Two committees of congress on wednesday, july 17. At 9 a. M. Eastern he gives testimony to the house judiciary committee. Later in the day, he will take questions from the house intelligence committee, both open session. His report on russian inter his testimony on russian interference in the election will air live on cspan. Listen free with the cspan radio app. Announcer the cspan cities tour is exploring the american story as we take book tv and American History tv on the road, coming to you every first and ,hird weekend of the month visiting Historic Sites, talking to local authors, with support from our spectrum Cable Partners this weekend we traveled to missoula, montana, with a population of about 66,000. 110 a second largest city sits on the western part of the state montanas second largest city sits in the western part of the state in the heart of the rocky mountains. Over the next hour, we will learn about the history of missouri and the Literary History of the region. In theoula is located western part of montana. It claims to be the largest city inside the rocky mountains. We have a branch to our east end a branch to our west. We are located in the heart of western montana. Captain Christopher P Higgins established missouri actually, he established tailgate first. Hub inbecause it was the western montana, because to the north, you have the Saint Ignatius mission, and to the south, you have increasing settlement in the bitterroot valley. In 1860, you have lieutenant john mullen completing the military road from fort in the. Ast to walla walla in the west so everybody who is going from one direction to the other is coming through here. Before White Settlement was here, this was the native american land. It was the saleish, the cooney, it was those now known as the flathead indians. This was their homeland. As far as we know, there was never any type of prominent settlement herein missoula. They settled elsewhere, particularly up the bitterroot, but in here, they did a lot of hunting and gathering. The bitterroot flowers, the roots of the bitterroots were cherished, and a whole field of them existed pretty much where we are now. Hell gave village was established hell gate village was established in 1850. Captain Christopher P Higgins had been the wagon master on Governor Stevens exposition. Stevens was taking office as the first territorial governor of washington, which at that point included montana. He first saw this area when he was negotiating with the indians. Moved out toe olympia with the governor. He realized his future was not , and heilitary remembered this valley, so he brought out the old isaacs concern of the warden of isaacs store in walla walla, and he convinced his new partner, frank friend frankheir woody, that they needed to relocate their entire operation from walla walla to western montana, and they set up shop about four miles from the current downtown in a tiny ate,le village called hellg named after the gates of hell. Established their little village, never more than 14 permanent inhabitants. They were immediately successful because they fit a need to supply the settlers, the indians, and increasingly the miners. We have no mineable things here, but we knew how to supply others. After four or five years, higgins and his partners decided to move their operations four miles up what was then called the missoula river. Built a sawmill, a gristmill, relocated the store, and within three more years, hellgate village ceased to exist. There was nothing there. To saves some effort one remaining structure, st. Michaels church, which is historically significant. It was one of the first structures built by white people out here. And that has a storied history. Restored, then moved downtown. It was a boys boarding school, a girl school, commissary for st. Patricks church. Then it was moved back to village. In the 1980s, the historical and mazzola worked long and hard to maintain it and bring it to Museum Grounds where it could be preserved, tell the story, and make history come alive. Fort missoula was established in 1877. , the leadings citizens of missoula lobbied the government, the territorial, state, and federal government for a fort. You have to remember that during , this is the worst of the indian wars. Pretty much in the midst of the , which were devastating. 76, you have custers defeat. Largelyhead indians are peaceful. There is the, but threat of the sioux, the cheyenne, the blackfoot up north. There was a fear of that, plus, missoula leaders understood that once you get the government in, you cannot get them out, and they pay and ungodly amount of money to the community. Shrewd it was a very decision by the city founders to pursue having a fort. Quarters, aicers root cellar, and a carriage house. Those are the only three structures that remain. In the early 1900s, its called the 1 million fort because rather than closer, the settlers got a Million Dollars to invest more in it. So, we have a lot of those structures left on the historical Museum Grounds, but the rest is still there and active, not militarily. It contains the old officers row, it contains the old barracks buildings, supply sections, firehouses, old cook houses, and those were the parts that were extremely valuable the ccc period of the fort and also the internment camp. Its important to understand the origins of the community in order to understand where it is today. To killer is part elite, increasingly important as more and more people from outside come in, they need to be immersed in local history to exactly what we are as a community. Hey see us as political why . Because of men like higgins, hammond, lieutenant moss. All of these men have an element in establishing the fundamental aspect of what makes missoula missoula. Of not, we visit the university of montana, which holds the political papers of u. S. Senator mike meehan field. Its Mike Mansfield. Its hard to overstate Mike Mansfields importance to the state of montana. People just called