Transcripts For CSPAN3 Discovering New Hampshire Exhibit 201

CSPAN3 Discovering New Hampshire Exhibit September 17, 2017

This is one of the oldest items in the collection. 500 years old. People. Here stone age they do not have tools, anything they had came from Natural Resources they found around them. This canoe wouldve taken about one month to build. They wouldve started with a slow burn, a very controlled burn on the top of a large pine tree and then they wouldve taken a stone tool to dig it up. Because of the high attrition rate, the life span was short for these people. They would die through disease or warfare. A lot of the canoes, they are still finding them to this day around lakes in new england. A storm will churn up the autumn a lake. This canoe was found in the lake region of New Hampshire and it is about 500 gears all of which makes it the second largest object. The second oldest item in this exhibit is the stumble which dates 20003000 years. A bowl like this was a lot of work to make. A soft stone, but still stone. They wouldve used a stone doubt to hell out this bull but it wouldve been very useful, they couldve used it to carry water, cook in, they were huntergatherers but they also grew crops so they could have used this to collect crops in. 6023. Rst arrived in they were interested in tourist, for, and fish. The cod fishery off of the coast. The beaver pelt they sold to fishermen. In they had told pine trees that in the ships. Asts farming was the primary occupation. New hampshire is not ideal for farming. The cerrillos rocky. The growing season is short. In the offseason most farmers had another skill or trade. Elected textiles. Some did barrels or shoes. Some made furniture. In the 1760s, two brothers started making furniture. There was this high boy here. They were very good at making furniture. Their furniture was in high demand. Soon they were no longer farming, there were making furniture fulltime. Dunlap furniture became some of the bestknown. They made a huge range of furniture from dressers to a highend piece like this boy that wouldve been found in the homes of the wealthy. Were looking at a number of items from the battle of bennington that was fought in vermont. The majority of soldiers who fought were from New Hampshire. So New Hampshire played a big part of the American Revolution but some historians claim we send more men to fight in the Continental Army and the militias than any other colony and New Hampshires most famous war general was john stark. No battles were fought in New Hampshire but New Hampshire a huge roller in the battle of bunker hill fought in boston. Two thirds of the troops were New Hampshire men led by stark. The other was the battle of bennington fought in new york on in 1777. Nt border john stark was considered the hero of the battle of bennington and many years later they had commemorative dinners for the battle of bennington. In 1889 he was too old to attend but he sent a letter to the gentlemen joining in the commemorative dinner and penned a famous phrase for New Hampshire live free or die, death is not the greatest of the evils behind me as one of two revolutionary war flax. Was used by the second New Hampshire war regiment and was captured at the battle of 40 and in 1777. Usually if your flag was captured it was destroyed, ripped up and used for bandages are born for whatever reason this flag was taken back to front by the british Commanding Officers and kept in his family for generations. Found by ouras benefactor in virginia and he purchased the flag and brought it back here to the New Hampshire Historical Society where it has been preserved and on display for many years. There are only a few revolutionary historical flags, one is here and another is been conserved and cared for. After the American Revolution there was a egg building boom and industry underwent a radical change. Farming was still import and as you can see from this lithograph. There was still farms in existence. Technology came into existence. They started building using waterways huge power looms and bills. Industry boomed. There was profound impact on New Hampshire live stuff one was a transition from Agricultural Society to urban and industrial. It is over my shoulder is made by thomas hill. If you look in the center of the painting there is a very small house depicted. That house belonged to a family who lived in New Hampshire. They moved there in 1825. At that time, it was almost deserted. There was barely anyone living there. About one year later in august 1826 a massive storm moved through the White Mountains and caused a great deal of damage all over the valley, rivers flooded, bridges were washed out, a search be made to look for them and found a landslide had destroyed him as the entire valley and deal with the left intact was their house. So the house itself was untouched. People had just left the house. There was food of the table, beds were made, lots of signs of recent habitation but no people. The search party began to look for the family and they actually found the bodies. The disaster, the tragedy sparked national attention. Soon thousands of people were coming to the white mounds to view their house. In the process they fell in love mountains and the beautiful, picturesque scenery paint thes began to mounds and soon the disaster began to be a big boon for the mountains and started a big tourist industry. And visitors came to see them, including this image which is the old man of the mountains. This is it edward hills 1819 portrait of the old man. He became a symbol. Recordedan was first by europeans and 18 051 markman were cutting a path, they recognized his profile. The profile of a man carved out of stone which seem to characterize New Hampshire and it became a symbol of great wonder. Some thought it might be a end indian prophecy. Most recognized it as one of those weird and wonderful things nature produces from time to time. In 1815 Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote a short story about it called the great stone face. It was another thing that brought thousands of tourists to New Hampshire. Give a symbol of New Hampshire. Then the old man began to slip a little and effort was put into shoring him up with a number of steel trusses basically. Unfortunately and surprisingly anday 2003, that failed when people woke up on that morning in may, the old man was gone. He had slipped down the face of the mountain and bad symbol of New Hampshire was last unfortunately. The last thing i will show you as a model of the Mount Washington cog railway. Mount washington is the tallest. The first node ascent was made by a man named darby fields. He had a number of guides with him who refuse to go to the top because they said it was too dangerous. Climbedat time, many Mount Washington successfully but with the tourist drive of the late 19th century, lots of people wanted to get to the top of Mount Washington who were not able to physically undertake the challenge so a gentleman named Sylvester Marsh came up with an idea of building a railroad to the top. Unfortunately it was too steep of the decline for regular railroad so he developed and Ingenious Design using caused to gradually pull the cars up the line with a special antilock breaking system that prevented them from slipping back down and in a controlled fashion. He got a charter from the state of New Hampshire in 1858 to build this cog railway. Travel years model and around the got investors and put his own money into it as well and the eventually built the cog 1869 and it1868 and is still in operation today. We help by visiting the New Hampshire Historical Society, that people will understand the rich and complex history from the earliest inhabitants of the revolutionary war to the development of the mills, the civil war, the tourist industry. New hampshire has had a remarkable history that has history. U. S. What has happened on the u. S. Seen is mere and here. We help our efforts, people can appreciate all that New Hampshire has to offer. Cities for staff recently traveled to concord, New Hampshire to learn about its rich history. \citiesore on cspan. Org tour. You are watching American History tv. All weekend, every weekend, but cspans washington journal live every day with news and policy issues that impact you. Sunday morning, andrew robb discusses the public and efforts to change the staff code. Beverly daniel tatum, author of why are all the lack kids sitting together in the cafeteria, addresses the history of racism in the classroom. , will be onohnson to talk about the Womens Suffrage Movement and obstacles of women being granted the right to vote. Watch washington journal life sunday morning. Join the discussion. On lectures in history, Colorado State University Pueblo professor fun Amber Montoya teaches a class about the blood ludlow coalers l miners strike and massacre. Moderatedescribes the memorial and how the event has been remembered. Her class is about 50 minutes. Of

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