The hippies, perhaps more than any social fun mom, brought drug issues to the surface. But most are children of middleclass and upperclass families. Thousands of snapshots on Police Station walt remained the only link to many of americas most affluent families and the children who embodied their great expectations. Nearly everybody in the Hippie Community smokes marijuana, whether they call it pot, grass, hemp, joint or mary jane, marijuana is the basic background for the shared drug experience. It is shared to such an extent roach pipes are in demand. Andach is a marijuana butt, requires a holder for those last few drags. The new generation, runaways or but foruse marijuana, some there is a social imperative beyond flaunting societal rules. For these adventurers, mindexpanding drugs open a window to a new frontier. Beautiful energy, and energy theife, energy of love, energy and every living entity, it is an energy we cant know about before we are born, the energy that is going to happen to us when we die. But we know about the energy before us, man, woman and child, animals. And if we love all that energy, we will love life so much that we will never die, because you will be so sure that you are part of god and part of that life energy, that universal poetry. With lsd, users try to discover inner truth and to make a pilgrimage to the soul, he has achieved unity with the universe. Under the psychedelic influence of hallucinatory drugs, the user often feels the supreme, private joy of spontaneous creation, in both music and the visual arts. Oath are brought together by the discotheque, in a unique blend of art nouveau and acid rock. [heavy guitar music] the use of lsd, particularly on a college camp and send College Campus and even among hippies, is on the downswing. Research linking it to birth defects has had a sobering effect. And those who forsake lsd seem to move in one of two directions, meditation or method are in. Oftenthe meditating, administered to buy a guru, they band together and commune together in narrator the second group finds with a liquid and a. Ot spoon providee counted on to a sixour surge of euphoria. Narrator but, it is accompanied by psychological dependence. You can become very addicted to it. There, suicide, actual suicide attempts. Wasonly attention i got they sent me to a psychiatrist who taught me how to play chess. My parents got quite upset. From there, several more wrists. , cutting my my parents addicted to crystal. You know what that is. I said i was addicted and wanted to come home. I would conform to your standards, your rules, go to lsu, be a perfect model of everything. Oregon,d no, sent me to five days cold turkey. These are the exceptions with the drug community. Marijuana is the common denominator. It is used universally within the hippie calls, the ghettos, and the high schools of every social and economic level. I would say at least 10 of the students have used and are using marijuana. Now, the frequency may very and it is difficult to estimate. Also a significant thing is that acceptance is gaining steadily in the usage is increasing very rapidly. Narrator but with marijuana comes eventual confrontation with the law, even though many authorities considered less harmful than alcohol, mere possession in the eyes of federal statutes brings two years, and the selling, 40. I want to Say Something about what happened to berry mcguire. Berry mcguire wasnt holding any grass or doing anything. , and he ised anyway in a malibu jail now. They have been known to plan t things, plant something in the pocket if they want to. They could find an antimatchbox, and by the time it gets to the lab, it could be full of grass. Narrator the complaint against the establishment remains the same, why should the adults put us down . They had their own drugs and a host of synthetic crutches, but mainly booze. The marijuana laws nationally , it is a thing by the Alcohol Companies to get their thing going. Who would drink if they had grass . Marijuana, what a beautiful drug. It is a lot safer than lst, d, heroin. They are no good because they k a persons composition. Club a lot of societies rules. We get high, ride bikes, and do what we want to do. Unconformbol our ancy. Legion casting its dissenting vote against the establishment, marijuana, butedrine, or motorcycles, they are putting us down in the boat is an international one. Britain, the very seat of the establishment. It is ironic after nine centuries of greatness, this kingdom and her maturity should give birth to hippies. It is hard to live like a beatnik. To live inou have the field or the street because you have no place to go, no place to sleep, no money. Drugs became popular, just pop groups come the stones, the yardbirds, the kinks. Narrator a phenomenon throughout europe, the middle east, and asia, the constant migration of young people, international beatniks permanently drifting. In rome, the spanish steps, with surplus drugs, there are ample business opportunities. To make him i know how to make money out of it. That his house from morocco, or africa, you can get one kilogram for 10. And you can sell it very expensive. Istanbul is another beatnik capistrano, clearinghouse for International Drug dealers, congregating point for the whos who among teenage wayfarers. Nearly all of the worlds ancient and exotic cities have hotels and restaurants not listed, but engaged in a thriving business. Scene inan interesting his temple. It is becoming wellknown. It is known in europe and in america. Before,el i mentioned and the name of the hotel is on the lips of people getting off the boat in europe from america, people have come to this town, to istanbul, and asked where such and such a hotel is that they heard that in america. It is interesting, it is such a small place on a back street that has become so wellknown. Narrator these gathering places are the United Nations in miniature. Young Travelers Companies australia, london, stockholm, and increasingly members from pennsylvania, indiana, oregon. They pass in an endless progression to the holy land, in caves on the island of crete. Some, it is the adventure of youth, healthy restlessness, a chance to put dissipate in a onceinalifetime odyssey and sample the fires of spring. Narrator for many others, it is a pilgrimage to the mystic repositories of wisdom and truth. The spiritual and intellectual apparent inecome the himalayas at 4500 feet, particularly when the company is good in the roach pipes are lit. Wellsprings of energy rush forth. For pilgrimages for centuries in all parts