For 40 years, cspan has provided america unfiltered coverage of congress, the white house, the supreme court, and corporate policy events from washington, d. C. , and around the country, so you can make up your own mind. In 1979, cspan is brought to you by your local cable or satellite provider. Cspan, your unfiltered view of congress. Than 500ear, more thousand students competed in National History day at the local level. Students advanced to the final at the university of maryland in june. The 2019 theme was triumphant tragedy. One of the presentation categories is a 10 minute performance. Next, a junior Level Performance by three middle School Students from Atlas Academy and waco, texas, on the brainwashing of hitlers youth. This is the triumph and tragedy of the hitlers youth. We fight, we sacrifice, we triumph. Of this lovesence banner that represents our fury, ice will to devote my energies to the savior of our country, adolf hitler. Im willing and ready to give my life for him, so help me god. What are you doing here . I am here because ive been told you cant keep up. My students need to know the real history theytlers himself says are the youth of the future. You will teach our country. I refuse. It is a lie. You are dismissed. Sir, where is our teacher going . He is being sent to be retrained. Now we will teach you, the leaders of tomorrow, what germany is destined to become. I learned so much today about our people and our history. At last, here is some of you who can get us out of this mess. Dont get your hopes up on the promises of the chancellor, all he wants is the chancellor. One of his promises is to defy the treaty of versailles, which will probably lead him to war with all of europe. All he wants is to unite all of the germans in europe. We are united as a brotherhood through the hitlers youth. I got my audit passed and i can go boating and hang gliding. It sounds exciting but i fear it is just preparing you for war. Your mother would not want that. What we do is necessary and important. Be loyal to the nazi party. On your knees now, we know there are jews here. Where are they hiding . In the basement, the basement. Get up, take him. You have made your nation proud. What will happen to my father . We will take good care of your father and teach them what you have been taught at school. Pleased to meet you. [indiscernible] for your bravery in your home town. Did you see the nuremberg rally . He addressed the world. Silence, there is no talking. You must learn to obey orders without question and to kill even if that means sacrificing yourself. We fight, we sacrifice, we triumph. Heil hitler. Dismissed. Hours of later shoveling gravel. I am exhausted, i have blisters on blisters. [indiscernible] complaining about our duties. You wouldnt catch me complaining. I wish i could do more. [indiscernible] heil hitler. I have a great opportunity for you today. I am giving you the owner of being able to participate in the firing squad at a concentration camp. I think my hands are too blistered to properly hold a rifle. So be it. Did you actually do it . They are destroying our nation. How many were there . This afternoon, 35, but i havent been bothering to count. So many bodies. Do you think the trenches we dug were mass graves . No. [indiscernible] we help our military. I think theyre going to burn the bodies, the stench is so bad i can barely eat my food. [indiscernible] [indiscernible] who work just as hard as we do, and for what . They have to die. Are you equating us with jews. [indiscernible] sent to concentration camps are. They are just too old or young or sick to work in factories. [indiscernible] you are just think sentimental about your loss. [indiscernible] remember your oath, surely you remember that proud day. [indiscernible] we are training to fight other combatants to protected germany and make it a great nation again. You did not see combat today. You slaughtered people like animals. They are animals. You see is our right murder . It was an opportunity to prove i could serve my fuhrer even though i worked all day. I did my duty, i followed orders. Has it occurred to you yet that you and i are severing a mass murderer . There is no honor in what you did today. Commandant, he is a jew lover and a traitor, he denounced hitler. I have no one left to trust. My own country betrayed me. I lost my friends, my family, and my home. How could one call a country that attacks innocence and forces brother to fight brother home . There is no trial, no honor in what ive done. There is no god, how could god let this happen to his people . I shouldve protecting my family. Those helpless jews. I thought what i was doing was right. Was i ignorant or just ignoring the truth . The whole world has been cursed. Germany was broken economically and politically as people desperately needed leadership for prosperity. The nazi party promised the german people and the hitlers youth triumphed. They were trained to be disciplined and strong. Some young germans joined [indiscernible] others were left with no choice but to join the hitler youth. [indiscernible] jews and dissenters were the tragic victims of hitlers regime. But not the only ones. The young were used and manipulated and ultimately their innocence was stolen away. [applause] i am from waco, texas. I am from waco, texas. I am from waco, texas. What is your school like in waco . Our school is Tennyson Middle School and we are in a special program called the Atlas Academy. An atlas, is for gifted and talented children and we have a special class called research which is devoted to history or science or app. Headed you decide to make a performance about the hitlers youth hitler youth. At the beginning of the school year we read the book night, and we were really interested in world war ii and then we found out about the hitler youth and we were shocked. How long did it take to craft your performance and how did you decide to organize it . We tried to include a lot of authenticity and our performance but also make sure it would fit the 10 minute mark. We started with a Pretty Simple script that did not have a ton of detail, but as we advanced further on, we were able to add more and keep working on it. Did you expect to be here in the finals . No. It must feel strange to be wearing swastikas. What does it feel like . Its a very serious topic and project and the swastika used to be a symbol of peace but hitler turned it into a different thing and basically made it a simple four symbol for evil worldwide. It is not a joke at all and it is very serious. Did the stories come from research, are the actual things that happened . All of our stories were scenarios from actual things that happened. It wasnt all from one hitler youth member but we found stories from many different members and from a group called the white rose that stood up like my character did at the into. And another that was loyal until basically the end. Michaels character was the actual leader of the hitler youth. Thank you very much. What is your vision in 2020 . Studentcam 2020 is asking students what issue you most want to see the president ial candidates address during the campaigns. Cspans nationwide video documentary competition for middle and high School Students, with 100,000 in total cash prizes, including a 5,000 grand prize. Produce are asked to short video documentary, include cspan video, and reflect differing points of view. Information to help you get started is on our website. The cspan cities tour concludes its look at sheridan, wyoming as cyrus western, representative in the wyoming state legislature, talks about the economy and infrastructure of the area. The 51st district encompasses the west half of sheridan county, all the way to the montana border. We have a little bit of everything. Bluecollar neighborhoods in my district, lots of miners who