An important time about the reshaping that is going on. Across the enough pacific region. Initiative is also the author of another tremendous book, rubbing on here. Called the end of the asia century. Its one of the most prolific and analysts on what is going on in the region. And if you havent already done it, set up a google alert for whatever the essays are published. You will get them right away. His of his hopes of the wonderful podcast city does on the pacific century. And of course the asia pacific region, has so many developments ongoing whether its from north korea or the latest aggressive actions of the Chinese Communist party. So we can have really more timely discussion about that vitally important patient. In joining us, to facilitate this discussion is a brilliant scholar and doctor, visiting fellow here at hoover senior fellow at the hudson institute. And as Deputy National security adviser for strategy and trump administration, nadia was instrumental in effecting when i think is the most significant shift in American Foreign policy since the end of the cold war. That is the recognition that china is a strategic rival in the policies of the Chinese Communist party also very significant threat not just to the United States or interest in the region and globally. But all three in an open society. Quite to have you here to facilitate this discussion. And he kicked it all off, we have a congressman Mike Gallagher who has done a wonderful job serving his country from the eighth district of wisconsin. Buyer to be a congressman which his duties there on capitol hill in 2016. He served this country is distinction is that United States marine corps officer. And a distinguished equitable scholar as well as a graduate of princeton. Masters and phd in International Relations of georgetown university. Michael ball just say, i fond memories of when we first was recruited to lt. Gallagher. To serve on an Important Mission as you had just returned from iraq. And you had exceeded all expectations just like you do and everything. As you will soon learn, if you generate know, is emerging i think, is one of the most thoughtful Young Leaders in the areas of Foreign Policy, National Security and in intelligence. So i would like to, on gallagher to kick us off. Guest thank you for that kind introduction and thank you tanisha asked me to join you this afternoon. As hr mentioned, when i was in uniform, work for him. And so if you see me break out in a cold sweat, and the point during these remarks, because i still feel like a second lt. Whenever i hang around hr. I get very nervous around him. I can hear his voice booming in my head. From a brother coming that area. He hired me back then because i was a east specialist. So many ways, been catching up. And the work and scholarship has been a critical part of that. And there is much compelling and thoughtprovoking new book, the week we will look forward to talking about. And theres been a warning of the Chinese Communist parties behavior increasingly. Its only been in the past few years that these parties have become mainstream. I spent a great deal of time in congress wondering why exactly thats the case. Why did it take us so long to wake up. What is it about the present moment that has awakened the western world to the threats posed by the Chinese Communist party. And because we have been trapped in our various basements during last few months. I recently sat down and watched the 2017 classic film, will for you too. The huds roasting chinese film of all times. And for those of you who are fans of this film. You will note that the films call imax on the antagonist is an american mercenary, named big daddy is about to kill the hero a former special ops soldier. Big daddy attempt to jam it knife into his throat and he gloats and says, people like you will always be inferior to people like me. So get used to it. Spoiler alert, he turns the table around brimley stabs big daddy to death with a bullet that was on his necklace. The singlet that was used earlier in the fiance. Im sorry but i just read it for you if you havent seen it. This was the satisfying in familiar, ending because that person, ended with another american mercenary. This time next u. S. Navy seal. The british accent named tomcat. He manages to have a seeming silly helpless guy, he rips the patch off his shoulder with attorneys like in the words essay i five for china. They mocked him being willing to die for his country. In the tables are turned get again and met our hero and he seven kill tomcat with his own life rated shortly thereafter, the commanding general of the chinese unit suddenly sums up the message by saying those who challenge chinas resolve, will have no safe place to hide. I think there is a lot to dissect in these movies that may seem like an even more hard to dish version of michael bay movie here in america. In this chapter the new china rules, theres an observation that i think really ripped straight from a wolf warrior scene pretty said, with chinas new strength, has come a bare knuckle abusiveness. Often combined with an unexpected sense of insecurity. Suggest that the warrior diplomacy may be backfiring in europe in particular and further turning Public Opinion against the party, but i would submit it might be popular domestically it is a product of recent events colliding with a longrunning current week released Defense Strategies that prioritized but none with the urgency and the strategic scen sense that they t together and i give them credit for the phenomenal work that was done in the National Security strategy leading to the Subsequent NationalDefense Strategy by what is someone that works on these issues every day in congress at a time when the country