Transcripts For CSPAN2 House Oversight Reform Hearing On 20

Transcripts For CSPAN2 House Oversight Reform Hearing On 2020 Census - Part 3 20240711

Recognized. Weant here yet. Can you hear me now madam chairman. Yes we can hear you. Thank you so much. Is there any statistical benefit in requiring the borough to deliver a portion of data by the end of the year despite having to suspend Field Operations for three months . Shouldnt the bureau have had more time than usual to finish less . Rk than i concu with that statement. As far as rks of accuracy accounts. The shorter amount of time the bureau has to produce quality data, the higher the risk that something is going to go wrong. Its been a fewre degree the decision to rush the council could affect the quality and the accuracy of the dataur sampled . Subpoena. [inaudible] yes or from the Data Processing standpoint it does the initial plan from the Census Bureau this is precovid was to have 50 days of Data Processing. That went down to about 90 days. Now ten to 77 days. It does put more pressure on them to both be able to identify anomalies improperly be able to address those anomalies should you identify. Madame jeremiah visible now i was being told i was not. You are now visible. Okay thank you. Madam chair i heard we were part of the conspiracy there is but never actually major when emanate from the president of the United States today invites us to believe th somehow there is a conspiracy ofub dozens of Elections Officials and secretaries of state around the country, all of whom have rejected the ridiculous and nonsensical attacks on the ection. Justs the president has been on waging sabotage on the electoral pcess, he has been waging sabotage on consensus cewhich is essential to the electoral process. Citizen ship questions on the 2020 census. In any way designed to distort and depress census particatio pticipation. Diffuse to back up thislan until the Supreme Court struck it down ass arbitrary and unlawful. Then whe coronavirus hit, and of course the lady census. Secretary roth and director dillingham tri you the right thing by taking 120 day extension to deliver. Then politics took over again and the predent reversed course. And then it roughly force the bureau to shut down Data Collection among early and insted is still produce the final results by december 31. Are just seeing a series of outrageouss attempts to dermine and subvert the 2020 census. Just like the one to undermine and subrt the election. Now they want more of the plaintext of the the constitution and overturn centuries of governmental practice by not countingll of the persons of the United States as clearly directed by theonstitution. We come to you on that. Is it not the case there has been aen ton broken more than two centuries of counting every person is commanded by the constitution . That is my understanding. Breakins for springs working onwo census issues since a 1990 census. And from then until 2010 idella member that the topic of minor conversation in any of those. Select the 14th amendment said representatives according to their respective numbers. Counting the whole number of persons in each state. Theres a number of occasions in the n constitution which citizensze were used very liberally in other cases the person as were used. Of unbroken practice going back to the First Congress because it says we count the full number of persons. Let me ask you, if you were to faulty president down this particular primrose path. Believe and have a way of counting people in different citizenships and immigration categories . Is there a database in the federal government has accuracy of every church in theer country . Enforce im not able to be overly helpful in that. That is not something we looked a lot up or it and the Census Bureau is looking at literally dozens of different federal databases. The individual and collective accuracy of those databases is not something that i can speak to, sir. Stomach all that is to say were not set up because of what the cause edition calls for. Its one more effort by the administration to politicize and destabilize and disrupt the senses in violation of the constitution. The laws we have in congress to implement the more than 200 years of unbroken precedents. I yield back to medicare. Your time has expired. We will now go back and well set the clock at seven minutes two minutes and 37 seconds. Youre now recognized. Thank you. Sorry for the inconvenience madame chairwoman. Dant to address the previous gentlemen my colleague from maryland in regards to his comments to the election. Youre often reminded with the committee was none other than the gentleman from maryland the disbelief in regards to the Voting Machines that were utilized in 2016. In the fraud thatud was the election. There is legislation to federaler oversight. So happy car for what we ask fo for. We have to watch arizona in regards with the machines have done what they have been picked up on. I want a Fair Election but one legal vote cast by one individual. I want it to you. Your timel. That migration votes from blue states to red states like mine. Do we have the memes to track these migratory patterns are ensure americans count as a california sum up several months ago to include arizona appointed to their Current Location of their former residence with the memes to do that . Im sure we have the memes to do that. Yes, i would believe the federal government contract that. Stomach should that be part of the anomalies are the final dictation . My understanding its been reported to him as a ten people a day leaving the new york state to florida and southern states. Seems like a very valid number to follow. It would be an interesting number. I would guess the Postal Service could provide that information to the Census Bureau based on the fact that those people would migrate from a state like california and new york. They would go and seek residence on the state of florida, georgia, or north carolina. We will be changing their address. That Something