Transcripts For CSPAN2 South 20240704 :

CSPAN2 South July 4, 2024

Is about 40 minutes. Back back. [applause] [applause] [applause] good afternoon. Go ahead and be seated. The tenant governor, mr. Speaker, members of the house and senate, chief justice jensen, members of the Supreme Court justices the constitutional officers we welcome you. To overset fellow south dakota its my job today is to give you a report on the state of our state. Our state constitution requires me too appear before you and deliver this speech but gives little guidance on how long the speech should be or what snacks should be served. I have decided to take a few liberties. On your desk you will find a little bag of snacks from me because i like to eat. And you may find these snacks are reflective of this body. They are a little salty. Sometimes they are suites and there may be an nuts or two in the bunch. [laughter] so with that, lets get started. First we have with us several members of a south Dakota National guard. They are rock stars so incredibly proud of them we have so many members of the military and veterans of the state of south dakota. Would you all please stand so we can give you the honor than to do to you in the service or a great state and our nation. [applause] back speaking of great south dakota heavens, how about those jackrabbits, right . Back to back at champs. Im going to give it count up to three were going to yoko jackson. Three, two, one projects for. I love it, perfect the team the love that. We are in a different time then we were just a few short years ago. We talk about what we believe is conservatives weve always done that and to the importance of limited government low taxes, american values, personal responsibility. But then challenging times that are states and country in our world. We had to decide just how conservative we were really going to be here in south dakota. Or we just going to talk about limited government and freedom are we going to fight for it . . Were we going to defend it . Even when it is not the popular thing to do what we stood strong on our constitution and on our states motto under god, the people rule. South dakota is doing better than every other state in this nation because we have embraced our conservative principles. Ive often called our state small more like a Pilot Project for conservative reforms to prove they relate to work. Our people are thriving in our economy is growing our state has never been a more fiscal situation that is stable. We have cut taxes. We have created jobs together. And we have maximized opportunities. Weve also learned that there is a trick to keeping that momentum going. We have learnt that we have to tell our story in order to succeed. We can govern conservatively but we also need to keep our foot on the gas. South dakota successes unprecedented we have a limited window of time with the eyes of the entire nation are on our states. We cannot miss the opportunity to capitalize on that. South dakota has proven is provenconservative policies p families thrive. We have shown freedom does work here. And that we are just getting started. During my second inaugural address last year i gave a top 10 list of things that surprised me about being governor. Well, i think its time for another such top 10 list i cannot possibly cover for you today, all of the wonderful things going on here in our state that i can hit the highlights. So today and proud to present to you the top 10 list of things we are doing in south dakota to ensure that Freedom Works here. So lets get started number 10, the freedom to keep and bear arms. We protect our Second Amendment rights in south dakota. Constitutional company it was a very first bill is signed into laws governor. Two years ago you all work will be to make sure our state was first in the nation to waive all fees for concealed carry permits. [applause] we even pay for peoples federal background check. It does not cost south dakota depending to exercise or sell the memory right lester assigned executive orders of the state will not do business with any Financial Institution who infringes on secondment rights. Weve been able to market our state as a Second Amendment haven. My office of Economic Development is actively working to recruit firearms businesses from states that do in french on a secondment right. Last year california became the first state in america to levy a special tax on guns and ammunition. We immediately invited california gun manufacturers to move here to south dakota. We have proven read him works for the gun manufacturers the art moving here, they are growing, they are thriving. Silencer center in sioux falls, their leadership that moved to south dakota for a better life. These folks have built Thriving Companies in a place south dakota and say help our people exerciser secondment rights at other Companies Like hs precision of black hills ammunition, custom precision rifles there all a big part of helping the industry grow in south dakota. Many of those leaders are here today with us i would like to recognize them for being an industry that is under attack, for standing strong and believing in our Second Amendment rights and find their home right here in south dakota so if you would stand on allows to honor and recognize you for all that you are doing for our economy in south dakota that would be fantastic. [applause] [applause] we are not going to stop there. Just last month are a part of gained parks ground moving dirt on a worldclass shooting range west river. South dakotas shooting Sports Complex of the premier firearms range in the midwest. But the Biden Administration is undermining this project. They are changing the rules after they already signed off on it. So im going to work with game fish and parks to continue to build the range were going to host worldclass events here in south dakota that will impact our economy right here in our state long term. Now the number nine weight Freedom Works here is the freedom to enjoy the outdoors. My administration has made a priority to enhance our outdoor opportunities. Every year we are ranked one or two for the most hunting licenses sold per capita. By Second Century Initiative is expanding opportunity for out and will habitat across the state. South dakotas more than 5 million acres of Public Access Hunting Opportunities even though 80 of our land is privately owned. 