him mike. He advocated on behalf of man montana. He said he had no ambition in life higher than to be a senator for the state of montana. People still remember him fondly and his impact is still felt. He was born in new york city on march 16, 1903. He was the son of Irish Catholic immigrants. He had two younger sisters, catherine and helen. When he was seven, his mother father sent him, as was irish tradition, to live with relatives. Thats how he and his sisters ended up here. At the age of 14, he hopped on a train, went back to new york, tried to get his father to allow him to enlist in the military. His father said no, so he lied and went ahead and enlisted in the navy at the age of 14. , asugh his time in the navy soon he was discharged, he went theserved enlisted in army. When he was discharged, he came back to great falls, worked a couple jobs, did not really like it a whole lot, and ultimately enlisted in the marines. He served in all three branches at that time and love to the service. The marines it sent him overseas. This was the first time he was getting to see the world. He enjoyed the opportunity to learn about and see other places. He said it one time that he had the most respect for the marines. He thought it was the best branch of the service because they had the good sense to promote him to private first class. He is buried at Arlington National cemetery, and his gravestone he could have had anything on it at all. He was Senate Majority leader. He was ambassador to japan. Private,ike mansfield, u. S. Marines. He was such a modest man. A definitive part of his life. No story of mike would be complete without talking about his wife, maureen. At one point, he said she was like a mother and a wife because his mother had died when she was when he was seven. He really trusted her, and she helped him come up in the world. Discharged from the marines he went to butte, montana and worked in the minds underground in the dust, in the dirt, took some classes toward becoming a mining engineer after who hea friend of his worked within the minds diet silicosis. Silicosis. Die of he thought, thats going to be me if i dont get out of here. Who was areen, schoolteacher. They fell in love and she guided him for the rest of his life. Under her guidance and with her support, he came to missoula to the university of montana. He only had an eighth grade , but he wound up getting a degree in history. If you look at his transcript, he did well. It goes to show that experience is as important as coursework. She supported him by cashing in her Life Insurance so they could afford to live. She also got a degree. He got his masters degree in history from the university of montana and she got her masters degree in english in 1934. They got married in 1932. She moved to missoula to join him. A daughter,y had and, and they came to live in missoula. He was on the faculty of the university of montana. He taught history, worked on his traveled astance and couple times to california, to ucla. He ultimately did not complete that degree but it ultimately helped inform his way of teaching. The fact that he focused on east asian history gave him credibility when he was elected to the u. S. House and was one of the reasons he was appointed to the House Committee on foreign affairs. In 1940, Mike Mansfield decided to run for the u. S. House of to representes montanas first district, the western district. As a democrat and ultimately lost to jeanette cast the only vote against our entry into world war ii and ultimately decided not to run for reelection in 1942. By 1942, Mike Mansfield decided to run again, and he was elected, and he was elected every time after that that he ran. Goes to the house of representatives in 1942, gets ofognized for his knowledge foreign affairs. Person who has the most knowledge of foreign affairs. He gets sent by president roosevelt to china, which further solidifies his reputation as someone with knowledge about east asia. He served in the house and was reelected every two years until he decided to run for senate in 1952. Entered thesfield freshman class of 1952 of the senate alongside prescott bush, senior, barry goldwater, john f. Kennedy to name a few. This is a photograph thats really wellknown of mansfield serving as an umpire to a game that kennedy is catching. Jackson is batting. Its fitting that in this photo he is playing umpire because he does go on to serve essentially senate. Pire for the serve as majority whip. In 1961, when johnson becomes Vice President , mansfield is unanimously elected to become Senate Majority leader and he served in that position until 1977. Of 1963, by that time, he had been the majority inder for a couple of years the senate, but there was a feeling he wasnt moving as fast as he showed or he wasnt holding senators as accountable as they should be for being present or doing the work they should be doing. People were beginning to wonder if they had elected the right majority leader. He was prepared to respond to those criticisms on the floor of the senate in a speech he was going to give about his leadership style, in which he elected and he was thereby their free will and they were free to remove him if they did not feel that he was working appropriately or that the senate was moving appropriately, but that moving the senate took time. On the day he was going to read that statement on the floor, john f. Kennedy was assassinated and he ended up inserting the statement into the congressional record, but never did read it. He instead wrote a eulogy for jfk and delivered that at his funeral on the 24th of november, 1963. If some of my Party Colleagues believe that mine was not the style of leadership that suited them, they would be welcome to seek a change. I had selected a friday afternoon, when little else this going on, to discuss senate leadership. 