Including Broadband Access during coronavirus expanding broadband to rural areas telehealth funding and president trumps executive order on social Media Companies. Three hours 25 minutes. Good morning this hearing will come to order todays hearing on the oversight of the fcc. And they are here today and a special welcome to our a distinguished panel for appearing today we will hear from sec chairman pai commissioners. The sec is the nations primary regulator interstate and International Communications networks a core part of the agencys mission is to ensure all People United states have access to rapid and efficient nationwide Communications Services at reasonable prices never before has the responsibility to achieve this mission have been more important covid19 spotlight on the Communications Networks in the American Peoples access to Broadband Service since march there has been a dramatic and sustained a surge in Internet Usage us networks have performed well and we are much better to reach this increased demand it should be applauded but still work to be done. Today there are far too Many Americans who are not served and lack Affordable Access to any broadband connection. I appreciate the fccs continued efforts under chairman pai leadership to close the Digital Divide and secure us leadership in the next generation of Communications Technologies especially during this pandemic. Through the keep america connected pledge over 700 providers voluntarily committed not to turn off Broadband Services to any residential or Small Business customers because of the inability to pay their bills. This has been pivotal to keep Many Americans connected. Clearly, businesses participated in the pledge cannot sustain that effort indefinitely. We need to engage in a thoughtful debate about ways to t transition and i welcome the sec work to the Telehealth Program of the bipartisan cares acted is designed to provide access to critical lifesaving Telehealth Services to direct access and quality care during the Global Health crisis. Todays hearing is an opportunity for commissioners to discuss what more could be done for Broadband Access and Digital Opportunity for all americans. Beginning with implementation of the broadband data act. As i have said many time accurate broadband maps are essential to targeting funds and other broadband resources to the underserved areas and tcommunities in need. To ensure the success of new programs that the sec accurate broadband maps with precise data about where broadband is available and where it is not and what speed i hope that commissioners will h outline what is necessary to comply with the law before moving forward with 5g i appreciate commissioners oreilly c commitment last week he would not support moving forward with the 5g find until the fcc completes the new maps required by the broadband data act. In addition to developing accurate maps Congress Needs to explore the feasibility to allocate more resources for broadband deployment two areasfo that are not economical to serve her to families that have experienced Economic Hardship as a result of the pandemic. I look forward to discussing the accelerated Broadband Connectivityty act which would incentivize providers to expedite broadband buildouted plans. I hope commissioners will discuss ways to provide immediaTe Connectivity relief to schools. Minority communities and families experiencing Economic Hardship because of the coronavirus. Another part to make broadband universally available is to have a Regulatory Framework to foster investment with broadband deployment im sure that commissioners will want the upgrade order which for the installation of Wireless Communications equipment with the regulatory process to delay indefinitely stall broadband deployment and that leadership for the upgrade and with those Internet Connections a professionalal healthcare and the security of the networks and supply chains any comprehensive Broadband Legislation should have network and supply chain csecurity. With the newly authorized for broadband. Hope that commissioners will discuss funding needs for that Critical Program and to increase Network Security and reliabilit reliability. Finally section 230 of the Communications Decency act is intended to preserve a vibrant and competitive online marketplace for the benefit of all americans. To protect Computer Services such as social media platforms from being held liable for the content hosted by their users. Section 230 specifically allows interactive to restrict access to the availability of content that is obscene or lewd or lascivious or filthy were excessively violent, harassin violent, harassing, or otherwise objectionable. I am troubled by recent reports that suggest some Online Platforms and with those conservative voices to impose unfair bias through the policies and terms of service. Mastery the federalist in anan online magazine said the publication would be removed from googles advertising platform because of complaints from nbc news about content of the federalist comments section. The information i have is that they were indeed derogatory. However policing offensive content is one thing but the monetization of the entire site is another. Just yesterday we learned of comments by facebook moderators that seem to confirm the