Books he says a person should read in their lifetime. Watch book tv this week and every weekend on cspan2. On the president and ceo of the museum of American Revolution. Its wonderful to have so many familiar faces in the audience, we also Live Streaming this evening and we will be on tv so we will live on forever and ever at 3 00 a. M. When you cant sleep. [laughter] ive got text from my father the following morning thank you are on television again. Im curious, or of hands, how many of you are visiting for the first time this evening . Welcome all of you. You are surrounded by many of our members, members of our founding members of the museums, revolution society, this is a fellowship of people who are great supporters of the museum. We are very pleased to partner with trust, you will see that up on the screen here and i know tim but all i can see is darkness. Tim and joe mclaughlin, thank them for making this possible. [applause] its a real pleasure to welcome doctor Vincent Brown this evening, often we are welcoming a good friend to the museum here this evening. Prince was one of the group of scholars who consulted with us during this development of the exhibitions and interactants for the museum here. Long before the shovel was in the ground and steel began rising here in philadelphia, we were tapping his brain for exciting stories of the American Revolution. It turned into some of the great personal stories and our core exhibition here. Charles warren professor of American History and professor of african American History at Harvard University. He is the author of the rebirth garden, which won the James E Riley prize and merle prize. If you have an opportunity to go on one, dont do it right now on your phone but when you get home, hes developed an online interactive map in jamaica, 1761 and its a graphic narrative so you can go online, show a lot of themes and you may even speak about this during your talk this evening. Its a great online resource and hopefully we begin to use it for educators in classrooms. Hes received guggenheim and fellowships, his documentary in the heart of blackness was broadcast nationally on pbs and received a from our word and charles is the best documentary, you will definitely want to check that out. In 2017, for those of you who were here april 19 when we opened the museum of the American Revolution, Vincent Brown was one of our absolutely stunning keynote speakers from we went back and read your transcript of your comment that continue to inspire us. You mark recently i have seen him interviewed on the cbs sunday morning piece about the museum. All of these pieces are available on the museums website. Search for museum. Org, you will be able to find all the information. We have a sizzle reel to in introduce sizzle brown. Then we are going to warmly welcome him. Can motivate people to heroin. High ideals and encourage to carry them out. We appreciate the efforts of common women, men and children of all sorts. Losses as well as victories. The determination to turn those losses into lessons. This revolution is, and should be a living history. The aspirations of the present as it was in the dreams and deeds of the past. This history is contradictory, tragic and ironic as often as it is heroic. It also has a virtue of being closer to the truth. So i am grateful, deeply grateful to this exhibit for having the courage to talk about truth. The only a proud history of National Origin but multifaceted account of how one might have experienced a time of such turmoil. [applause] i did not expect the sizzle reel. [laughter] now i can lay back and relax. I appreciate that. Thank you so much for that lovely introduction. Maybe over generous introduction but it was fantastic. Also, thank you for the fantastic work you do here at the museum and for inviting me to speak this evening. I want to thank hannah and alex for arranging my appearance here, ryan and david for holding down the tent. And thanks to all of you for coming out tonight. I appreciate you and your interest in history. Especially your interest in history you dont know and you would like to explore. I really appreciate that. Its kind of a long coming for me anyway because i consulted early on the museum but also because of the opening but also because of the curator here, a graduate student of ours at Harvard University. He doing amazing work and im proud of him, its nice to be here to help support that. [applause] im honored to have them in the audience with us tonight. [applause] one of the leading lights of early American Revolution history in the country but also especially Harvard University where he was instrumental in hiring me. [laughter] im not sure why you did it but im so grateful that you did. Thanks for coming. Im honored to be with you here man popping we can all catch a bit of revolution together before its too late. In 1776, Great Britains most important american colony was on the verge of insurrection. Colonist perceived the government in britain was conspiring against the rights of imperial subjects. They had a pot against the english liberty, they long enjoyed. At the dinner table, they discussed america open, those infected with imperial government 12 on about the topic of american rebellion. The chicken jamaican columnist saw an opportunity. It is at a critical junction with the british entry into yet another imperial work. They had exaggerated accounts of french and spanish military buildup and probing and calculated 30 slaves to every white person, ready to drink the attempts of any enemy in a general massacre. On july third, resident of troops left for port royal, scheduled to depart america by the end of the month. Throughout that parish, enslaved people gathered frequently in housing, grounds and open fields to hold serious conversation which stopped suddenly on the approach on anyone they did not trust. They were strategizing. Now or never, they thought, is the time to make themselves masters of the country. The moment seemed like a successful uprising but this American Revolution was not to be. As so often happened with rebellion, the trade in conspiracy unraveled. The british in jamaica considered the property of their predicament in 1776, rather than looking ahead to 13 colonies on the north american continent, they looked to the past. The slave insurrection of 1750, which had been the most dangerous threat to the British Empire today. He reflected on the differences between the unrest of 1760 and 70 and 76, mostly in terms of the nature of warfare with their own slaves. 