22 date was friday, november , 1963. That days tragic event put an end to any such speechmaking. After johnson came into , he wass the president committed to passing civil rights legislation, and the commission passed a bill they sent to the senate. In 1964, mansfield and his team knew this bill was coming to them. Among the documents i have on the table are back channel primary sourcees documents outlining the strategy that mansfield and his team were going to take to move the legislation through, and they knew it was going to take a while, that there was going to be a filibuster, that they needed 67 votes for cloture to stop the debate and vote on the bill. It took months. 60 days of debate and filibuster on the floor to get this through. One of the qualities mansfield exhibited in his years of serving as majority whip and patience,eader was willingness to build bridges across the aisle, willingness to give responsibility to junior senators that Lyndon Johnson never did, willingness to give responsibility to Community Leaders instead of requiring committeeve leaders instead of requiring approve everything that happened. And people wanted action on their bill, when people wanted action on their bill, they were referred to committee leadership. He did not get in the middle of their conversations. That is one of the reasons he was respected. It was also the building of bridges and making connections, including with southern democrats who were opposed to civil rights legislation. Its ultimately what helped move the civil rights bill and it ultimately they stopped cloture,nd voted for had enough votes to do that, and the civil rights bill was passed on july 4, 19 six 24, signed by this t johnson on 1964, signed by president johnson on the same day. This letter says we have come through a time that in retrospect might have opened divisions that would be years in schisms which would have been years in closing. He sent that to everyone. So, Hubert Humphrey writes back to him and most senators did write back something to him. Hubert humphrey managed that bill on the floor. He took the lead on it, and , thisey wrote back to him letter is a cherished possession. You are without a doubt the most unselfish, kind, and considerate man i have ever known. It is a rare privilege to be associated with you and im eternally grateful for the opportunities you have given me to make some contribution to our country. One. L read this it says dear mike, i dont know what we would have done without about the civil rights struggle if it had not been for your humility, your understanding, yourself effacement, and your ofiation at every every problem as it arose. He wound up keeping the senate together at a time that it couldve been the most disruptive, may be in the history of the senate. , he got the nations banks and the thanks of his colleagues. Probably whenat most people think of Mike Mansfield today, they think of his opposition to our involvement in the vietnam war. He was involved in so many issues, the nuclear test and treaty, the civil rights act, many, many issues, but most people when they mention him are thinking about how he was an oury supporter of involvement in vietnam. Too people even say we were involved in vietnam because Mike Mansfield was so influential in pushing his support. He was anticommunist, and thats what the United States was looking for it that time, with who was anticommunist. Assassinated in 1963, mansfield began to talk more about his opposition to our involvement in actually having hoots on the ground in the area. His opposition was because he really respected the right of the executive to make foreign policy. And he did not, for a long time, speak out publicly against our involvement in vietnam or our involvement in the conflict. Over time, he became more and more public with his opposition. In the mansfield papers, you see memos to the president kennedy, two johnson outlining his opposition to strategies. Outlining his opposition to troops on the ground. Outlining his opposition to funding the war. Later, by the mid to late 60s, he is really talking about his opposition publicly. You are seeing it in articles and speeches hes giving in letters he is writing to his constituents and nonconstituents. The things about mike , he responded to every letter, he signed every letter. Every time one of his constituents wrote him a letter, he responded. He got tons of mail about vietnam, pro and con. Here is a letter he received who lived in great falls and writes to him about being drafted. And what his plans are if he does get drafted. Mansfield writes that, thank you for your letter, which i have which hasved and given me a clear understanding of your situation. Know, i voted against the extension of the draft, but it is nevertheless the law of the land. I am also working to limit to the involvement in Southeast Asia by legislation. Tonow of no other way responding to urging of conscience and what i believe to be the overriding sentiments of the people of our state. I respect your decision to state your personal decision. Regrettably, i can offer you little in the way of tangible help. If you reject the justness of killing in this particular war, but still are prepared for military service, it is possible some other assignments, perhaps in the medical corps, may be open to you. He hand wrote a note on the letter back that says mike, i am indeed sorry i cannot be more encouraging. I hope you will understand my difficulty. He was writing these notes to his constituents every day. , he received volumes of correspondence about vietnam, both pro and con, and this is an example of how the correspondence was stored, and this was just one letter of how letter from 1968, but this happens to be to him from jeannette rankin, and it says dear mike, it was a source of great pleasure to me that i had the privilege to see you on the for aat you asked cessation of the senseless bombing of vietnam. Thank you for receiving us on that eventful day. I regret that you did not take meeting my dynamic colleagues, for you would have been inspired by their transcendent recognition of you as their senator because you have