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And having drowned that girl, and it is truth about that apparently leo got one of the cousins to talk to him. He was picked off at kennedy saying to them after swimming out of the river, oh could you say youre drawing anything . [laughter] so years later leo on the record. No new york publisher would publish it. They publish it 27 weeks on New York Times best seller list. More recently there was a patriot pick flag of ash fathers not our mothers. 27 new york publishers turned it down, published it 24 time onts New York Times best sellers list. Way things are going now in trump era this his tear yo i dont know if you are reading the treason times but it is every day about somehow some Facebook Page that they think russia went behind may have thrown the whole election [laughter] if you visited america outside of the major cities you couldnt drive a mile without seeing six foot tall trumple sign but im sure it was that little Facebook Page. [laughter] in any event they are more hysterical and ive lived through eare a but ive written about them an a i think this is worse than even that. And if they do get in trouble with the internght we could be right back to being the only store [laughter] the only way for conservatives to communicate with one another [laughter] so tad on mare mailing list and remember theres a reason and the most dangerous man in america. Heres to ragnori. [applause] and publishing recently celebrated their 70th anniversary book tv visited their offices in washington, d. C. To talk with many of the people responsible for bringing their books to publication. Ross what kind of books does he publish . Well we publish best selling books, of course. But broadly we publish books for conservative readers. We publish books on Current Events and politics, and culture. But we also do a lot more than just political bocks now. We publish hipster books, we publish a little bit of fiction. We publish kids books. And we have a new line called faith to publish books for our faith readers. So lets break that down a little. You say you publish books for a conservative audience has it always been the case . That has always been the case from the very beginning henry who started the company 70 years ago this year was dedicated to publishing books for conservative readers. And at the time and for a long time he was one of the only if not the only book publisher who have friendly to qeivetive authors and conservative ideas. He started off publishing books of the modern qshtive movement in early years of the publishing we publish william first book in yale we published Russell Kirks conservative mind we published witness, by whitaker and all of those books are still in precinct today we still sell them today. Now does that Say Something about the Publishing Industry that those books werent being published necessarily . It definitely does. And he henry recognized that and saw an opportunity in Market Police station and he back then did what we still do today which is we publish books because we publish conservative books because there are great business, but we also publish them because theyre part of our mission. Who are authors that you publish today . We publish a lot of the leading likes in conservative movement. They include the david lindh baa and whole host of over others on if you put an ann coulter book out o does it sell automatically because her name is on it . It helps that her name is on it but i cant tell you any book is a guaranteed success anymore. Yeah i think as the Book Business has changed over the past 15 or 20 years a lot more of the business has gone online of course and people are buying online. And so you lose the opportunity to virnlize those books and publicize those books physically and you lose the sense of discovery that people have had for generations going into a bookstore and finding book that they didnt know existed. Finding an author they didnt know about before. And thats thats been a big change in our industry and it has put a lot more pressure on publishers to come up with interesting in creative ways to help people know that a book exist when there isnt a celebrity author attached to it. So how do you market a book over the last 10, 15 years . Well he has become a i think the leader in using earned media to sell books. And by that i mean, we think organically from the very beginning of a books life about how that book is going to become part of the new cycle and how the theme of the book and the topics and issues in that book will be connected with whats happen hg in the news so we have a crystal ball and we look at whats going to be happening in the news but we try to anticipate what the big concerns will be within our marketplace what will be driving news for our market an how our box and our authors can be relevant to that and we use earned media whether thats tv or conservative talk radio or certainly online Media Outlets to really drive the conversation and try to poik make our books part of the conversation of that. Does it matter which party is in power for sales . That is a great question we or for a long time we said what what is bad for america is good for regnori by that we meant when liberals were in power that night not be good for the future of the country but great for selling conservative books, and certainly when the on o on o decision power is in power conservatives become very engaged, very concerned about the future of america. And not a terrific landscape for selling conservative books. But weve also found other the past certainly past couple of years that theres so much debate and disagreement and concern across the Political Landscape with whats happening in washington that conservative books are selling very, very well even with a republican in the white house. And i think thats because people are genuinely concerned about the direction of the country. Theyre concerned about the divisiveness within the country. And theyre looking for or an explanation for whats going on. What direction were going, with and