Transcripts For CSPAN2 House Appropriations Debates 2021 Int

Transcripts For CSPAN2 House Appropriations Debates 2021 Interior Environment Related Agencies... 20240712

Preparations committee worked on 2021 spending today, earlier they debated interior and Environmental Department spending which included several amendments, your congresswoman chairs the committee. Good morning. I called a meeting on appropriations to order. And before we begin, they require me to remind you we have set up an email address to which members can send anything they wish to submit in writing at any of our hearings or markups. The email address has been provided to your staff. First, consideration of the interior environment appropriations bill, fiscal year 2021. I will now recognize ms. Mccowan to present the bill. Good morning. I want to thank Ranking Member, for his strong collaboration of partnership throughout this entire process. Been a great partner from the great lakes and a little geography being social studies teacher, it borders with the great state of ohio, lake erie and in minnesota, we border on lake superior. Id like to thank all members of our subcommittee for all contributions and especially the way in which continue our tradition of nonpartisan work, to Work Together on issues that affect Indian Country. Im also grateful for the leadership of chairwoman and Ranking Member ranger, superior. This is chairwomans last markup and i am particularly want to extend my gratitude to her for her outstanding leadership shes provided on this committee and her understanding heritage areas in the full subcommittee for that we do. Shes preserving our nations parks and public lands, Environmental Protections, clean air and clean water for generations to come. I wish you all the best in the years ahead and i know we all do. Fiscal year 2021, subcommittee is recommending a total of 36. 8 billion in discretionary funding, this is an increase of 771 Million Dollars over last years level. In addition to our regular appropriations, the bill includes 2. 4 billion and adjusted funds for suppression operations. This brings the total funding for Fire Management to 5. 7 billion. Thank you, again for all your work on this issue. This bill includes an additional 15 million in emergency designated Infrastructure Investment for the bureau of Indian Education, Indian Health services, the Environmental Protection agency. These investments will increase access to quality healthcare, education to clean up contaminated land, would an unhealthy air. As a result the impending enactment of the Great American doors act in fiscal year 21, the land and Water Conservation fund will be fully funded 900 billion for the first time in 40 years. This bill allocates distribution of those funds, once the committee receives the list from agencies, which is required, we will reflect the final decisions in the enacted bill. Last year, House Democrats secured significant new investments in Environmental Protection and land conservation. Fiscal year 2021, this bill builds upon the successes and advances the priorities of american families, ensuring we have clean air and water to protect our chickens health. Protecting almost special places and endangered species by taking meaningful actions to address Climate Change. Bill is a rejection of dangerous policies and funding cuts proposed by the Trump Administration. Instead, this bill moves us forward by investing in resources in ways that keep our Community Safe and healthy. This bill and protection and preservation of our landscapes and biodiversity. The covid19 pandemic is affecting our entire nation but there pronounced Racial Disparities in its impact with africanamericans, hispanic latinos, native americans, expanding higher rates of infection and higher rates of death. Tribal communities are disproportionately feeling the effects of the endemic while our work to provide covid19 relief is ongoing, this bill invests in the health and safety and welfare of Indian Country. This bill provides 3. 5 billion to Indian Affairs bureau of Indian Education and the office of special trustee and 6. 5 billion to the Indian Health service. As a nation, we have more work to do to ensure we provide the health and Safety Education of our brothers and sisters working together on our subcommittee, this bill is another step in the right direction towards upholding federal government cost and treaty obligation. This bill contains 102 million for the problem of population to think our question colleagues for keeping the committee focused on this work. Thank you mr. Stewart. I want to know this bill provides provisions that protect our environment now and future generations. Given the circumstances, find ourselves facing with covid19 and the fact that many of these provisions passed overwhelmingly with support in the house last year, ive included in the bill. We know how this movie ends so here are provisions included. A provision to block off the coast of florida, california and maine which passed on the house for about 252 to 178, a provision to protect the pristine wilderness of the alaska force house for about a 2432188 and a provision and the importation of sports at the elephants and line trophies in tanzania, zimbabwe and zambia. Passed on the house floor by about 2392192. Before i conclude, id like to address the issue. Consider legs memorials have long been simple question and discrimination in our nation. My first year Ranking Member along with chair calvert, this bill was brought down on the house floor by a Confederate Flag issue. Five years later, as chair, i continue and at times, outrage that we as a nation, not made more progress to address racism and to end the cruel legacy of the confederacy. I am committed to do everything i to help our country confront and heal his legacy of Racial Justice. Thats why in this bill, i am including in which requiring National Parks service to remove all confederate commemorative works. Furthermore, this bill includes language authored by representative jeffries, that prohibits for the purchase of the display of Confederate Flags in our National Parks. With one exception. I am a social studies teacher. That exception is in special circumstances to provide historical content. Gettysburg. This is not about erasing our history or denigrating anyone heritage. This is about whether or not we are willing to do the hard work, confronting the truth of our history and to work. In order to do that, that means ending the use of confederate symbols which continues to be used today to intimidate and terrorize millions of our fellow americans. I hope every member of this committee, and this body will. Finally, i want to thank the staff on both sides of the aisle including hunt, merchant, erickson, peter and donna. Rebecca taylor also. For all the hard work on the legislation and the work they together with the republican staff so we can be here today. I urge members to support this bill, its great bill. Adam schiff, i yelled back. [applause] its clear your statement is very appreciated. I want to find for me thank you like to recognize subcommittee Ranking Member mr. Joyce. Thank you. Congrats on reaching another important milestone in the fiscal year 2021 interior environment and related agencies appropriations bill. Before it started, going to graduate you, chairwoman on your retirement. We wish you all and thank you for your longstanding dedication to this is like to think the Ranking Member steadfast leadership. I like to thank you for the judicious way you lead this committee during this president. More than a dozen budget hearings and briefings to address challenges cost by this virus, something all members are grateful for no matter side of the aisle we are on. Among difficult circumstances, you continue to show even when we disagree, we can do so without being disagreeable. What do we agree more restoration of the great lakes. The largest freshwater system in the world and its crucial we continue to protect and preserve them to the full extent possible. Thats why grateful for the work is done in this bill for support the Restoration Initiative, continue robust investment eradicating agents and addressing coastline erosion. Another area we strongly agree is Indian Country. The complement you on the nonpartisan approach to programs for American Indians and alaska natives on more than one quarter of the bill. Covid19 has hit Indian Country products in any other area in the nation. Culture of the Bipartisan Task force, is pleased to see the recommendation include 3 million to intimate violence against women in american Indian Country and additional 3. 2 Million Dollars operation lady justice to address missing indigenous people, Human Trafficking and other violent crimes. Grateful even in this Environment Congress finds themselves subcommittee continues to work on behalf of Indian Country. I appreciate our members that the bill provides full funding for the payment and taxes program and continues to include significant funding for the wildfire suppression and hazardous field activities. It could be especially challenging year, the funds are critical to protecting communities across the country and preventing devastation weve seen in recent years. Im pleased to see the bill provides 55 million for the final phase of national air and Space Museum Renovation enclosed with increased funding world water Technical Assistance. They provide Additional Support for fish and Wildlife Services north america was conservation act to work with partners to restore wetlands and other pets. How to think chair and staff for making sincere effort to accommodate bipartisan priorities the bill alongside republican requests. We appreciate the truth, regardless of party so thank you. However, i want to applaud bipartisan priorities included the bill, several problems that need to be addressed before the bill can become law. First, it adds several controversial policy writers, administrator of precision and report directive. These provisions are aimed at stopping administrations reducing regulatory and curbing Energy Development. Positive strives for Renewable Energy Development Taking steps back on the energy. Our economy continues to depend on the Energy Strategy in several provisions in the bill undermine our ability to do so. One of the many lessons weve learned from the pandemic is we cannot rely on other countries for critical resources. We cannot protect american jobs if we cannot power them. Renewable energy is not ready to carry a load on its own. Important bipartisan bill language provisions weve agreed to for several years that have fallen out of this draft. It will be essential to reaching a bipartisan agreement. On the level proposed in this bill, bill benefits from off budget emergency funding provided in other bills, instead of using savings for the Great American outdoors act and Going National debt, reallocate the funds. The bill includes a new title with 15 billion in spending for additional infrastructure. No doubt infrastructure programs in this bill that needs the funds more but that doesnt if the federal government license to get to know about any overarching plan fiscal responsibility. Policy and funding reasons i cannot support this bill at this time in its current form but am committed to working with you that im sure along with chairman and Ranking Member and the rest of our colleagues in this committee as we move through fiscal 21 year process. Multiple can work across the aisle to craft a bill receives bipartisan support, the government operating and reserve the Environmental Resources we need. [laughter] would now like to recognize myself for opening remarks. Thank Ranking Member joyce for your work on this bill as well as the staff for your efforts to review member requests for us. House democrats reject the Trump Administration pandering to the fossil fuel industry at the expense of the environment and public lands. Instead, we will promote solutions that preserve our landscape, protect endangered species and help prevent the worst impact of Climate Change. The fiscal year 2021 interior appropriations bill, will fulfill his obligations by investing 9. 37 billion for epa and increase 318 million including an increase of 13 million, 2 billion and increase 55 million for the National Parks service and 170 million for both National Endowment to the arts and endowment for the humanities. Epa Geographic Program served to protect the health of the American Public as well as the most important ecosystem which enables both enhanced recreational and business opportunity. I promised to clean up the long island, im proud to serve funding to rehabilitate the Precious Resource in the lower hudson valley. Including 30. 4 million for the long island regional program. I look forward to moving this bill to the floor of the house of representatives, i urge all members to support it and i would now like to recognize Ranking Member granger for her opening remarks. Thank you. Thank you for the work theyve done on many programs supported by the interior bill. Priorities and concerns of members on both sides of the aisle as many as good things of Natural Resources. In addition, the bill helps local communities across the country with education and safety needs, particularly in Indian Country. Even though the bill funds many share priorities, several policies that have concern. Provisions that have had bipartisan support for many years. Instead, the bill as many directors would limit energy and mineral production and prevent the administration from producing regulatory burdens. Additionally, im concerned about fiscal year 2021 appropriations bill and in particular, funding levels proposed in this bill. The bill includes 18 billion in emergency spending including components of the infrastructure built pushed through the house lastly republican involvement. I did not support that bill because it was a departure from years of bipartisan work on infrastructure priorities and i cant support this additional spending today. You must find ways to rein in spending by addressing our nations most pressing need. I hope we can resolve these funding differences, in closing, i want to recognize all subcommittee members for their dedication for the important programs in the bill and the staff for their hard work. Thank you and i yield back. At any other members wishing to make general comments about the bill . Member granger as well as chair betty and Ranking Member david for the leadership of this committee. The bill prioritizes Environmental Protection and conservation by making strong investments to provide for the protection of public lands to ensure clean air and Safe Drinking Water for all americans as cochair of the long island caucus, i would like to thank the chair for the 9. 4 million increase will only island your god which represents electric funding levels of 31 million. Island caucus is a bipartisan effort and the National Treasure worship covers all states and 25 citizens within an hour drive of the shores and contributing estimated 31 billion annually for the regional economy from commercial and recreational fishing, tourism and other water dependencies. Provided by this bill for conservation, ownership management activities that protect and restore the environmentally and economically vital endorsing of long island. We say thank you to the chair for prioritizing additional funding of 12. 