Transcripts For CSPAN2 Joseph Stiglitz People Power And Prof

CSPAN2 Joseph Stiglitz People Power And Profits July 14, 2024

Including people and power and profits. He challenges us to frame the economy that it may not be too late to recreate shared prosperity and a middleclass life attainable by all. Joined in conversation with chief financial correspondent and also hosted since 2014 please join me to welcome them to the stage. [applause] hello. This is extremely exciting. To the hometown barnes noble. This will be a friendly local audience i am sure. We are already in the heart of the 2020 election campaign. I read this book. Well done. [laughter] but what i can tell you is this book is basically a manifesto. So if you want to know what that means i will ask what does progressive capitalism that is a euphemism for socialism. I dont know where to begin answering the question but there has been an attempt by trump to focus the debate between aoc and Bernie Sanders as a democratic socialist to say that the same as maduro in venezuela and all those things we had in the past. But the fact is socialism in the past was the ownership of government to old coal mines and steel mills nobody is talking about that. Not even aoc or bernie. Nobody is talking about that. What they are talking about is to reshape the market economy to serve ordinary citizens. So the market economy has not been working gdp going up the bottom 90 percent not the bottom 5 percent but 90 percent has almost stagnant income for more than three decades. Just a couple of numbers that real wages adjusted for inflation at the bottom are the same today as they were 60 years ago. Can you imagine . They say 60 years ago it was 150 now it is 5000. Now you have left the income at the bottom level for 60 years. It was the same but let me go on. So the income of a fulltime worker is the same more than 40 years ago. Dad is part of the discontent for three years in a row so these symptoms that gdp is going up the large populations are not working but with progressive capitalism lets use the energy of the market and it does have certain virtues to temper that and direct that to the wellbeing of our society. And there was an article i wrote in the New York Times this weekend with progressive capitalism is not an oxymoron and some people say it cant work. And part of the point of my book is we can make a market economy. Is not a market fundamentalism there is a big role for government that we can make that work as other countries have succeeded in doing. And thats a theme running through the book that you want more Government Intervention and you say regardless of where we are at right now the way that we look at it and involve government if there is the cooperation 21st century required and then to come away from the government and you say this will be of a new democratic party. How much of a change that is how radical is this . This is radical to where we have been in the sense that there has been a cautiousness that i saw when i was in the Clinton Administration at the beginning of the 2008 crisis rahm emanuel said dont let a good crisis go to waste and there is a general consensus we did let a crisis go to waste and you ask why obamas heart was in the right place but he was too conservative he actually just said im too conservative to do that. He was very wedded to the notions of gradualism and to tweak the system better education here more Financial Market regulation there. So now we realize they are not enough. So in the economy there was an enormous increase of market power and to deal with the Internet Provider you dont have much choice. And when you sign a contrac contract, including a nursing home or whatever you have to give away your right to use the courts. You may not use know this but if there is a dispute it will be settled by arbitration. They will be effectively appointed by the business. And the Supreme Court keeps supporting the fact i didnt not know that that they say too bad you signed away your rights to adjudication by the public courts. One of the important parts of the democracy is the adjudication. So one of the big changes i talked about curbing the excesses of market power. Youve taken away our Property Rights and the American Company cant so we have encouraged firms to move abroad almost because when an American Firm moves abroad. The globalization of discontent is largely about this although now you are also warning about the de globalization. The point i tried to make is when we globalize we put a lot of stress in our economy and unlike the scandinavian countries we didnt help people facing the de industrializati industrialization. We didnt have the job assistance they should have had not only for workers losing their jobs from globalization also change him so we didnt have labor market policies that enable peoplenabled people facie challenges to respond. The Life Expectancy is going down dramatically with the industrialbased policy at the same event because the de globalization is going to mean we will lose our competitiveness in many areas of manufacturing. He says the argument for doing it this protectionism, but its interesting that the companies are against what trump is doing and let me tell you they are not doing it because they are concerned about the workers first and foremost, they are concerned that their ability to sell cars and they know they cant get them from mexico or china. They would lose their competitiveness. I run into these terms from the 1970s if im reading this right for at t to settle debate so in the media. Even if we do break up facebook and force a spinoff, that might not be enough and then there is an alternative to declaring facebook a public utility with public oversight. Would that be in International Thing . There are issues about going across borders but what i was trying to highlight in this particular set of paragraphs in the book is the fact that the problems today of the monopolization and market power is no worse at the turn of the 20th century when we had standard oil and