blatant anti conservative bias. It appears to be debate of section 230 it is clear each side has a responsibility to ensure the internet remains a forum for a true diversity of political discourse. That promotes competition and innovation with the merits of section 230 and if modifications are necessary to promote more transparency and accountability and thank you to my friend and then the Ranking Member for the opening remarks she chooses to make. Thank you for holding this important and timely hearing its good to see all the commissioners here in person. A rare opportunity. The sec comes before us in a pivotal moment. If we were still in any doubt the covid crisis made its impact clear to us its very clear today when it comes to the issue of broadbandnco. It is an essential service. Many americans are trapped on the other side of the Digital Divide. At least 18 million americans without access to broadband even that number could be artificially low. 12million children and then wondering what the fall would bring its imperative we deal with this issue in the state of washington 16 percent of families with children have no access to broadband and 31 percent of households on tribal landus lack access to broadband compared to 7 percent of nontribal areas. We must expand highquality affordable broadband in underserved or unserved communities so americans who are being isolated during the pandemic can learn remotely and i would also say have access to healthcare it is so critical rule communities increase the abilityit to use broadband as a tool to help deliver medicine at this critical time. We have a real opportunity lere to close the Digital Divide that i know it will take being bold it wont be accomplished in incremental change but require significant investment our colleagues a promise more than 100 billion we have to make sure low income minority tribal communities with connectivity is an issue we do address and invest in programs to promote literacy and Digital Adoption to target these marginalized communities h. Chairman i wrote a march with asking for consideration of the existing authority with the policies or rule makers to help ensure the nation during the covid crisis specifically what takehome emergency actions facilitaTe Connectivity with Remote School work being done during crisis. D im not interested of that aggressive walk to industry to make sure millions of children are caught in the gap to not do their homework cannot fall further behind i am looking for emergency orders by the commission and yet nothing is happened. I am concernedrn i know were in a very high profile dispute that the sec has decided against with experts to work out Aviation Transportation safety and National Security it would be tempting is just another sign of internal chaos but i believe it is more than that it seems to me the agency is the standard for public broadband policy. Da f today dismisses and with that terrestrial broadband. Know where is this any more obvious in the legato decision despite opposition from executive branch industries and others it would cause harm to the gps sector critical to safety operations. Despite a fundamental disagreement over competing studies of which theremi were man many, the sec continues to move forward. I hope today we can discuss this issue. I believe the fcc should not be the place to just move forward and have a discussion to make sure that these issues are well addressed. It is important to the issues move forward because this issue of spectrum will not go away but will become even more in demand and if you thank you are just the default agent to exacerbate the problem, you can see it hasnt gone away just moved over to the Armed Services committee. I would ask you to think about how we will do a better w process with the interest on increased need for spectrum in the future. I know many other issues we want to discuss but i will leave my remarks and ask i have to go to the floor but i will return forqu questions im sure others will jump in in my ceabsence thank you for being here in person. Thank you senator. We are recognizing in this order, start with the chair then commissioners in terms ofth seniority. We will begin with honorable chairman pai chair of fcc with a written testimony in full and ask you to summarize. You are recognized. Members of the committee and Ranking Member i appreciate you inviting me to sec. Fy and update on the with the pandemic and conductivity is more important nethan ever to rely on broadband and telework to stay in touch with loved ones thats what we have been using every resource at our disposal to deal with this unprecedented National Emergency. Most importantly i challenge broadband providers in march to take the keep american pledge not to terminate the service of Small Business consumers because of the inability to pay theirbi bills more than 780 providers took the pledge including all the nations largest it is critical with connectivity for millions of americanns consumers these companies cannot continue to provide Service Without being paid for an indefinite period of time and the pledge ends on june 30th i call on them for those that have fallen behind on their bills butn instead adopt extended payment plans for those had a chance to catch up that transition. Gives congress the chance