5 million to address the president presence of contamination in our community. These chemicals are linked to Health Effects including the growth and development of children. The funding will support the important work of establishing standards for contaminated Environmental Department<\/a> spending which included several amendments, your congresswoman chairs the committee. Good morning. I called a meeting on appropriations to order. And before we begin, they require me to remind you we have set up an email address to which members can send anything they wish to submit in writing at any of our hearings or markups. The email address has been provided to your staff. First, consideration of the interior environment appropriations bill, fiscal year 2021. I will now recognize ms. Mccowan to present the bill. Good morning. I want to thank Ranking Member<\/a>, for his strong collaboration of partnership throughout this entire process. Been a great partner from the great lakes and a little geography being social studies teacher, it borders with the great state of ohio, lake erie and in minnesota, we border on lake superior. Id like to thank all members of our subcommittee for all contributions and especially the way in which continue our tradition of nonpartisan work, to Work Together<\/a> on issues that affect Indian Country<\/a>. Im also grateful for the leadership of chairwoman and Ranking Member<\/a> ranger, superior. This is chairwomans last markup and i am particularly want to extend my gratitude to her for her outstanding leadership shes provided on this committee and her understanding heritage areas in the full subcommittee for that we do. Shes preserving our nations parks and public lands, Environmental Protection<\/a>s, clean air and clean water for generations to come. I wish you all the best in the years ahead and i know we all do. Fiscal year 2021, subcommittee is recommending a total of 36. 8 billion in discretionary funding, this is an increase of 771 Million Dollars<\/a> over last years level. In addition to our regular appropriations, the bill includes 2. 4 billion and adjusted funds for suppression operations. This brings the total funding for Fire Management<\/a> to 5. 7 billion. Thank you, again for all your work on this issue. This bill includes an additional 15 million in emergency designated Infrastructure Investment<\/a> for the bureau of Indian Education<\/a>, Indian Health<\/a> services, the Environmental Protection<\/a> agency. These investments will increase access to quality healthcare, education to clean up contaminated land, would an unhealthy air. As a result the impending enactment of the Great American<\/a> doors act in fiscal year 21, the land and Water Conservation<\/a> fund will be fully funded 900 billion for the first time in 40 years. This bill allocates distribution of those funds, once the committee receives the list from agencies, which is required, we will reflect the final decisions in the enacted bill. Last year, House Democrats<\/a> secured significant new investments in Environmental Protection<\/a> and land conservation. Fiscal year 2021, this bill builds upon the successes and advances the priorities of american families, ensuring we have clean air and water to protect our chickens health. Protecting almost special places and endangered species by taking meaningful actions to address Climate Change<\/a>. Bill is a rejection of dangerous policies and funding cuts proposed by the Trump Administration<\/a>. Instead, this bill moves us forward by investing in resources in ways that keep our Community Safe<\/a> and healthy. This bill and protection and preservation of our landscapes and biodiversity. The covid19 pandemic is affecting our entire nation but there pronounced Racial Disparities<\/a> in its impact with africanamericans, hispanic latinos, native americans, expanding higher rates of infection and higher rates of death. Tribal communities are disproportionately feeling the effects of the endemic while our work to provide covid19 relief is ongoing, this bill invests in the health and safety and welfare of Indian Country<\/a>. This bill provides 3. 5 billion to Indian Affairs<\/a> bureau of Indian Education<\/a> and the office of special trustee and 6. 5 billion to the Indian Health<\/a> service. As a nation, we have more work to do to ensure we provide the health and Safety Education<\/a> of our brothers and sisters working together on our subcommittee, this bill is another step in the right direction towards upholding federal government cost and treaty obligation. This bill contains 102 million for the problem of population to think our question colleagues for keeping the committee focused on this work. Thank you mr. Stewart. I want to know this bill provides provisions that protect our environment now and future generations. Given the circumstances, find ourselves facing with covid19 and the fact that many of these provisions passed overwhelmingly with support in the house last year, ive included in the bill. We know how this movie ends so here are provisions included. A provision to block off the coast of florida, california and maine which passed on the house for about 252 to 178, a provision to protect the pristine wilderness of the alaska force house for about a 2432188 and a provision and the importation of sports at the elephants and line trophies in tanzania, zimbabwe and zambia. Passed on the house floor by about 2392192. Before i conclude, id like to address the issue. Consider legs memorials have long been simple question and discrimination in our nation. My first year Ranking Member<\/a> along with chair calvert, this bill was brought down on the house floor by a Confederate Flag<\/a> issue. Five years later, as chair, i continue and at times, outrage that we as a nation, not made more progress to address racism and to end the cruel legacy of the confederacy. I am committed to do everything i to help our country confront and heal his legacy of Racial Justice<\/a>. Thats why in this bill, i am including in which requiring National Parks<\/a> service to remove all confederate commemorative works. Furthermore, this bill includes language authored by representative jeffries, that prohibits for the purchase of the display of Confederate Flag<\/a>s in our National Parks<\/a>. With one exception. I am a social studies teacher. That exception is in special circumstances to provide historical content. Gettysburg. This is not about erasing our history or denigrating anyone heritage. This is about whether or not we are willing to do the hard work, confronting the truth of our history and to work. In order to do that, that means ending the use of confederate symbols which continues to be used today to intimidate and terrorize millions of our fellow americans. I hope every member of this committee, and this body will. Finally, i want to thank the staff on both sides of the aisle including hunt, merchant, erickson, peter and donna. Rebecca taylor also. For all the hard work on the legislation and the work they together with the republican staff so we can be here today. I urge members to support this bill, its great bill. Adam schiff, i yelled back. [applause] its clear your statement is very appreciated. I want to find for me thank you like to recognize subcommittee Ranking Member<\/a> mr. Joyce. Thank you. Congrats on reaching another important milestone in the fiscal year 2021 interior environment and related agencies appropriations bill. Before it started, going to graduate you, chairwoman on your retirement. We wish you all and thank you for your longstanding dedication to this is like to think the Ranking Member<\/a> steadfast leadership. I like to thank you for the judicious way you lead this committee during this president. More than a dozen budget hearings and briefings to address challenges cost by this virus, something all members are grateful for no matter side of the aisle we are on. Among difficult circumstances, you continue to show even when we disagree, we can do so without being disagreeable. What do we agree more restoration of the great lakes. The largest freshwater system in the world and its crucial we continue to protect and preserve them to the full extent possible. Thats why grateful for the work is done in this bill for support the Restoration Initiative<\/a>, continue robust investment eradicating agents and addressing coastline erosion. Another area we strongly agree is Indian Country<\/a>. The complement you on the nonpartisan approach to programs for American Indians<\/a> and alaska natives on more than one quarter of the bill. Covid19 has hit Indian Country<\/a> products in any other area in the nation. Culture of the Bipartisan Task<\/a> force, is pleased to see the recommendation include 3 million to intimate violence against women in american Indian Country<\/a> and additional 3. 2 Million Dollars<\/a> operation lady justice to address missing indigenous people, Human Trafficking<\/a> and other violent crimes. Grateful even in this Environment Congress<\/a> finds themselves subcommittee continues to work on behalf of Indian Country<\/a>. I appreciate our members that the bill provides full funding for the payment and taxes program and continues to include significant funding for the wildfire suppression and hazardous field activities. It could be especially challenging year, the funds are critical to protecting communities across the country and preventing devastation weve seen in recent years. Im pleased to see the bill provides 55 million for the final phase of national air and Space Museum Renovation<\/a> enclosed with increased funding world water Technical Assistance<\/a>. They provide Additional Support<\/a> for fish and Wildlife Services<\/a> north america was conservation act to work with partners to restore wetlands and other pets. How to think chair and staff for making sincere effort to accommodate bipartisan priorities the bill alongside republican requests. We appreciate the truth, regardless of party so thank you. However, i want to applaud bipartisan priorities included the bill, several problems that need to be addressed before the bill can become law. First, it adds several controversial policy writers, administrator of precision and report directive. These provisions are aimed at stopping administrations reducing regulatory and curbing Energy Development<\/a>. Positive strives for Renewable Energy<\/a> Development Taking<\/a> steps back on the energy. Our economy continues to depend on the Energy Strategy<\/a> in several provisions in the bill undermine our ability to do so. One of the many lessons weve learned from the pandemic is we cannot rely on other countries for critical resources. We cannot protect american jobs if we cannot power them. Renewable energy is not ready to carry a load on its own. Important bipartisan bill language provisions weve agreed to for several years that have fallen out of this draft. It will be essential to reaching a bipartisan agreement. On the level proposed in this bill, bill benefits from off budget emergency funding provided in other bills, instead of using savings for the Great American<\/a> outdoors act and Going National<\/a> debt, reallocate the funds. The bill includes a new title with 15 billion in spending for additional infrastructure. No doubt infrastructure programs in this bill that needs the funds more but that doesnt if the federal government license to get to know about any overarching plan fiscal responsibility. Policy and funding reasons i cannot support this bill at this time in its current form but am committed to working with you that im sure along with chairman and Ranking Member<\/a> and the rest of our colleagues in this committee as we move through fiscal 21 year process. Multiple can work across the aisle to craft a bill receives bipartisan support, the government operating and reserve the Environmental Resources<\/a> we need. [laughter] would now like to recognize myself for opening remarks. Thank Ranking Member<\/a> joyce for your work on this bill as well as the staff for your efforts to review member requests for us. House democrats reject the Trump Administration<\/a> pandering to the fossil fuel industry at the expense of the environment and public lands. Instead, we will promote solutions that preserve our landscape, protect endangered species and help prevent the worst impact of Climate Change<\/a>. The fiscal year 2021 interior appropriations bill, will fulfill his obligations by investing 9. 37 billion for epa and increase 318 million including an increase of 13 million, 2 billion and increase 55 million for the National Parks<\/a> service and 170 million for both National Endowment<\/a> to the arts and endowment for the humanities. Epa Geographic Program<\/a> served to protect the health of the American Public<\/a> as well as the most important ecosystem which enables both enhanced recreational and business opportunity. I promised to clean up the long island, im proud to serve funding to rehabilitate the Precious Resource<\/a> in the lower hudson valley. Including 30. 4 million for the long island regional program. I look forward to moving this bill to the floor of the house of representatives, i urge all members to support it and i would now like to recognize Ranking Member<\/a> granger for her opening remarks. Thank you. Thank you for the work theyve done on many programs supported by the interior bill. Priorities and concerns of members on both sides of the aisle as many as good things of Natural Resources<\/a>. In addition, the bill helps local communities across the country with education and safety needs, particularly in Indian Country<\/a>. Even though the bill funds many share priorities, several policies that have concern. Provisions that have had bipartisan support for many years. Instead, the bill as many directors would limit energy and mineral production and prevent the administration from producing regulatory burdens. Additionally, im concerned about fiscal year 2021 appropriations bill and in particular, funding levels proposed in this bill. The bill includes 18 billion in emergency spending including components of the infrastructure built pushed through the house lastly republican involvement. I did not support that bill because it was a departure from years of bipartisan work on infrastructure priorities and i cant support this additional spending today. You must find ways to rein in spending by addressing our nations most pressing need. I hope we can resolve these funding differences, in closing, i want to recognize all subcommittee members for their dedication for the important programs in the bill and the staff for their hard work. Thank you and i yield back. At any other members wishing to make general comments about the bill . Member granger as well as chair betty and Ranking Member<\/a> david for the leadership of this committee. The bill prioritizes Environmental Protection<\/a> and conservation by making strong investments to provide for the protection of public lands to ensure clean air and Safe Drinking Water<\/a> for all americans as cochair of the long island caucus, i would like to thank the chair for the 9. 4 million increase will only island your god which represents electric funding levels of 31 million. Island caucus is a bipartisan effort and the National Treasure<\/a> worship covers all states and 25 citizens within an hour drive of the shores and contributing estimated 31 billion annually for the regional economy from commercial and recreational fishing, tourism and other water dependencies. Provided by this bill for conservation, ownership management activities that protect and restore the environmentally and economically vital endorsing of long island. We say thank you to the chair for prioritizing additional funding of 12. 