Congressman rick larsen of washington, what is on your reading list . Guest are reading list is or has been long but it is coming into the middle of the summer now so im working on wrapped, the third iq novel by joe ej, los angeles mystery writer and iq is his character and wrapped is the third book in the series and kind of a detective, detective novel and is a private investigator and a lot of action and a lot of great relationships in that book so i am working on that. Im also working on frederick douglass, biography published recently and im working on that. Its a fairly long book so im popping in and out of that, in and out of that book quite a bit. Im taking that in chunks. The policy and me, david a dollar at one of the think tanks in washington dc is a lead editor of a book called china 2049 where hes brought together some reform minded chinese scholars to look at what the chinese economy might look like and what its challenges are between now and 2049. Obviously, it has indications for the u. S. Chinese policies so its an interesting kind of workrelated book that i read for work. I dont read a lot of books for work but i usually read for entertainment and i try to throw in a couple books about Washington State, my home state is also on my shelf is a book by lafe whitaker, jim whitaker son, First American to climb Mount Everest and its a memoir about lafe whitaker growing up with the very famous father who was a person or First American to climb Mount Everest. Thats my realist for the rest of the summer. The china 2049 book your district out of washington is pretty effective by trade with china, isnt it . Washington state is most state dependent in the country, 40 of the jobs in our state are directly tied to trade with the countries all over the world, not just china but china is one of the largest trading partners for Washington State companies and the men who worked in those companies. Having a fairly, you know, good luck into that crystal ball of the future of the chinese economy has a direct impact on Washington State the Washington State economy and the women and men who work in those jobs. Host do you find yourself in Congress Sharing book ideas with your colleagues . Guest not with all my colleagues but a few of them im a pretty avid mystery reader and theres one member in particular that we trade book ideas usually around which mystery we are reading lately which mystery series we are reading lately. That is where i take my interest in sharing them with my colleagues i am reading. Host you get to spend those long flights from seattle to dc in a book wall guest people always ask where you find time to read and unlike five hours on average one way across country and there is plenty of time, plenty of time to read. I only can watch so many, you know, recently released movies and so much or somebody Netflix Series or other streaming services. A good book and a good book on paper, im not an electronic person but getting book on paper with a hardback or paperback is still the way to go for me. Host tell us about the Second District of washington. Guest other than it being the best district in the country it is hugs the puget sound and i got the San Juan Islands in the north west corner of the district that the city of everett is in the south and in the north end and the district has beautiful views of the limbic mountains to the west and cascades to the east. It really is from a scenery perspective a beautiful district and also the district i was born and raised in my family has been in the region for five generations now so its a great honor as well to be able to continue to represent it because my family has such deep roots here. As i tell folks my family has been here longer than some and not as long as others. Its always staying humble as well and the about serving the people in the district. Host congressman rick larsen thank you for spending a few minutes with ok