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>> the majority leader is recognized. >> mr. chief justice, the senate is ready too vote on the articls of impeachment and after that, we will adjourn the court of impeachment. >> the clerk will read the first article of >> piece of power. the constitution provided the house of representatives, quote, shall have the full power of impeachment and the president shall be removed from office on impeachment and conviction of treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors and his conduct of the office of president of the united states and in violation of the o constitutional oath to faithfully execute the office of president of the united states and to the best of his ability preserve, protect and defend the constitution of the united states and in violation of the constitutional duties take care datun the wall be faithfully executed. donald trump is abused the powers of the presidency and that using the powers of his office he solicited the that hee interference of the foreign government, ukraine and the united states presidential election. he did so through the schema or course of conduct that included soliciting the government of ukraine to publicly announce investigations that would benefit his reelection, harm the prospect of a political opponent and influence to 2020 united states presidential election to his advantage. president trump sought to pressure the government of ukraine to take the steps by conditioning the official united states government acts of value on its public announcement of the investigation. president trump engaged in the schema or course of conduct for purposes in pursuit of personal lypolitical benefit. in doing so, president trump usedel the power of the presidey in a manner that compromised national security of the united states and undermined the p integrity of the democratic process. he ignored the interest of the nation and president of trump engaged in the scheme or course of conduct and the following means. president trump acting directly and through his agents within and outside of the united states government corruptly solicited the government of ukraine to the political opponent, former vice president joe biden junior and discredited theory promoted by russia alleging that ukraine, rather than russia interfered in the 2016 united states presidential election. number two with the same mode as president trump acting both directly and through his agents in the united states government conditioned the two official acts on the announcement that he had requested the release of $391 million of the united states taxpayer funds congress appropriated on a bipartisan basis for the purpose of providing vital military security assistance to ukraine to oppose russian aggression in which president trump ordered suspended and the head of state meeting at the white house which the presiden president of ukrait to demonstrate continued united states support for the government of ukraine and faith of russian aggression. faced with public resolution of his actions president trump ultimately released the military security assistance to the government of ukraine and has upersistent and openly and corruptly urging and soliciting ukraine to undertake investigations for his personal, political benefit. the actions were consistent in the previous invitation of the foreign interference, the united states election. in all of this president trump abused the power of the presidency by ignoring and entering national security and other interests to obtain an improper political benefit. benefit. he's alsbenefit. he is also betrayed the nation by if usin it using his high ofn enlist a foreign power and corrupting democratic elections where for president trump by such conduct has demonstrated he will remain a threat to national security and the constitution is allowed to remain in office and has acted in a manner incompatible in the rule of law. president trump warrants impeachment and trial removal from office and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit under the united states. >> each senator when his or her name is called will stand in his or her place and vote guilty or not h guilty as required by rule 23 of the senate rules on impeachment. article one section three clause number six of the constitution regarding those required for conviction on impeachment provides no person shall be convicted without the conference of two thirds of the members present. the question is on the first article ofme impeachment, senators, how say you is the respondent donald trump guilty or not guilty a roll call vote is required and the clerk will call the roll. [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] call] [roll call] is [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] shokin [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] this article of impeachment, 48 senators pronounced donald trump president of the united states guilty as charged. 52 senators pronounce him not guilty as charged. two thirds of the senators present not pronouncing him guilty the senator judges that the respondent donald trump president of the united states is not guilty as charged in the first article of impeachment. the clerk will read the second article of impeachment. article two, obstruction of congress. the constitution provides that the house of representatives shall have the power of impeachment and that the president shall bpresident shalm office on impeachment for and conviction of treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors. in its conduct of the office of the president of the united states and in violation of its constitutional oath faithfully to execute the office as president of the united states and to the best of his ability preserve, protect and defend the constitution of the t united states, and in violation of the constitutional duty to take care that the law be faithfully executed, donald trump has directed the unprecedented categorical and indiscriminate defiance issued by the house of representatives pursuant to its power of impeachment. president trump has abused the power of the presidency in a manner offensive to and subversive of the constitution and not the house of representatives has engaged in an impeachment inquiry focused on president trump's corrupt solicitation of the government of ukraine to interfere in the 2020 united states presidential election. as part of this impeachment inquiry, th the committee is undertaking the investigation to serve subpoena seeking documents and testimony vital to the inquiry from the various executive branch agencies and offices and current and former officials. in response without a cause or excuse, president trump directed executive branch agencies, offices and officials not to comply with those subpoenas. he thus interposed the power of the presidency against the subpoena of the house of representatives and assumed himself functioned and judgment necessary to the exercise of the power of impeachment vested by the constitution and the house of representatives. president trump abused the power of his office through the following means. one, directing the white house to defy a lawful subpoena by withholding the production of documents sought therein by the committees, number two, directing other executive branch agencies and offices to defy the lawful subpoena and withhold the production of documents and records from the committee and in response to which the department of state office of management and budget for the department of energy and department of defense refused to produce a single document or record. three, directing current and former officials not to cooperate with the committee in response to which nine administration officials defied subpoenas for testimony, namely john michael m mick mulvaney, michael duffey, ryan mccormick, these actions were consistent with president trump's previous efforts to undermine the united states government investigations into the foreign interference in the uniteds states