to provide funding to ensure Many Americans have continued access to Broadband Services along these lines i applied chairman wicker with the Digital Equity framework to welcome the opportunity to work with the committee on this and other activities. Speaking of funding thank you for establishing the Telehealth Program as part of the cares act the sec has worked with the to adopt rules to open the application p p ahiw for the submissions we have received as of thiss morning 444 applications in 46 states and the District Of Columbia for a total 156 million from the Franklin County hospital to the Health Center in seattle this is enabling Healthcare Providers to treat for patients and doctors and nurses and during the National Emergency the numbers have been tested like never b before i am pleased to say they have performed extremely well double broadband speeds are now higher than they were before the pandemic it the record fiber has made a real difference but we cannot rest on our laurels thats why the fcc is continuing to take aggressive steps for 5g deployment. In july we will have 70 megahertz of spectrum auctioned in the gigahertz band also the public auction the spectrum of the sea band in december because satellite operators have committed to relocation this will become available for 5g two or four years earlier than would have been the case. We have a major Court Victory that tried to stop the progress thank you to chairman wicker and soon for their leadership on this issue. Tribal priority is now and not on the prime did beer and spectrum before we hold the auction next year and unanimously to open the entire band for unlicensed use a test bed for innovators and innovation we almost finished that transition because it has gone well now it is provided throughout america on the megahertz band. Finally a personal and professional priority it is a matter of life and death. Suicide prevention three weeks from today the sec will vote on final rules to designate 988 a new nationwide three digit number two staff the National Suicide prevention lifeline making it easier for those in crisis who can help we can save lives to reduce the stigma associated with mental illness. Hitting those levels especially for vulnerable populations lgbtq youth this number 988 can make all the difference and thank you to Senators Gardner and baldwin for the bipartisan leadership on thisor issue members of the committee thank you for holding this hearing i look forward to answering your questions today. Precisely five minutes. Thank you very much. Commissioner . Welcome. Its good to see you today from a safe distance. And then to fill the streets in largest cities and small towns and with the mutual bonds to have more places so let me start by telling you about a conversation a few weeks ago with the middle School Teacher a small town in northern vermont one of those places perfect for a postcard it couldve happened anywhere rural or urban america. E surface to, classes, work, healh care and emergency. That is something thats not surprising, because the crisis has exposed the hard truth. Our Digital Divide is real and big. You see it in stories like this one and you also see it from nationwide parking lots, wifi is a big thing, where the signal is free. People are just trying to maintain a semblance of normal life. We can do better. First, we need a clear parents for broadband for all. A few weeks ago the fcc released its annual report. It was a glowing assessment that all is well in only 18 million americans do not have access to broadband, but that isnt credible. The number is based on the same problematic b methodology called for us to stop using them to broadband data act. Despite having made no efforts to improve the dubious broadband data, the fcc is about to hand out billions in support with the new Digital Opportunity fund based on maps we know are wrong. Its also proposed the same course with the wireless fun. We cant afford to delay the improved data any further wcause without it, we will never be a debate for sure we are targeting to support the right places. We believe communities. We also kept their focus to just the client. We need to address their ears to adoption because the Digital Divide isnt just a problem in rural america. By some estimates there are three to four times as many households without Internet Access in urban and suburban areas. Second, we need a clear plan to fix the gap. We need to work during the summer mom is so come fall, no stupid about the access they need to go to class online. The fcc could do this with the program right now, but if you choose to address the gap through legislation, i hope we can move faster so no child is left offline. Third, we need a plan to keep allamericans connected. The fcc come at the chairs direction, secured a commitment from the carriers they will not cut off consumers during the crisis. But that comes to an end this month, and we should worry about whats on the other side. With skyhigh unemployment rates we need to extend the commitment. We also have to rethink the program from top to bottom and we should have a broader conversation about the data paths and overage fees. Fourth, we need a plan for a secure 5g future. If we want to be the leader in the next generation of wireless, we need a whole of go