Expensive political race in montana history. The general election coming up november third. If youre keeping track at home, thats 24 days away. The ballots were mailed out friday this week so voters, be looking for your ballots to arrive soon in a mailbox near you. The ballots need to be returned to your local Election Office by 8 00 p. M. On election day. At stake in this race is one of montanas to u. S. Senate seat. Salary of u. S. Senator currently at 174 thousand dollars a year. Now its time to meet the candidate. Steve bullock was one in mazzola, earned his law degree from Columbia University in new york city. Earlier in his career, he worked in private practice and an assistant attorney general for the state of montana. He won election as montanas attorney general in 2000 and then as governor in 2012 and 2016. Both, a democrat says as governor, hes worked with both democrats and republicans to expand affordable healthcare, strengthen and invester in schools. He and his wife, lisa have three children. U. S. Senator, steve daines grew up in boseman and has a Chemical Engineering degree from Montana State university, he had a 28 year career in the private sector before he was elected to congress including a dozen years as an executive at right now technologies. Da the Software Development firm that created within 500 highpaying montana jobs. His elected in 2012 as montanas only u. S. House representative in one election to the senate in 2014. Hes been recognized as one of the most effective and bipartisan members of congress. Steve and his wife, cindy have four children and one grandchild. As we get started today, aan quick summary of the rules. The first candidate being questions will be get 60 seconds to respond. The second will have a thirty second rebuttal in the firstst candidate will have a thirty second response time. R constraints of our time, that way we can get in as many questions as possible. We have our debate team with us today, lets meet joe, anchor reporter in missoula. Mike and chief clinical reporter with Montana Television reporter. I have the first question, we had a drawing prior to our debate and senator dan, the honor of getting to the first question goes to and here we go. Senator dane. Our first topic is the pandemic. The coronavirus continue to search across the country here, for the 170 new cases today. The country is still waiting for yet another covert relief. The president has been inconsistent, to say the least as too what he meant except in the book. In what would you except in another coronavirus release the . We get this done soon. Thanks. The numbers today are staggering. 721 active cases, we just got ranked the third infection rate in the country. At 209, montana has tragically lost their lives. Focusing on those most vulnerable, senior citizens, those with compromise immune systems and those in Indian Country seeing the death rate was covered in Indian Country, five times greater than the general population across montana i want to see another package, getting a package done like we did in march, the challenge we have right now is nancy pelosi and Chuck Schumer put 400 billion to bail out states like new york, california and illinois that had problems before, i dont want to see taxpayers footing the bill for these liberal states. The real problem imob seeing right now, now in Indian Country, we seen the government and team has allocated more money for missoula condo products in all montana combin combined. Thank you. We do need another package. Unfortunately, washington d. C. Steve daines has dropped the ball. We put out dollars, 31 different relief programs. 700 million out the door. The challenge does become Indian Country, steve didnt even want to provide 25 million in the first round, we arehe working wh tribal nations, National Guard and others and we will continue to do what is necessary for we do need washington to get basically, quit pointing finge fingers. Thirty seconds respond. I got 25 8 billion in relief package in march. I was on the reservation yesterday. They are appalled by the fact the governor and his team and folks donating to his campaign primarily to the money back in april, giving it more to mazzola condo products in all tribes combined and that was supposed to be dollars sent to tribes in the local communities. Thank you. My next question goes to mr. Bullock. Should shut down orders in the spring when there were fewer kisses. 720 new and montana today, how come no drastic action now when it seems like montana is suddenly a hotspot . You feel like you are managing the crisis effectively . The numbers are really concerning from my perspective and we are not onlys seeing spikes inn montana but really l across the country. I think the reason why governors and others on rolling back is twofold. One of which is if we shut them our economy right now, we were trying to get money to Small Businesses, we gave out over 10000. We shut down now, workers and businesses would have nothing because d. C. Will be only pointing fingers. Got to learn start reopening, learn how to live with the meaning we know the steps we have to take wear masks distancing, and disinfectant. If we do that, we will and i do have faith in montana. I strongly disagree. The government said we need to learn to live alongside the pandemic, i reject that. When vulnerable, the Indian Country. The way out drugs and a vaccine. Think about polio, smallpox, we have gone through pandemic with the vaccine. We need to end it. 10 billion in the package, its doing exactly that, a safe and effective vaccine for montanans. The thing to be most proud of is the cares act even more about money. Maybe thats why, 24000. Theyve never gotten before rising because ive never seen