sugar and other industries because we knew the deal with standard oil and they were forced to compete against each other we created a competitive marketplace. With social media, the problem is the whole structure comes from the networks so the risk if they would still be large and dominant and have market power. Its not just ordinary market cover but they have the market power to invade privacy. One of the big concerns with ai and big data, the data creates what you might call a natural monopoly the more data you have, the more economic power you have and the more ability to do things like price discrimination. You could identify how much each person is willing to pay and charge different people different prices. The interesting thing about that is that it undermines the economy. I dont know how many of you remember this, but the undergraduate colleagues courses the reason it is by paying the same price, you equate the marginal value and marginal cost for everybody and that is a basic condition for efficiency. The. And that is we do not provide a way to provide access to University Education about the accumulation of massive amounts of debt and this has grown to the point its 1. 5 trillion it is a major source of depth in our economy and is having Macro Economic consequences because people with 25,000, 50,000 if you go to graduate school 100 or 200,000. You have to ask with respect to this question and others you are asking about how do all these other countries figure out how to solve this problem. They are not as rich as the United States and yet they figure out ways of doing it. Another way of putting this question is at the end of world war ii when we had a debt gdp ratio of more than 130 much higher than it was today, what he said was anybody that fought in the war, which was virtually every meal and a lot of women, you could get the most expensive education that you are qualified for for as long as you find it desirable. You could get a College Education fo from graduate schol at harvard, columbia, high ticket price places and we will pay for it. The government will pay for it. If we could afford it, then when our income per capita was a fraction of what it is today, why cant we afford it today . That is the question. The answer is we cant an can aa question of priority is and what we want tdo we want to do with r resources. To come to the specific issues, theres two parts to the question. What do we do with the huge amount of debt the 1. 5 trillion of the past, now my preferred way of dealing with it is along the lines of similar to what australia has done will make it an income contingent loan, convert all these loans and you will pay back depending on how much you ow owe one, two, three of your income per year and that will depend on your income if it is below 40,000 you dont pay back anything if it is over a million uk 4 , and you pay that until you repay the loan, or for 25 years and after 25 years we say we will have debt forgiveness. Youve made your contribution. Youve done what you can. We dont want to burden anybody. And that seems to me to be a fair way of ensuring that everybody is doing what they can to pay back their loans. Its not gettin getting anybodya free ride, but it is saying we cant allow the past to be the kind of person that its become. Another [inaudible] you say given the stinginess of policy you cant mak make the universal basic income work. You are a sign that the policy or a is a visit way too much on . My objection to the universal basic income for those who dont know is the grand too everybody just for the right of citizenship and if we have a lot of money to support it. But my real objection is that one gives them dignity and what we should be doing is saying everybody who wants to work it is able to work, we should say our economy should provide a job and appropriate skills and what worries me is that universal basic income is intended to shift the focus away from the obligation to give Work Opportunities for everybody. Its very popular in Silicon Valley because they see ai as creating unemployment and they dont want to see the reality of how we as a society are going to get jobs for everybody if i dont thini dontthink its tha. Its going to be decades and decades we are still going to need people to take care of our people from education and still need people to take care of older people. We are going to be increasing the number of people and the socialist those three that create a lot of jobs. Part of the problem is a lot of those shots are not paying decent wages. And why arent they paying decent wages . Because of the history of gender discrimination in america, that those are jobs that have historically been disproportionately occupied. We took advantage of discrimination to keep the wages were. We are going to have to pay more for that. But if we pay more, those jobs would have more respect and we would have more equally in the society. I feel this would be even more expensive is our market economy works in the way that the aggregate to say, it should be providing jobs for everyone. And thats the way the market demand is supposed including the demand for the supply we shouldnt be having a massive te amounts of the unemployment at young africanamericans that we have today. It works the way that many say it is. There is no pervasive racial and gender discrimination. And in those areas, we are going to have to take a little bit more of an active rol role and t isnt going to cost a massive amount. And actually, i think its going to make the economy more productive. Now it is just going to be me. So, since they ar we are talkint the big defensive things, but the rundown recreations and what you think about them. Thats a harder issue. Let me say the notion at the end of the civil war he compensated the owners of slaves but not the slaves as an anathema. We have to recognize that. Its just amazing. Its in britain, france, it was the norm at the time, but looking back on it, we should be really angry and upset. The objective should be to integrate