Latitude to sell temporary junk plans that are not only incredibly risky to the consumer but undermine the rest of the Healthcare Market like drawing healthy americans out of the pool. Even worse, President Trump decided to stop the Cost Sharing Program that reduces premiums, deductibles and copays for 7 million americans a year. Theres literally no outside to the president s decision to end the Cost Sharing Program. Because of the president s t actions, premiums will go up between 20 and 25 percent according to cbo. Just today in pennsylvania we saw premiums rise by 30 percent as a direct result of the president s actions. Outofpocket costs will go up by thousands of dollars. Deficits will rise by 194 billion. Because the government will have to pay more in subsidies, make up for the lack of costsharing and marketplaces will be less stable because more people will go uninsured. Republican governors of nevada and sandoval may have said it best. Quote, its going to hurt people. T its going to hurt kids, its going to hurt families, its going to hurtindividuals , its going to hurt people with Mental Health issues, its going to veterans and its going to hurt everybody. Thats a republican governor, brian sandoval. Another point the president shouldhear , nearly 70 percent of americans benefit from these costsharing payments within states that donald trump one in the election. So make no mistake about the president deliberately undermining our Healthcare System with these actions. When premiums go up, because of this action of lame will fall on his shoulders. Theres a way out. The layout of all of this is for congress to aggressively pursue a Bipartisan Health care bill that will take costsharing out of the president s hands by locking in the payments. For many months, democrats have been pushing to stabilize the market, and work toward a bipartisan agreement that would keep premiums down for millions of americans. Theres alexander and oumurray negotiating a package that would include costsharing as well as some provisions that republicans want these negotiations became, began long before the president s decision to end costsharing last week. Im encouraged by the progress in negotiations and im hopeful we are nearing an agreement that makes clear we have enno intention of supporting the president s reckless actions at sanitized. If President Trump is now supported an agreement that stabilizes and improves the existing system under the affordable care, we certainly welcome the change of heart. And we been asking for this for a long time. Both s with our colleagues on the other side of the island realizing the damage the president has done will join us in strengthening, not sabotaging the Healthcare System. Now, a word on the republican tax plan. This week the republican majority will likely move to pass a budget resolution that includes reconciliation instructions to increase the deficit by 1. 5 trillion. Amazingly, it also includes a total of 1. 5 trillion in medicare and medicaid. Taxes on the wealthy, paid for by cutting medicare and medicaid. How Many Americans utwant that. Democrat, republican, liberal, conservative. Gop budget makes it clear as day that republicans will try to pay for massive cuts for the wealthy area but medicare and medicaid. Same formula used for healthcare. Putting healthcare to pay for tax us to the rich. The American People rose up against that plan and it failed. This land should fail the same exact reason. And now, the white house is out with a new report today say that giant tax for big corporations will increase wages for middleclass americans. President trump claims about the news, this is fake math. And its as bad as any of the socalled news the president has complained about. This is a deliberate manipulation of numbers and facts that quite frankly is appalling. History shows that tax cuts like these benefit the wealthy and powerful to the exclusion of the middle class. History shows that corporations will use tax cuts as ceo bonuses, stock dividends rather than increasing worker pay or new jobs. None other than Goldman Sachs concluded that shareholders, not workers, quote, typically get most of the benefits of tax cuts. This is not a liberal think tank or Chuck Schumer talking, this is Goldman Sachs who represents shareholders. A former employer of the two authors of this plan, gary cohen and Steve Mnuchin are from Goldman Sachs. Even Goldman Sachs would say that the cuts will create massive growth for new jobs or higher wages. In fact, another recent report by goldmansachs predicts only the most minor growth effect from these tax cuts. Not more than. 1 4. 2 percent. As the president likes to point out, the stock market is at record highs and companies are raking in unprecedented profits and wages have remained relatively flat. So the companies are already plus with money. Record profits theyre not creating jobs. Theyre enriching their shareholders. And enhancing their ceo salaries with stock buybacks. Its Proof Positive that companies have the cash reserves but dont use it to boost wages. Its the opposite, giving corporations and the wealthy a tax cut leads to higher middleclass wages, belies the facts and the districts and it is a blatant attempt to fool americans into am thinking the plan would benefit then whenin reality its to stop the rich. No wonder our republicans cant talk about what the plan does. Cut taxes on the wealthy and powerful, they have to hide and say this is job growth. Fake numbers. And i like my friends on the side of the aisle to admit that they believe in trickledown economics. But thats what their plan is all about. To assert