Like we have seen democrats actually do in georgia. They come and register in georgia for the next election. That is something. [inaudible] im sorry, the question broke out. Could you repeat it . Eve can y repeat the question. You broke up. So it can hear me madame chairwoman . Now we can hear you we cannot prior. Leasing georgia democrats actually ask people to come and vote in georgia. We cant hear you now. We are having connection issues. [inaudible] you are now recognid. Mr. Grossman. Mr. Grossman would you please on mute. Can hear me now . Yes we can. Okay good. A couple of questions. First of all, with regarding immigrants. As i understand it right now, are there immigrants in the United States, from mexico who were voting in mexican election elections . I understand that is so . Soon include both mr. Landry otherwise someone is can answer two. Could you repeat the question sir . As i understand it there is an article a few yearsgo if mexican immigrants in thehe United States, mexican immigrants are votingn mexican elections. Is that true . I do not know that to be in accurate facts. You could presume that someone entered the country legally and is still a citizen of mexico theyould either return to mexicor and vote. To any of the other three people want to awer that question . I can google it that efforts are being made by mexican politician to get people in america to vote in mexican elections. Any of the other three of you folks wanto comment on that . I would presume its true. It is true. Just google it you will find out is true. And iuess, i think that is a lile unusual. I wondered if that is true, where they register in mexico . I assume they mustave a peanent residence. And if so, arehey being counted for csus purposes in mexico as wl . Does anybody know . Shouldnt we know that . We have four experts here. Are people who are here illegally in this country, are they being counted . I wld assume, ill ask ask anotheruestion then. If im an american citizen and i wanto spend three months taki a student, spent three months in gat britain as a student for the fall semester, then counted for the u. S. Census . Or not counted for the u. S. Census . Youre going to be there for your few left ear. Spin mike what happens there . While i can speak to is what the residency rules and the Census Bureau uses of t u. S. Census bureau is they would. The question is, see it is highly relevant. Because we dont count people into places. If i live in fond du lac, wisconsin and i am a student at the university of wisconsin madison, earlier said that we have a problem here because a lot of people double counts, right . Mom and dad think is a resident but maybe mistys filling out her own form at the dorms in madison. We dont want her double counted. I think it is highly relevant as to whether people in this country are being counted twice. In this country and other countries as well. Does anyone know that . You are all experts. Rose definitively based on research i would to 8. 5 Million People were duplicates in the 2010 census. And i expect that to be much greater this time. What percent . Is 8. 5 Million People were duplicate records. Erroneous records that were included in the accounts of the censusnt in 2010. And they, plus erroneous inclusionss ended up counterbalancing the 16 Million People that were totally missed fromhe 2010 census. That is the only reason they census in 2010 was hyper accurate. See you believe this time as well we might be counting 8 million, tenant people twice . Are they College Students . I think the duplication process is going against steroids and is when to be much greater. Okay that is reassuring. Is any effort being made to make sure if people are seeing their residence in mexico lets say theyre not bret residence here . Is a Census Bureau know about that . No . We dont care . All this and we dont worry about accuracy . We are so accurate that we have 99. 90 of the residents of the addresses we are doing with that something with them . Weve got millions in millions of people might be double counted in this . When you give me the double counted numbers are they double counted living in this country are double counted like you are coued in the United States in another country . It is a combination of things. It includesud College Students counted in college town as well as he. It includes divorced filies, each parent to claim their own kids. And it iludes a lot of folks have second homes. If you live in minnesota and like to spend your winters in the rio grande valley, you could end up showing up twice because you filled out the form in each location. Medical that is reassuring. We found something new to vapor its wreck your time is expired thank you very much. We recognize mr. Sir baines, mr. Baines you are now recognized. Thank you very much madame chair can hear me okay . Guess we can. Mr. Chanteuse i wanted to ask about two things. You cochair of the task force of census experts. And yousa have said in your capacity as cochair, that because it is data of the foundational of our democracy commerce in everyday lives nation deserves publicly available indicators to be set the credibility of the final counts. I appreciate your testimony here today reinforcing this notion of accountability, transparency, the accuracy of the data and the importance of bringing in outside experts who can give the public more confidence that the census is being conducted in an accurate fashion. Are you satisfied that the Census Bureaus has provided all of the data that you and other experts need to assess the quality of the census count . Frankly that simply is not occurred. We want very much for there to be me transparency. We have outlined in o documents in our workforce rert the indicators that we know exist and could be easily generated and put out to the public into researcrs so that we could establish for ourselves indepenntly the qualit of the census counts. There is no question theres going to be strengths and blemishes to the census counts. There are in