how the country i think for conservatives can how the country can return to some of the bed Rock Foundation principles that conservatives think are important to keep this country on the right track. And while visiting we spoke with Harry Crocker who was responsible for acquiring books. So how do you acquire a book and acquire an author . Traditional way is waiting for agents to come up with proposals but a lot of what we do here is, try to project what will be in the news. And the best books that do are are some of the books you do are books where i think where we think this author on this topic that will be dynamite so we try to make those marriages happen but come u up with an idea and think this is great for it and try to put two together. And thats thats sort of been our our go to strategy not waiting on the agent so much but gipping out and being actively pursuing authors. So ann coulter on immigration sure. Is that one that you all put together . I think she came to us with that. [laughter] and author, of course, make it is their own so ill call it up and say it is good for the book and what do you think about subject x and what about subject x minus two so as we tack it through and whatnot eventually works out. But any ideas that we generate here, of course, become the authors ideas im not reasoning it but i can help him to make the case the best way he can. Somebody you have published several times is edward klein, so if you have a conversation with mr. Klein, how does that go . Well, ed is an interesting case as a reporter. So what we can do is we can say can you find this out . And try to see if he can get sources to go to go find out information we think will be newsworthy but also its saying im on the trail of this. Do you think i should keep pursuing concern so is this a give and take when you acquire a book how long between that initial conversation until that book is on a bookshelf . That various a lot. [laughter] but i will say one thing that sets apart from a lot of publishers is that many of the books we do because some of them are current event driven they are very short, and depends on the story, and reporting is being done, but especially when youre doing reporters book. Cant sit on the story for too long. So we can be signing up a book in a matter of you know, did a back a little bit because it is bock on a shelf and youre shipping the books on trks. Takes you know forweeks to coast to coast on the bookshelves. You have to print the book. So youve got essentially shot ten months already. Yoim when you go to press for the book any time from turning book arranged for a week to amount of days to more publishing schedule. But all of our books are slam bang from conception to on the shelf in a matter of months even in rare cases but some spectacular cases weeks. Have you started a acquiring book for the fall of 2018 . Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, bookstores trade much to have me time they dont like what we call dropins they get a lot of because the Current Events things you dont know about. Who knows it will be news in september 2018 we can guess. But well have better guess in april. So but dropping with a store you have to have a really hot topic or really hot author because theyve already stole all of their shelf space far ahead of time. So they much prefer books on six month you know they want to have a good handle of whats coming into the store. So we, we press the issue a lot. We are in the side of bookstore schedules. Harry crocker one of the National Conversations thats going on right now is about Sexual Assault. Is that something you keep an eye on and think okay, we have this author . Et cetera well thats interesting because there are top ukes topics that are important what get loots of news and not necessarily same topics that sell books now in a case like this, if you did a book on harvey weinstein, you can probably sell a lot of books. Thats not necessarily to the book, though. Our book are newsy but theyre also they tend to be more political and tend to be more based on whats happening in washington and Sexual Assault is not one of our big topics. Capitol hill, tax reform, another conversation tax reform is big topic on usually important no one cares about reading book about tax reform all books even serious books are going to entertainment and heres a book to have a flat tax. You can do instant, you know, get those out to a lot of people but our bread and butter are hard cover you know big 24 plus price points, and theres not a big market for that. You have whats going to drive book sales for us are is if were at a restaurant and youre telling me about a book we published because theres so many good sthiers you are bursting to tell me, tell everybody else thats what works for us we need books that are about hot button political issues that you want to read about. You want to know more about. And the book is presented well enough and topic that yowpght to go tack to all of your friends it be. And not many people have conversations about tax over dinner. Well a little but george has written about virtual and you can learn a lot by also from our office interesting case because hes not that newsy model. But another model that works thats what we call sort of paradigm is the of books and these are books that you actually do enjoy. But you enjoy them on a different level in different way because they help you understand the world. George is a great example of that and on our list is mark stein much more entraining and white and snappy like a standup comic but his his books are really big think books too. Theyre very serious at the same time. And those were actually really rewarding books to do because its one thing to have a book where you can have lots of nice stories to tell and scandalous stories whatever they are. Those are great. But it is really great to publish a book that alters your perception of whats actually happening. Not with a helps you see it more precisely i should say and start putting pieces together saying oh, now i get it. Now i understand. Thats