everybody into our society on equal terms and to do that, we are going to need to spend more money on those who we discriminated against in the past. So, my own view is we should be using you can think of it as the funds we would have otherwise spent as part of our obligation from the past if you want to think of it that way too we ought to be spending more to create a more equal society. In a way if ive got this right its part of your job is guaranteed that well get the higher levels of unemployment among the population that will effectively mean a bunch of government money going into the population which would serve a similar purpose with a lot of decarbonization how much of the Green New Deal . Youve identified two pieces. The central message of the Green New Deal is we are facing a crisis absolutely. I agree with that. I was on the panel that reviewed Climate Change back in 95 and the one mistake we made was the repetitiveness with which the problems would be developing. We saw them coming, but they come more rapidly. We are facing a crisis and the Green New Deal says there is an urgency and the scal a scale wet faced up to. Part of what they are also saying is that we have the capacity to respond to this if we think about this as a new deal or wartime mobilization, but to do that, we really need to make sure that we use all of the societys resources. So what do we do in world war ii, we brought women into the labor force. Women that hadnt previously been a part of the labor force because we needed to mobilize all of our resources. Most americans probably dont realize that americas Labor Force Participation today is mediocre among the advanced countries. Other countries are doing better than the United States. Part of it is the policy we dont provide child care. There are lots of other things other countries have figured out that they can afford and we are richer than they are, so we could afford it. As the minister of norway. Particularly we get more. We have to do and get the Resources Committee under utilized resources get rid of some of the deficiencies in the power and redirect them to what is a emergency the problem of Climate Change. You talk a lot about inequality in society more equal but you never mention worker coops of the worker coops to make the society more equal democratically. You knew when you were there the u. S. Ran the world bank and im not against your working there. I believe in the whole system bubut that shouldnt be dominatd by the u. S. My question is you are very good in talking basically the u. S. Economy or the advanced nations economies, but you are not saying anything about the people in dire poverty. I had some ideas recently. A lot of the issues you bring in your book in a slightly different way i do talk about the coops in the book and one of the things i point out is the need for the institutions that we focus on forprofit corporations where there is no representation of workers in europe or germany they have stakeholder capitalism but is it just to maximize the value. Then there is a section where we talk about the role of the coops. One of the things i emphasize in that discussion is the way that the market economy works shapes who we are as people come about because we have a market economy that is very shortsighted, that is very materialistic and profit oriented has led us as a society to be dominated by people who. And one of the things i emphasize there are two ways of getting wealthy. One is by enhancing the size and the other is by grabbing a bigger slice of the pie. Because we havent distinguished between the two. We almost attended it doesnt matter how you get your wealth as long as you are wealthy. And unfortunately, what that has done is give a lot of latitude to the moral turpitude saying what matters is just getting wealthy. And you sedid you see that in Tp University trying to take advantage of others and use it for Profit University is univerd to take advantage of people who are less informed about what the education is about. So it is interesting the one part of our Financial System that worked well in the runup to the crisis was our coops and they are basically cooperatives. They do not engage coming into the kind of exploitation in the forprofit banks and after the crisis, they maintained their lending to small businesses. So, both before and after the crisis, they were exemplary. Exemplary the idea thaexemplary. Part of the idea that i talked about is they not only behave better economically, but they also changed the nature of who we are. They do encourage more cooperative behavior and that will change the nature of our society. On the issue of the world bank and particular role of the u. S. , theres two parts to the question, it is curious that the u. S. Was part of a cheap 20 meeting where there was an agreement that the next president of the world bank and the imf would be chosen and this is a radical idea on the basis of merit. So there wasnt an agreement about this radical idea but then came the time to implement it. The person he appointed turned out not to be good they havent done what theyve chosen to say. Its a Multilateral Institution and should be chosen on the basis of merit. The other issue ive talked about previously is poverty around the world is obviously a very big issue. Its not only poverty at the bottom but its also inequality at the top. One of the statistics i mention comes from a study done every year at volvo dot 26 people from around the world have as much wealth as the bottom 3. 9 billion people. The bottom half of the world. So, in that testimony to how much concentration there is but also how much poverty there is at the bottom. Now, where this fits into the current american politics is the following. Trump has said that our trade agreements are unfair to American Workers and basically hes tried to get across the idea that our trade negotiators were those by the developing country. Any of you that have watched the trade negotiations over years will find

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