is very politically divided im actually struck by the amount of consensus on the basic premise of those documents intin by would submit even the president s biggest detractors are not necessarily taking issue with the premise of his grand strategy as articulated by hr and luckily, we have to work of insightful scholars to thank for that for waking us up to the challenge we face from the Chinese Communist party and the fact that we have a new direction in the u. S. Foreign policy, and its going to take a long time for us to figure out how to navigate these geopolitical challenges in all of the cross currents that we are going to have to navigate around for decades to come. Thank you for your work, for your Leadership Conference on firing me over a decade ago as i was a precocious lieutenant, and im excited for this discussion and honored to be working on this with you in congress. s connect the viewers, this couldnt come at a more important becaus time because ik what is happening in this diplomacy and this approach this might be one of the reasons we are facing such a dangerous period across the indo pacific. We are going to go in a facilitated discussion that facilitates the discussion for about 45 minutes past the hour and in the meantime, please send your questions and i will be reading them as best i can end in the final 15 minutes i will pose by some of your questions from the viewers. Without further delay thank you for those brief introductory remarks. Thank you so much it is a pleasure to be here this afternoon and it was great to be back with friends. If you dont find i do want to say however youve proven my point years ago i wrote an article about the importance of knowing how to recount movie lines and thought to make it in the National Security and Foreign Policy field and weve done it again. Weve all seen how often that is important. In the relationship at that point you talked about how twitter in the platform but there are rules and regulations that prevented in china. Can you talk about that and then i would like you to comment more about the recent oped that talks about the possible cold war between the u. S. And china. I think they found the term not helpful and i think that it would be interesting to start both with the cold war and the reciprocity. I dont want to consume time that could be spent better but the middle east is very much like the godfather anytime i escape it, it pulls me back in but on the question of reciprocity i recently did an hourlong interview with bill bishop which is essential for people to Pay Attention to these issues and he talked about something that i think is true these platforms are absolutely essential to the ideological warfare strategy. It is tha the water in which the strategies wins and without it it has a tough time taking hold so what i have suggested after seeing day in and day out they go on twitter and to suggest conspiracy theories that were being directed by those in the american media, i wrote a letter to jack dorsey and suggest that as a simple and they fear rule are those that deny their own access to the platform, they should be able to allow the to propagate on that platform. Im sure theres unintended consequences. This is an area thats tricky and im sure thereve been a lot of conservative bashing of social media can and suggesting we should creat tree that my cot publishers. I dont think we can sit idly by while all of this misinformation is being openly injected into our democracy. We went through a debate for years and in some ways this is more pernicious. I would be open to the bots on n the way to thread the needle. As for a new cold war combine bot, im opento a better analog. I think that its been critical of the analogy so i welcomed t the. My only point is there is something in between particularly the nuclear war and the status quo, doing nothing. We could call it lukewarm, warfare, i think that the analogy is useful because it clues us into certain similarities and the need to reinvent a lot of the National Security up about isecurity of e build in the old cold war and have a whole of society effort invested but also into the many, many different is from the fact we were never economically intertwined in the soviet union mike we are with the Chinese Communist party. So also i like cold war history as a reference in the piece Joseph Mccarthy is in my district in the second marine Intelligence Officer elected and that may be a distinction bishop warned us that we can go overboard but as long as we maintain that capacity this is something we can win. I cant help but think that it goes on every day and criticizes the cold war thinking and mentality because they dont want the new cold war to end the way the old cold war did. So i will rest my thoughts. That is a perfect opening. I would love to turn to you now. I loved your book and i would like to say that each of the essays is elegantly crafted and perfect for those that are new to the subject as well as experts as well and the famous historian who wrote about the strategy would have been proud. Lets start a little bit with the title of the geopolitics. It was a little bit about what you mean by geopolitics because it is a theme that runs through the book and its important for the audience to understand a little bit of what you need and because hes also featured in the essays that forms a framework for the rest of the chapters. I realize now the title of the book should have been wolf warrior politics but that isnt asking the representative for his thoughts on the table before him. Before i get to that let me give a few seconds of thanks. Thanks to the institution for allowing me to publish the book and go with the idea to a lot of people dont like. Or doctor who