why the country is growing this way or politic is going this way and preem are behaving this way. Those are important books that can really last. Now have you published biography or an explanation of sorts of donald trump . Of President Trump . We have published a number of books that relate in many different ways to donald trump including publishing a book by donald trump himself. We published a book back in 2011 called time to get tough which is by donald trump. If so that was fun. It was an important book. It was a book that allowed him to talk about his vision for america and what what was sort f going wrong in the country when he flirted with the idea of running in the last president ial cycle and decided ultimately not to run. So we we published books by donald trump and we certainly published books about donald trump. During the 2016 election we published the really important her last book called the conservative case for trump and that i think played a role in helping him get elected by explaining to people who might might have been wondering well is he a little conserve tiff explain from someone who had conservative credential to say yes he is, and heres the reason why it is important for us to vote for him. And and you know throughout the 2017 weve been publishing books that talk about different aspects of the Trump Administration and and whatnot only what he stands for but also all of the forces raid against him including one of our most recent books a book by ed klein called all outwar the plan to destroy donald trump. What do you consider to be a best seller . I consider a best seller to be a book that hits the Publishers Weekly best seller list, and that is a National Best seller list based on book scan data. And it really captures the books that are selling the most copies in any given week across the country. How many units . You know, authors ask me all of the time how many books do i have to sell to get on best seller list . It is a moving target, and its all relative. You know, and any given week that you can get on to that list, with a few as maybe three or 4,000 books in a you know in a busy season, such as leadup to holiday season, it can take 15,000 copies to get on the list. So really just depends on the competition in a given week. And publishers certainly take that into account when we plan out when were going to release books and sometimes you think you know maybe were better off releasing a book in april. As a promotion vehicle and as a way to track best seller success and the New York Times bestseller list frequently did not reflect what really was selling with us in the country. So whether that is a liberal bias or the outdated means of tracking sales, we felt, repeatedly, the books that were selling the most copies across the country were not ending up on the top of the times list and frankly that was especially true when they were conservative books. Published by someone else or regnery time and again they would outsell liberal books or from authors when we look at the Nielsen Bookscan data that they were seriously lower than that just wasnt reflective of what is going on. So we made a big announcement and a big change to use the Publishers Weekly going forward. Did you bring this to their attention prior . We had on a number of occasions in previous years. So we have a proprietary formula and system and how they do it. And it is hard to argue with. And then they report on the data. Was that a good promotional tool . Yes. Because most people as they follow that controversy did not know the New York Times bestseller list was in sync with the actual bestselling book in the country. Inside the industry have complained a long time to know that this is an issue conservatives have talked about this for years but the average reader would see a New York Times bestseller which met National Bestseller. That is the reason that we use that and plenty books have gotten onto the bestseller and plenty have been number one. So with a certain degree of trepidation to say no. That is a powerful marketing tool. And in good conscience to use that if we did not believe it was reflective of what is going on. 2011 time to get tough. Whose idea . To make a combination of watching donald trump starting to speak at conservative events and politically so we had the idea and he had the idea at the same time. We were talking about him doing a book and he was thinking about it and we approached him. I went to his office in new york city and we made our case and we agreed and he is pretty entrepreneurial. So we struck a deal it was a terrific project and one of the hardest working authors and would not turn down one thing to promote the book. And then we said we should release the book in paperback. So i took it off the shelf and looked at it to make sure there was nothing in there when he was campaigning on and what he was saying. So we contacted his office we want to do this in paperback and within three days we had a response back here is what we want to update lets go. So we did. Tough dealmaking with him . It was hard actually. I thought we struck a really good deal. [laughter] we wont hear anymore about that . What is the difference between a hardback or a paperback . It is a change of dynamic because as people have gone to the ebook as they become more and more popular, the role of the paperback has changed a little bit. Some say we wait until paperback now they can just download immediately to read the ebook. If we decide to release that book as a statement of the gravitas of the book and the seriousness of the subject matter. And that which lies with the analysis of the leadership. With selfhelp and selfimprovement. And another topic that they are more used to reading. So we do them originally but Current Events we release first as a hardcover. Our experience is that media treats those books more seriously and we want to make sure we get the attention with the new release. What percentage of revenues come from ebook rex. About 25 . Is that study . I talked to other publishers about their eBook Business we have all seen a steep growth curve over the past eight years which has pretty much leveled out the past couple of years. Some have a much higher percentage or ebook versus print but but for that as well in his 25 . We are growing we have 50 new titles planned in 2018 that is an increase of about 10 over 2017 and 20 over 2016. So with those Current Events growing the history line and the fiction line. But that core political conservative will be around 25 titles. 