Transcripts For CSPAN2 Call-in With Justine Bateman Fame 202

CSPAN2 Call-in With Justine Bateman Fame July 14, 2024

Bring that to you live live as we have all day. We want to introduce you to the all author Justine Bateman. It is a relatively painful thing. I dont know if i would qualify it as painful. It was like cleaning out your closet. What i wanted to do for the readers is about the life cycle. And the sociological angle. For others like myself. And also what its like for the sociological theory. How did we as a society get to a point where we put celebrity at such a high pedestal. You had written a lot of painful and personal things in here. I used my own experience as a framework. Nor an empirical sociologist. To me its like its more just a flushing out. As items you would put out to sell at a garage sale. Theyre not personal anymore. They only serve as a framework for the book. In many other people who have gone through this lifecycle they can find a lot of commonality in that. I think what is more addictive than that. Is the idea of it. They havent necessarily lived through or been through it. It is on almost every turn to toddlerhood. When you are a tyler everybody pays your bills. Everything you do is applauded. You are taking care of that. You are not thinking about any of these things. And you are adored of. The very low bar of accomplishment. And in the same way people have an idea about fame. You get a lot of money Everybody Loves you. Everything you do is going to be awarded. Other people schedule your travel that is not what the experience is really like. Pieces of that may be true. Someone who is single that wants to believe that marriage is really wonderful. They know a few things about the rest of it they kick out. It doesnt match the picture that they head of it. We talked a lot of people in this book. And you share your experiences do you think yours is a typical hollywood story in that sense. My experience is the same they are not unique to me. The people that i spoke to there were a lot of things that they head in common about the experience and when i was doing the academic version. I did have them grouped together. A lot of the comments that they head in common. You have a famed thermometer. When youre among other famous people. You are being seen relative to them. If the room of people that have never done anything in the entertainment business. Youre the you are the most famous person in the room. What is being compared to when youre among other famous people thats when you are to have it taken. Is one of the most sharpest temperature taking. When youre thermometer was there. When one is very famous there is a lot of attention on this particular person. It seems to confirm the publics view that all of those attributes that theyve given. At that those are true. They saw that person getting a lot of attention. Getting a lot of money into a film or something. Everybody can kind of get in on it. You can try to generate the large followings. I think it is really damaging to assess society for two reasons. One is being constantly when one is constantly watched. It fundamentally changes how you relate to yourself and how you relate to others. Youre being watched and judged. The Human Behavior or Something Like that. I think when people volunteers and for that sort of thing. It always of monitors themselves taking pictures and sophies that is very damaging. And then also the quantification of your values. Its not whether or not you took a good picture but how many likes to get. How many subscribers you have i recently talked to some psychologists that specialize in teens. There is a fever pitch right now with the selfesteem being totally wrapped up in an entire day of somebody mood or feelings about themselves. Wrapped up in whether or not there were enough lakes. Theyve really gone into the quantification. Actress Justine Bateman is our guest. But the Eastern Central time zones. For those of you in the mountains in pacific time zones. We will get here calls in just a minute. You did a guest spot. In modern family. You are graduating from ucla in Computer Science. Into the attention that they got is totally different. People are very excited to hear its been on tv or in the theater. Theres also part in sociology the bandwagon effect. If millions of people were watching them. If they were excited about it. In not really look at whether or not they are excited about it. This is all while i was getting my Computer Science degrees degree. In doing a film this august. Now im squarely behind the scene its interesting the most interesting reflections that ive gotten from readers has been from those that say how much they related to the book. There was a blind woman that told me she really related to the chapter that talks about being treated as not a person. The executive. Officer thank you. At the clear military officer. He was highly decorated. An environment where Everybody Knows it seems clear what your value is. And the way all of the other people were relating to you. None of that is known about or has applied. Or how you have to adjust your ego and i mean that in a good sense. Your humility too. And how do you relate to other people. And how do they relate to you. Youve to do a complete shift on everything. What are the things that you pointed out here. The fragmentation that we head in todays media rule dash macworld and i think that me people watch network tv now. Back in the 80s and into the 90s youve a very concentrated audience. And frankly for music also. You have hubs of listening for sure. Music went into the Digital Space earlier than the rest of it. Now that there is 70 different ways to consume entertainment. You can find an entire season of the show that cumulatively has reached 26 million people. Why do we care as the American Public thats a good question. I think the most genuine connection is that you have a connection with the work that they have done. I could really weave into your life and a really important point and so then you ascribe a connection with that. That is one of the most genuine ways. Very strange excitement. The way the whole system shifts. They are in the presence of somebody the other people very famous. And thats why i began writing the book. Its about wanting to look at that quality that washes into a room. This interview would stop or pause. And everybody around here would change as well. They would divest themselves of their own identities when they are standing in front of them. And not be themselves at all. And then ask themselves what just happened to me. Why did i stop behaving like