any census. However, because of this time with covid and all the challenges that i have reviewed, i it others reviewed over the course of her Opening Statement statement we think that there is a severe risk are there to be highly differential quality aects to accounts across the country. I want to ask you about to relatively specific components of the data. One is getting these data quality measure attracted the level and to speak wit that is important. The second is the nonresponsive followup process i understand those numbers can sometimes be putnside the overall Completion Rate at the state level. But is important to break up the nonresponsive follow and understand exactly what happened to that. If you could speak to those particular issues i would appreciate it. Make sure. Actually joe salvo has indicated incredibly important to get details quality indicators down to the census tract level. Because we need to know whether some community, census tracts are neighborhood level types of indicators. We need to know the extent to which there are real problems. Not just knowing the total number of people there, but knowing their makeup so we can plan for things like schools and fire station, and things of that sort. Not only that, but in terms of political representation, if you have a collection of census trucks that are undercounted whereas the other sate suburban census are over counted, you were going to set up the inequality and inequity we have heard throughout this hearing this far. Were individuals end up getting less representation and federal funding than they deserve others get more than they deserve. I pressured that. I wanto emphasize what you just said. Fundamtally the census is about giving every person in this country the opportunity to stand up and to be counted. And if you do not have that kind of accuracy at theensus tract levels as you just indicated, you can have a situation where the voice of some people in some neighborhoods and some communiesn is being given more weight than the voices of other communities and other individuals in our country. And so you can perpetuate some of the unfairness and imbalance dtribution of sort ofpo political power and voice across the country that already exists in so many ways. The census ought to be coating that unfairness making sure that everybodys voice is given equal weight. So i appreciateou emphasizing that. That is why it is so critical, met them chair, that the accuracy, transparency, integrity of this process be protected. I appreciate the opportunity to have us address that today and with that iac would yield back. The gtleman yields back. You are now recognized for question placement thank you madam chairman. This is a a Rapid Response question. It is a yes or no. If you would answer yes or no. General landry, should we allow noncitizens regardless of their legal status to run for officen the United States . Student could you repeat that again congressman . I said should we allow noncitizens regardless of their legal status to run for office the United States . Own no, sir. Okay, same question yesterday no. Cert that is not something that the support agency in congress that i can offer informed view on. Steve extricated is the law. I assume you are familiar with the law it is a yes or no pay to the extent that is consistent wit the law i would agree. But be on the policy concern that is not something i can speak to placement im not ask you a policy question pretty masculine question as to whether or not noncitizens regardless of legal status should be allowed to run for office in United States . Mr. Salvo yes or no. Based on the law that would guid my judgment. Its a yes or no. At the lot is not permitted the lot is not permitted. So your answer is no . My answer is if that is the law that is indeed the law. Im going to take that as an unmitigated you dont want to ansr. Mr. Santos. Actually very muc resonated with mr. Salvos response. If that is t law than we should follow it. Then we should not allow them, should we allow them to makeinancial contributions or inkind contributions to canadians, general landry yesterday no . No. Civic mr. Mann . Specs are the loss we followed on this whatever the law would be. It is beyond my knowledge of the precise requirements here. The losses no. Mr. Salvo . At the losses no i would respect that. Mr. Santos . Met consistent with the law i would s no. Thank you. Should undocumented residents, well should noncitizens regardless of the legal status be allowed to vote in our elections . General landry . No. Mr. Maam . Again its what ever the legal requirements are. We believe the legal requirement should be followed. I will take that as a no. Mr. Salvo . I would conform with the rules of the law. Its whatever the law says i would respect that. Civic mr. Santos . What mr. Salvo says i would say no. Stomach given those answe should votes cast in this last election by noncitizens including people residing here illegally be counted and allowe allowed . General landry . Vic is that a yes or no . Know they should not be counted. Mr. Maam . Those should be consistent with the loss. Mr. Salvo . Sameld vote should be counted consistent with the law. Mr. Santos. No. Okay heres my point. Obviously a couple of you would like to equivocate on this a bi bit. We really, we should count everybody. But not everyoney, should be counted. In one the reasons that the case is the charge in nature the people who are residing here is noncitizens. About one third of the people oto reside here will not be here for the next census. So it makes no sense to count non citizens for proportionate purposes particularly what about six states account for half of it. General landry, are you concerned about the fact that there are states that have declared themselves sanctuary states in violation of federalio law to protect people who are residing in the country illegally . Your time is expired for the gentleman answer the question. Thankio you mada

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