2023 we broke the record for the most private land enrolled in public hunting access. The reason is very simple it is respect. We respect each others private Property Rights we seek permission to hunt on our neighbors land before we stepped foot on their property. In the Predator Program is aimed at teaching respect for the outdoors and for the wildlife to our kids into our grandkids but every year participants turning 50000 tales of predators that would otherwise devastate our pheasant and wildlife population. This last year at 46 of the participants in the program were under the age of 18. That number continues to steadily increase every single year. We are getting more south dakota kids involved in trapping and fishing and hunting and that is a really good thing. [applause] effective got a fun story for you. Might a part of game fish and parks were served at families to teach them and their kids how to hunts. For example this one family the gingrich family have three children. Would you please stand i think you were right over here while i talk about you so everyone can stare at you will i tell your story. Morgan is 16 morgan, wave a little bit samantha 15, william is 13. This family signed up for the hunting 101 program to the department of game fish and parks they learn how to navigate comical outdoors to get their licenses. They learned firearms safety and when they went to practice at the range, they celebrate who nick 200yard steel target by having a scream which is right after my own heart. That is a celebration i can get behind it. Game fish and parks with the help of volunteer mentors work with them one by one to go out at attempt to feel their deer tags first william accompanied by his dad ruben had successful harvest. Story. [applause] these kinds of stories are possible because in south dakota we respect the freedom to enjoy the outdoors. Number eight, the way south dakota continues to prove that Freedom Works is that we have the freedom to farm and ranch. Hunting is fundamental to the way of life but i can think of one thing that is more fundamental, farming. The top ten for production in 25 different agricultural communities and commodities. Farmers, ranchers, providers took 30 of the States Economic output. South Dakota Farmers are free to farm and ranchers are free to ranch. Last year i brought forward legislation that would have stopped adversaries from purchasing land in south dakota. China and other evil foreign governments are executing a plan to own the land and control the food supply. Although last years proposal to regulate didnt pass, weve continued to discuss solutions from all those folks that are involved in impacted. Congress hasnt taken action. We cant afford to wait another year and in the past decade, chinas ownership of american and the gland has increased by over 5300 . Its too important of an issue to the national security. Another year go by and do nothing. Another foothold in the economy and Food Supply Chain south dakota respects the freedom to farm and ranch. The freedom should not extend to our enemies which leads us to number 71 of the reasons we cant allow the adversaries to own south dakota and gland is because the air force base is going to soon be the home of the next generation bomber. It will keep america safe for decades to come. To be 21 raider took its first test flight two months ago and enemies are going to do everything they can to get intelligence on that bomber. It is our duty to do what we must do here in south dakota to ensure that they fail keeping america safe. Sometimes keeping people safe means we need to extend our efforts beyond south dakota. The Biden Administration failures at the border have been so welldocumented that i dont need to talk about them at great length. For the first time in less than three years, troops have gone there to help. When i was there with the soldiers at the metal lies all the inhumanity of bidens failed policies. Until the policies change, the lack of security is making south dakota less safe here at home. Drugs and Human Trafficking are devastating the communities. More than 70 of the Overdose Deaths in america are now caused by fentanyl and in south dakota its not immune to this. Weve led the nation and the decrease in Overdose Deaths two out of the last three years. We are Second Lowest in the nation overall. But that doesnt mean we stop there. We have to tackle the rising challenge of fentanyl and address this new drug that is being utilized. Its otherwise known and youve herded these referred to as the zombie drug. When mixed with fentanyl it makes a deadly drug deadlier and brings with it a whole host of negative consequences. My department is working with our attorney general and attorney general on drafting legislation to schedule it as a schedule three controlled substance to combat the challenge right here in south dakota. Freedom works here because we have the freedom to also get a Second Chance. That leads us to the next bullet point. If south dakota is to get involved in another crime that shouldnt be the final word on their life. The punishment should match the crime but they also should have the opportunity to become better. The prisons we are working on together will help us achieve that and they will be constructed to provide Second Chances. Late last year i spoke at a graduation for the problemsolving court. It changed my life to hear the