that. Thats what i examined in the book. Do you think it gets lost. Especially whenre 1 years old. The thing about fame his eye talk about impose reality. Its how you really see others. Where you live and what gender you are. Your height in your weight. What job you have. If your family members are all the is your reality. If any one of those things were to change it can be very disruptive in someones life. So fame is one of the elements where people that come become very famous. You cant really escape it. See you adjust to it. And you try to hold inside like you really do feel about the self. Thats how we build the reality. People treat me this way. I dont think you can really discover who you are where you just closet your entire life. And we would say i dont know what you mean. I just live here. Its just reality. The most interesting thing to me is when it starts to slip away. How you manage that. Now something has been jerked out of your reality. In the same way if your house burned down. The biggest shift in your reality that affects everything. And that is what happens when it goes from a very small sector of the population. When he retired and no longer has that reality to live in is an adjustment not that many people are going to sympathize with or understand. When people think of it in that way there are a lot of realities in peoples lives. It affects your selfesteem and your own identity. I think thats the way they try to put in the book. The shifting of realities in imposed realities. People telling you who you are and as opposed to who you really are. Lets begin with dave. About 40 miles. It seems to me its kind of like a celebrity carrying a mask kind of a magical mask and the the reason you are a celebrity theres other people that carry that mask of you with them and then when they see you in person expected to have that mask on. We are gonna leave it there because you write extensively about exactly what he just said. That is a great point. I talk about that they are sprained something on. As a famous person. Cant they see me. I am behaving and being true to myself. Its almost refusal and seen that. They want to see that. And they dont want to be true that youre just a real person. When a famous person does do every day things photos are taken of that. And put in people or us magazine. As if it is crazy idea that they would eat a snack or go to a restroom in my book i talk about people wanting it to be true that there is a Golden Ticket to something. And for a lot of people it makes their lives better to imagine that there is a way out of what ever they are currently experiencing. For some people the idea of heaven whatever they want to think of it in their mind. Fame is like that as well. They want to see that mask. Its a very good observation that you made. You found yourself being very polite often in society or out in public. In the elevator story. That ties into been spoken of why youre standing in close proximity of people. It happened a lot back then. Youre not real. I think its necessary otherwise it shatters what were talking about. It shatters this idea that there is another plane of existence if possible. Where in you get to relive your toddlerhood. Everybody loves you et cetera. I feel like a lot of people like to believe that that is available. Its kind of a Lottery Ticket thing. I do not think anthony is with us so we are good to go to oklahoma and this is bob and he is calling from oklahoma. Youre with author Justine Bateman. Good to see you again. I just wanted to touch on how you mentioned humility. I am noticing that we live in a Society Today kind of a yuppie class a president at the have of the helm that has no humility. No capacity. Ive seen a lot of things in my life and a lack of humility the pre dispose angst about what were talking about here. About continuing the unreality. Lets let her rip on that and just a little bit. Thinks bob. Personally, i found that to be very true. I think has a lot to do with the reality show mentality i believe everyone has to have the skills and talents. Its whether or not theyre gonna develop the skills and talents. For a lot of reality show culture has fostered. You dont need to develop any skills. In fact behaving badly like not having integrity or humility being bossy and read is going to be rewarded financially with finance and attention. For chile that has been proved out. It is an unfortunate confirmation as you mentioned the political offices are maintained by those who are not behaving with integrity and humility. A lot of the reality show contestants. A whole Younger Generation of the workforce. Weve gotten away from the valuing of hard work. And being a person of integrity and other qualities that we could in the same category there. A lot of it has to do with the panicky desire for celebrities. Not you specifically but for anybody. It may not be something that would make one famous. I think too many of us are pushing aside the on mask skills and talent. An opportunity to become famous. Because our society is put so much on a high pedestal. I can only really be done on individual level. Someone of integrity that worked hard. Put that on the higher pedestal. I know that i can thats how i see things. And im a lot more respect for people who are working hard and have integrity than for those had set that aside in order to get attention. I am way out here on the east coast. Thank you for taking the time to answer questions. There are so many outlets now cable channels amazon tv youtube et cetera are we seen better talent being discovered or too much mediocre talent, and our people really just there to become a star. There wanting that 15 minutes of fame so to speak. You have a dress addressed that a little bit. That is a great point. I think youll really like the book. There is a great writer who have a good angle on that. They sometimes rise up because of the public can feel like a creator of fame. We did that. If someone is truly talented what are they getting it credit for just noticing that someone was a great actor or violinist or something. Thats one thing that you will see in the book. Another thing and go into in the book. Because there are some the outlets the appetite for a larger quantity of famous people there must be a number enough famous people. To fill all of the hours in channels and so do we have more talented people now than we did a hundred years ago. I dont think so. And to your point. A lot will just get brought in. Because you need to fill the shelves with goods. Here is the book called fame

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