5 million to address the president presence of contamination in our community. These chemicals are linked to Health Effects<\/a> including the growth and development of children. The funding will support the important work of establishing standards for contaminated Drinking Water<\/a> and clean up the Environmental Protection<\/a> agency. Inks to all who have participated in this bill. I yield back. Are there any other members wishing to make comments about the bill . Thank you. You have written a truly historic bill. The bill delivers at the crossroads, the environmental and Ecological Program<\/a> under your belt, help us ensure clean air, clean water and helping restore Natural Balance<\/a> to our world. Ecological health of our world hangs in the balance of clement change, your bill moves our nation to build a better future. There are too many programs to mention that this bill supports, i would like to thank both chair and Ranking Member<\/a>. You support the great lakes and great lakes pursuit of initiatives. This is critical for protecting 90 of our patients fresh surface water. The bill recognizes the importance of this vital resource by providing 335 milling dollars, provides critical support for harmful bloom control and turned a corner on the initial call to eliminate our eye. The great x Restoration Initiative<\/a> is supporting targeting investments for our communities and support, the Great Lakes Region<\/a> economy, for too long, the struggles of americas waste and Drinking Water<\/a> systems have been ignored. In addition to providing significant funding of 2. 76 billion for clean water and Drinking Water<\/a> state, Revolving Fund<\/a>, Ranking Member<\/a> joyce offered a lifeline to save our crumbling infrastructure including an additional 3. 2 billion for infrastructure assistance. Id like to applaud the focus on the Green Project Reserve Fund<\/a> which encourages states to make green and Sustainable Investments<\/a> in treatment facilities. The state Revolving Fund<\/a> must be the engine for change for communities across our nation and investing Green Infrastructure<\/a> and Energy Efficiency<\/a> upgrades. These investments are the lifeblood of our future. Chair, goodyear formalist staff have they worked tirelessly along with making member joyce to craft a bill to invest in a new future for our fragile country. I yelled back in support. Thank you, chairwoman. For your leadership and thank you chairwoman and mr. Joyce were an incredible bill. First of all, our constituents are demanding that we dismantle the legacy of slavery, can captured in the Confederate Flag<\/a> throughout the country. These symbols celebrate will continue enslavement of effort brought to america chains, 401 years ago. Im one of those descendents so thank you madam chair for your commitment and for not giving up on your efforts to publish what you have in this bill, i want to thank you for providing the 2 million to preserve the white noise of the civil rights movements including refilling to preserve and memorialize japaneseamericans to combine during shameful episode in our history. It includes ten clean competitive historically black colleges and universities in the Historic Preservation<\/a> fund. Theyve long been an avenue for our young people to launch themselves into productive careers and forges their identity as leaders. So many of my africanamerican students from california tend historically black colleges and universities so thank you so much for that. The Grant Program<\/a> restores and preserves Historic Buildings<\/a> on campus. Preserving these sites provides us with invaluable length which helps connect americans with the history and legacy of racism and justice in the fight for a more perfect union. Also, this committee is grateful for investing Environmental Justice<\/a>, thank you very much. This bill increases the funds to bank billing for the epa which is an increase of 318 million. It will improve our nations ability to help protect the health of our communities including lowincome communities, black and brown communities, our environment and ensure clean water for our children and families. Also, the bill includes a Foreign Language<\/a> on science and technology, engineering, also known as stem and diversity and smithsonian institution. The language reinforces bridges between smithsonian creek lamp and helping close the achievement gap for many low income students and students of color. Thank you again for helping us repair so much of the damage of the past. I look forward to working with you as we work to move this bill on the floor and im deeply gratitude for all of this. Thank you. I commend you on putting together a bill that affects our lands and national resources. Climate change for billing ensures we are adequately investing in our nations critically thinking water system. Thank you for providing funding in a variety of towns that will ensure the grades ecosystem and water supply. Im gratified the bill includes language that i requested that prohibits the department of interior from conducting offshore oil and gas for related activities. Safeguarding precious ecosystems is an essential priority. We cannot afford another deepwater horizon and we cannot risk our economies beaches and coastline, remaining pristine. Im also pleased about includes language directing the u. S. Survey, extraction of water were following. The provision would help us better understand what kinds of companies are causing things like in florida. When water levels decrease because of extraction for water bottling. Companies pay no more than 100 to extract millions of gallons from our dreams annually and protecting and preserving them in the vital resource is critical. Committee report includes language encouraging providing Technical Assistance<\/a> to this program, municipalities like fort lauderdale. Suffering and release of untreated water supply. This unfortunate witness White Supremacy<\/a> movements in our own nation, and part of the bill provides increase for the u. S. Across the museum. His increase fulfilled the museums Education Program<\/a> on genocide education, which is important for keeping this alive, ever again. Finally, im pleased the bill for the Water Conservation<\/a> for 900 million on discretionary oil and gas. Breaking member putting together an excellent bill. You are recognized. Thank you for the work on the bill, a few specific things, i want to thank you so much for the work to include language promoting the use of plants and restoration of Land Management<\/a> activities, protecting americas birds from collisions with public buildings limiting Plastic Waste<\/a> outside National Parks<\/a>. The Committee Report<\/a> makes clear wildlife refugees like the Upper Mississippi National<\/a> wildlife and fish refuge in my state, power and pipelines must be kept at minimal to avoid impact and surrounding ecosystems. Expansions should be fixed considered extremely carefully in existing laws. This provision for entirety strengths regarding responsible department and physically Economic Growth<\/a>. I would like to thank chairman for Committee Staff<\/a> on both sides of the aisle for the work on this legislation, congrats to all of you and i support the bill. You are recognized. Thank you. Thank you to the chair and Ranking Member<\/a>s of the committ committee, in particular for putting together such a good bill and hardworking staff, im proud to be a member of this subcommittee and appreciate the issues that have to be tackled and done in this bill. Want to mention a couple of other things, im fortunate to be cochair of the bipartisan caucus and its wonderful to see 170 billing dollars in the neh. Frequently, money for the arts gets targeted and partisan rhetoric put down is Something Congress<\/a> shouldnt be spending money on but this is a particularly hardhit sector during the covid19 and i dont think any of us should be dismissing it. It brings about 763 billion to our economy, 4. 2 of gdp in the sectors we support every day. Its been devastated, so much of the arts requires us getting together in a room and sitting close to each other. It stretches from broadway to each one of our unities, small towns, Small Community<\/a> theaters all shut down. Thats the people out front and outback so this has taken a hardhit and its not clear when it will come together again so i appreciate this funding that will go to many of the organizations in all of your communities and appreciate the flexibility in the language to help keep these institutions afloat. I appreciate the continued investments in Indian Country<\/a> both with infrastructure and Indian Health<\/a> services. There are longstanding disparities during this covid19 is particularly important to have this funding. Appreciate the new funding for research on the relationship between coronavirus and air pollution, something we see in Economic Community<\/a> disparities around this issue and its important we invest that money now. The bill continues to reverse past that to the epa and if theres ever a time when needed funding for epa, it is today whether to clean Drinking Water<\/a>, clean air, research, many things already mentioned, critically important. Two things that are extremely important, prohibiting funding to be used for offshore gases is something weve been fighting for many years and having that language yet again attempts to reassure this will not happen. It would be devastating to fisheries and critical uses of offshore and in short ocean territory. Also, increasing funding for the National Park<\/a> service to address maintenance backlog and hire new staff is quickly important. These are gems and treasures in critical places and we can greatly use this funding and need it yesterday. I do think staff and Committee Leadership<\/a> during such great work on this. Thank you. Before i begin, i would take take a moment to thank you for your incredible leadership on this committee and will the comments by my colleagues over the last few days, its been said leadership is not about being in charge, its about taking care of those in your charge. I did thank you for the care you shown to the committee and the people who represent. You care about our constituents and communities, and families. Priorities and concerns are yours, too. On behalf of my constituents, i want to thank you for the impactful leadership. Our incredibly dedicated Committee Staff<\/a> for the work. I represent a district touched by nearly every agency in this bill. Our district is home to 11 native american tribes, National Forest<\/a> and parks, the nations largest estuary by a volume, five National Wildlife<\/a> refugees and brandnew heritage area so every day, i see firsthand how the investments help grow our role economies, uphold our treaty and trust obligations to native americans and protect our environment for generations to come. Theres a lot in this to be proud of but i want to thank you for including the 38 million, a critical 5 million increase over fiscal year 2020. That will help our regional partners begin making Real Progress<\/a> on the coordinated effort to recover the sound. Last summer, they were kind enough to travel out to my neck of the woods to meet with local stakeholders, tribal leaders, Small Business<\/a> owners, farmers, to see how these investments translate into coordinated, on the Ground Products<\/a> that will help recover not only the health of our but iconic species like salmon and orca and countless livelihood that depend on this. Im grateful this bill reflects our shared commitment to recovering which is a key economic driver for our region and rejects the proposal to eliminate this program entirely. Want to take a minute to recognize this important funding increase and countless others in this bill remain possible because later this month, congress will pass the Great American<\/a> outdoors act to probably fund the Conservation Fund<\/a> and establish a new dedicated funding to address multi billiondollar backlog at our National Parks<\/a> and other public plans. As someone who makes these mandatory and leading cosponsor to the bill, im excited to see this going to fruition. As our nation continues to grapple with crippling economic and Public Health<\/a> consequences of this pandemic, these investments will create need jobs and provide a critical lifeline to the community represent and countless others around our country. Depends on a healthy Outdoor Recreation<\/a> economy so im extremely proud of the values and priorities reflected in this bill, Great American<\/a> outdoors act and i urge my colleagues to support this bill. Before i turned to the next speaker, or to say, where you got major challenges this year. A great year ahead and i thank you. Thank you, madam chair. I support this anterior environmental bill and i think the chair and Ranking Member<\/a> for work in this field. Want to highlight this bill and important investments, for the impact for minority and low income communities, the bill increases in Environmental Justice<\/a> programs, reflects the subcommittee recognition of how critical it is to protect higher levels of environmental harm. While this is a relatively Small Program<\/a> in the epas overall budget, is significant increase that i hope we can further expand in future years. Additionally, for years, with under investigated under invested in our nations infrastructure. Minority and low income americans being denied between air and water, this bill, 13 billion in emergency investments in clean Water Infrastructure<\/a> cleanup, reflects it now in this crisis. Finally, i want to appreciate the continued funding for the commission. I have been working with my colleagues on the commissions to make sure the complete story of our nations history is old, we celebrate our 50th anniversary in 2026. In the event of the last couple of months, and was trading how important it is that we truly understand our past. Look forward to working with the chair and Ranking Member<\/a>s to see if additional funds may be included for the commission, when we reach an agreement. With that, support for this bill, thank you, i yield back. Thank you. I want to thank chairman who has shown tremendous leadership in addressing so many issues in this committee, im proud to recognize the commitment of ou our mr. Joyce, im thrilled to see this report includes whats important in my state of michigan. Like the great lakes, protections for some of our nations, the most critical ecosystem and commits to eliminating dangerous pollutants and contaminants in our schools and communities. Representing our state and district, theres been environmentally devastated. I am encouraged to see epa will receive a total of 9. 28 billion, underfunding and long delayed improvements to our Water Infrastructure<\/a> since women, children and especially people of color, among the programs epa 2. 