Transcripts For CSPAN2 Thank You For Being Late 20170904 : c

Transcripts For CSPAN2 Thank You For Being Late 20170904

best-selling author, tom friedman. [inaudible conversations]. >> from the failing "new york times," the truth is, that the "times" succeed on some fronts. and the central reason is that it is home to outstanding journalists, a standout among them, is tom friedman. [applause] you may have noticed in the program that there is a photo that purports to be tom friedman. you know, tom is young but looks like he is accelerating in reverse in that photo. tom has spent his life getting out into the world doing thorough research and speaking to people in every station of life, and walk of life around the planet. the result is something quite different from the cynicism and snark and aggression we encounter so often in today's media universe. what we get instead is a pair of rarities, insight and wisdom. they are the products of real reporting and serious reflection, themselves, all too rare. those qualities can be found, could be found in tom's previous best-selling books, you can find them in tom's latest. thank you for being late, an entrepreneur mist guide. the former editor of bloomberg and former editor of the economist, wrote his review of tom's book for "new york times," he wrote, it is hard to think of any other journalist explained as many complicated subjects to so many people. among the central subjects tom explains now is the ever moreai exhausting pace of technological change. there have to be many of you, who like me, wonder whether theg can keep up with the rush of thm new in technology we encounter every day. and wonder too, what thewi seemingly endless revolutions in technology will signify for workers and kids and the entire human race. tom explains why and how technology is changing with such speed, why things are going to get faster still, and where all this appears to be taking us. now when tom tells us that things will get faster, and reminds us while there are at u least 10 billion things connected to internet, that is 1:00 mers of the possible total, you may well suffer anxiety that this book aims to cure but tom lets us know that it is going to be okay. you will be hearing from an optimist. let's see if he can make optimists from all of you. there are other great forces tom addresses, the global markets which move with astounding speed and adaptability, finally and importantly, climate change. we can use those word here, by the way. [applause] bloomberg's calls tom's book an honest explanation for why the world is the way it is without miracle cures or scapegoats. "the financial times" in its review notes that tom offers sensible solutions but quote, does not offer, easy, slogan-friendly ideas. imagine that, someone has proposed ways to confront the challenges of our world without slogans, without miracle cures, and without scapegoats. that makes tom friedman a tonic for our times and it is my pleasure and honor to yield the floor to the great tom friedman. [applause] >> thank you. thank you very much. [applause] wow, it is great to do a neighborhood concert. this is fantastic. marti, thank you. we are in a golden age of journalism at least regards to newspapers, "the new york times" and "washington post." we are going at it every day.pas [applause] one of the people essentially responsible for that golden age is marti baron. e it is an honor for me to be introduced by him. [applause] if you would silence your cell phones or put them on stun i will be forever grateful so. thank you for being late, an optimist's guide to the age of acceleration. people ask plea, where does come the title, thank you for being late? it comes from meeting people in washington, d.c. i live in bethesda for breakfast. i like not to waste breakfast downtown eating alone. i have organized business breakfast. every once in a while someone comes 10, 15 lates. tom, i'm really sorry, the weather, the traffic, the was ays, the doug ate my homework. the one of these days, my friend came and meeting at the adam, came usual. tom, the weather traffic, the dog ate my homework. i spontaneously said to him, actually, peter, thank you for being late because you were late. i have been eavesdropping on their conversations. [laughter]. fascinating. i've been people-watching the i hay. fantastic! and best of all, best of all i just connected two ideas i've been struggling with for a month. so thank you for being late. people started to get into it. they say, well, you're welcome. because they understood i was actually giving them permission gi to pause, slow down, reflect.. my favorite quote in front of the book from my friend dell, when you press pause button on computer it stops but when you press the pause button on a human being, it starts. it starts to reflect, rethink, and reimagine. and boy, don't we need to do a lot of that now? now this book, this book actually was triggered when i paused, when i engaged with someone i wouldn't normally engage with. . . once a week i take subway to work. that means driving from my home on bradley boulevard to bethesda hyatt in the public parking garage and take the red line into dc to the new york times office not far from the white house. three years ago i did that, parked my car, spend the day at the office, kicked the redline back, drove to the cashier, looked at it, and said i know who you are. great. i read your he said i don't always agree. i thought get me out of here. but they actually said well that is good. that means you always have to check them and i drove off thinking the parking guy reads my column. i took my trip to d.c. l parking garage, redline, parking garage, car, time stamped ticket, cashiers booths, same guy as they are. this guy he says mr. friedman, i have my own would you read my blog? i thought my god, the parking guy -- [inaudible] what just