50 books in the plans 2018. When do you start working on those books that will be in bookstores . We start on some of those books and to be well known for crashing titles and rushing to press. We are negotiating right now books that we can get books very quickly to market. And there is a breaking news story or trend or issue that becomes important. That we want to be a part of. But you know there is a National Conversation about sexual harassment. If you decided today to put a book out on the topic, how quickly and whats the process. It depends on who is writing it. We love to collaborate with our authors which obviously if you have a breaking issue we can get a book turned around that havent signed, delivered within 30 days and in the bookstores two months later. What happens in that time . Edit, layout, design, print, market, sell and get on the shelf. If you have a track record to do that well or a relationship with your printer and Retail Partners if you have a brand. Where are your books printed . They are the printer located in chicago they do almost all of our printing we have worked with them for many years and they are a wonderful partner they believe in the kind of books we are doing. And then to get very good quality books and then to be centrally located we could ship those books to the bookstore. Is there a big warehouse somewhere with thousands of regnery books . Hundreds of thousands. Yes. There is a warehouse in jackson tennessee that holds all of our books. We have partnered with a distributor they handle warehousing shipping into filament of all books throughout the country. All the places people think of like barnes noble of costco and walmart. Because of the types of books they can publish as anybody said no . Those retailers are very savvy those who shop in their stores but it is more true in the independent stores with a local market or their customers that they know particularly well those that serve a conservative marketplace and dont want those books in their store. Looking at the titles and designs, what goes into that . Some have images or pictures or authors name in big letters. We have a lot of fun. That is the important part was the author to come up with the title so there is a great art to that can help enormously with the book success. So to make sure they are not only unique and distinctive but also the cambia phrase or a word and so to come up with the title all out war and then to describe what the audience suspects that there is an allout war being waged against this administration with the desire to take him down politically and personally. And then it is already precedented that is best described as an allout war. When we think about for a medium media campaign. And that is a part of that media discussion. I think it is more effective but as you read to talk about and have that become a phrase that resonates. It is a powerful title. Sometimes we know we have a celebrity author we want their face on the cover. That is called a facebook. To be beloved with the audience the job of the jacket to reach out to be drawn to the book. And that is where they are drawn to what we tried to convey as the Emotional Message of the book. And to convey in every way. With the design or image the thought and the layout. Fear or anger whether that is reassurance or outrage. The responsibilities is to conceive and design the covers. We have five imprints talk starting with political and Current Events with the faith and history imprint now fiction. About a year and a half and so all the whole hall on whole profile. There are a couple of pieces appear. Went to watch over the interior is consistent. So why would sebastian get a cover like that while george would get one like that . But george is currently as visual and in this photograph he gives one of his famous speeches to the cia. So putting him on the cover in his domain that is to explain why we fight. And if you can google upside down and that is all about bit cloying mom dash with the block chain economy bitcoin. Has that been decided . No. And some of these things will be published like this one. The Childrens Book about the bunny room rabbit. The Vice President s bunny rabbit. Correct. Who has input into a high profile book like this . Do you make this was all margie ross the publisher. And then they she informed us that she landed karen pens. It was great. Then to met with them and the signing on the contract. Is that one of her illustrations on the front . This is a situation where it helps on these two illustrations original is very much saturated and the Vice President s house. So to take a scan of her original house into put the subject, the bunny, in front. A very surprisingly good illustrator. When you put Newt Gingrich or and coulter or sebastian photo what are you saying . That they are wellknown or celebrities. We have a lot of facebooks. Here is a very famous facebook michael, sebastian obviously, it isnt really facebook but it is about the lost shepherd and then with a high profile authors. The ten biggest of all war blunders. And the typeset is also relatively unique . But not unique to the. And that is what makes it appealing. And to turn the internet upside down to look for images and source material. And then to use that time. And with the millions and millions of photographs and paintings out there this one really satisfies all the destruction and mistakes. Its beautiful. A beautiful cover. And an author like nancy houston . And a very strong filing of fiction riders. That nancy houston is not so wellknown so the subject matter for the christian audience is