1776 her moment in the United States of america. They announced the separation of the 13 colonies from Great Britain. When referring to the origin of the nation, the data secures the broader context of the time. It deflects attention for the fact that 26 colonies in america, not just of 13 fabric away. By far the most profitable significant and politically connected of the were in the caribbean. This chart compares empire in 1774. British american as a whole and 13th north american colonies that became the United States, the british caribbean direct the 13 colonies into three regions, seven, mid atlantic and new england. Colonist held nearly 70 of the wealth and British American graph because of the Property Holders being much smarter in the caribbean. When you break it down by region, qc wealth increased as he moved south. According to the degree the colonial economy depended upon enslaved labor. When you examine the property, and astonishing drop in the british caribbean were 90 of the population made up of enslaved black people. White people were stupendously rich, mostly more than 17 times the wealth of those in the 13 colonies. The average private wealth of a freak right colonist in jamaica, single most lucrative american colony was nearly 58 times greater a similar cellar in new england. Military deployment distributed to protect that wealth. Often, warships assigned to jamaica as much as this whole american continent. This led to expanding why Thomas Hutchison couldnt get as much support as he needed as soon as he wanted policymakers with rebels rose up in massachusetts in 1770. Before that, the british were well aware that they now know represented the peak of entry in crisis and concern. More than 1000 black people in jamaica in 1770 and next year. It destroyed tens of thousands. The repression followed from over 500 black men and women were killed in battle executed or driven to suicide. Another 500 were transported from the island. One planter whether we extend the plan from the multitude of the conspirator and the difficulty of opposing it to a variety of places at once, this revolt was more formidable than any known in the west indies. According to two slaveholders in history, one of them being edward do here, rebellion that the instigation of an african man who had been a chief in guinea and organized and executed by people from the gold coast. West african region stretching between the rivers, they established reputations for military proud. Displacement forced migration and rebellion, it shows houston slave trade matched what i call the warfare. The slave trade spread throughout the america, some who had been leaders or soldiers, suddenly found themselves uprooting and landscapes, scattered by trade current and planted into unfamiliar territories to be rebuilt in their lives. Inevitably, some of them determined that only war could end their bondage. Mostly, people who found themselves caught up in expansionary wars, across the ocean and sat down in alien land to exploit and brutalize them, new conflicts promised to liberate them or offer serving masters, slaves might take up arms for whichever faction presented the process of a better life. This process from a native pla plant, transplantation and adaptation to a strange new one, this familiar, cultures change. The transformations in african religion, expression and identity by fueling africanamerican and authentic history in a common frame. A similar approach, my approach here shows how the turmoils the daily hostilities of life generated a militant response, they travel to groups and started across the americas back to europe. Thats what happened when those socalled pilates broke out in conspiracies in the 17th and 18th century. St. John, new york and jamaica and stretching throughout the north atlantic america. Jamaican direction 1760261 followed by further uprising and 55 and 66 were among the hardest and most consequential of these. For what observers could believe, the tactics of the rebels, they had many soldiers in africa. They arrived in the americas with military training and discipline or at least some knowledge and evasive tactics in africa. Some scholars suggest american slaveholders might be seen as extensions of african work. This prospective review of the conflict networks of migration line, trans Regional Power and conflict that gave the political history of the 18th century some of its most distinctive contours. Warfare is not the first step to envisioning a map of atlantic slavery shows how political and military practices travel, take root and grow in the environment. Even as the slave trade forced people to remake and renegotiate their affiliation, the massive dispersive about across the atlantic scattered military conflict throughout the americas. The story of the qualities shows how african warfare was with multitude, not as a direct continuation of previous struggle but as the outgrowth of immigrant experience. British slaveholders value them, planters generally help for Agricultural Labor but said, at the same time, they are a dangerous rebellious distribution. There were dangerous and kept in bondage perhaps in part for the same reason slave traders found in abundance source of potential workers. In the 17th and 18th century, they witnessed the transformation of major empire. They have in the region. Fueled by farm sales from european traders, the worst that attended these contests produce captives for sale the europeans on the coast. They also produce turbulent environment