Transcripts For CSPAN3 White House Briefing On Government Fu

CSPAN3 White House Briefing On Government Funding January 19, 2018

Cspan. Org. We are going to take you live to the white house for a briefing on the possible Government Shutdown. We want to get you folks up to speed on where things stand in the possible lapse in funding. Omb is preparing for what we are calling the schumer shutdown. It still surprises me and i have been through some of these before that the democrats in the senate are opposing a bill they dont oppose. They are for clean crs and the extension to the chip program and many support the delay in some of the taxes, medical device and cadillac tax. They dont oppose anything in the bill but they are opposing the bill. I just want to let everybody know we dont want this. We do not want a shutdown. If m if mr. Schumer insists on this, he is in a position to force this on the american people. From an omb perspective, we are involved in managing a lapse or a shutdown. We want folks to know it will look very different than it did under the previous administration. One of the things i have learned since i have been in this office is that there is no other way to describe it. The Obama Administration weaponized the shutdown in 2013. They did not tell you that they did not encourage agencies to use carryforward funds, funds they were sitting on, nor did they encourage agencies to use transfer authority. They could have made the shutdown in 2013 much less impactful but they chose to make it worse. The only conclusion i can draw is they did so for political purposes. So it will look different this time around. We have also got where we can take questions. Mark short is here to give you a very brief update on where we stand. Thank you all for your time this morning. As mick said last night, the house passed a bipartisan bill with 230 votes. The president stand ready to sign that bill to keep the government functioning and afloat. It appears unfortunately the Senate Democrats are entrenched in forcing a shutdown. There is a lot of hypocrisy in this town and some iron aniiron point out. Nancy pelosi said, i call them legislative arsonists, in days past. She said we should be building up in education and research. Chuck schumer said, it is sort of like this, someone goes in your house and takes your wife and children hostage and says, lets negotiate over the price of your house. In essence, thats the same tactics they are employing. I am sure many of you know, we asked senator feinstein her position. She said, if the government shuts down, people will die. We asked her how she is going to vote. She said she cant decided yet. People are going to die. I dont know how i am going to vote on this. The reality is this is not about policy. It is about politics. We are not familiar with anything in the c. R. The democrats are opposele. In fact, they champion and support the chip program. This will reauthorize it for six years. I believe the new study says there are 9 million children Getting Health Insurance through that program. The reality is we will jeopardize payments for our military, troops and those serving on the front line of our country, customs, Border Patrol and i. C. E. This is a serious issue. We are frustrated, obviously, because micks job is to submit a budget to congress. Lets keep that in perspective. Mick does that in february. Congress has months to complete appropriations process. The fiscal year ends on september 30th. We are now in midjanuary. It is frustrating to all of us we are in this position. Whats unclear is what is it the democrats are asking in order to get out of a shutdown . It seems they are hell bent on getting to a shutdown. We are anxious to make sure our troops and those serving on the front line of our country continue to get paid. Mark, a couple things on that. I think we know what the democrats are asking for. They want a deal on daca. The president , on the other hand, tweeted last year that our country needs a good shutdown. Isnt he getting exactly what he asked for . It was the president , as im sure you know, the last time we had a Government Shutdown, that it is the president s responsibility to lead. How is he going to lead on this . A couple points there, one, the president was very active yesterday in bringing together the house votes to get 230 votes. He was speaking to Freedom Caucus members. That was where we had the best challenge yesterday. He helped get that bill accomplished. I think he is making continued calls this morning and has called both bipartisan members today. He is leading on this issue. He will continue to do that. Regarding daca, we feel the administration has put forward our plans on this. Keep in mind that secretary kelly a year ago went to congress and said, we need a solution on daca. We asked congress to fix it. We knew what was going to happen when several states sued the federal government over obamas unconstitutional policy. We gave them plenty of heads up and warning. In fall, we submitted our priorities to congress and refined those. We negotiated against ourself and winnowed that list to say, here are practical things that are necessary to get to a deal on daca. We have put forward that plan. You just saw a study that showed 2,500 people on the terror watch list are trying to get into this country every year. That is 7 per day. That is seven per day. We think it is time to fix immigration problems in our country. We have put forward a proposal to do that. We had productive conversations yesterday with leader mccarthy, steny hoyer, senator durbin and senator cornyn, who are about to go up the hill to continue those conversations. They are making progress. What doesnt make sense is to say we are going to shut down the government because you are making progress but i need something else. Let me ask you a couple of questions. Do the president s comments about shole country, what responsibility does he bear . One of the differences between where we are now and where we are in 2013, the president is actively working to try to prevent a shutdown. I will contend to you that is dramatically different to what president obama was doing in 2013. I was there. I was involved heavily in 2013. It is absolutely my belief that president obama wanted a shutdown in 2013, because he thought democrats republicans would get blamed. The president , as mark just pointed o pointed out, actively worked yesterday and continues conversation today. There is no way you can lay this at the feet of the preof the unit president of the united states. Why not bring leadership here as a last stitch effort . I think the president s continued bipartisan conversation, im not privy to the meetings the president may or may not be having. I know we are talking Government Shutdown. This is an important topic. 