probably more important. It is pretty selfexplanatory. If anybody knows david and bob wong dash lindbaugh. Does he have a say in how the cover looks . David says he loves everything we do i am not kidding. He loved it. What about. Ann coulter . The first book i did for her i will admit i did not even know who she was three years ago. My very first book was hers so doing research, why do all of her books look like and the city yes she is thin and fit and nice body and goodlooking but i want it to be about her. So the very first book was just her face. The look on her face follows you everywhere. The eyes. She said it was the best book cover ever. I was happy with that. Could we pick out your covers if we went into a bookstore . No. Because every single cover of mine is unique to the author and the contextual elements inside. Everything. And they are so different. Yes you can look at the whole bookshelf to see they are all different. They are all clean with beautiful images and typography and that is the hallmark of a good cover that is appropriate for the subject matter. Does it help to have an author go on to her . What about social media . For many, many years authors regularly went on a whistle stop be to speak to speak to to to promote the books but we were the first publisher to say that is not worthwhile there is no leverage we said an author can reach 100 or 10000 times as many people sitting in the living room doing talk radio as to go out on tour to speak in person. We decided to be focused on media of television and radio and print and those in person events only those that we could leverage by having media like the span cover cspan cover then it is worth it but in most cases with the in person book signing with a multi city tour was not worth the time and expense and effort. We have definitely redeployed our resources. That is an important part of the campaign for our books they talk about social media and whenever they were asked they would say we have no idea. But really only in the past 18 minutes we have been months we have been able to justify social media in a big way. But now it is a very important part of our Marketing Campaign because now it is the way to build wordofmouth mechanism not to say that hasnt been true but over the past couple of years because so many are in the habit to buy everything online, people are comfortable getting their recommendations and discovering new books and new authors through social media. Nicole and alyssa, every book according to margie ross has its own marketing and publicity strategy. How do you develop that . Guest we start by reading the book. Each book as a publicist assigned to it. We pull it apart and talk to editorial. What is it about this but thats going to sell . That the news is gonna want to hear about talk about it make people click. We put together a plan and strategy a lot of that is tied to whats happening in the news currently tied to the topic of the book. We talk about it with the author and hash out ideas. Half of it works out if were lucky. We are collaborative here is a team laboring in the author on their involvement as well. Its important to click on a link. A lot of what we do in the Digital Marketing side is on facebook and instagram. A lot of facebook people are immune to advertising that looks like advertising. Our job is to figure out how to put out contents and drive traffic to different places without looking like advertising. To do that we need to make sure were talking about what our target market cares about instead of telling them this is a new book that you dont care about now but you should we talk about what theyre really concerned about and show them the book fits into the framework. Talk to us about a recent Marketing Campaign. The last Fighter Pilot came out at the end of july which is exciting because the subject of the book jerry young, 93 that a combat mission of world war ii and is a fantastic person. We sent him to ala, the American Library association conference. So we had a cameraman fly to florida and talk to him got footage of him telling his story. We put together a fourminute quick video with three subtitles on it put it on facebook and pushed out to audiences. We have Great Customer audiences and it now has over 2 million views on facebook was shared over 30,000 times. It ended up driving a lot of traffic to amazon. Host how much of that was viral . We only put like a hundred thousand dollars behind boosting it. We try to spend money carefully. We have a publishers marketing budget. Were smart about how we spend it. Because of the shares it ended up reaching a huge audience. What was your role in promoting that book . We work primarily on the media side. For us that we captured was what a treat it was to have a firsthand account from a living world war ii veteran who flew an Incredible Mission and had an incredible life story. So targeting outlets that we believe to grab onto the story which they did. We got some good profile pieces and there was a great prelaunch to lead into that. That on top of the video it mary together well. It was an ideal situation if i like everyone someone turned their hearing about the incredible story which is made the book quite successful. Host how closely do you Work Together . Guest fairly closely. We try to have the surround sound during lunch for people here about it on the radio see it on tv, then seated on facebook of the friends post, when theres a great media hit part of my job is to package it and push it to our audiences. A book like that, not known story until the book, versus pr for Newt Gingrich, which is tougher . Guest it depends on which aspect are talking about. For someone like Newt Gingrich its easy to get him on the media because people already one hear what hes talking about. The challenge is to be about the book and not just commentary on the news. So working on how you pivot that conversation naturally so it sounds relevant to whats happening in the news. When you start thinking about a campaign forever . Guest to present a history book, fiction, a longer lead