa community. We cannot sacrifice safety and cannot sacrifice other programs to appease the president. Nasa needs to be prepared to see what missions will be canceled and the effort to come up with an additional 25 billion. I remain concerned for four years of this mission. In the eyes of the world, we cannot be afford to fail, therefore its better to use the original schedule in order to have a successful, safe and effective for the benefit of the people and the world. Thank you, i look forward to hearing your testimony. I would like to recognize my good friend, the Ranking Member for opening comments. I want to thank you for your leadership on the subcommittee, or willingness to have hearing throughout the year but in particular for this hearing, regardless of party labels and your kindness, we look forward to looking with you throughout this congress and we have a long way to go. So we know youre not leaving yet, but i would like to be remiss if i did not mention that this morning. I also appreciate the Ranking Member being here today, she has put a lot of hard work and expertise and the defence issues and on the space issues for her district and the state and for their country. Also, i would like to express my gratitude to to the president and Vice President were taking a real interest in nasa. They represent a very small part of the national budget, but which continues to serve ambitions. That was evident when i go into schools and everyone is very interested in it. I support the goal in 2024. I believe we owe it to the taxpayer to make sure the program we will need taxpayers support. The program suffer the kinds of delays, setbacks, the costs of returns, which have become what is known as business as usual in our states program. On the contrary. The artemis era its supposed to be characterized by unparalleled accountability and agility. Today, i will have questions whether national is still committed to getting to the moon by any means necessary. As an Ardent Supporter of the Space Exploration and also as fiscally conservative, im concerned that nasa could undercut its flexibility and and career unnecessary costs by forgoing opportunities to leverage existing assets and an attempt to foster a commercial space economy. Vice president pence declared in his comments, that nasa is not currently capable of landing american astronaut on the moon in five years, we need to change the organization. I couldnt agree more. The administrations ambitions but critically important 2024 moon land will be the ultimate test of nasas judgment and its accountability. Finally, the rockets and capsules and transfer vehicles and the descent must be systems which will keep our astronauts alive during the mission and bring them back to earth safely. As our nation embarks on complex new deep space endeavors but unprecedented private sector involvement, safety must be our number one priority. Hence, nasas ability to ensure safety in the commercial program will be a bellwether and i appreciate the administrators comments noting that commercial crew programs must proceed to contractor attention it deserves. I thank you both for being here today and its an honor to have you here before our subcommittee. Thank you mister chairman for holding this hearing and i will yield back. Thank you for your client comments. We are on this morning to have the Ranking Member with us, a person i respect a lot and a person i will remember for a way of dealing with people in such a friendly and professional way and bipartisan way. Miss granger . Thank you for holding this hearing and for your attention to space and your involvement. Im old enough to remember space programs, everyone sitting at their television and watching it. It was good for america and good for all of us. Welcome mr. Ken bowersox and welcome mr. Bridenstine. Its important to all americans in our Space Exploration goals. In march youre ally and she was challenged with returning our astronauts within the next five years. I support this accelerated 2024 goals and the Artemis Program. Sending american astronauts including the first woman on the moon to take advantage of the Technological Advancements in space. Our nation is facing threats in space from china. I read classified briefings that made the case that we must accelerate the artemis project. My advocacy for the Artemis Program was solidified after learning about chinas capabilities and their future plans. Unfortunately, the u. S. Has largely fallen behind in Space Research and development and will soon be outpaced by the chinese if we dont take action immediately. The only way to protect both our National Security and our economy is to dominate space and beat chinese and other near peer allies. Space is the next high ground and we have to take it. The decision to establish a presence there will will require a significant investment. As a result of, support for this ambitious but important 2024 timeline will be accompanied by great expectations, both in terms of schedule, cost, and safety. The administration recognizes that we have a tough job ahead of us, we are committed to working with you to ensure that nasa can advance our nations exploration priorities as effectively and efficiently as possible. Im working with the chairwoman, and Ranking Members on the appropriate of process. Before i ask the administrator for the comments, a lasting whats wrong with me and i dont do a shout out here. We spend a lot of time in washington, so shout out to the national to work on the upset of the century people who thought they couldnt do it is a lesson to all of, us just keep trying and you can pull us off. If we can only get the yankees to turn around against houston. Administrator, five minutes, we will include your full statement so, please go ahead. Thank you. Before i became the nasa administrators, the president had issued space policy directive one, and that direction was to go to the moon, to go sustainably, to go with the commercial partners and International Partners, and to utilize the resources of the moon that we discovered back in 2009, the hundreds of millions of tons of water ice on the south pole, the water ice represents life, its air to breathe, its water to drink, it rocket propellant. Hydrogen is the same rocket feel that will power the space launch system the, same that powered the Space Shuttles. We are going to use the resources of the moon and then ultimately we are going to take all of this knowledge that we learn in this architecture and go to mars. That was all in the president forced space policy directive. When i became the nasa administrator we put, together a plan. Given our current budgets, what will take to achieve this . We came up with a plan, as you identified, that put us on the moon in 2028 if budgets remain fairly constant. The challenge we have as a nation is that the longer programs go, the more Political Risk that we have and when we look back in history, we look back on the 1990s, it took decades in time and eventually got canceled. You look at the vision for Space Exploration. It took many years and eventually got canceled. So, the question is how do we reduce risks. Theres two types of risk, technical and Political Risk. The Political Risk is not partisan. Its just one programs go too long people start to lose confidence and then money is redirected in other places. I heard you say slow and methodical. Methodical, yes. Its all about doing things stepbystep and building on one lesson after another. What