100,000 people taking part in march for life. The 20week abortion ban, when do you expect a vote . Why does the white house want a vote if it is likely to die. I think this administration has continued to defend life from the very beginning. The vicepresident last year was the first to speak to the march for life. The president is hosting people here to protect life. It is an important issue for this administration. You saw with reversal of the mexico city policy, the president has looked to make sure we are making sure taxpayer dollars are not used overseas to fund abortions. That is a commitment of this administration. We dont have a date as to when the senate will vote. Your question as to whether or not it fails or passes, we believe it is important for this administration to be on record to support life. About bringing leaders over here, just last week, we had a bipartisan meeting here that the president organized with leadership to try to get to a resolution on daca. Out of that meeting was, discuss after the press had departed was that mccarthy, durbin, cornyn and hoyer would be the ones organizing the meeting to get to a solution. Thats what we have been part of. When you ask, why isnt the president bringing members over . He did. He is trying to reach the biggest issue, their question, shutting down the government over immigration. He is trying to solve that problem and brought them here for that conversation. Your comment at the beginning, you said this was the schumer shutdown. How can it be the schummer shutdown when republicans control the white house, the house, and the senate . You know the answer to that as well as anybody. I have to laugh when people say that. We control the house, senate and the white house. Why cant you get this done . You know as well as anybody it takes 60 votes in the senate to pass an appropriations bill. I know that. You only have 51 votes in the senate, you have to have democrat support to keep the government and fund the government. The president asked congress to come up with a solution for the dreamers. Congress was in the room. Members of the congress were in the room with the president last week. It seemed to be a fairly productive meeting. The whole process got blown up. It seems that the whole process was blown up by the president s comment. When republicans tried to add a discussion about obamacare to the funding process in 2013, we were accused by nancy pelosi and Chuck Schumer of incompeteserte nonfinancial issue into the spending process to shut the government down. How is that not exactly whats happening today . There is no reason you have to deal with daca this week or before the middle of february. Daca doesnt expire until march 5th. This is purely an attempt by the Senate Democrats, led by mr. Schumer. Thats why we call it the schumer shutdown, to get a shutdown that this president gets blamed for. You are saying you need democrats support in the senate. We have got it in the house. Are there any concessions that this white house is willing to make to try to get support from those democrats that you need . Again, go back to what i said at the opening. They dont oppose anything in there. They support chip. Every member of the finance subcommittee, democrat, has voted for this exact chip extension. They dont want the cadillac tax to go into place. They have always supported clean crs. Those are concessions. Ordinarily, we would put up a clean cr and let them vote. It worked in the house. There were several democrats that voted for it. It is a take it or leave it on the bill that passed the house. The democrats have to support the bill in the house to avoid a shutdown . They should support the bill in the senate. The house has passed a bill. The senate has a couple of different choices. They take it up and pass it up or change it and send it back to the house. The point of the matter is, there are things on this bill they like. They have nothing in this bill that they do not like. The only reason they are not voting for it is that they want other things to be added to it and they want a shutdown. Thats the only explanation we have. The main thing democrats want added is daca. You have said before, everyone agrees they want a solution on daca. B what is the big Sticking Point on your end about including the daca fix in this bill . The bill is simply not ready. You dont get to vote on a summary. There have been months of work as you see with any major piece of legislation. It doesnt and shouldnt come together overnight. There is no daca bill to vote on and no emergency in terms of the timing. Daca does not expire until march 5th. There is absolutely no reason to tie these two things together right now. Can i follow up on that . I think it is important to remember we are approaching the march 5th deadline. The president put forward what he asked for last fall. We have been asking congress to address this. The reality, jim, is that there is no legislation to pull up. There is no legislation to vote on. When they say we need to have daca solved, there isnt a bill for them to vote on, which i think this shows this is about politics and not policy. I think general kelly will tell you that he actually mentioned this to the senators during his confirmation process. This administration has been trying for at least a year now to get some progress on daca. It is congress thats taking that. I have a question for mark and a question for you as well, mick. You have been the one who has been up there on capitol hill every day. What im getting from the podium today is that if this happens, it is the democrats fault. What as a practical matter can you do between now and midnight tonight to