Testimony on the importance of trauma informed practices and education to assist students impacted by gun violence and other adversities. I know for the subcommittee. On both sides of the aisle where theres been an opportunity to withstand the witnesses be Opening Statements are limited to the chair and the Ranking Member. I want to begin by acknowledging that this morning marks 18 years since the terrorist attacks september 11. Let us please take a moment to remember the 1,799 lives lost in those attacks. The first morning we are here to discuss the governments responsibility to ensure every child has a nurturing learning environment. 34 million have endured a childhood experience that can render their ability to learn and grow. Extensive Research Shows paying attention and with depression or anger. The challenges can be further compounded by discipline with support in my district they lost the campus and in the new school year especially when they have their homes lost in a to obtain oother campuses into the Campus Community of their own. While they do not understand how they will feel over time under the circumstances they show that over a lifetime victims of trauma can face a higher risk of drug and alcohol abuse, rates of suicide and shorter lifespan. The pediatrics have been quoted as saying a there are preventable forms children experience more frequently thanc anywhere else it 50 times higher than others. According to a database maintained by the washington post, 428,000 students have experienced gun violence since the columbine tragedy in 1999. 428,000. Am americans are 50 times more violent than the citizens in other countries. One distinction is that wepa failed to pass basic gun law prevention that is supported by an overwhelming share. The consequences are felt in communities like el paso and Virginia Beach that have experienced Mass Shootings in the past. They are also felt by residents in chicago, detroit and other cities. One of the hearing is about implementing, it is preventable. Reducing gun violence into improving access to Mental Health care in addressing poverty at some of the challenges for the quality of life for children across the country. Given that we have shown the ability to address these issues, but we can educate children through identifying action. Cmore than 70 said hed been told Health Services do not receive the appropriate care. Students of color who are more likely to experience trauma are also in segregated schools that cannot afford critical Mental Health resources. And as a result disproportionately offer the fiscal and emotional effects of umthe problem. T the children that are affected by trauma included and to make matters worse, they are further restricting Mental Health care. We brought in our understanding of the practices and the Discipline Services to improve the rate and to understand how congress can support the trauma and practices that are proven to help students succeed. Todays discussion is an important step towards addressing the basi basic publichealth issue is affecting the communities across the country. Thank you to the witnesses for being here and i will yield to thee Ranking Member for his Opening Statement. Thank you, mr. Chairman and thank you for recognizing the anniversary. Thank you mr. Chairman and thank you for recognizing the anniversary of 9 11 its 9 11 is importance given to stay. Sadly far too many children are affected by trauma because of their age or reliance on adult to keep them safe, they are vulnerable to trauma. But she was 26 will witness or experience aen traumatic event before they turn for. More than two thirds reported at least one traumatic event by age 16. Even more, statistics surrounding children in the welfare system. 95 of children reported psychological than physical abuse, and 99 reported physiological, psychological and sexual abuse. This is absolutely heartbreaki heartbreaking. It can include in a variety of events such as physical and sexual abuse, Cyber Bullying they negatively impact their daily lives. In fact it can affect a childs education. The study of more than 1,000 1,0 children were between large cities in the United States they are below average academic and little skills as a child is at a level of third grade they are likely to drop out of school and theres an 85 chance of being incarcerated. Educators and school staff serve as the critical support system for traumatized children and their families. A student is acting out, failing tests were having difficulty concentrating may be a sign of trauma. The teachers understand a student and what they are facing they can better accommodate in the classroom. Teachers and Education System are another placement for families. Moms and dads and grandfathers and grandmothers cannot be replaced in the life of a child. It cannot be replaced in the life of a child. Its just one piece of supporting. It is my goal when i ran for office it is time to quit losing our children. Instead we should focus on equipping families, schools, communities with the tools they need to be successful leaders. They are our future. The hearing will examine the effects of trauma on schoolchildren and how to identify and address them and how to help students have access to saf a safe, supportive and healthy learningor environment. I have the opportunity when we were on our District Court perioDistrict Courtperiod to vis officials i will not name the superintendent opportunity to visit as tears came to his eyes and t she described three suicis of young people in the School System last year. I asked him why. He said they are without hope. Its interesting i was given a book in a meeting two weekends ago called death on hold. I never thought somebody on death row would teach me what this government taught me in reading this book about what he went through as a child and what he experienced in the streets and why he was onwa death row ad whby now he is making an impactn so many lives. I highly recommend this book. Its required reading for members of congress because i think that they will see where the problem lies. Thank you mr. Chairman and i look forward to hearing our Witnesses Today. Without objection to other members start to be published in insert their statements into the record to the work electronically in microsoft word format. I will now introduce the witne witness. The Surgeon General also in awardwinning physician researcher dedicated to changing the way our schools and our society is in response to one of the most extensive and widespread Public Health crisis of our time, childhood trauma. She founded the center for the organizations to be a National Leader in the effort to advance pediatric medicine, raise Public Awareness and transfor transfore way society responds also founded and led by scientific screenings and treatments in the experiences she also published a book entitled the longterm effects of childhood adversity. Next, the associate superintendent of Mcdowell School in west virginia. In her 16th year as an educator and as a High School Administrator in charge from riverview high school. Doctor berger works as an associate superintendent at the schools and serves as the coordinator and works extensively to support the development of comprehensive Student Support. Doctor barker earned her bachelors in english and completed a masters of arts from westst Virginia University in secondary education. Doctor barker is here for the leadership university. The stat state superintendent of public instruction in oklahoma was elected to serve as the state superintendent november 2014 and began his second term in january of this year. They revealed t the ineffective exams in the accountability system and student safety. To emphasize on the collaboration and focus on ensuring children have equal access to opportunities, strength and academic standards and testing evaluation sent from statewide attention to the needs of the children where they are. And finally, not the least, the chief executive