time as soon as he sent a book were thinking about how to position it and who the target market. Part of marketing is to get retailers is excited about it. When the author turns in the manuscript we think more seriously. Maybe six months out. Those are big political books that include the latest news. Run a short timeline thats part of what we do well, we know our audience so well together a marketing plan and execute a great launch within a few months. Just to echo what nicole mentioned, we are looking at the promotion from the moment we receive a proposal. Its a big part of our strategy not only is it a good book, is it something we can sell in our market will like that conversation process starts at the beginning. You brought this up, but the new cycle effects which you do. Guest definitely. Thats challenging because it takes time to create a book. When you sign something if its relevant to the news at that time, and six months or year you dont know if that will be important. On the flipside, you can have a book where its incredibly relevant in the something changes the week before that no one expected or anticipated. You have to be able to navigate around the. To find the Mainstream Media is willing to hear your message . It depends on the subject and author. Even if the media is interested in wants to talk its not what our market watches. Exposure doesnt always equal sales. Our motto is to fish where the fish are. We work with the Media Outlets where buyers are getting their news and information. Is a profitable . Yes. And thats a tough thing for a company to be most publishing businesses rely on books that are been published previously. To provide most of the revenue and certainly most of their profits. So little bit of a high wire act to grow and be successful and profitable. We been able to be successful and profitable because were very focused on surveying our market and understanding who are audience and readers are being careful not to try to do every book under the sun. When i started in the business i would go to conferences than the people they said i ran publishing company. I said what kind of books would you do. Its astonishing how many people say we do everything. And i wanted to say why do you do that . I believe in doing what youre good at figuring out what youre good at home and growing by asking what would leaders that we know how to reach and that like a book what other categories of books do they read when you look at all of those what other pico do they have money in. I have children and grandchildren who i like to share books with. Im leaving founding principles and have a strong faith. I like to buy books on that as well. That has been our recipe for growth. Give us an idea of your revenue. That is a large publicly traded company and we report our results every quarter. Its been an interesting change for us, not only to be part of a publicly traded company but also to think of our business is a Quarterly Business is not belts to be a Quarterly Business. Our business has been growing steadily and the net sales for Book Publishing business are around 15 million a year and growing. As president publisher, how much of your day is spent on the business end opposed to the editorial. Most of my day is spent on the business side. I mean that probably. Its that not only on running the business of the company but also thinking about the sales and marketing and promotion of our books. Im thinking of acquiring new authors and signing up authors which is essential for the Business Success and livelihood of our book. Spend a lot of time thinking about the future and whether that means selling more copies of the books we have recited up new projects for us to do thats my priority. Just to go back, you mentioned the video, 2 million views to that translate into sales . Yes it did. Its been a real successful book in a history line. Weve started about six years ago their first book. Basically we did it as a reaction to our need for backlist. Theyve always been critical that the big still lasts for more than two or three years of her lucky. Wanted something to stay on the shelves where one is some history books and they were successful and seem to mesh with what we do. Was overlap with the audience. So now we do history books. Not history for conservatives, pretty much straight history we have authors from different points of view and is pro america perspective. We went to anything anti american. We do military history, biography and general history of fun books. One of the bestselling books is drinking with the saints. Written by theology professor at waco. He strayed out from madman. Is conjugate with the saints, the sinners guide to holy happy hour. You take 300 so holy days based on saints. There is a wine. , cocktail history. A lot of the books are focused on world war i or two. Thats our bread and butter. We did a few world war ii books this year. Were doing the shift year one of our most popular and successful boxes last Fighter Pilot. Thats written by jerry is still with us at 93 years old. Hes the last Fighter Pilot out of japan when the emperor surrendered. Hes a dynamo, is wonderful. Urgent reckless is a horse. She is in the korean war and is one of the best wellknown animal heroes of the last century and today made them one of the top heroes. But she was kind of forgot. We had an author come and she had read about sergeant reckless in a book and she did some research and cannot find any memorial or anything about sergeant reckless or honoring him. She raised over 100,000, built a a memorial and wrote the book which was a bestseller from the New York Times shes got another statue in southern california. This horse they brought the bottom to be the mascot. Using them in warfare. She delivered ammunition up the hill so we could build but who had a metal of honor an incredible story. You say that youre not a point of view when it comes to history. Was there frustration with how history was being written . Were looking for a different story will not was part of sergeant reckless. In terms of political