happened? write it down and i'll look it up. he tore off a piece of receipt paper and wrote it down. i got home, i called it up on my computer. it turns out he's ethiopian, was writing about ethiopian politics from the of the people, a real democracy advocate. and it was pretty good. it was a pretty good blog. i thought about him for a few days and i eventually concluded this was a sign from god that im should pause in engage this guy. but the only way i could do it was parked in the parking garage every day. not three or four days. but we overlapped one morning at 7:00 a.m. and i parked under the so i couldn't come down. i got out of my car and i now know his name. i said i would like your e-mail. i would like to send you a message, which he gladly gave me. that night, we began an e-mail exchange and most of them in the front of the book. they are kind of funny. but i basically said to him in that sense, i have a propositio for you. i will teach you how to write a column for "the new york times." if you will tell me your life story. and he basically said i see you are proposing a deal. i like this deal. so he asked that we meet near his office out in bethesda at peet's coffee house, brought some of and a gift certificate for putting them in the boat, which we did two weeks later. i came with a six page memo on how to write a column and he came with his life story. his life story is economics from a highly scholastic university was a political act to this, a democracy advocate. his democracy activism eventually earned him a one-way ticket out of ethiopia. we welcomed here in our country as a political exile. yes we did that. [applause] and he told me he was blogging on ethiopian website, but they wouldn't turn the stuff around fast enough, so eventually he decided to start his own blog and now mr. friedman, i feel his google metrics say he's read 30 different countries. it's a wonderful story. he's a wonderful man of how anyone today can participate in the global conversation. and he taught me so much about that and about his own country come ethiopia appeared i then paesented him with a six page memo. so the world is a big data problem, and this is my algorithm. i thought about some of this before, but i never put it together until i did it in the memo for him. i basically explained to him that a new story is meant tontii inform and it can do better orn worse. the post of marvel write a story about this and marty will tell w them whether they did that or worse. abo but a column, an opinion article is meant to provoke. it's meant to produce a reaction. i need during the heating business or lighting business. that's what i do. i mean there in motion in your illuminating something for you and if i do it well, i do a reaction and i can tell a site created heat or light at the reaction i get from readers. some might read your column and say i didn't know that. that's a good reaction. some might say never looked at it that way. that's a good reaction. i never connected those things more like your favorite you live for this is a columnist, happens four times a year. mr. friedman, you said exactly what i felt i didn't know how to say. god bless you. i want to kill you dead come to you in all your offspring.t i get that. that is usually heat and light also. but i explain to produce heat and light actually required a chemical reaction and he had to combine three chemicals.s the first is what is your value set? what are the set of ideas, values and principles you areri promoted in the world are you a communist, capitalist, neocon libertarian, marxist, with a set of values you are pushing? second, how do you think the machine works? the machine is my shorthand. what are the biggest forces shaping more things in moreewayi places in more ways than more days? as a columnist i am always in my head a working theory about how they work. because i'm trying to take my values and push the machine in their direction. and if i don't know how the, machine works, i either won't push it or i will push it in the wrong direction. in many ways, all my books have been an exploration about how the machine works. lastly, what have you learned about people and culture, at the machine affects different people and culture and how they come back and affect the machine. there is no column without people in there so people without culture. stir those three together, mix it up, let it rise, and bake for 45 minutes and if you do it right, you will produce a column that produces heat ideas. the more engaged on this, we had three sessions at peak coffee house and e-mails in between, the more i stepped back and said to him, that is what a column is about, what's my value set. those of you who read me i know i have a rather quirky set of values, not quite a liberal, certainly not conservative. that's because my values emerge from the small community i grew up with in minnesota in the 1950s and 60s and 70s at a time and place where politics work.. and that had a huge impact on me to this day. how do i take the machine works today and what have i learned about people and culture? i decided that was the book i wanted to write and that is what "thank you for being late" is all about. the first half is about how the machine works in the second half is about how this machine today is not just changing your world. it is reshaping your world and it is reshaping five realms in particular, the work place, politics, geopolitics, ethics and community. so let me try to give you a quick run through. how does the machine work today? well, i think what is shaping more things in more places in more ways on more days is the i fact that we are in the middle of three nonlinear acceleration and all at the same time withh the three largest forces on the planet, which i call the market, mother nature and moore's law. i should tell you that i fixed the three together for a