Transcripts For CSPAN3 75th Anniversary Of D-Day Ceremony 20

Transcripts For CSPAN3 75th Anniversary Of D-Day Ceremony 20240714

France 75 years ago on june 6 , 1944. Next, President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump join french president emmanuel at the Memorial Cemetery in france to mark ddays 75th anniversary. [ applause ] [ music playing ] ladies and gentlemen, please rise for the arrival of president emmanuelle macron. Pub president of the republic of france and Donald J Trump, president of the United States. Come on up this way. [ laughter ] please join me in the playing of the french and union colors and the invitation. Oh, say, can you see, by the dawns early light, what so proudly we haild at the twilights last gleaming . Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro the perilous fight, oer the ramparts we watchd, were so gallantly streaming . And the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air, gave proof thro the night that our flag was still there. O say, does that star spangled banner yet wave oer the land of the free and the home of the brave . Mesh ladies and gentlemen, please remain standing for the invocation offered by the u. S. Army europe command chaplain, timothy malik. Almighty god, lord of hosts, sacred to us is the memory of our fallen, and the sacred sacrifices of our veterans on these waters, shores, fields, and skies. And thus, we humbly ask for your holy presence here today in this ceremony. For many nations, their sacrifice poured out in blood, courage, and even death, to secure liberty for your enslaved children, and to smash tyranny, remains our moral touchstone. For so great an act of love, we pray that you will grant them eternal peace, and their families lasting comfort. By their courage on dday and afterwards, we also pray that you will challenge us, to love freedom more than comfort, privilege more than or even life itself. And without thought of cost or reward, we also will recommit ourselves to defend life, liberty and the pursuit of the common good, no matter the cost. That we are resolute in our request of god we know that we cannot achieve this without your divine blessing and guidance. And so, lead us as our shepherd even if it be again through the valley of the shadow of death, towards the Green Pastures of peaceful freedom. All this we ask, father of mercy, in thy holy name, amen. President and miss macron. President and mister trump. Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen welcome to American Cemetery memorial, for the commemoration of the 75th memory commemoration of the d day landings on sixth of june, 1944. Today, we honor and commemorate the 9388 interred here, the 1557 names on the wall of the missing, and all of our world war ii veterans. Ladies and gentlemen, please be seated. Ladies and gentlemen, the secretary of the American Battle Monuments Commission. Welcome to our commemoration ceremony of the normandy landings. It is indeed an honor for me to be with you today, on these sacred grounds of the normandy American Cemetery, to celebrate the 75th anniversary of dday. And we extend a particularly warm welcome to the president of the French Republic emmanuel macron, and his wife, bridget macron. And, to our president and commander in chief, Donald J Trump and first lady, melania trump. To our many distinguished government and military leaders, and to the family of our honored dead who traveled to these now peaceful and hallowed grounds, to bear witness to the valor and sacrifice of our family heroes resting here. And to the more than 160 world war ii veterans seated here on this stage you need no reminders of the horrors of war. And who remember war there comrades who never came home. And folks, a very special special welcome to the dday veterans, present today approximately 35, he 75 years ago on omaha and utah beaches and in nearby lanning fields, took the first treacherous steps towards liberation, as a watchful world anxiously awaited their fate did the mission of the American Battle Monuments Commission is to commemorate and honor the service and sacrifices of the United States armed forces. We do so by attending the graves and the memorials of our fallen servicemen and women, buried and memorialized at 26 american cemeteries around the world. We do so also, by preserving the stories, the stories of their deeds, and the endeavors of those that fought at their sides, courageous actions to replace the blessings of freedom to generations yet unborn. 75 years ago this very morning, in yards from where each of you are sitting, a generation of Young American men joined by french, british, canadian and other allies, nations brothers in arms did the unthinkable, and accomplished the impossible. These men came ashore and fought against tyranny in a massive undertaking unparalleled in human history. This was archibald mcleish, the world war i veteran who wrote these words in his poem, the undead soldiers. They say we were young, we have died, remember us, they say we leave you address, give them their meaning. So many gave us their death, it is for us our children, for generations to come, to give them their meaning. So our presence here today which is beautiful and inspirational cemetery does just that. For the very character of a country, can be determined, by the way it takes care of its war dead and is a measure of its very heart and soul. To the more than 9000 americans , we give our promise and we will not forget. Each year that we gather here and everywhere they fought and fell, are still grateful hearts are filled by the thoughts of what they did 75 years ago this morning. Reverently placed in this hallowed ground. To them, and to the world war ii veterans with us here today, and in spirit around the world, your service and sacrifice, will have meaning so long as those who follow you hold hi torture freedom through historys darkest hours. Strengthened by their courage, heartened by their valor, borne by their memory, let us continue to stand for the ideals for which they live lived and died. Today i welcome you as i prize as we pause for a brief moment to rededicate our efforts to the efforts of first chairman. John j pershing, that time will not dim the glory of their deeds. Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, the president of the republic of france, emmanuel macron. Translator president of the United States of america, dear donald trump. The veterans of the dday landings, ladies and gentlemen, the might of the fifth and sixth of june 1944, this channel was not only troubled by the menacing rough crashing waves. For a few hours earlier, general eisenhower roared his famous lets go from 1200 warships, 5700 great chips, loaded with cannons and trucks, tanks and Landing Craft, following on the heels of 25 flotilla sailed towards the south of the isle of wight to the rendezvous point called by Operation Overlord military staff piccadilly circus. Ahead of the tens of thousands of soldiers, who took to the seas lay nothing but massive darkness. Barely lit by the growing lamps from the ships and full moon. Ahead of these soldiers above all, lay the dread of the unknown. A few hours earlier, they had learned the purpose of their mission, their destination, utah, omaha, juneau, ford, and gold beach, were shrouded in uncertainty. Only those who a few months earlier had taken part in the sicily landings perhaps had an idea of what was to come, a bitter difficult battle, which would certainly claim the lives of many. Tens of thousands of soldiers, drafted or volunteers, most were barely 20 years old. And yet, there are days of youth seemed far behind them. Far from the Rolling Hills of pennsylvania, kentucky, or new jersey. Far from their school years where they had learned a trade but many had never had a chance to practice. Far from the grueling training that had begun in the mountains of georgia and continued as operation bolero brought them across the atlantic to the south of england. Far from the months spent amongst the british people waiting for an operation of which they knew nothing. Far from the worried faces of their parents when they left home. Far from the emotional goodbyes of their fiancis. To whom they wrote as they left the english shores by candlelight, or the sickening flame of a cigarette lighter, one last heartbreaking letter. What was running through their minds, the minds of these young people frozen by the waters of the north sea. Who knows . Their thoughts are unfathomable. We cannot plumb the minds of human beings. But, what resonates still 75 years later is there incredible courage and generosity. The fortitude which carried them toward their destiny. That fortitude which had taken them thousands of miles from home, to provide assistance to men and women whom they did not know, to free a land they had never set foot in, with no other comforts than a cause that they knew was greater than themselves. The cause of liberty and democracy. Today, france has not forgotten. France has not forgotten the fighters to whom we owe the right to live in freedom. We have not forgotten the 135,000 american, british, and canadian soldiers, backed by belgium, luxembourg, dutch, norwegian, danish, polish, czechoslovak, new zealand, south african, and french troops, landed on 6 june, on the beaches of normandy, and forever changed the course of history in europe and the world. France is not forgotten the paratroopers who just a few hours earlier had been dropped behind the lines and with the support of the French Resistance fighters, would take hold of strategic bridges, roads and railway lines, and would take over from their brothers in arms, who made it out alive from the emerald shores, crimson and by the shed blood. France has not forgotten the 2 million soldiers who at the end of this longest day, would continue fighting on for weeks to free the towns and villages of normandy and would go through the of combat in the normandy countryside which was even more treacherous than the combat on the beaches. On behalf of my country, on behalf of france, i bow down before their bravery. I bow down before the immense sacrifice of the 30,000 killed, the 19,000 reported missing her died as heroes in normandy, between june and august, 1944. And, who rested for eternity. I bow down to our veterans, and i say thank you. We know what we owe to you veterans. Our freedom. On behalf of my nation, i just wanted to say thank you. Translator many of our veterans are here in this cemetery of equals, and i died for our freedoms. They are your brothers in arms, they are those who you at different times attempted to say. You volunteered to take part in the second omaha wave. On this sixth of june, you put yourself at great risk, to remove the wounded from the beach, under the hail of german fire. The brothers in arms, with whom you fought from the same omaha beach, right through to the region of belgium, on the way participating in the breakthrough which would free the brittany region. Your brothers in arms, those who you accompanied through the treacherous normandy countryside, you who fought nonstop from 7 june three to 8 july. The brothers in arms who accompanied you to the ardennes region, luxembourg, and even the countryside of czechoslovakia, those brothers in arms, when you were wounded twice in the sign region and on the ardennes. Who gave you the strength to head back at the combat until you crossed the rhine river, where you took part in the liberation