election. through these actions, president trump sought the right to determine society, scope and nature of impeachment inquiry into his own conduct as well as the unilateral prerogative to deny any and all information to the house of representatives and the exercise of the sole power of impeachment. in the history of the republic, no president has ordered the complete defiance of an impeachment inquiry or sought to obstruct and in heated so comprehensively the ability of the house of representatives to investigateen high crimes and misdemeanors. this abuse of office served to cover up the president's own repeated misconduct and to seize control of the power of impeachment and thus to nullify the vital constitutional safeguard that is solely in the house of representatives. in all of this president trump has acted in a manner contrary to his trust and subversive of constitutional government of the great prejudice to the cause of law and justicece and to the injury of the people of the united states. wherefore president trump by such conduct has demonstrated that he will remain c a threat o the constitution is allowed to remain in office and has acted inon a manner incompatible with self-government and the rule of law. president trump warrants impeachment and trial, removal from office and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of trust or profit under the united states. >> the question is on the second article of impeachment. impeachment. senators, how say you is the respondent donald trump guilty or not guilty, the clerk will call the roll. >> [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] t [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] on this article of impeachment 47 senators pronounce the donald trump president of the united states guilty as charged. 53 senators have pronounced him not guilty as charged. two thirds of the senators not having pronounced him guilty the senate of charges that responded, donald john trump president of the united states is not guilty as charged in the second article of impeachment. the presiding officer directs judgment be entered in accordance with the judgment of the senate as follows. the senate having tried to donald trump president of the united states upon two articles of impeachment exhibited against him by the house of representatives and two thirds of the senators present not having found him guilty of the charges contained therein, it is therefore ordered and adjudged donald trump is and hereby acquitted of the charges in the said articles. the majority leader is recognized. >> i send in orde an order to t. >> be directed to communicate to the secretary of state and is provided by rule 23 of the rules and procedures and practice in the senate when sitting on impeachment trials and also in the house of representatives the judgment of the senate and the case of john donald trump with a certified copy of the judgment to each. >> without objection, the judgment will be ordered. >> the majority leader is recognized. >> before the process concludes, i want to very quickly acknowledge a few of the people that helped the senate to fulfill our duty these past weeks. first and foremost, i hope my colleagues join me in thinking chief justice roberts for presiding over the trial with a clear head and forbearance that this occasion demands. [applause] we know well his presence is our presiding officer came in addition to, not instead of his day job across the street. so, the senate thinks the chief justice and staff that helped him perform his unique role. like his predecessor, chief justice rehnquist, the senate will be rewarding chief justice roberts the golden gavel to commemorate as the time to tim g over this body, we typically award is t this to the new senas after 100 hours in the chair but we can agree the chief justice has put in his do and then some. of course there are countless professionals whose efforts were essential and i have more thanks to all of those from the secretary of the senate office, the presbyterians, the sergeant at arms and beyond that there are two more that i would like to single out now. the different classes that participated in the trial, the footwork cool under pressure and kept the floor running, the current class came on board right in the middle of the third presidential impeachment trial in american history command quickly found themselves hand delivering 180 question cards from senators desks to the guys, no pressure, right? so thank you all very much for igyour good work. [applause] and second for the fine men and women of the capitol police. we know the safety of our democracy literally rests in f their hands every single day. but the heightened measures in the trial meant even more hours and even more work and even more vigilance. thank you all very much for your service. [applause] the chair recognizes the democratic leader who aided the senate over the past several weeks. and everyone who works in and visits the capital to provide additional security over the past three weeks getting the chief justicee or questions as the leader noted, the new class of pages started midway in the impeachment trial. when you take a a new job, they were usually given to few days to take stock of things and get up to speed. this class was given no such leeway that they stepped right in and didn't miss a beat during hundreds of questions from senators to the chief justice on national television isn't how most of us spend our first week at work. i'd also like to extend my personal thanks to the director of the office of accessibility services, the supervisor and wonderful director of capital evcilities. everyone on greece's team worked so hard to make sure we were ready for impeachment. gary richardson known affectionately to us as tiny. jim hoover and the cabinet who built new cabinets to deprive us of the use of ou art electronics and flip phones during the tri trial. we did a spectacular job keeping the capital clean and the team will move the furniture and then again and again. we appreciate all of your hard work. please convey our sincerest thanks to the staff with many long days and nights during this very trying time in the nations history. >> the chair also wishes to make a brief statement. i would like to beginng by thanking the majority leader ank the democratic leader for their support as i attempted to carry out ill-defined responsibilities in an unfamiliar setting. i had the wise counsel of the senate itself through the secretary and privileges that o the staff. for the deputy for their unfailing patience or keen insight. i'm likewise grateful to the sergeant at arms. thank you for making my presence as comfortable as possible as i depart for chamber i do so within invitation to visit the court. by long tradition and in memory ofwi the 135 years we sat in ths building to keep the front row of the gallery in the courtroom open for members who might want to drop by to see an argument or to escape. i also depart with sincere good wishes as they carry out our wer common commitment to the constitution through the distinct role beside to us by the charter. you've been generous hosts and i look forward to seeing you again under happier circumstances. >> the chair recognizes the majority leader.r. >> i moved that the senate sitting in a cour the court of impeachment on the articles against donald john trump adjourned. >> without objection, the motion is agreed to and the senate stands adjourned. >> 52 to 48 to a quick president's trump of article one abuse of power. the senate then voted 5347 to acquit of article two of obstruction of congress. mitt romney broke ranks with his party to vote on the abuse of power charge. following the vote the senate majority leader mitch mcconnell held a briefing to talk about the end of the impeachment trial. his remarks were followed by chuck schumer and the president's attorney, jay sekulow. >> good afternoon, everyone. some of you are probably wondering what is left to be saider

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