interest to fight for that, would you have to live with this right now so we can keep our schools and businesses open until we get to a vaccine. I do encourage montanans to continue to take it serious. Welcome and thank you for being here. Lets continue talking about the pandemic. You mentioned the billions of dollars in the package that went to the Drug Companies to help develop a vaccine or treatment. Is there anything in law or anywhere that guarantees that will be made available to public and have an affordable price . Where are you on requiring people to wear a mask . First off all, i spent 28 years in private sector. Fda regulated products, i know how you can safely get the products to the market andit dot faster and safely. Thats why i was able to contribute funds to get these critical vaccines in the hands of montanans. Bottom line is, yes, they will be given to montanas at no charge. They will be free. Thats been a great two. Thats why i was stay focused on the miracle of science in the vaccines, that will be the key to end the pandemic. Regarding mass, is a personal responsibly. I went out onto reservations yesterday, i was maxed up at all times. In sanitizing, temperature checks everywhere. Theyre taking it very seriously. Continue the mitigations now to keep primarily our most vulnerable including those in Indian Country. They need help now. Just a followup, he said these things are available for free, how is that guaranteed . Is there anything written down anywhere that guarantees that . Its been agreed to but reachers the abutment group and federal government part of working alongside. The best signs we have along with the private sector, a vaccine will be given voluntarily for free get out to montanans as safely and quickly as possible. Thank you. Taking pride in the private sector for 28 years, spent time the manufacturing factories in china at the same time u. S. Companies were laying off american jobs. All across india, china and asia and lets talk about the fact, 10 billion given with no restrictions by you. They can charge whatever they want and there are not promises everybody will get it for free. We do need to hold the Drug Companies accountable. Thank you. That is flat out calls. We sent 1. 25 billion dollars in april. You cannot even spent 50 to help montanas. I want to ask, why have you given more dollars to a condo project and to all the tribes in montana combined . I just heard this yesterday. Moving on to our next question and we are going to kind of stay on the same topic but lets go to healthcare. One thing democrats seem to agree on is the Affordable Care act needs to be strengthened. My question is, what areas do you think should be strengthened or changed in aca . How will we pay for in your response to charges the Affordable Care act is just government controlled healthca healthcare. Even before covid19, affordable healthcare was so important to so many montanans in our economy. Thats why we brought democrats and republicans together to expand medicaid. The Insurance Companies to lower prices but the whole time senator represents, is been fighting to strip away coverage for you. Cancer and diabetes, preexisting conditions. It means 63 million that montanans seniors received through medicare prescription drugs and not actually taking on the pharmaceuticals so i do think we need tog build on what we have. The best way is to finally start taking on the Drug Companies. Start paying, not just repeated test before results. More but steve wants to strip away the coverage from all of us. Thank you. Senator daines. All over the country, theyve done this for several elections. I will always protect those with preexisting conditions. I signed on a bill that does that. The government gets when obamacare past, montanans doublelowquote 20000 montanans lost healthcare coverage. He wants to team up with pelosi and schumer, a complete takeover healthcare system. That will be the biggest threat and i have a sister who died of preexisting conditions, it is very personal to me. Over 1 billion in medical care, thank god she had access to healthcare. You know thats not true. I stood up to our party saying we should not have government takeover healthcare. It is so disappointing because when the Washington Post gives you for dishonest rates, you protect people with preexisting conditions like cancer and diabetes. Didnt want it stripped away, he literally voted five times now. The last time would have been about a week ago. Lets recognizes the whole time hes been there, hes been working to take away your healthcare. Democrats, rebellions came together in montana. We cant let him get thatthn fo. We are going to stick with that topic. I think this is important to talk about because it is frightening to people to think that after obamacare have coverage, i think it is the same voting against it, you have a specific plan you can guarantee montanans will be able to afford this . And their insurance will be stripped away, leaving them in a vulnerable position . Absolutely. I will always protect montanans with preexisting conditions. Lets keep in mind, little over a month ago, they came together including judge Amy Coney Barrett decided unanimously that aca will have a weak case and likely will be overturned. It is scare tactics from the left. Schumer and pelosi are trying to destroy womans life and career. Destroying her career is nothing new for him. They were forced out of office, walked out of the job with no explanation. Give a chance to be honest with montanans. They deserve to know what happened with the government, second woman to ever hold the position. She believes she was dumped for standing up for whats right. Was the headline directly from your hometown paper. Was she