we are trying to change as a culture is that we are slow. We dont want to be slow. I think going fast makes sure we will have success. I also think that by going fast we will put ourselves into the Ranking Member position. Well put ourselves in a position to leave the world. Weve had astronauts from 19 Different Countries on the International Space station and experiments from 103 Different Countries on the International Space station. China is moving fast. They move going to the moon. The last time they landed on the moon, it landed on the far side of the moon. They had with a small probe and that was the first time in the ministry anyone had landed on the far side of the moon. They took out a two page ad in the economists and made it clear they are the leader and the exploration and everyone should partner with them. I think thats the wrong position. We have Political Risk, its Political Risk for programs taking too long and making sure our partners are with us. Thats an important reason to move faster. We dont want to take any undue risk and put lives at stake, but the history of nasa might be a little more slow than what is necessary, and we are changing the organization, as representative aderholt said, if we cant land on the moon in five years we need to change the organization. I believe that and i will tell you why. In the 1960s, president kennedy announced, 1962 they will end on the moon before the decade is out. They had the Johnson Space member and the orbital dynamics are going to the moon. They did not have to launch facilities, the rocket that went to the moon, we do not have any of these capabilities that currently we have to our advantage. They had to go from scratch. They did not have the ability to restore power and smaller quantities. They do not have the ability to reduce rockets and do all these things that were on the cusp of how we do spaceflight, so if we cant do today within five years, when they did within eight years and really seven years back in the sixties, i think we need to change how they do things. We need to leverage existing assets. If we go fast, if you want to land on the moon, which we want to do, if we want to go fast, how fast would we go . 2024 as halifax we would go. And at the end of the day, i think its important to note that that is not a guarantee, but its in the realm of what is possible. A lot of things have to go right to make that a reality, but what we are asking for is to make going past a possibility. I think these are all important things that we need to talk about and i appreciate you having this. And i look forward to answering any questions. Thank you. We will begin the first round of history for each member, each member will receive five minutes. We have asked for information about the mission we have received no response when we dont know it down the road. What is the additional from moving up it and further, any break the cost down by year for the upcoming year. Can you tell us, on a personal level, you know me, weve dealt on a personal level but this is not about finding the money. Its about where this president will find the money when he needs them. If he came to us and said no wall in return for it, you might get it from democrats. Maybe more than that. Lower pell, rounds lower foods that, lower education and that is not acceptable. That is the problem. I asked you a question couldnt give you time to answer it. The question is for 2020 includes 1. 6 billion dollars. I have been very clear with everyone i have talked to, it has to be a political. If we cut out of nasa, that will create a partisan divide we dont want to have. If we try to take the money out of the International Space station we will have the International Space station. Those are the two big areas where nasa has money, but i dont think that the right approaches to cannibalize those moments. Weve been very clear with everyone ive talked, to both sides of the aisle. The goal should be additional resources, not cannibalizing one part of nasa to feed another part of nasa. That being said, when we did the Budget Amendment, the 1. 6 Million Dollars, we were operating under previously established budget cuts, and its fantastic that an agreement was made between republicans and democrats to rates those budget counts that gives nasa a great chance. I also want to say, we are grateful for the market he did in the house, bigoted great, work especially on behalf of the science minister. I want to take anything away from the house mark but its also true that when we go forward with trying to get to the moon in 2024 that requires additional resources. I understand the concern with the outcome, and we want to give you the out years. We are working inside the administration with the office of management and budget and the National Space council to come up with what those numbers are, to get a consensus about what we are willing to put forward. I would also like to say that the budget settlement for 2021 is to do in february and we will have it in the 2021 bottle settlement without settlement. If you look at what they have done, they fenced the money, pending the full report on what it looks like. I think that is a big solution, something to consider we certainly want to move forward. You were very clear you dont want to take money from other national programs. I dont want to go to the moon without taking money from people who cannot afford to survive in this society to the level they should survive, so that is a big problem that we have to get over, your fiscal year was delivered earlier this year and are Still Available online. Youre looking at the out years, and included in that budget but part of nasas budget do you anticipate would need to go down and the 2021 . In order to pay for the additional costs associated with the scheduled change on the moon landing. Let a short cross to other priorities to achieve this effort . My objective is to let everybody know that cannibalizing certain parts of nasa to find another part its not my goal. I certainly will need additional resources, and whether you take it from stations, those of the two money that you create partisan fights. Im trying to stay and trying to maintain nasas a political approach. So i would say that my goal is to not cut any of nasas budget in order to finance the agenda, the budget settlement will be delivered in february of next year. Im having a little trouble getting the message through. Ill try one more time in the not drop it, okay . You dont want to hurt a nasa, they have support from this committee and the very people who were very hurt, but what you keep that support if the people knew that, eventually, you have to take money from their very needed situations, factory workers to help feed their family and now nasa is going to go to the moon based on taking money from them. I dont need an answer for that, just think about that as we go forward. And my time has been used up. Thank you. I was wondering how you think things are currently Going Forward on this, especially one through three. Absolutely. I will tell you, weve had some very challenging conversations. Youve seen that in a very positive way to the challenges that weve had development. Number one we have now started, or in fact weve completed the integration of the engine section. The engine section, which was the holdup, got delayed so we started to integrate the rest of the rocket and the horizontal, which enabled

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