officer of chicagos public School System. Immersed in cps her entire life as a former student, teacher, principal, chief Education Officer and now as a parent. We appreciate all the witnesses for being here today we look forward to your testimony. Let me just remind the eyewitnesses see we have your written statementses and they will go in the f hearing records. Each of you is asked to limit your oral presentation to a fiveminute summary of your Opening Statement us code section 101 it is illegal to knowingly and willfully to a false statement or to coverup a material fact when you begin your testimony please remember to press the button on the microphonett the microphone will turn on so the members can hear you after four minutes the light will turn yellow to signal you have one minute remaining after it turns red your five minutes have expired and please wrap up we will let the entire panel make their presentation before going to questions please remember to turn your microphone on. I will first recognize ms. Harris you have five minutes to make good morning and thank you for the opportunity for participating in this hearing. A robust body of literature shows to be highly prevalent strongly associated with childhood and adult health and Mental Health and behavior in social outcomes and to demonstrate a pattern of high rates of intergenerational transmission. High levels of adversity with a trusted caregiver in a stable environment lead to overactivity of the biological stress response and changes in brain structure and function the function of the immune and inflammatory systems and development these changes are what comprise of what is now known as a toxic stress response. 62 percent of American Adults have experienced at least once those with four or more have a risk of seven out of ten of the leading causes of death in the United States including Heart Disease and stroke and cancer. The original cdc Research Done in a population 70 percent caucasian 70 percent collegeeducated. There is no so show demographic with geographichi groups the higher the score the more likely the individual is to also struggle with depression and ptsd eating disorders and Substance Abuse the National Study of more than 35000 adults found even after adjusted were so she owed demographics and Substance Use these are independently associated with four times the risk of incarceration. Similarly research has indicated a common factor of shootings is a history among the most notable is impacts of learning and behavior compared to children with no aces four or more they are 32 times as likely to experience learning and behavior problems and three times as likely to repeat a grade. Adverse childhood experiences are a Public Health crisis with that coordinated cross sector response. And Early Detection or intervention schools and educators are critical part of the ecological and Public Health response to toxic stress. To ensure that all personnel could be possible symptoms and that training and practices and policies in the calm physical environment transparent and predictable rules and nonpunitive consequences. And participatory decisionmaking by students of School Policy and explicit Community Involvement including support for families for managing stress. Distorted disciplinary practices and programs to prevent read traumatization should be number one to support Vulnerable Children and youth should align with those six pillars which include promoting health and nutrition and physical exercise mindfulness and Mental Health hygiene and supportive relationships in addition trauma and educating w wellbeing are the elements for trauma informed educational environments and important elements also include workforce training dissemination of best practices and rigorous evaluation. As noted by authors in a recent commentary the who and the cdc recognizes schools are not the only places to transmit Academic Knowledge but also were Vulnerable Children can connect with supportive adults and peers outside of their family. And then to be shown against protection Substance Abuse and other risky behaviors to promote academic. The opportunity ahead of us is the true intersection and i urge you to use this information on behalf of americans. Thank you very much i work one of the poorest places in the United States. These numbers a Drug Overdose rates and secretly with academic achievement and those issues with those brought to us by generational poverty the generational trauma the adverse impacts of these challenges behavior and academics the main focus on survival for thein basic need the mental capacity in their lives so thinking about doing math and that social structure thats why we have challenging behaviors with a variety of resources for all of our students it with those trauma influence practices that it is overwhelming and complex intermediate also the economic status coming to us with several aletter scores with this abuse Drug Overdose and they can break that cycle to strengthen social connections to help children have social h andot emotional the educators have a choice to help families and children of men we choose the latter but they do not do the job alone with Mental Health and social work therefore to have a strategy with the community but one providers also an equity strategy with various Community Organizations and with that kinship support. And to have so many partnerships as the principal struggle to find time to do this in addition to the construct loan instructional duties and then we have very few teachers with a stable environment to have been emphasis because the schools donte frequently in the partnerships themselves social workers and the challenges it with that funding and when that travel is needed we should not have to choose between Mental Health therapist and social workers those types of services are vital to succeed in the schools have become hubs of community to engage in the approach with social and emotional support. And then in that destructive behavior and that risky behavior also to break that cycle love generational poverty and trauma in their lives as their parents also deal with that trauma themselves. Thank you so much for your timeso. Good morning thank you chairman, Ranking Member and members of the committee i was has elected state superintendent of public instruction in 2014 and reelected in 2018 with that opportunity to appear before you to discuss the effects of childhoodis trauma on the academic performance and the social and emotional growth. Oklahoma has made tremendous strides in Public Education taand accountability with these these are the stark realities of poverty the world outside the classroom has an undeniable impact for inside the classroom. Are recent National Survey shows that oklahomas youngest children suffer more children than any other state but according to the Casey Foundation oklahoma ranks 42nd in the nation. 75 percent of our students have moderate or serious depression and then they admit to a low school with a high risk of drug abuse. House we equip teachers to move toward resilience and a Bright Future we believe the key is instruction so recent work on the science of health makes clear that the stable at all is a common factor moving from trauma to hope. February 2019 through title iv funding and community and Agency Partners held to statewide trauma summits both were heavily attended and for all educators approximately 42000 classroom teachers. So providingng increased support the implication of trauma is a priority of the state agency to provide professional Development Opportunities come educators to better understand the connection between traumao and the negative impact. So we have cross Agency Collaboration to address student academic performance and behavior to offer Student Support with onsite intervention and professional development and to be developed last spring it consist of directors of social and emotional counseling, academic counseling, Prevention Services in college