7 billion is dedicated for clean water and Drinking Water<\/a> state Revolving Fund<\/a>s. Combined total of 189 million targeted and grants to help fight contaminants in our water, such as lead. This includes language that will hold the administration accountable, slowing down the removal of dangerous lead pipes in our communities as part of our lead and probable root revision. I want to mention the great lakes also. Coming from great lakes seat, 300 million allocation for the great lakes Restoration Initiative<\/a> allows us to continue to protect and restore this asset. Often, we look at the great lakes and not realize how important they are to the survival of our ecosystem. The most protect them from Invasive Species<\/a> like the carpet entering our plans. I dont want to let it go without saying today that the leadership of our chairwoman to recognize, or to thank you for prohibiting funding to be used by the National Park<\/a> to purchase or disgrace the Confederate Flag<\/a>. I am often asked why is there such a movement we talk about Racial Justice<\/a> in america when it comes to a symbol of continuing slavery in this country, or to be waving next to our American Flag<\/a> to me is the greatest insult being played out today in our environment. Thank you for that and i want to, as i serve today, i want to put on the record that the womans caucus for this congress, i want to thank you, and im happy to see the funding included to protect women on native land from protections under violence. I am so happy to see that because as we see the report after report of how the women on our tribal lands are under seized, we are stepping up and recognizing we can make a difference. Serving on this committee has been one of the most empowering voices we have in congress because it addresses so many issues that are not on the front page of the paper but its something, its where the work happens and how we take care of our country. Thank you so much. Thank you. I want to think chairwoman for her hard work along with the staff on both committees for the work theyve done to develop a balanced bill. How to mention a couple things we were able to work with me and i thank you on behalf of my district and the state of texas and other parts. 2500 for the u. S. Mexico border epa, its important to take care of the pollution we have. Its one of the rivers thats been challenged in the whole u. S. So thank you for that. Thank you for the work on the brownfield land program, its more funding to povertystricken areas. Thank you for the money and language on the Environmental Health<\/a> area and not only the gulf of mexico but other places also. In particular, thank you for the culture Education Funding<\/a> and language. The language that explores the american latino hispanic and the center. This is important for many reasons. The first european language spoken in the u. S. Was english but it was spanish. The first establishment was in florida. If you look at the symbols we have from the american dollar bill is in spanish, a spanish symbol. Look at the origins of the cowboy, its from spain and i could go on to other places. I want to thank you for the money and language to move forward and hopefully sometime in the near future we will talk about American Latino Center<\/a> here. I do thank you also for the representation of hispanic contribution to the American Society<\/a> and culture because theres so much contributions we have on the hispanic heritage so thank you for that and finally, thank you for the money on the Infrastructure Projects<\/a>, we still have to work on that. I want to thank you for that, madam chair and Ranking Member<\/a> in the conservation work you mentioned a few minutes ago so thank you. Thank you very much. I want to briefly think chair of the subcommittee and my good friend and Ranking Member<\/a>, they are both very good friends. The exceptional job they did in respect of this bill. In the investments made in terms of healthcare in light of the current covid19 crisis in Indian Country<\/a> is extraordinarily important and i appreciate the focus on this. I wont be able to support the bill in this current form for some of the reasons my friend, Ranking Member<\/a> laid out. I expect this bill to continue to improve during the legislative process parts relating to Indian Country<\/a> probably cant get a lot better than it already is. I know my friends will be fighting hard to preserve the gains they made and i think it ought to be recognized. This is a difficult bill. I had the privilege of sitting on this committee for a number of years and its difficult because it varies and is controversial. Environment issues, you go through it but im proud of, both democratic and Republican Leadership<\/a>, over a decade now, back to our good friend and former colleague, kept the focus on indian issues, native american issues has never thought that become partisan divide, quite the one of the things inside the bill that unites both parties in each side attributed anonymously and has done a lot better in this area in the senate and it doesnt matter whether democrat or Republican Leadership<\/a> in the senate. This is something i think has emerged as a special priority and pride and bipartisan cooperation. I want to come in english subcommittee chair and Ranking Member<\/a> for keeping that focus, making those investments and putting us in a position with considerable pride, hard to fulfill federal obligations in Indian Country<\/a>. With that, i yield back. Thank you. Thank you. Id like to begin by thanking chairwoman and the rest of the subcommittee, the staff and Ranking Member<\/a>, joyce and i would like to reflect i thought he gave a fine speech this morning. [applause] the bill that you together, about the invests in affirmative protection, it takes meaningful action to address, change and supports tribal communities which have been disproportionately impacted covid19. Im particularly proud we include a supplemental appropriations that will provide 10. 2 billion for clean water and Drinking Water<\/a> state Revolving Fund<\/a> programs. These appropriations would protect our water quality, stimulate the economy and provide jobs for hardworking americans by investing in Water Infrastructure<\/a> projects we need. In addition, im thankful we continue to invest in the cleanup of the Chesapeake Bay<\/a>, a vital resource for the 18 Million People<\/a> that live in its watershed the millions that visit the area every year. Many communities, even those hundreds of miles from the chesapeake, have had to implement storm water fees, derisively called rain texas to meet the goal of the Chesapeake Bay<\/a> agreement. Too often the burden of these these falls on those least able to afford it. Those who are elderly and on fixed incomes, those already choosing between food and medicine and now have an additional monthly expense to deal with. The budget proposed by the administration of the white house requested only 7. 3 million for this Chesapeake Bay<\/a> program. That would cause the spike in those so called rain taxes while we didnt have sufficient funds fully to alleviate the burden on local communities will these additional funds 5 million in this bill will help their kids with fewer fees struggling. Im glad to invest in the pilot program, its a true Success Story<\/a> of the corpus subcommittee program transforms in an Economic Opportunity<\/a> and transitions into a new and brighter future. Thank you chairwoman for great leadership on the fiscal year 2021 interior appropriations bill and i yield back. Anyone wishing to make opening remarks, the managers i have an amendment of the desk and i asked that it be considered. Without objection, go ahead. I have an amendment and it makes a number of noncontroversial issues change to the bill into the report that have interest to many of the bipartisan members of the committee. I appreciate close collaboration work with mr. Joyce. Our staff works together to put together this amendment and we are in agreement and mr. Joyce, want to let you know i agree you gave a fine speech. [laughter] i urge the adoption of the amendment and with that, i yield back. Ranking member joyce is recognized. Thank you. I appreciate the opportunity to have worked with her staff and the colleagues to address noncontroversial and bipartisan improvements to the report and support the amendment and urge this adoption. I yield back. Any other members who wish to be heard on the amendment . You have one minute to close. I just ask for the amendment be supported and i hope we can go by that. The question is on the amendment. All those in favor say i. Those opposed, say no. The amendment is adopted. Other any further amendments . The member from ohio, rise. I have an amendment at the desk. We cannot protect american jobs if we cannot power them and Renewable Energy<\/a> is still not ready to carry the load on its own but i applaud the chair for the proposed 5 million additional investment in the bill for Renewable Energy<\/a> but it cannot come at the expense of conventional energy. We need to invest in both. I urge my adopt meant of my amendment and it yields back. Any members wishing for the amendment . Thank you. I rise in opposition to your amendment and i will do so in a or as much as an agreeable fashion as i can put this amendment increases the departments onshore onshore oil and gas program by 3 million and the program by 3. 7 million. I would like to share why i feel this amendment is unnecessary and first for several years the deferment has had unobligated valances in the oil and gas program and that means they can to spend all the money that they have been given so the question i have is why would we give them more. Second, the administration has an abysmal record in the federal courts with respect to this oil and gas program. Consider these facts in may, 287 leases covering 150,000 acres in the Eastern Central<\/a> montana were thrown out because of a flawed analysis. Also in may, 440 leases covering 336,000 acres in wyoming and montana were thrown out for violating stage croplands. Last year to leases from 2018 covering 900,000 acres in nevada, utah and wyoming were thrown out. The fact is, this department has incompetent with environmental reviews due to political pressure to push these leases through and is causing massive problems. This needs to be fixed before we give them more money. Finally, given the overall contraction in the oil and gas industry due to covid19 pandemic the department is not about the department is not granting this program. Again, consider these facts. Oil is currently less than 40 per barrel and Many Oil Companies<\/a> will tell you it costs 55 65 per barrel to breakeven. The number of active oil and gas laws in the country has dropped precipitously because of the price collapse. Oil and gas permits were down by 69 in texas last month and over the same time as last year. Nearly every oil and gas company has announced large reductions in energy investments. No one is looking to expand right now so i do want to point out, as mr. Joyce says, this bill does add money for onshore Energy Development<\/a> and Renewable Energy<\/a> programs. This increase for investments in solar, geothermal and wind is where the expansion is and it is where the expansion is and it is where the funding it needs to be directed. I urge my colleagues to oppose the amendment and i yield back. Are there any other members wishing to be heard on the amendment . If there is no further debate the amendment is recognized on the and moments for one minute to close. Thank you, madam chair for venom chair, as we speak Market Forces<\/a> are already driving this nation closer to fully sustainable domestic sources of energy. It is neither right nor necessary for this committee and this congress to be picking winners and losers among thousands of i urge my colleagues to vote yes on this and i yield back. The question is on the amendment offered by the member from ohio. All those in favor, say i. All those opposed say no. The nos habit and the moment is not adopted. Madam chair. I request a roll call vote. A roll call vote has been requested, all those in favor raise your hand. A sufficient number being in support of recorded board is ordered and the clerk will call the roll. [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] members will now have five minutes to record their vote or change their votes. The gentleman is recognized. Madam chair, mi recorded . You are recorded, a. Thank you, madam chair. On this vote the aye are 19, the nos are 30. The amendment is not adopted. For what purpose does the mentor from North Carolina<\/a> rise . Madam chair i have an amendment to the desk and asked the reading will be dismissed with. The clerk wilbur read the amendment. Stomach madam chair, i asked the reading be dispensed with. Without objection, the reading is dispensed. Thank you, madam chair. I want to begin by thinking thinking our chair and Ranking Member<\/a> for their work on this bill. It is a good bill and it prioritizes things we need in terms of Environmental Stewardship<\/a> and vital climate research, operations and maintenance of our public lands and much more. As a member who represents the largest of the preeminent epa labs in this country i do take a particular interest in Environmental Production Agency<\/a> research and that is the basis for the amendment that i rise to offer. The amendment would prohibit the Environmental Protection<\/a> agency from using any funding to enact or enforce their socalled strengthening transparency and read literary science rule and first promulgated in 2018 and supplemented in march of this year. This rule would place new crippling limits on what studies can be utilized when epa crashed new regulations. The rules part of a dangerous pattern of attempts by this administration to silence scientists and to throw up barriers to regulations that benefit the environment and our Public Health<\/a>. I think it is fair to say that science, scientific associations across the country oppose this rule and even the epas own Science Advisory Board<\/a> opposes this rule. It shows us that it really comes from the agencies political appointees. The rule would be unfeasible to implement and prevent the inclusion of any studies containing Sensitive Health<\/a> information, proprietary Industry Data<\/a> and non producible studies on human or made natural disasters or the data on those things are open often not reproducible. I will not go into great detail about the Scientific Consensus<\/a> on this rule and this quote from a couple of letters and the americans are asking society that the proposed rule seeks to solve a problem that doesnt exist and instead creates new barriers to the epas use of scientific studies and there are already multiple mechanisms in place that address the reproducibility and transparency of scientific studies. In a march 18, 2020 letter the American Association<\/a> for the advancement of science says the epas socalled transparency rule is not about transparency and it is not about strengthening science. Lets call the rule what it is, a deliberate attempt to exclude Scientific Evidence<\/a> from the policymaking process. If a similar letter from the American Chemical Society<\/a> and others. Madam chair, epa contingent to push forward on this dangerous rule in spite of Massive Public<\/a> outcry and disagreement from their own Science Advisory Board<\/a> and for that reason it is our job as congress to ensure that they cant use appropriated funds to hamstring the legitimate regulatory process and the evidence from which it legitimately draws and to endanger, rather than to protect, Public Health<\/a>. We must protect scientists and scientific information and ensure that decisions made that affect our environment and Public Health<\/a> are based on the best available scientific information. That is the bottom line. It is why i urge my colleagues to vote yes on this amendment and yield back right time. Mr. Joyce is recognized. Thank you, madam chair. I