that giving corporations and the wealthy a tax cut is just not true. So rather than helping the biggest corporations avoid paying their fair share, tax reform ought to reward those companies that create jobs and raise wages at home. Similarly, tax reform ought to directly benefit the middle class. Republican tax plans the key middleclass deductions in the form of state and local deductibility. Lets talk about Vice President pens. Hes visiting buffalo new york. The city i love in my home state. This Vice President pens is traveling to buffalo. I thought id share some numbers. About how the elimination of state and local deductions affects new york. In representative collins district, toward rochester, 29 percent of the residents claim the state local deduction. They get an average deduction n of 12,125. And representative higgins district in the heart of buffalo, 27 percent of the residents claim state and local. With an average deduction of 12,083. And representative lees district, south and east of buffalo, 22 residents claim state and local deductions with an average deduction of 11,716. Their constituents get clobbered as do just about all new yorkers, with so many in the rest of the country. When you eliminate state and local deductibility and it affects the middleclass and the upperclass. The state and local deduction eliminations is a diner to the heart not just of buffalo and of rochester, syracuse, albany and all above state new york, will president president pens have the courage to answer questions about this deduction eliminations . Will he tell middleclass new yorkers that they are going to get a huge tax increase under this bill . When the Vice President arrives in buffalo, i hope he explains why he wants the tax , why he wants to hike taxes for thousands of middleclass families in the buffalo area, the rochester area, the syracuse area and the albany area by eliminating state and local deductions. It hurts the middleclass. And it hammers the new york economy. Businesses, they dont have and local deduction and theyre not likely to relocate in buffalo or rochester or syracuse. And it hurts homeowners. Make no mistake about it, get rid of the state and local deduction, values and homes will go hedown. Thats why the homeowners are opposed to this elimination. Thats not just in new york or california or new jersey, f its true across the whole country and my dear friend and chairman of the finance Committee State of utah, i state of great charity, 35 percent of the taxpayers will get a huge, huge increase in their taxes with the elimination of state and local deductibility. Many of them dont use the standard deduction because its so terrible but they are penalized. So eliminating the state and local deduction slashing taxes for the wealthy and huge corporationswill hurt middleclass taxpayers. Theres effort to compromise state and local deductibility, they dont work. Some have proposed okay, lets give taxpayers a choice n between getting rid of the mortgage deduction and the state and local deduction. Thats like saying should i chop off your left hand or right, mister middleclass taxpayer . Others have said lets limit it to people say below 100,000. Lots of people are at risk in highpriced areas like long island and it reduces, doesnt reduce the deficit by much. A large percentage of the deficit would still go up. So it makes no sense to eliminate state and local deductibility. Vice president pens ought to go to western new york but better than visiting a small business, he should go to a middleclass family. In amherst or in orchard park. Or in tonawanda. Tell them hes there to tell them hes going to raise their taxes. Finally mister president , id like to address President Trumps nominee to leave the office of the National Drug control policy, representative marino. In an article in yesterdays Washington Post, he described representative marinos in a law that may have prevented the dea, the Drug Enforcement agency from knowing after the worst practices of drug distributors. Is a profoundly troubling revelation about the man who was tax to lead the primary agency in our government focused on stopping the Opioid Crisis. The Opioid Crisis fueled by holes sale drug distributors, ending millions of unnecessary bills into communities. As my friend editor mansion has pointed out, one company shipped 20 million doses of opioids to pharmacies in his state of ma West Virginia over a fiveyear period. Instituted 11 million doses sent to mingo county West Virginia. Population 25,000. 11 million pills in the county of 25,000 people over a fiveyear period. No wonder theres a crisis. Washington, what the Washington Post revealed yesterday was that representative marinos, representative marino works at a bill in 2016 that made it close, virtually impossible for the dea to freeze suspicious narcotic paymentsshipments , and confirming representative marino, our nations drugs are , by putting the wolf in charge of the ahenhouse. The American People deserve someone totally committed to fighting the Opioid Crisis r, not someone who has labored on the half of the drug industry. So tonight i am calling on President Trump to withdraw the nomination of representative marino for the on pcp. We can do better. Senator mansion has made such a call, hes right. Resident trump ought to withdraw senator marinos nomination and if the president presses forward, it will be another long the trail, long line of betrayals on issues near and dear to rural america. The president S Health Care proposals would have been baggers into the heart of s rural america, designating medicaid and rural hospitals. The president