stories they told that today. There were eight different graduates that were there all of whom had been sober a year or more, some alcoholism, some different drugs. They stood up and shared their stories. They shared their hopes and dreams for their future and in fact more than 150 graduated from the initiative with different phases and requires different alcohol and drug testing and its a proven strategy that reduces the recidivism, saves tax dollars in the long run and restores hope and dignity for all of those individuals. We have someone with us today. Her name is leda. Shes a wonderful woman whos done incredible things throughout the community. When i spoke at the problemsolving court graduation, she was recognized for her contribution and for volunteer work. Thank you for what you do. At the support, the prayer partner and we need more people like you helping us out in the world to recover and to support them through the process of healing. Will you join me in giving a round of applause today . [applause] i think Everybody Knows her. Unfortunately, we cant provide this kind of programming in our overcrowded prisons. Last month i commuted the sentence of a number who were qualified and giving them hope of a future. They had been incarcerated and are now on parole. Now they can begin working with their supervised and transition back into their communities. We will continue to evaluate the opportunities for those that prove they deserve them. Once individuals are out of custody and back in society, we want them to have an opportunity to build a career so they can provide for themselves and their families. In the last several years we have advanced as a variety of different ways and paths forward. Theres another path that we should take during this legislative session. My department of labor and regulation is bringing legislation to provide Second Chance licensing opportunities. This bill creates a set of standards to consider criminal histories and any possible rehabilitation right applicants and licensees. We need more plumbers, electricians, welders. He passed shouldnt stop past sp applicants from filling these roles. [applause] number five, the freedom to be respected. Providing these kind of opportunities is about dignity and respect. We should respect every Single Person as an individual, as an equal, as an american. Tomorrow if state of tribal relations day we will advance and effort ive been working on since i became governor. Tomorrow we will hang the flags in the rotunda of this capital. Three years ago i signed a legislation that allowed the states nine native american tribes to have the respected flags hanging in honor of the capitol rotunda. We will hang the first of those standing right and the rosebud tribe. They are part of who we are as soft dakotans and we respect their heritage and i invite you all to attend that ceremony tomorrow. We will also continue to support the freedom of the jewish and israeli neighbors that need to be respected. On october 7th, terrorists committed atrocities against the nation of israel, some of which are so savaged that they are unspeakable. Since then, further hate and discrimination has occurred in america at an increased rate of 388 over the last year. College campuses across the country have become grounds for disgusting antisemitic acts. Recently there have even been some isolated incidences right here in south dakota. The more that happens, the more it will be normalized. We must stop it before that happens. And im so proud to support legislation that will come this year to define antisemitism to make it easier to prove when conduct is motivated by antisemitism. It strengthens the antidiscrimination laws and ensures that our allies and citizens are safe and that they will be protected. [applause] number four, the freedom to learn. This includes supporting the teachers who give our kids the opportunity to learn. Salaries havent kept up with increased funding to education. After this year we will have raised funding of k12 and south dakota by more than 26 since i have been your governor. The teacher pay is far behind and there were teachers deserve better. Yes, i know the schools have their own challenges. But i also know this. The blue ribbon recommendation was into just the teacher pay would go up. The blue ribbon promise was the teachers would be the First Priority that they would be paid more. So lets do it. In my budget address i discuss the particular program that is the jobs for americas graduates program which is preparing at Risk High School Students for college or career once they graduate. They are accomplishing incredible things. We have with us here today one student that im confident will accomplish fantastic things in the life that is ahead of her. She said i could call her mel. Shes sitting right up here today if you want to stand. The first and current statewide president of south dakota. Shes a junior and she has represented south dakota at the National Leadership conference in washington, d. C. Twice. And because of her visits to dc, shes interested in pursuing a degree in Political Science and business and perhaps one day representing south dakota in a leadership role. Maybe you can have this job now. Shes working with other students to coordinate a Community Meal for the town which will be held this month. Shes faced some challenges in her life. She could have let that stop her from succeeding but shes setting herself up for a lifetime of success and a bright, bright future. Please join me in giving a round of applause today. [applause] when the students graduate, we want them to have every opportunity open and available to them. Some of them will jump right into a career and thats great. Some of them will go to one of our colleges and we have some of the best tech colleges in the nation. Some will go to college,

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