oppose the amount which seeks to undermine the administrations efforts to ensure the revelatory sign underline epa is fully transparent and publicly available in a manner sufficient for independent validation but epa has taken measures to ensure the role to protect confidential proprietary and personal information. The agency has provided ample time for the Science Advisory Board<\/a> and members of congress and other stakeholders to participate in the rulemaking process in way and how this rule can be appropriate agency is committed to addressing many outstanding concerns and comments from the recent comment as it works to finalize the rule. We should let this rule go through the standard rulemaking process and i urge a no vote and yield back. The senator is recognized. And q, madam chair. I rise in strong support of my colleagues amendment and the administration appears it will stop at nothing when it comes to weakening Environmental Health<\/a> protections. Now the trump epa wants to prevent the agencys career experts from using the best available science when writing regulations to limit solutions pollution because that will mean we court rules that will cost looters less money. Every scientific and medical organization that has looked into this proposed rule thanks its a terrible idea and including the American Lung<\/a> association and the american thoracic association, National Academy<\/a> of science and as, mr. Price pointed out, even epas scientific Advisory Board<\/a> would sit out nine major problems with this rule. This rule would only serve to undermine Public Health<\/a> and i urge my colleagues to block the epa from finalizing the rule and support the price amendment. I yield back. Representative is recognized. Thank you, madam chair. I rise in support of my distinguished colleagues it really intelligent and focused amendment. In another life, mr. Price, was a College Professor<\/a> and that is why am not surprised to see that he has offered a commitment to black epa rule that would shut science and research out of the policymaking process. Washington needs more scientific and empirical input in our policy process, not less. The current administrations war on science has shown what happens when you dont heed the lessons of data and research. You end up with bad policy that causes more harm than good. If everyone here remembers sharpie gate . The Inspector General<\/a> found that no officials violated the agencys scientific integrity policy and when they erroneously marked up hurricane forecast map with a sharpie to please the president. The administration is also the third agencies from using the term Climate Change<\/a> and the president has called it a hoax. The president also with no evidence points to the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine in treating covid19. Some of that has even shown the opposite. Or we can look at how the administration has barreled forward with cursory poorly crafted environmental reviews that have not properly considered science for projects like the dakota axis pipeline or arctic message oil and gas. Epa has also conducted a purge of scientists at its own agency. Epa Science Advisory Board<\/a> has been a sidelines and has experience resignation in protest. Madam chair, there are countless more examples. We should all want a government that utilizes the best science and research. Failing to use data and policymaking is akin to wildly stabbing in the dark and hoping you hit something. In a worstcase scenario it leads to the capture of regulatory agencies by industry who sometimes benefit when governments failed to properly consider the environmental and Public Health<\/a> of policy. I recommend a yes vote on this really well thought out amendment. Make sure the federal Agency Responsible<\/a> for protecting our air and water is using the best available science. Thank you, i yield back. Mr. Simpson is recognized. I think the chair lady. Before i talk about this amendment let me first say how appreciative i am of chairwoman and Ranking Member<\/a> ability to put together and the staff and theyve done an amazing job of trying to address most of the concerns of members on both sides of the aisle and i appreciate the work on this bill. As far as this amendment goes ever since we debated this in 2018 and again in 2019 ive been trying to figure out where i was wrong in opposing this and why the proponents of this were correct. So far i have not been able to figure that out. Im not figured out why the proponents of this are so proposed to science. Especially, transparency and science which is what this rule is really about, its transparency in science. According to cal berkeley assigned to victory is defined as in science a broad natural exclamation for a wide range of phenomena series or concise, coherent, systematic, productive and broadly applicable often integrating and generalizing many hypotheses. The theories excepted by the Scientific Committee<\/a> are strongly supported by many different lines of evidence. That is exactly what we are talking about here today. Epa should be basing its policy on decisions on sound science and the public needs for the epa that they are making their decisions based on sound science but all this does is provide transparency so the public knows the science that is being used by the epa to make its decisions. I dont know why that is controversial. Both scientists publish their findings in journals that are reviewed, why should the epa not be able to do that and why should they not have that same transparency. This proposed rule is consistent with current passed federal government initiatives to increase scientific transparency and it is also important to note that under this other agencies use these policies and under this it ensures the confidential and personally identifiable information if not disclosed and it guarantees that. Moving forward during the decisionmaking process epa will only rely on science that is publicly available, publicly available. Why should the public not know where the science is coming from. Doing so will give more confidence that the epa is using the best available science and that it is apparent in its decisionmaking process. Current epa proposal also provides for exemptions from making information public available and would not calm as i said, would not come provides privacy or confidentiality. It would also note that the comment time received an extension stemming from requests from the democrats. This comment time closed in may and the majority of comments are in favor of greater transparency. Transparency in the science that enables independent validation of scientific conclusions is important to advance epa mission and in advancing science. After all this consideration that i have done over the last two years trying to figure out where everybody was coming from the only thing i could think of when i consider why would you be opposed to transparency in science and why would you be opposed to the public been able to see where the science is coming from . The only thing i can think of and i heard it here from some who speak is that its proposed by this administration. It is proposed by this administration that we must oppose it because it cant be right. There is no logical reason. I would urge i will not ask for a roll call vote and i think think i would lose. So, i would urge my colleagues to vote against this but think about what you are doing and think about what the true intent of this rule is get the politics out of it. This is a deliberative body. Artisan politics unfortunately enters into it too often. I yield back. Are there any other members wishing to be heard on the amendment . Judge carter, you may be recognized. [inaudible] did you wish to speak . No, maam. Sorry about that. If there is no further debate the amendment from North Carolina<\/a> is recognized on the amendments for one minute to close. Thank you, madam chair. As i hope this discussion makes clear the issue here is not transparency or reproducibility, both of which are Standard Features<\/a> of Scientific Research<\/a> and are good things. The problem is throwing up impossible standards of transparency and reproducibility that make it and exclude huge swabs of research from being considered for the scientific rulemaking enterprise and as i said earlier the main problematic area are Sensitive Health<\/a> information and proprietary industry and data from disasters that by definition cannot be reproduced so the question is are we going to throw up these standards as a way of excluding crucial evidence and hamstringing the regular tray process, medical data cant always be made completely transparent and longitudinal public house duties cant always be reproduced and we need to apply common sense to this and balance and understand that the testimony, universal testimony of the Scientific Committee<\/a> here is fully cognizant of the issues and has come down firmly against this proposed rule. I urge my colleagues to come firmly down, in the same way and accept this on the mend. Thank you. The question is on the moment offered by the member from North Carolina<\/a>. All those in favor say aye. Those opposed say no. In the opinion of the chair the aye has it in the moment is adopted. The birthday boy has the next amendments, mr. Newhouse. Should be seeing you happy birthday and then move on to your amendment . No. [laughter] happy birthday happy birthday to you happy birthday, mr. Neuhaus happy birthday to you [applause] wow. For what purpose does the member from washington rise . Just to hear a birthday song, that is all. [laughter] thank you, madam chair. I have an amendment at the desk. The clerk will read the amendment. Offered by mr. Neuhaus. I request that they dispense with the reading. Without objection. The reading of the amendment is dispense with. Madam chair, i by the way, thank you for recognizing my 35th birthday. I appreciate it very much. You also great this morning. But before i begin i would just like, as others have done, and as you near your end of your long illustrious career, madam chair. I want to add my voice to those recognizing your strong leadership and your fairness in guiding this committee. I think i can say that you have given all of us the opportunity to be our best and i sincerely thank you for that. I thank you. It means a great deal. Madam chair, Ranking Member<\/a> granger, members of the committee. The amendments before you would strike five bipartisan positions that would hamper this nations efforts to strengthen our Energy Independence<\/a>. I believe they have no place in this interior appropriations bill. But first it is regarding bureau of Land Management<\/a> leasing and the arctic National Wildlife<\/a> refuge for this is not new to the committee nor new to the peoples house. In addition to creating new jobs in alaska and across the nation opening this minuscule area to Oil Exploration<\/a> empowers the United States<\/a> to reduce our independence on foreign sources of oil and expand our Genetic Energy<\/a> supply. While i expect the subcommittee chair may tie this to an argument about the historic tax cuts passed by Congressional Republicans<\/a> but we really should point out is the importance of this region to securing our Nations Energy<\/a> independence. Under this Administration Laser<\/a> focus for the first time in nearly 70 years we became a net exporter of oil and we should build upon this development and not do things to undercut it. My amendment strikes another provision that harms the great state of alaska, which by the way, is represented by the esteemed dean of the house, mr. Young, who is a fierce advocate, both for American Energy<\/a> dominance and for the people of alaska and their precious natural wildlife and environment. Including their National Forest<\/a> and there Timber Industry<\/a>. Unfortunately, this bill seeks to continue the clinton era roadless rule which prevents the multiple use mandate for federal forest lands but my amendment would strip this unnecessary writer from blocking healthy Forest Management<\/a> in the National Forest<\/a>. My amendment also removes the unfair and misguided moratorium on even the potential for Mineral Development<\/a> in northeastern minnesota. This provision prevents the United States<\/a> from securing its own Mineral Resources<\/a> and hands over control of our supply chains to dangerous foreign actors like china and russia. It deprives Minnesota School<\/a> districts of millions of dollars in mining royalties, all while blocking jobs and Economic Growth<\/a> in a region desperately in need of them. Representative [inaudible] has been a steadfast champion for the people of the iron range and his advocacy, alongside that of representative hammer rightly prioritizes the likelihood of the people of northeastern minnesota. Not ideological partisan who reside elsewhere. Appropriations riders like this unfairly removed even the possibility of fair consideration for a potential project ability to meet or even exceed the robust standards and Environmental Protection<\/a>s already in place. House republicans are leading the charge to combat the distressing foreign independency our nation currently faces uncritical and Rare Minerals<\/a> and i stand with my colleagues on their commitment to American Resource Development<\/a> because lets be clear about this. Mining is already taking place in this very watershed but unfortunately it is taking place just north of the border. Our canadian friends recognize it can be done responsibly and we should too. Another provision in this bill prohibits the epa from replacing the obama administrations job killing methane rule, which was a regulatory blow to the American Energy<\/a> sector and unnecessarily harmed Economic Growth<\/a>. To put it to have and costly mandates like this held america back from Energy Dominance<\/a> and we must recognize the fact that methane emissions have decreased while production has increased over the same time. In fact, it is due to innovation and Technology Improvements<\/a> in the oil and gas industry that the u. S. Has been a world leader in admission reductions over the past five years. We should ensure science and facts inform these decisions and not politics. The last writer of my amendment strikes, it affects something taking place in my own state. Unfortunately some states Like Washington<\/a> are currently abusing the section 401 certification process under the clean water act to block the progress of federally permitted energy projects. The politicized asian of this law jeopardizes clear guidelines for the timely review of Infrastructure Projects<\/a> while also harming economic and job growth. Several of our colleagues, including representative cheney from wyoming and jim forte from montana have rightly worked to halt this abuse and advocate for the resource rich powder river basin which is currently being blocked from accessing International Markets<\/a> through ports in my home state. I believe this is wrong and asked the epa works to finalize the clarification of this important law the Appropriations Committee<\/a> should not be legislating the agencys decision making. Madam chair, as a proud member of the congressional western caucus and also a proud republican through supports strengthening our nations all of the above Energy Strategy<\/a> i offer this amendment to strike these partisan writers and they have no place being a part of this appropriations bill and i would ask that lets get back to the bipartisan tradition