standing up for. Lets talk about honesty. We dont want to know las vegas odds about whether literally the week after the election, what you think whether will overturn aca, we want a senate to fight to protect healthcare. All throughout this time, this isnt national playbook, this is steve daines, five times voting away coverage for preexisting conditions. Montanans deserve an independent fight for them. Thats what ive done as governor and thats what i will do. Look at the playbook. They did it in 2010, 12, 14, 16, 18 and now 20. I dont want to seeee judge Amy Coney Barretts career destroyed next week. The democrats are trying to destroy her during those hearings. I asked the government the question, what happened tot angela, why did she mysteriously quit her job and walk off with the second woman to ever hold that position. She could be running for governor right now, arising start inlk politics but forced t by governorr bullock. Lets talk about the Supreme Court. Judge barrett of her confirmation hearings starting monday, im wondering a couple of things. Number one, are you supporting not, for confirmation to the Supreme Court . Democrats when the senate and shes on the court and they win the presidency, will you support efforts to expand the court numbers, i. E. Court packing . Thanks for the question. I support the u. S. Supreme court in overall judicial system beyond politics. Which mcconnell wants that. Four years ago, he kept absolutely not should a justice be confirmed when people are voting. We are 23 days away and hes trying to ram it through much more so Small Businesses. It is unfortunate and i think it does have more to do with what happens the week after that was strip away coverage for preexisting conditions and expansion and more. We need to figure out ways to actually get the politics out of court and that is what i am committed to doing. In montana, we have a judicial standard. I will listen to montanans but they expect at the end of the day our court in. You didnt answer either one of the questions i asked, would you like to . Do i support Amy Coney Barrett . I dont support anybody, any judge getting confirmed literally a week and a half before the election. Second, i do think look, theyve been trying to politicize the court every step of the way. We have to figure out ways to make it less so i am open to that and for Judicial Standards Commission or any other thing that might be suggested. Thank you. At least we finally got an answer. I support nomination and confirmation for justice Amy Coney Barrett. Theat bullet opposes it. Hes open to packing the court, that is like yes. I dont think we should pack the court. He just said hes willing to. Even joe biden wont answer that right now. Steve said hes willing to pack the court, that should be a chilling profound moment that has not happened for generatio generations, its never been packed. Us the freedom we have so cherished here in the state of montana. Thank you. I you just did pack the court. Five years ago, he said no, we should never confirm justice when people are voting let the people decide. Now that is the most important thing to you. Not getting the care zach, youre not helping Small Businesses or hospitals. Packing the court right now and i think it has more to do with the case they are going to hear next week and a week after the election, strip away the protections of the Affordable Care act. Something you been trying to do ever since we sent you to washington d. C. Thank you. You are supporting judge barrett for her nomination and confirmation, saying she will protect our way of life such as Second Amendment rights timber industry. What about all the rights, the right of privacy and Affordable Care act law that Many Americans depend on voting rights, Campaign Money will all of those will be in jeopardy of judge barrett is confirmed. On those important rights as well for montanans and the nation . Governor, the state is what packing the court means. It means increasing judges to 11 or 13, itno doesnt mean giving the process with ninth justice right now. Heres the bottom line. Justice ginsburg, justice ginsburg, the Second Amendment on center stage. I have an a rating from the nra, eve bullock has an f. Justice protects montanans Second Amendment right and she will ensure she will stand up against these radical park middle that have shut down, which by the way, shutting down, Steve Bullock supported it and put it on the bench. Explain that to montanans, 80 million coming in, 23 million of property taxes, this is an existential threat to the future of montanans, liberal justice shutting down our jobs and Natural Resource industry. Governor bullock, 30 seconds. The Affordable Care act is in jeopardy. The influence of money steve daines has taken over 2 million is at risk. At the end of the day, even talking about these liberal judges, jeff shouldnt be liberal or conservative, judges should leave their politics at the door in the courthouse. All hes considered about taking away our healthcare. Montanans expect much more. Your response. We already talked about the issue that will be overturned but the bottom line, u. S. Senator for the court, they protect our liberty, Second Amendments, having an activist justice and thats why i will stand up and fight for the judges not overreaching, shut down Timber Products and pipelines, moving forward with introducing endangered species act, there are so many issues at stake in the way the judges ru rule. Is next question is in the Second Amendment. Joe biden has a long list of guncontrol actions he supports, you can read them on his websi website. A plann on highcapacity magazines and banning online sales of emanations and firearms. Are there any of these proposals, if