was very supportive of this and chris and his entire team that produced it this is my third publisher and honestly the best experience i had publishing a book and i think it was beautifully done as a piece and its nice to hold. Erin and her team that put the word out, i appreciate it. Our colleague that kindly wrote such an excellent forward in this context of where we are today. I know how busy you are into the representative helping her out of the country. Im glad you took time. It is important and in a way that those of us that have been doing this for decades have waited for and now that its here its a little bit like the dog that catches the car. What are you doing now, because everybody is focused on it in the way that they were a lonely voice in the wilderness and its helpful to think about this concept of geopolitics. Representative gallagher talked about the water. We used to swim in the water of geopolitics and think about all the time in relation to the strategy and goals and desires and at the end of the cold war we dropped it and said we dont need it anymore. Part of that was the end of history, the idea they didnt have to think anymore about the Global Challenge and therefore different areas of the world. I think also some of it may have been related to the start Mike Gallagher and military affairs where suddenly we felt we can project power anywhere in the globe and thought to just think abouabout geographies of their k complements his that made us forget why geography is important and i dont want to distinguish from the chico strategy. Its very simple its influence f the geography on the political and International Relations or conversely how about Foreign Policy introduction into geographical space. When you think about china there is no other way than to understand that they are looking at the world geopolitically. We talk about one belt and one road we are the first and second by all of the chain but those are for the chinese but the way that they are approaching it through kgo strategy. I am not a huge fan of it but its an important distinction to make. These days we talk about geopolitics as the Foreign Policy is geopolitics. Its not necessarily what you do at the un, but when you think about access to resources and lines of communication and linking different parts of the world to benefit your own power you try to affect the power through the space and you did the kgo strategy for those of us on this side we should be thinking about it in those terms, one belt one road is kgo strategy. I will wrap up on this question i found it starts with a long history. I found the historian and political scientist and geopolitics or whatever you want to call him who died in the war, very young but with a couple of incredibly insightful studies on where the competition played out and as opposed to thinking about the gigantic step in the center of russia and parts of china, this is where this plays out in the inner cities whether it is the mediterranean or the English Channel to the East China Sea and South China Sea is where the people are the productive facilities are so thats where competition really happens. It doesnt have an out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean except if you try to take a place that gives you access. Instead of competing and he helps us understand what beijing has been trying to do the past 20 years in securing the mediterranean for the integrated strategic space thats the sea of japan, the south and East China Seachina seas all the waye indian ocean and i think that it behooves us to understand what the chinese think about the geopolitics in order to have the right strategy. I was going to ask you next to expand on the mediterranean and what actually is happening there may be over the past few years in terms of some of the developed and if you could link back to the broad context because thats another important theme of the book. Tell us a little bit about what is happening in the Mediterranean Development that you think is important and for us to continue to watch. This is a term best used in 1942 in his last book the structure of world politics. Im blanking on the name cometh was unfinished at the time of his death and then finished by his colleagues. He said lets think about the connected to see the way we think about the mediterranean all the great powers ranged around them is the lifeline into and out of the region so if you think about it in the east and South China Sea is basically between the two of those it goes down and flow it flows seamlessm what we used to call russia siberia down into the most productive if you think of japan, south korea and china, the northern part of china and the most productive parts of the World Economy in terms of production and then from there are the materials flowing out. But we dont really think of it because they have different geographic names. We think of it as being separated from another seat, certainly not how they think of it or segregated from the indian ocean. You geto get to the indian ocean different ways, you can get to the venue float directly beyond and that leads to the part of the world but they are thinking about this and it is an integrated strategic space and its why for example i dont think that we use it much anymore but we did about a decade ago they were building a string of pearls and it was the geography of the peace is the last book and people should pick it up and helps you understand why you need to have a forward defense because you do not want to be contained in this hemisphere. You need a Global Defense and need to think about it integrated. Its like the chinese are Building Bases and Access Points in pakistan or burma to allow them to have strategic space to f