of this committee and agreed to remove these writers today so we can focus on the important duty of appropriating, rather than politicizing these important facets of our Nations Energy<\/a> independent efforts. With that, madam chair, ill back the balance of my time. Thank you. Ms. Mccollum. Thank you, madam chair but i rise and strong opposition to this amendment. As i pointed out, they were overwhelmingly supported by members of both sides of the aisle in house floor. We are still the same congress that we were last year. The same members, for the most part, except as some exceptions. We know how the vote will turn out. Now with the circumstances we find ourselves in with covid19 i decided to put them in the building. As i said many of these provisions passed overwhelmingly on the floor and they were supported by members on both sides of the aisle. First, i would like to speak to the bipartisan language which presents the epa from finalizing the roll to roll back on pollution control meant to prevent gas leaks. These leaks are a major source of Carbon Pollution<\/a> rolling back this rule actually makes bad Financial Sense<\/a> to because the last natural gas leaks the more the Natural Gas Companies<\/a> will have to sell. Second, the bill includes a provision blocking the implementation of the trump epa plan to got state authorities to protect water under the clean water act. Governors from both parties all across the country have announced the epas effort to undermine their ability to protect the rivers, their lakes, streams and other parties of water within their state. Fourth, excuse me, third, the bill contains a provision that simply asks the administration to raise the money a promise from oil and gas sales in the arts of wildlife refuge. Well, they use that oil and gas sale to balance their tax bills and so for three years they have told us they will raise 1 million. This bill simply says okay, raise the 1 billion. How is that objectionable . The bill includes a provision to protect the tongass National Forest<\/a> for more development that would negatively impact wildlife fishing and recreation in the water. I will speak to the rainy river watershed. It is most unfortunate that the gentleman thanks that i should not have an opinion on a National Wildlife<\/a> refuge or a National Park<\/a> or a National Wilderness<\/a> area. My objection and work has been to protect a National Wilderness<\/a> area. The gentleman points out that some members in minnesota oppose this. Overwhelming majority of minnesotans, the overwhelming majority of minnesota support the actions that i am taking. The gentleman implies that i dont support mining. We have a rich history of mining which, at one time, created great pollution and i support to aconite mining. The gentleman points out that in canada they do sulfite, copper or mining which has never been done, by the way, and such prestigious body of freshwater in the United States<\/a> here. Canada based itself with a huge disastrous consequence of acres and acres of pristine forests and of fish and water being destroyed with the sulfur, copper spell. So, canadians are rethinking how this mining should move forward. Finally, i would say that yesterday in the Agricultural Committee<\/a> i held up a 60 page rejected reports and when i first became involved in this issue after the Trump Administration<\/a>. I asked mr. Zink he and i asked mr. Perdue if they would let the study go through, the twoyear study to see if we could even say fleet mine, safely mine in this pristine waterproof water soap you are that you could put a cop in and say fleet drink it while you are canoeing. Twenty months into a 24 month study they abruptly stopped the study. The response we have had back is congress to seat with the taxpayers has been 60 pages of rejected reports. If it is so safe to mine why not share the reports . Share the report. That is all i have been asking for. Share the report, share your findings. Why stop a study 20 months into 24 months and then with leasing then money and not one piece of Scientific Research<\/a> shared with this congress. I am told no, you cannot see it. We are told no, you cannot see it. This region of the country needs to be protected from this type of mining. Just as the Trump Administration<\/a> protected the same types of treasures, even smaller, and montana and in washington state. As you can see i stand strongly behind my decision to provide these provisions in the bill and i urge my colleagues to oppose this amendment and with that, madam chair, i yield back. Mr. Joyce is recognized. Thank you, madam chair. I may take issue with the gentlewomans [inaudible] i support this amendment. It concerns me that. Microphone. It concerns me that these and other writers which curtail our Nations Energy<\/a> independence by limiting conventional energy were added to the bill in several longstanding bipartisan provisions have fallen out. One of the most important lessons we learned from the covid19 pandemic is that we cannot sit back and rely on foreign nations to supply the resources of which we depend the most. We must continue to aggressively pursue and all the above approach that utilizes all our domestic Natural Resources<\/a>, including coal, oils, mineral, timber, natural gas and wind. Therefore i start we support the gentlemans a moment to strike these controversial writers and look forward to working with my colleagues on the final bill that promotes and prioritizes, not hinders, u. S. Production of energy and Natural Resources<\/a>. Thank you, madam chair. I yield back. Mr. Quigley is recognized. Thank you, madam chair. I would join the subcommittee chairwoman in opposition to this unlimited one of the provisions of the bill that this amendment seeks to strip wood and millions of dollars of taxpayer subsidy to the Timber Industry<\/a> in alaska. It would stop at the irreparable damage to the tongass National Forest<\/a>, a treasured part of our unique national heritage. The tongass attracts hunters and sportsmen from around the world and is home to diverse echo systems and numerous alaska native communities. It is one of the most important natural carbon sinks on the planet, playing a Critical Role<\/a> in slowing manmade Climate Change<\/a>. But by some estimates taxpayer subsidies for logging in tongass cost taxpayers 31. 69 a year and yield 1. 7 million in return. A loss of nearly 30 million a year that i hope alone would be enough reason for my friends across the aisle to oppose the continuation of this wasteful policy and provisions of this moment seeks to remove where to save taxpayers money and protect our Natural Resources<\/a>. For that reason i urge a no vote and yield back. Ms. Granger is recognized. Madam chair, i support the gentlemans amendment to strike these controversial writers and these writers violate the spirit of my bipartisan budget agreement signed into law last august. The language carried in the bill would undermine americas Energy Independence<\/a> and would bar access to the very Natural Resources<\/a> that build and fuel our great nation. The coronavirus pandemic has taught us an important lesson and dependence on other countries for vital resources poses a threat to the stability and functioning of the United States<\/a>. Therefore, i urge my colleagues to support the gentlemans amendment to strike these controversial writers and ensure continued American Energy<\/a> independence. Thank you madam chair, ill ba back. Mr. Cole is recognized. Thank you, madam chair. Before i make my remarks i want to make a modest suggestion that you might consider for the committee to adopt the banner birthday song as the official birthday song. As my friends on the republican side note, it is so much quicker and to the point so this is your birthday song. It doesnt last too long. Hey. Isnt that better . I think we should, in the spirit of bipartisanship, memorialize our former speaker and do that. Seriously, do support my friends a moment and i want to talk a little bit about why in more general terms may be the discussion normally goes. I really think and i represent oil and gas states and i represent a big oil and gas district and im very proud of both and i will also represent a district that probably any district augusta gathering in terms of wind powered over 40 of electricity in oklahoma is generated by wind. We dont find a contradiction between clean energy and oil and gas energy and we recognize they both have uses and we worked really hard to try to make sure the oil and gas industry is environmentally responsible in our state. It is very environmentally responsible, much more so friendly, that it was 20 years ago. I dont have any problem with us working that way. I thank you have to also look at the realities here. The reality is the Energy Industry<\/a> and the United States<\/a>, the traditional Energy Industry<\/a> provides hundreds of thousands of jobs and as my good friend from washington pointed out, it has lowered the cost of energy for every american. I can tell you over the last decade until the recent Economic Growth<\/a> under this administration, the biggest raise that any but he got in america it was lower gasoline prices for the car and lower heating and cooling prices for their homes. You can thank the fossil fuel industry for that, particularly the Natural Gas Industry<\/a> for that. My friends also, several of them alluded to this and lets be real but most of my adult life time we were dependent on foreign energy. For us to have moved from energy and order to export frankly this was not a Government Program<\/a> prayed this was private industry in the Energy Industry<\/a>, its of biggest strategic game changer in the last generation for america and it will keep us out of wars abroad. Finally, if you thank you will get rid of Carbon Based Energy<\/a> which provides well over 70, close to 80 , of all the energy in the country, anytime soon, think again. Again, im not against pursuing wind, i am for it. Im for solar. Other forms of energy that a cleaner i think those are good things but lets not vilify an industry that frankly has made life enormously better and made all of us enormously secure. I think my friend who is exactly on point. One of the reasons this bill is as many good things as it has will not get bipartisan support is because many of us look and say its anti fossil fuel and anti American Energy<\/a> independence. That is a mistake. I know my friend has thought through this and i thank him for bringing the amendment to the floor and i look forward to supporting it. I yield back, madam chair. If there is no further debate the member from washington is recognized on the amendment for one minute to close. Thank you, madam chair but i would only say that this is a good bill in many ways, hope that we could bring it to the floor with broad bipartisan support but this is the Appropriations Committee<\/a> and i think this is the right thing to do and to remove these. These sections of the bill that frankly, they will be lost in a Conference Committee<\/a> with the senate anyway, and so to remove the challenges that we could have a successful bill that could withstand the Conference Committee<\/a> be passed by both bodies and signed into law by the president and i think that is the most important thing we could do and i appreciate the opportunity to point these issues out and with would respectfully ask for support by my colleagues of the committee. The question is on the admin meant offered by the member from washington and all those in favor say aye. Those opposed, say no. And the opinion of the chair of the nos habit and the amendment is not adopted. Madam chair, i would ask for a recorded vote. Spew those. All those in favor of a recorded vote, it has been requested, a sufficient number being in support is ordered and the clerk will call the roll. [roll call] [roll call] spee6. [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] on this vote, the aye are 19, the nos are 30 and the amendment is not adopted. Is there any further amendments or discussion . Seen none, i recognize the gentleman from ohio for a motion and i ask for your support for this bill. Madam chairwoman, i moved to favorably report the interior environmental a probations act 2021 to the house. The question is on the motion for all those in favor say aye. Those opposed no. In the opinion of the chair the aye habits. Okay. Recorded vote has been request requested, all those in favor of a recorded vote raise your hand. A sufficient number being in support a recorded vote is ordered, the clerk will call the roll. [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] does any member wish to record their vote or change their votes . The clerk will tally. On this vote the aye are 30, the nos are 19. The motion is agreed to. I ask unanimous consent that it be permitted to make technical and conforming changes to the bill and report just approved. Seeing no objections so ordered. [laughter] oh, we are taking a brief break so that ledge branch can come up, get organized and we can move ahead as efficiently as we can. So that we can go on, whether it is home or wherever you are going pretty lets move on. Thank you. Congratulations. Good work. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] this reflects the participation in hard work of our subcommittees efforts in the good ideas that we have received from many sources, including our house colleagues and outside experts. The bill provides increased funding to support the staff and other resources that Congress Needs<\/a> to do its job well. The bill analytic capacity allegedly to branch and to address highpriority needs and information for security. This works out to an average of about 56000 for each member of us. Our bill creates a new house moderation initiatives account and provides a down payment of 2 million, to start the process modernizing the house. I believe the funding is necessary to bring the house into the 21st century. This bill also provides increases to the main analytical agencies in the legislative branch to continue building their capacity including the congressional budget office, conventional Research Service<\/a> and Government Accountability<\/a> office. Now that ive mentioned all the parts of the bill that i know theres a broad consensus on, i want to discuss items that require a tougher conversation. First, once again included language in the bill to permit People Holding<\/a> employment authorization under the daca program to work for congress and other Branch Agencies<\/a>. Dreamers are americans should be able to serve their country in this body. I included it because its the right thing to do and i want to welcome these members to our National Community<\/a> to seek employment with congress and Branch Agencies<\/a>. Second, the bill includes language blocking the constant living adjustments for members. Right now, with everything going on in our country, i believe this is necessary. However, id like to say this will be the 12 Consecutive Year<\/a> that no cost of living adjustment has been provided. With the average rent in washington d. C. At 2300. Right now, every federal judge from the District Court<\/a> to the supreme court, compensated at a much higher rate than members of congress. We need to have a real discussion on this issue we will have a congress were only millionaires can afford to serve. Finally, the bill includes long overdue language directing the architects to remove the statues in the u. S. Capital that represents figures who participated in the Confederate Army<\/a> or government. As well as the statues of four white supremacists, including roger b danny. I hope this action will begin larger conversation. Need to have it about other statues in the capital represented figures who oppress various minority groups. There may be portraits throughout the capital complex that need to be re evaluated, too. I know this is part of a Larger National<\/a> debate the other appropriation subcommittees will address the we need to make a statement now on something we can control, the removal of statues of the many visitors to the capital find offensive. This is the peoples house so lets make sure all people are welcome. Before i yield back, id like to recognize the staff for the hard work and time they put into this bill under difficult circumstances. From the majority staff committee, id like to think washington was doing his first cycle as clerk of lech lynch and sue as well as Rachel Jenkins<\/a> from my personal stuff. Minority committee, id like to thank michelle was also in her first cycle as minority work as well as runs from the Ranking Member<\/a> staff. I want to thank chairman lowy for her three decades of service to this country. Over these three decades, youve been an effective, committed legislature and leader on this committee and in this congress. I cant wait until we are back in our Committee Room<\/a> hanging project. You can take your rightful place among this committee. I ask for your support of this bill. I yield back. Id now like to recognize subcommittee Ranking Member<\/a>, liz. Thank you. Thank you for including several initiatives in this bill important to me and my republican colleagues. The recommendations for this fiscal year legislative branch provides. 