s tax plan set is the wealthy and the big corporations but does little to the working man or woman in rural america. President promised months ago to label the Opioid Crisis a National Emergency and yet he still hasnt done it. He said this afternoon he will finally do it next week we will see. By now, the idea that the president is sticking up for the forgotten man and forgotten woman or the forgotten parts of america, rural america. President trump seems to have forgotten that those forgotten parts of america and the lack of action, we dont need talk, we need action on the Opioid Crisis and his nomination of brett marino is another example. And before i yield the floor i know my colleagues from utah is waiting, i can set my additional comments on the wildfire west the inserted into the record. Over the weekend, the post ran an article about a piece of legislation i helped negotiate last congress. The insuring Patient Access and effective Drug Enforcement act, it was intended to encourage collaboration between apa and the regulated community in the fight against opioid abuse. This article was critical of this legislation. Suggesting that effectively ended the epas ability to do se its job. It also suggested the pharmaceutical industry but one over on congress. I rise today to set the record straight on these allegations and provide a full account ofthis legislation the site. L first, some background. The act requires drug distributors to obtain a quote, registration from the dea. In order to distribute controlled substances including prescription drugs. May act further authorizes dea to suspend a distributors to registration in certain circumstances such as where distributors have been convicted of a crime involving a controlled substance or had a state license suspended. Of course suspending a registration the dea must issue a order directing the distributor to explain why its registration should not be suspended. The court then decide whether dea is better suspending the registration. The controlled substances and powers dea to test a standard suspension process in cases where dea determines there is quote, an imminent danger to the Public Health or safety. In such cases, dea can issue an intermediate extension order that immediately and without prior process terminates the distributors ability to distribute prescription drugs. Prior to last congress, the controlled substance act did not define what constituted imminent danger to the Public Health or safety. This left the deas ability to suspend the partys ability to distribute prescription drugs essentially unfettered. With unfettered discretion concerns facing advocacy and drug Manufacturing Committee because the immediate suspension order cuts off all drugs and from a distributor including those intended for legitimate users. A balance is needed to ensure that individuals need prescription drugs for treatment receive them by, but that such drugs are not diverted for improper purposes. So the bill i have negotiated by congress for the first time defines what constitutes in danger to the Public Health or safety. In doing so, it created a standard for when dea may suspend a partys registration to distribute prescription drugs. Without any prior court process. Standard is that there must be a substantial likelihood of an immediate threat that death, serious bodily harm or use of a controlled substance will occur and in the absence of an immediate suspension. Inin both committee and floor statements, i made clear that the standard is intended to cover situations where evidence of divergent indicates there is a substantial likelihood that abuse of a controlled substance or of any controlled substances will occur. The post article glosses over much of this background. It does not explain that the suspension order is intended a to be an extraordinary su measure. It does not explain nthat prior to the bill, the dea basically has Carte Blanche authority to impose this matter. It does not explain the dea has other enforcement tools available. Including show cause order which are supposed to be the Agency Standard operating procedure. Equally problematic, the article barely mentions the Patient Advocacy concerns. That motivated the bill to begin with. I want to quote from a letter that a coalition of Health Advocacy groups sent to congress in supportof the legislation. Federal agencies, law enforcement, industry participants and prescribers nteach play a role in working diligently to prevent drug abuse. And divergent. However, its also imperative that legitimate patients are able to obtain their prescriptions not disrupted. New legislation addresses both goals by fostering cooperation and communication and transparency between industry stakeholders and regulators, meeting to more abuse without protecting patients. The letter was signed by among others the american patio payment management, fibromyalgia and chronic pain support network. And a drugfree america foundation. I ask unanimous consent to enter this letter into the record at this point. Without objection. Virtually none of this asserts to congress cut out deas legs from underneath it through a sinister conspiracy of deeppocketed Drug Companies sand their cunning allies in congress. Nothing could be further from the truth. Madam president , i spent four years of my life in the senate fighting the scourge of drug abuse. I stood sidebyside with ronaldreagan in the war on drugs. 0 i cooperated a drug treatment in 2000, one of the first efforts in congress to address the opioid epidemic. Last year i led negotiations on the Addiction Recovery act , a landmark piece of ga legislation