change the equation and get people on board the c. R. . One of our challenges is that i dont think it is clear what the democrats are asking for. I accept that they are looking for a solution to daca. There is not bill text that they are asking republicans to bring up. They believe it is better for political reasons for them to force a shutdown. The president is continuing to reach out to them and he will continue to do so throughout the day. He is actively on the phone saying, what is a solution that you guys think would be necessary . We frankly think that giving the childrens Health Insurance program, something the democrats have asked for for six years, was something that would attract democrat votes. It doesnt appear thats the case. If i could, to you, are you working to reduce spending there . Whats the future and whats leanndel englishs role there . I wont speak to litigation with miss english. We have asked for no money over at the cfpb, because we didnt think it was necessary. They have 177 million in its reserve fund. We were able to operate next quarter off of that. That was the reason we asked for no money this quarter. We intend to continue to fulfill the Statutory Mission of the cfpb. I told people i wasnt there to shut the place down and blow it up. We have plenty of money to do that. You mentioned that daca is not in immediate need now because of the march 5th deadline. That is the Sticking Point for many democrats. People sitting at home wondering, if there is a Government Shutdown, how long would this last . Could this potentially go weeks . The last one was 16 days. You are talking about the march 5th deadline. What is the realistic time frame a shutdown could last . Yall have seen the quote from mr. Schumer from 2013. Ill read it again. Basically, it is sort of like this. We could say we are shutting down the government. We are not going to raise the debt ceiling until you pass emgrae immigration reform. This was of me in 2013. The group that was trying to figure out a way to force a debate on obamacare repeal. They are saying, maybe we have lost the president ial election and seats in the senate and the house. This is sanders talking. It doesnt matter. We can now bring the government to a shutdown and throw some 800,000 hardworking americans out on the street. We are going to get our way no matter what. This is what they accused the republicans of doing in 2013. There is absolutely no reason to have to insert a daca discussion into the funding bill today. How long should people expect . Can you expand on that . Sure. A couple different things. The o and b is responsible for managing the shutdown. The military will still go to work. They will not get paid. The border will still be patrolled. They will not get paid. Folks will still be fighting the fires out west. They will not get paid. The parks will be open. People wont get paid. You can see the whole list. There will be a bunch of different things. When you compare to 2013, dont lose sight of the fact that we are asking the military to work without pay. We are asking firefighters to work without pay. It is still harming the people. It is different. Parks will be open this time. They werent before. Lets go down the list. The parks will be open. The way it works is that the parks are open but if the services are provided by third parties. The trash wont get picked up. Fannie and freddie will be opened and the post office and the tsa but all these people will be working for nothing, which is simply not fair. We are going to manage the shutdown differently. We are not going to weaponize it and try and hurt people that happen to work for the federal government. We still need congress to appropriate the funds. Thats all the time we have. We will be doing this again. Thanks very much. Again, approaching the 12hour mark to a possible Government Shutdown here on cspan3. We are going to show you some of the look inside the u. S. Senate. The senate gaveled in about half an hour ago. Senator orrin hatch on the floor. The house approved the continuing resolution by a vote of 230197. The senate has yet to act. As we mentioned, they have been in for a half hour or so. Lets listen in for a moment to senator hatch. We already had done that on the finance committee. In all other respects, the bill is identical to the one the finance committee reported with broad bipartisan support. Where are our colleagues today . Is senator widen, the coauthor of the committees bill prepared to vote for a longer extension of the program . Apparently not. Are other democrats on the finance committee included those who publicly touted their support for the Committee Bill prepared to vote for this extension . Apparently not. What about the Senate Democrats on and off the finance committee who have been on their own righteous crusades with regard to chip . Are they prepared to vote for it today . Apparently not. What has changed . Do they oppose something in the broader bill . No. Most democrats have supported the other health care elements in the package including delays on the medical device tax, the Health Insurance tax and the socalled cadillac tax from obama care. The bill would accomplish those goals as well. Think about that. What about the democrats . Have they championed those causes . Are they prepared to vote in favor of this bill . Apparently not. The question is, why . Why are democrats willing to filibuster this continuing resolution and shut down the government . What crazy, right wing fantasy have we inserted into the bill . You can continue to watch all of the debate over on our companion network, cspan2. We will take you live outside the capitol now. The House Chamber is finishing up their work. As we mentioned, the house passed the continuing resolution yesterday evening. The vote was 230197. Our cameras are here because we anticipate members leaving the capitol. A couple of different remarks on that. The majority leader earlier, John Bresnahan tweeted that the majority leader said the house will adjourn after votes this morning. It is not staying in this weekend as the shutdown looms. We have done our job, says leader mccarthy. It is up to senator schumer to decide if he wants a

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