198 billion excluding the senate items which historically are less for the senate. The bill is to 70 million above the fiscal year 2011 and 297 million budget request. The house has had to, most of the nation, rapidly adjust to the way it does business due to covid19. Through collaboration of leadership, committees, agencies and operation around the capital, with had to become more flexible and consequently, much more reliant on technology. The bill offers support thats going to allow us to maximize the effectiveness, with the use of technology while maintaining warm increasing transparency and allowing the chamber to under new and uncertain circumstances. While i am pleased it has accessibility specifically with different or as some people call, disabilities, its an opportunity to address the need for assistance for deaf or hard of hearing hearing Staff Members<\/a> by seeking recommendations from the office of congressional Accountability Services<\/a> for technological assistive devices. The library of congress received Adequate Funding<\/a> for many of the functions it provides and in addition, library received funding necessary for Major Construction<\/a> projects that will have a resounding impact on the 1. 7 million visitors who walk through their doors annually as well as satisfying overall collection capacity needs for at least the next two decades. This bill supports a Critical Mission<\/a> of the Capital Police<\/a> as they continue to achieve their mission with distinction in response to an everchanging threat environment ensuring safety to visitors, members and staff on the capital complex. We thank them for their service to members, staff the visiting American Public<\/a>. While this bill has taken care of important initiatives to support the legislative branch, its silent on any funding to continue our response to the coronavirus over the coming fiscal year. This is the peoples house, the American People<\/a> expect us to safely continue our work to help citizens businesses survive this pandemic. To do this, we must ensure the safety of the men and women who worked and visited the capital complex. The sooner the capitals doors can reopen to the American Public<\/a> and its my hope is happens in the near future. Im concerned the 5 increase in this bill was only able to happen because of the emergency funding used in other bills, retrieve the space within the budget caps off to spend more. As an increase in overall spending in this bill yet, we havent built in some of the Covid Response<\/a> cleaning and necessary safety precautions we all know we will need into the fall. That concerns me. I remain hopeful we continue to work through this and other controversial issues as we move forward in the legislative process. To that, talking about the pictures and portrait around the capital, it will be great if we could return and see all the former chairman of the appropriations finally have a true declaration appropriations bill, and chairwoman. [applause] thank you again to determine ryan, its a pleasure majority of the staff, they just make us look good so thank you. I yield back. Thank you for your kind words. I would now like to recognize myself for opening remarks. I think chairman brian and Ranking Member<\/a> for their work on this bill as well as staff for their efforts to review member requests and the products before us. Fiscal year 2021 legislative Branch Appropriations<\/a> bill makes key investments in our workforce. Funding for house Modernization Initiative<\/a>s to increased resources, diversity and inclusion efforts. Too more fully represent the needs of the Diverse Communities<\/a> we serve. As our nation weathers the covid19 pandemic, we must ensure members of congress can effectively work on behalf of the constituents and legislative branch employees can perform their duties safely. The fiscal year 2021 legislative Branch Appropriations<\/a> bill would do so by providing 640 million for the members who have presented allowance of 4 increase above the fy 2020 and active levels, providing offices with the ability to meet rising costs and ensure safe environment. 631. 3 million to the architect of the capitol, 31. 8 million above the fy 2020 enacted levels. 2,000,002 modernization efforts in the house and an increase of 500,000 with the office of diversity and inclusion. The capital and its grounds should be a place for all americans to feel welcome to work and visit. To that end, this bill would protect the rights of Daca Recipients<\/a> to work in the Legislature Branch<\/a>. It also includes strong language, removing statues and imagery that anna divisive figures, involved in the confederacy or otherwise have unambiguous records of racial intolerance. I look forward to moving this bill to the floor of the house, of representatives and i urge all members to support it. Id now like to recognize Ranking Member<\/a> granger for her opening remarks. Thank you for the work theyve done to address Critical Issues<\/a> to affect the congress. This bill recognizes the important bipartisan work of the House Select Committee<\/a> on modernization and take steps to make effective and efficient transparent on the behalf of the American People<\/a>. The bill funds priorities of the architect of the capitol, fourth capital of aging infrastructure and promotes safety and health of employees and visitors. Men and women of the Capital Police<\/a> demonstrates the highest standard of professionalism in this bill recognizes their service and sacrifice of the resources they need to keep the complex safe. Unfortunately, i have concerns that will prevent me from supporting this bill in its current form. Eleven political, bipartisan budget agreement at the top line, fiscal year 2021, there was consensus at the time bills would not contain policy write writers, the bill violates the spirit of that agreement. The total cost of this bill increases by 5 there new ones inserted were properly addressed by authorizing committees in the joint committee of congress on the library. I hope we can come together on these issues as a progress to move forward. Not to think members for the work on this bill as well as the majority and minority thank you and i yield back. Other any other members wishing to make general comments about the bill . Want to think chairman brian Ranking Member<\/a> for the on this important bill and extend thanks to chairwoman and Ranking Member<\/a> granger. I want to touch on three aspects of this important bill. I am pleased to see the open World Leadership Center<\/a> emerging as an even more important focus for legislative diplomacy, starting with the emerging Democratic Leaders<\/a> the former soviet space. Theres no question we can do a lot more legislative branch and helping others learn how to be effective in a parliamentary setting and this moves america down that road. Number two, i am pleased the inclusion in this measure direction to the u. S. Botanic gardens to increase funding to help expand its National Education<\/a> and Outreach Program<\/a> to build upon Botanical Gardens<\/a> agricultural training and education initiatives, especially in urban challenged communities that are food short. I think theres potential for advancement there and finally, congress has a long way to go if we want to leave this nation and paycheck fairness and Compensation Study<\/a> completed in 2019, the first of its kind. Staff participation in the was only 51 . This bill requests them to reimplement the study to collect larger sample sizes and better understand the disparities that exist across the house of representatives. I appreciate your hard work. The Committee Staff<\/a> for diligently working to incorporate these priorities and many others. I yield back and ask for suppo support. Thank you. I want to thank the chairman of the subcommittee and Ranking Member<\/a> for their hard work to craft this bill and help us manage the capital campus. Its a very important job. Id like to flag something if i make for attention as they continue their work in legislation moves forward. Im concerned about the library of Congress Plan<\/a> to rebalance this book in manuscript preservation work. Librarys budget request calls for the elimination of the decertification program. Frankly thats the first the full committee has heard about plans to eliminate program. As a former member of the subcommittee and former chairman, in my view, decertification program has been a Success Story<\/a> more than 20 years. Even the library acknowledges it has 2,500,000 books remain to be treated with half a million books of critical importance in the libraries collections. Halfmillion books required at least two to three years more work. The library said they would simply like to move the books to cold stories. Im concerned cold storage cost more than decertification. The library didnt ask for funds to move the books to cold storage. Further, im concerned it does not provide the same level of safety for these critically important books. In my opinion, library provides the committee does not support the conclusion, its time to move away from mass decertification from cost or preservation basis. I used to be a historian before i got into politics, my son was there for five years so its something i care about. Preserving the original documents is important. We have a National Archive<\/a> for a reason. We could visually preserve everything, digitally preserve the constitution of the u. S. Declaration of independence but we know theres value in the original document. I certainly dont know how allowing the library itself, which is sort of on record is wanting to move this way to conduct a study is a good idea. I dont have a problem with the study, its about people deciding what they want to do, its just whether or not your decision is correct. Dont oppose the review, i would just ask we fully fund the decertification program and conducted truly independent study going forward. Not going to offer an amendment today but i would ask the chair and Ranking Member<\/a> to take a hard look at this and i dont pretend the biggest expert in the world but anytime i see us moving away from preserving original documents and shuffling them into storage having gone through 100 plus year old records that were put off into storage, it doesnt look very good after 100 years. Is a lot of interaction that goes on even in the best kinds of storage. Preservation something we ought to keep first and foremost of the library. Just ask you to look at this, i certainly trust you to make the right judgment in the end. I yield back my time. Id like to respond, i appreciate your comments. Weve had an ongoing conversation with the library so we appreciate your input if this is an ongoing conversation in which you will not be part of thank you for offering your services. I know you have enough going on, you want to participate in one for the meeting. I would like to appoint privilege, just suggest to all my good friends, wonderful colleagues that we have one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight people who have requested time, it would be nice if you could all be brief. Since we are concluding our time and many are moving on to airports and other forms of transportation. Thank you. Thank you. Let me think our chairman and Ranking Member<\/a> for your tremendous leadership on this committee. First, implead pleased to support this appropriations, its crucial our Funding Priorities<\/a> to the lens of Racial Justice<\/a> and work to ensure all of our Appropriations Bills<\/a> this year end beyond the moment and work toward the goal of dismantling racism. Im deeply grateful this bill includes language to remove confederate statues including those who have perpetuated racism from the u. S. Capital. This is an issue myself chairman thompson have been working on for several years. We must recognize and confront the order of the institutional slavery and those who fought to preserve it. These painful symbols of support for the continuation of slavery, treason and racism have no place in our country and in our statues in the capital and should not be enshrined and glorified here in the u. S. Capital. Also, thank you for 1. 5 million for the office of diversity and inclusion as a former staffer to our beloved ron dell, a handful of black women staffers on the hill at that time. I know personally how important the value of representation and diversity is here on the hill and removing the barriers and established policies for inclusion. Also, im pleased the bill includes language permitting the Legislature Branch<\/a> to employed Daca Recipients<\/a> or dreamers, i hope all of us do that. These initiatives will expand further opportunities and cultivate a talented workforce of Congressional Staff<\/a>ers. Thank you again. Thank you. I will also be brief. Want to thank you for your leadership on the bill, a strong legislative branch and it will better serve our constituents and make decisions on their behalf. As a former legislative branch subcommittee, i can tell you this bill holds a special place in my heart and i want to associate myself with remarks of my former partner in crime, but i did share the committee, about the case study. If you mean into that as well, preserving the documents, it is critically important. We dont want to have the digitization programs, is not intended to shift over completely to the way we preserve documents so thats incredibly important. We need the actual documents. The bill under consideration will help ensure members of congress and their staff to perform our jobs safely limit the corners pandemic and im glad to see efforts the bill to ensure the Additional Resources<\/a> critical for an organization, the halls of congress the communities we represent. Interns with french congress, diverse places were accessible by those in communities across america. Im proud of the bill includes language permitting congress and legislative Branch Agencies<\/a> to employ dreamers. I experienced difficulty is firsthand a few physical when i had an incredible woman who was a dreamer, and interest in my office and open position for myself and we could not hire her. So i shudder to think of opportunities as so many promising people, we should not preventing hiring dreamers, people lawfully in the country who works for the legislative body. It provides an increase of 34. 