of the concentration camps, and saw the faces of the survivors and the faces of the executioners alike. And maybe then, in the raw truth of that moment, you understood for what you are fighting. Your brothers in arms, of u2, Harold Terrence, you worked as a radio operator, and deliberately decided to go to france, to lead military operations in normandy, france. And in the rhine region. There have been sometimes, dear paul wirth, dear charles darrow, dear stanley friday, dear Harold Terrence, in recognition of your unwavering efforts for france to regain its freedom, i award you the knights of the legion of honor. The legion of honor is the highest distinction awarded by the French Republic. It commands your extraordinary actions, your courage, your contribution to the freedom of our country. It is a way for the french nation to say, once again, and 75 years later, that we know what we owe to the United States of america. The United States of america, dear donald trump, dear president , which is never greater, than when it is fighting for the freedom of others. The United States of america, which is never greater than when it it shows its loyalty to the universal values of the Founding Fathers defended. One nearly 2 1 2 centuries ago, france came to support its independence. But, we owe you more. Translator we owe you more. We owe you, all those who fought, the thousands of civilians who lost their lives and who have not forgotten. We owe more than medals and words. What we owe you is to show ourselves worthy of the heritage of peace that you have left us. Our debt, worthy of the promise of normandy. Worthy of the promise of normandy means never forgetting that free people when they join forces can surmount any adversity. The victory against barbarism would never have been possible without the fight divisive support of the United States, without the support of millions of men and women without the support of the American People and american industry. On the beaches, of the channel, in the green normandy countryside, and the highest levels of the military. The armed forces were united. The allied armed forces were united. It is because the Royal Air Force assisted the canadian infantry, because the French Resistance fighters opened up the lines through normandy and elsewhere to the United States armed forces, a decisive moment for the battle. Australians, people from new zealand, denmark, Norwegian Navy officers and dutch airmen arrived, and the interminable battle of the gap, the polish tanks made all the difference and it is because of that, that this gamble to free europe from the hold by way of the sea could be one. We shall never cease to perpetuate the alliance of free peoples. That is what they did. Immediately after the germans and japanese surrendered. When they created the united nations. That is what the United States did, when it created the nato. That is what, a few years later, the leaders of europe did, in bringing about the european union. Translator france wishes to continue to support this promise of normandy, understand its purpose for what we owe to our homeland, what we owe two countries that share the same values, what we owe to democracy and liberty. The lessons of samara are clear, liberty and democracy are inseparable. Young americans died here. They died for their country, and they died for the freedom of the world. They knew that. The french who died on the same beaches by their side fell for the liberation of their country. But they also fell so that their nation, its tasks completed, would rediscover its tradition of liberty. We need to be true to their memory, and to do that, we must never sacrifice, we must never renounce what their sacrifice united. The promise of normandy will be supported by france with all its might, and, this is at the heart of americas destiny. President of the United States of america, ladies and gentlemen. All along the roads of france, the beaches from rotterdam to share ball, from mexico stone. Along these roads taken by the heroes we are honoring here today, as in the summer of 1944, all along have seen milestones, that are decorated with the start of the American Flag and displayed with the statue of liberty, that statute at one of our greatest sculptors in the city of new york. These monuments serve as a reminder, an indelible reminder. Inscribed in the countryside of france, a reminder of what this country owes the United States of america. Their presence resonates with an invitation to us to continue to renew this secular pacs that unites the United States of america and freedom. I am ready, mister president of the United States of america, dear donald trump, the people of france are ready, ready to renew this friendship, between our nations. Contributing so much that the history thank you. Long live the United States of america. Long live liberty. Long live the republic of france and long live the friendship between these two nations. Will not present the legion of honor to five of our world war ii veterans. Translator to Vincent Hines on behalf of the French Republic, we award you, the award of night of the legion of honor. Translator stanley friday, on behalf of the French Republic, i award you the distinction of night of the legion of honor. Translator charles darrow, in the rainy name of the French Republic i name you a night of the legion of honor. Reporter to Harold Terrence come in the name of the French Republic, i make you a night of the legion of honor. Translator paul wirth, in the name of the French Republic, we make you a night of the legion of honor. [ applause ] ladies and gentlemen, the president of the United States. [ applause ] president micron, mis

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