perspective, we just wanted an open pro american story to be told. Thats what we look for. Whos an author, hidden gem they found and who who do you miss . One author that we publish that i think is one of the best thinkers and writers on the conservative thing will republish his first book was mark stein. His little my favorite authors to work with. Hes incredibly insightful and hilariously funny reference its a good thing hes funny because what he writes about he writes about the country in the world. But when we published our first book with him which is probably seven or eight years ago it was not a household name. It was a gem for the people who read him a new him. He wasnt a regular on fox. Work guest hosting for rush limbaugh. And that was a fun discovery for us on a fun opportunity to bring some a more broadly to readers. Some that got away, there are several big conservative stars that i publish books and they havent been able to publish all of them one thing we didnt publish was clarence thomas. I wouldve loved to publish them and work with him. In the end he publish with someone else. There has been a slew of big houses with conservative titles that. Theres fascinating and interesting timing. Within a month it seemed everybody could see conservative books. Random house they others started threshold. Those three did not exist in 2000. Five years later they were all actively competing for conservative authors and conservative books. I think its been a healthy thing. It has been good for us to compete with other houses that we have to be at our game we certainly had authors who published with us, left to go to new york and came back. Weve heard from authors that was fun to be published with the new york house. But they confirmed what we knew. Its really the home for conservative authors on if you want a publisher who understands the conservative marketplace better than anyone else and who has an affinity for conservative authors because we do understand how that marketplace thinks because were part of that, then theres nobody better than us to do that. Every month for the past 20 years one of the nations top nonfiction authors has joined us on our indepth program for a threehour conversation about their work for 2018 we have invited 12 fiction authors on charset. Authors of historical fiction, science writers, social commentators michelson whitehead and others, Geraldine Brooks and others their books have been read by millions run the country and around the world. If you are read her plan to join us for indepth on book tv. An Interactive Program the first sunday of every month. You can call in and talk to your favorite authors Ronald Reagan, my first meeting with him my first meeting was in 1965 i called them up and i said i was working on a profile with him and i said can i come out and visit he said yes. For two days myself, and my wife and traveled with him. She had been active in politics and i had valued her judgment. She has been an editor in federal court or with me. There were four of us in this, the driver and then up in the front seat me in the back and reagan over here between me and reagan was my tape recorder. You all know what an iphone is, i had the roland salk which is this big like a piece of luggage. There is a great big microphone which i was asking reagan questions. I asked about his political philosophy and this was 1965. He quoted in 1947 interview in which he said it comes from management or labor, or government or the right, left, or center, whatever imposes on the freedom of the individual is tyranny. It must be opposed. You come to that over years of study and reflection and reading. At the end of the second day we are convinced, hes got it when he said come up to the house and have some ice tea. So we went up everyone up not a great big sprawling mansion. Here been working with ge for all those years and he went into the kitchen to do the ice tea and cookies. He put us in the library ten which was very small. I looked over and here are the shelves and shelves of books. What did i do . Got up and began looking at them. History, politics, economics, volume after volume conservative classics and therefore books in particular, Nobel Laureate witness by Whittaker Chambers the next soviet spy, economics in one lesson of the classic of its time in a book which i had not read, the law and i said who is frederick . I learned earlier 19th century economist of Free Enterprise or. Somebody who could influence many people including Ronald Reagan i said okay maybe he hadnt read it so i reached out and took the books out of the shelves said dont do that i opened it up and its dogeared, underlined little phrases in the margins. The classic seven talking about yes. He had here was a thinking and reasoning person who would arrive the oldfashioned way i said right then and there reagan is an intellectual. You could watch this and other online at booktv. Org. Heres a look at some of the best books of the year according to amazon. She expressed some concern regarding the eventual loss of the blueeyed a natural blonde. We were paired up with someone with the opposite sex so we could compare genes. Let me drive this home. A Public School teacher told her teenage students to pretend theyre going to have sex with each other and their biologically likely babies. I was one of the only ethnic kids in the class. My partner, eric a white boy personified the genetic checklist with me. When we arrived at harrah fingers or knuckles i looked down on my hands for the first time. Sit standing up for my fingers were soft black hair. I was horrified. How had i never noticed such a grotesque feature. I always knew i had it in other places but i had overlooked this. Well i dont have any eric said. I nodded and said, me neither. You can watch this on our website, booktv. Org. [applause] thank you. I did not those applause. Thank you for coming out. My name is gilbert and ill be your host. And from romans bookstore. Thank you for supporting independent bookstores here

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