3 billion to the gao. Yesterday, in our discussion in the bill, how important it is to Congress Work<\/a>, the watchdog that works to ensure Government Program<\/a>s are working effectively and responsibly, the finishing of the cdc, we continue to use it in different important ways they are an important oversight watchdog. The bill includes language, remove statues on the u. S. Capital for the presence figures that participated in the Confederate Army<\/a>, unambiguous records of racial intolerance. They have no place in the legislative institution in the world. Look forward to seeing the bill come to the floor and working with my colleagues to support an improvement and i yelled back. First thing, chairman brian butler, thank you for your leadership in the work you and your staff did on this bill. I want to go to the progress of fabric security and we increase the efforts also in our professional development and retention with employees. I would like to raise one concern regarding the u. S. Capitol police and my colleagues in the d. C. Region have asked about this as well. March 20, department suspended the entire Bargaining Agreement<\/a>, the officers union. Collective Bargaining Agreement<\/a> is one of several articles, everything from scheduling health and safety to discipline. As a result, of the officers of the day represent democracy. Tensions today voted and paid for. I understand we are in extreme circumstances with covid. But here in the capital region, washington d. C. And virginia and maryland, the metropolitan police, Montgomery Police<\/a> department all dealing with covid19 and operating under their existing collective Bargaining Agreement<\/a> Capitol Police<\/a> is the outlier. Congress is back in business now these officers are going to have to have the collective bargaining and i think we need answers from the department. I yield back. Brief comments, i am proud to work here. Our caps off grounds, museum, they display our heritage extraordinarily demonstrates our work and democracy and showcase the beauty and dignity of the National Vision<\/a> through extraordinary architects, public Botanical Gardens<\/a> and americas jim, the library of congress. With that said, i was hoping perhaps chair ryan or Ranking Member<\/a> butler, if you care to give us an update on the new Visitor Experience<\/a> unfolding at the library which will enhance their ability to receive more guests in a meaningful way without disturbing the traditional magnificent protection of the building. I appreciate the opportunity. This is one of the more exciting projects have going on on the capital. Weve been releasing about 10 million a year, this bill includes another 10 million for the project, that will be 30 million. We are expecting another launch from us in next years bill which will be 40 million and we have a commitment dollars from the private sector which has already been given from david rubenstein. Were trying to make this Publicprivate Partnership<\/a> so it was, we are excited about it. Its going to be a real gem for the library excellent. What is the timeline for completion . We are working on that. As you know, complicated money being released a little bit at a time. Share a more informed opinions on that later. Thank you. I feel that. I want to thank chairman brian and member butler for the ship and the work of the staff on this. House is equipped to uphold its articles on responsibilities and act as a fully coequal branch of government, it is essential and i appreciate your work on behalf of this institution. It also from especially like to think you for including the initiatives of the meeting on the modernization of congress serving as chair, the Committee Vice<\/a> chair tom and extranet partners including mr. Newhouse and the guiding is to make Congress Work<\/a> better for the American People<\/a>. Our committees unanimously passed 45 recommendations to improve lake Congress Work<\/a>s. In the past legislative movement was 30 and im happy and grateful to see the Committee Supports<\/a> the work weve done so far. This bill establishes the house Modernization Initiative<\/a> that counts to carry out recommendations the select committee has made to modernize house operations. By creating this new account, Appropriations Committee<\/a> is taking steps forward and investing in the future of this institution. Returning takes a long time to break and solutions are rarely simple or cheap so i commend the Committee Chairman<\/a> for recognizing modernization is an ongoing process. The bill also includes money to support transition to the new members and staff. The select Committee Recommended<\/a> bring the house in line with the senate and providing new members with the funds to hire a staffer during the postelection transmission. This investment will go a long way toward helping newcomers better navigate the transition process increases funding for the cao, to help the office implement select committees efficiency initiatives like the one stop shop Human Resources<\/a> for Congressional Staff<\/a> and purchasing baseline technology remember offices. That will save money for taxpayers, enable this place to function better. The bill raises the cap for the house Student Loan Repayment<\/a> select committee spent a lot of time studying Congressional Staff<\/a> recruitment and retention and we know the benefits a lot especially when this institution is unable to match private sector salaries. Staff value this program and am grateful to see the Committee Supports<\/a> it. The select menus look at how the engine ship these two jobs in the hell, the problem is they cant afford to work for free so they miss out on crucial jobs and opportunities. Funny internships opens up for a diverse pool of candidates so i thank you for doing that, too. The bill also increases funding for the office of diversity and inclusion which is recommended making it permanent. I commend the committee for investing in this mission. On behalf of the select committee, thank you again for your leadership. For the great work of the staff that they did on this bill as well. It will go a long way toward making Congress Work<\/a>ing better. I want to thank you and congressman grace, youve done an amazing job putting together comprehensive test on all aspects of congress, i know how much hard work you put in this is a down payment but the American People<\/a> want this institution to be modernized and functional in a efficient and effective way youve given us numerous recommendations will continue to build on the 2 million. Thank you. Thank you. I quickly want to associate myself in their comments about preservation, i do think preserving original documents are very important and we need to make sure we do everything we can and i would agree with that, and in any way help with that. Want to clarify the conversation are ongoing, its not that we are not going to preserve the original documents, just for clarification, we are not going to get them digitized and check the original. Just how they get done is the ongoing conversation. Thank you. Thank you. Again, is a lot being done so its not a done deal but anyti anytime, i think weve done a good job over the last 30 years this preservation process. In any way i can be helpful, i will be of assistance in any way. Thank you, madam chair. I want to thank chairman ryan and Herrera Butler<\/a> for all the work you do to produce a bill that moves our institution forward. I want to take a moment to say how grateful i am for the work on friendship of our chairwoman. I will miss her terribly. She leaves a legacy of Inclusive Leadership<\/a> that she always demonstrated in shaping appropriation bills to reflect our shared values. This bill is a good example. And not only provides needs of the agency under the jurisdiction credit this inflection points in our relations, justice and equality. This is reflected in the provisions to diversify our interim increase time cap of Student Loan Repayment<\/a>, increase the availability of gender neutral restrooms and include dreamers in our congressional i am really proud takes a long over due step of removing the statues of those who try to tear down our countries slavery from our increase transparency diversity and bring back to the work of our capital is no doubt the beginning, the efforts moment in our nations history grateful for the progress this brings my to support it. Thank you. Thank you for your kind words, my friend. Thank you. Thank you, chairman ryan, this bill moves our nation forward as it reflects on our values forward. I am in support of the bill and provision to remove certain statues in the capital and permit the legislative branch to employ dreamers. Our nation faces a moment of turmoil but also of reckoning. I believe each member of this Committee Want<\/a> to be part of this healing and help americans whose ideal and a more perfect union, all are equal under the law that means those fought for equality, those against it. Our country has made stronger dreamers, from those country children. Dreamers have followed the rules on through application process, approved to stay in our nation in doing this, 200,000 are serving the nation and its community as essential workers, healthcare workers and farm workers. They are playing a critical work role to keep our country safe. We would be enriched by having him be with us here in government. I yield back. Ms. Florence. Thank you. As cochair of the womens caucus, we have a number of women in the house of representatives and the senate. I am so proud for this committee recognizes 100 Year Anniversary<\/a> of women achieving the right to vote in the u. S. Is perfectly aligned with the diverse opposition to 116 congress. The committee recognizes the significance of the centennial of the passage of the 19th amendment to this constitution. It Just Congress<\/a> to continue to raise awareness of the furthermore, i want to thank the committee increasing the recommendation email representations to the house and created a list of ten email is for visitors not already on display as the capital statues and also, look at former current members of congress who have set trailblazing records. Also memorials and should reflect the diversity of this country diversity of the women who have. Thank you. Team member, like to recognize mr. Ryan. I ask unanimous consent for this. The amendment has been agreed to on both sides, the amendment has language items, report language edition addresses in turn diversity, the language start tracking data so we know where we need to improve. The second report language edition addresses internet allowance committees. As you remember in leadership offices for committees. A request cao and Office Diversity<\/a> and inclusion, the study is providing committees with to lead to more diversity among committee interns. The third new addition from our friend in wisconsin, with regard to the library of congress, encourages library digitizing a portion of its rare books and special collections, especially with a focus on magic Harry Houdini<\/a> election. Pushing also a magician in your chairman, you learn a lot about the members of congress. Good to know the only magician is rogers in wisconsin, its also congressman okay. Insurers will be awarding contracts to an outside organization to recommend future collections Preservation Strategies<\/a> for several members moving on in their remarks. Minority has no issues with these additions and i urge support of the amendment. Those in favor. Thank you. I appreciate the opportunity to have worked with german ryan and the rest of our colleagues to address the noncontroversial and bipartisan to this bill and report and therefore i support the amendment. You have one. I have no closing remarks. I know a lot of us want to get on planes and go home. All those in favor say i. Those opposed, say no. The opinion of the chair amendment is good. Mother any further amendments . Seeing none, i recognize chairwoman from ohio. I ask for your support for this bill. I moved to report the legislative Branch Appropriations<\/a> act 2021 to the house. Questions on the motion. All those in favor say opposed, say no. Is that it will those in favor of a reported raise your hands. I guess we got it. Those in support, call the role. [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] anyone want to change their vote . [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] on this boat, the motion is agreed to. I ask unanimous consent staff be committed to make technical changes to the bill and report just approved seen no objection so order. Without objection, the committee thank you. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] tonight, a special edition of book to be with a focus on history. 38 00 p. M. Eastern history of the female served in the u. S. Army air forces during world war ii. The prizewinning 13, 14 and amendment added to the Boston College<\/a> history professor, which is his social political and economic ideologies revealed in the following the civil war. Maybe tonight we can see spent two tvs this summer from 8 00 p. M. , settlement and lunch hours of your favorite authors. Seven, featuring imitator, author and founder of national review, william, author of over 50 books, including liberalism, like the reagan i knew and watch saturday july 18 as we future journalist and author, malcolm gladwell. And watch tv all summer on cspan2. Sunday night on q and a, journalist aaron smith talks about the history of voting in the u. S. And some of the issues surrounding floating today in her book, thank you for floating. 2013 has had a massive impact on Voting Rights<\/a> and there isnt any Voting Rights<\/a> advocate or attorney that doesnt. The ground shaking impact. While of course its still illegal, theres not federal oversight of determination of any federal approval to make voting changes. Watch sunday night 8 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan q a. Secretary of state mike pompeo discusses transatlantic relations. He also talks about the best relationship of china, warning about the countrys influence including the handling of the coronavirus pandemic and the treatment of hong kong. This event held by Video Conference<\/a> and hosted by the german marshall fund. Good morning and good afternoon from brussels. Welcome the 15th edition. Today","publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","width":"800","height":"600","url":"\/\/\/35\/items\/CSPAN2_20200710_170300_House_Appropriations_Debates_2021_Interior_Environment__Related_Agencies...\/CSPAN2_20200710_170300_House_Appropriations_Debates_2021_Interior_Environment__Related_Agencies....thumbs\/CSPAN2_20200710_170300_House_Appropriations_Debates_2021_Interior_Environment__Related_Agencies..._000001.jpg"}},"autauthor":{"@type":"Organization"},"author":{"sameAs":"","name":""}}],"coverageEndTime":"20240716T12:35:10+00:00"}

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