of the world. There is a great deal of their energy here. By meetinghis energy somebody beautiful people. Narrator if their aim is a thinly disguised excuses to avoid responsibility, they have not escaped it all, because even in shangrila, they become the focal point of world concern, and concern from that part of the world that they have the least use for, society. Many claimed they found new insights, a new religious experience, but i would like to point out these and i have known 1200 to 1500 addicts i have not found one of them who can claim they have taken a new position on values, been able to move out into the world and find a more comfortable existence, have changed things, made life more meaningful for someone else. I find a selfish, selfcentered existence, less concerned about the problems of the world, and more concerned about the escape from the problems of the world. Narrator even Straight Society makes judgments, which instead of strength communication between parents and their young, actually drives a wedge deeper. It is important we not equate Something Like long hair, which many of us down like because we cant tell the boys from the girls, but to equate longhair with the danger of taking a drug like lsd is a tragedy, and the youngster, when we equate the two is liable to turn out and stop listening to us and take these other drugs. [sirens] over the last several years, cases of drug abuse, addiction, and random use of drugs have given rise to aggressively increasing numbers of admissions to psychiatric hospitals, like this one here is a bellevue psychiatric hospital. Large numbers of mixed types of drugs taken by populations, including for the first time in the last few years, young people, middleclass young people that have given rise to admissions to psychiatric hospitals with acute psychiatric manifestations. Ic speed freaks and meth heads. There is a difference. Most people i know are not speed freaks. They are meth heads. I almost come close to being an ahead. Im the only one that has any sanity left. Narrator the harsh reality does not offer the easy camaraderie of istanbul or the spiritual rewards of kathmandu, but bellevue, as well as hundreds of other psychiatric hospitals, offers a road back to responsibility. Cannot be reached, at least with the current methods in use. Drug takers abound in everincreasing numbers, and not always in the Hippie Community. I heard a lot of people think junkies, addicts Wander Around the world dressed as hippies with beads and flowers in their hair, but it isnt true of all of them. Peter was a boy who liked to wear nice close, was always clean. Narrator perhaps the most painful expense for parent is having a son or daughter who outwardly conforms, but still conducts the pilgrimage, seeks secrecy, and with detection, and at the same time, possible help. Ight, time and not period, weing this oerio found out he was on drugs. When he became picked up for drugs, it was obvious his future was indefinite. We were advised by doctors, psychiatrists, probation people that he was heading towards individual death, and shortly after his 20th birthday, he died of an overdose of heroin. Has always searched for instant happiness in a pill. The search is going on is more and more potent psychedelics are developed. The search goes on with many substances. Sters are drinking eyewash, smoking crushed aspirin, injecting me tenderizer, always in search for the magic high, the magic experience. Ist we as adults have to do invite the youngsters to join our out of world and make it a better place. We have to admit we have not done a perfect job, but to show them the answer is not to drop out by doubling their consciousness or changing their awareness, but to become activists and help us create a better world. Narrator perhaps there is a Straight Society, the universal establishment that many of our youth reject. But they will not create a Better Society by freaking out in kathmandu, turning on in los angeles. They must face up to what they are running away from, work constructively to bring about change, if change as needed, and we as a Straight Society, must reach out and help with honesty, compassion, and sincere desire to understand, not only him, but ourselves as well, for we represent what they are reacting against. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2018] ] 2019 you can watch archival films eel americas r here on history tv. Sunday, American History tv will mark the 50th anniversary of the 1969 woodstock festival, a threeday rock concert that attracted nearly half a Million People to a dairy farm in upstate new york. , startingonversation at 9 00 a. M. Sunday here on cspan three, and simulcast on cspans washington journal. This year marks the 50th anniversary of woodstock, which attracted nearly half a Million People to a dairy farm in upstate new york. Woodstocknd, the cocreator talks about how the threedirect concert came thether, how he signed musical artists, and the concept and business arrangements for the documentary film. Here is a preview. Iconic,ovie, which is you were instrumental in making that happen. According to the president of warner bros. , i was the only reason that happen. I would say that is true. It is just a fact. I spent 80,000 and produced the back. When i was getting ready to go to woodstock, i read and variety that Freddie Weintraub becomes Vice President of warner bros. , youcall him and he says got that crazy thing youre doing upstate. I said, yes i am, and you owe it to me. Hours, and his book is out as a matter of fact, in my book, there is a letter from Freddie Weintraub. After 35ndwritten hours. It was over. Agentately, he was my then, so they both owed me. Said, wehours, they are almost bankrupt at warner bros. Movies are not doing anything, and documentaries are doing nothing. Out ofaid after nowhere after 30 hours, but if it is a disaster and a 100,000 by. This will be the biggest movie in history. We started laughing like crazy and freddie turned to me and said, what do think . Lets get a couple of secretaries down here. After 10 hours, we wrote a handwritten contract. Film, up there with no 18,000 photographers and no film. For 100,000. Heck he went to a place in new york, but the film, and started shooting woodstock. That is how the movie happened exactly. Watch the entire interview and learnedornfeld more about that a festival 10 00 a. M. Eastern. Here on American History tv, explore our nations past. Continues at bozeman as we look at the extreme history project and some of the overlook history of the city