in which complex military campaign involves european and african rivalry, multiple alliances, negotiations and treachery, the context on how a suspect, a single ethnic group in africa, they are not discernible group in africa. According to the research on the subject, there were members of the organization of coke nationals, who socialize with aid one another. A nation in the americas. This was a phenomenon. A creative category comprising people who share or could understand the languages, recognize and familiar practices broaden similar strategies for corporations. There is no direct gold coast where shared languages were not superseding local divisions. Having taking its name from an important cultural time in the 17th century, it was both social glue religious institutions. The mutual aid society, and a place to enjoy entertainment. As the base of social communion and environment will military prison was a common experience, National Gatherings could provide for people to plan, organize and state revolt. When they did so, they draw upon their previous military experiences. However, as a category of belonging, it was crosscut by many identifications. They spoke more than one language and came from different regions and kingdoms with a variety of expenses. Just as important, one in jamaica in slave society. No similarities could resolve all the difficult negotiations of multiple interest and expenses even with patriots making friends and foes through politics of belonging that was meant to be clear about the in jamaica is urgent of the identity itself. In the face of continual assault on their personal and collective dignity, they distinguished themselves by their political commitment as much as by ascribed classification. Among the core of montys different ideas of how to limit society and how to destroy altogether shape rebelliousness as they recalled prior expenses in africa. In the atlantic or press, nothing was more important than learning brother how to form oil unit, alliances and coalitions in the face of superior power. They had one through hard experience, on the gold coast, before coming to africa. When i learned new and different particulars in order to make war on the matters. The former slave and military veterans of the seven years war, assigned slavery itself is a perpetual state of war. This is not war in the conventional sense between distinct armies erected by the rulers of the state, rather mastery of work by its nature of forcible assault to be met with silence ignited against the fraud and cruelty of slaveholders. Through the slaveholders, are you not hourly of an insurrection . Is not a rhetorical question. Since the early days of Jamaica Slave Society holders, the rebellion slaves in society, a war always wrote by how much there is no quarter given in it. He had been in jamaica in 1772 where the islands from the uprisings of the previous decades, its an entire world can organize around violence and counterattacked on a continuous scale. He enslaved and often characterized bondage as a permanent state of low intensity work, talking regularly about how they might reject that work. Its never been more apparent than the era when violence appeared an extension and enslavement transformed europe, africa and the americas as they interacted across the atlantic ocean. European conflict extended the dominion of agriculture. African captive and trade and slaves. Star and continuously. These amounted to slave war, war to enslave work to expand slavery and war against slaves, by the enslaved, against slaveholders. Combat zones, political alliances and enemy combatants. It had four concepts into one. Extension of wars on the african continent, it was a race war between black and white slaveholders. It is a struggle among black people or the terms of the belonging for effective control as local territories and the establishment of their own political legacies and it was, most immediately, at the heart of the battles of the seven years war. The titanic global conflict between Great Britain and european rivals. Each of these struggle, different clients that converged the jamaican instructions in the 1760s. Charting the court against new stories of territory and movement, again, they braced together the histories of europe, africa and america. As an example, of the principal leaders, he fought in each of these campaigns, the official on the gold coast and probably engaging in combat with political rival captured and enslaved by a ship captain, he fought in navy battles against the french. He was the driver on the plantation, keeping up in subjection for a time before the uprising that the british could call a race war. In these struggles, he connected on a small scale, everyday violence of enslavement and course labor to the grand scale of imperial geopolitics. Thats where the interlocking patterns of state, labor and militancy across distances, these wars within force were elements of empire, and insurrection. Integrated history takes us far to the plantations, beyond masters and slaves and outside the locations for observing violence. Slave work in jamaica formed not in intertwined soldiers who fought in europe, north america and africa, sailors who crisscrossed the end by the world for slaves swept up in many conflicts on both sides of the atlantic ocean. Tracking the movements of puppeteers from workers, captives and ordinary fighters, exposing the shape of the marshall as it peaks integrate volcanic network, constituting World History from below. Im going to fight you read my account for yourself, hopefully. [laughter] no spoilers here. You can get a glimpse on these maps, im sorry to smoke but you can get a general sense of how complicated this revolt was even over these first few months across several parishes of the island. For now, let me just sketch some of what i think are the revolt under appreciated reverberation, to give you a sense of why i think it was so important and how i hope the book can model the kinds of connections in distance places across