reason. one of my teachers in this book, something he's really taught me, which is i think essential to doing proper journalism today is never think in the box and never think out-of-the-box. today he must think without a ay box. you need to be melding all of these disparate things together and in my case they are the market mother nature. so the market for me is digital globalization. not your grandfather's globalization. those containers on ships, planes and trains. if you do that today would go down. the digital globalization, whether through facebook or amazon, google, twitter, if you put that, it looks like a giant hockey stick. mother nature for me is climate change, biodiversity loss and population growth in the developing world.. if you put that on a graph, it looks like a hockey stick. a moore's law, the first might appear for a second, point by gordon or the cofounder of intel in the 65. the speed and power of microchips would double roughly every 24 months and the price would stay roughly the same. moore's law has held up for 52 years. it is the engine driving all ethnological change today. moore's law tries more globalization. about once a year for the last 52 years, someone has written an article saying moore's law is going to run out and for 52ha years, what they all have in common is they were all wrong. moore's law is alive and well. but your computer at home now is probably operating on an intel chipset is a 14-nanometer chip. it has 37.5 million transistors per square millimeter. you cannot see this. at the end of 2017, intel will introduce the under moral spa 100 million transistors per square millimeter. i know that is very abstract, hard to conceive what that means. basically what it means is the difference between those two chips is between the self driving car that means the whole trying to contain the brains of that car so i can drive it helps in the self driving car will be of little box under the front seat. so if you think your world is fast now, wait until the end of the year. the intel engineers once try to explain the power of moore's law. what if in 1971 volkswagen beetle had improved at the same white microchips have?n what would it be like today? a calculated the 1971 vw beetle today would go 300,000 miles an hour. he would get 2 million miles per gallon and it would cost 4 cents. ubl to drive your entire life. that is the power of the technological exponential now driving our life. so my chapter on moore's law and i'm going to talk about that today. not the climate in the market. my chapter is called what the happened in 2007. what the happened in 2007? what is this guy talking about? here is what happened in 2007. the year was kicked off in january 2007 when when steve jobs introduced to this, the first iphone at the center in san francisco, beginning ag process by which about half way through putting one of thoseg into the hands of virtually about halfway now, everyone on the planet. that is a handheld computer with more compute paper that doubles as a phone in the camera. that is the year it again. in 2007, a company called facebook, which has been previously confined to high schools and universities in late 2006 opening a platform to anyone with the registered e-mail address in mid-2007, three spoke with global. in 2007, a company called i twitter went off on its own independent platform and went global. in 2007, the most important software you may have never heard of, named after the founder's sons toy elephant launched its algorithm into the wild and enabled a million computers to work together as if they are one seamlessly. that is the data now. it is based on two algorithms invented by google. but as the founder explains to me in the boat, google is in the future and send us letters back home. what google did was leave aav trail of red crumbs to the open software community and its algorithms they reversed the public version bearing this in a major company in washington d.c. somewhere in the backgroundunnid running. in 2007, in the second most important software you may have never heard called the adam wire went public. it is what enabled any operatint system to work on any computer. you are used to that now, but it was very unique back then and that is what enabled cloud computing. other commodity servers can run the operating system. 2007 a company called get help, the world's largest repository for open source software opened his doors. in 2007 the company called google about a little-known tv company called youtube. in 2007, google launched its own algorithm into the wild called android. in 2007, marty's box, just as those introduced the world's first e-book reader called the kindle and in 2007, ibm started the world's first cognitive computer called watson.were in 2007, three design students in san francisco were attending the design conference that year and they notice all the hotel rooms were sold out. but one of them had three spare air mattresses and they decided to rent them out to people who couldn't get hotel rooms and it worked out so well in 2007 they started a company called air bmv. that is why it's called airbnb because of the three air mattresses. in 2007, the internet cost a billion users for the first time. actually late 2006, skilled in 2007. here's what else happened. the cost of sequencing the human genome. for those of you in the back, in 2001 that cost us $100 million sequencing the human genome. 2006 that filed a 10 million then you'll notice in one year it goes over a cliff like an ekg headed for a heart attack. that year is 2007. the price of sequencing the human genome collapses to $10,000. in 2007, solar energy took off.s as the process for extracting natural gas from shale called for hacking. between 2006 and 2008, america's total natural gas reserves increased 35%. that is a spectacular number in 2007. here's a graph of what social networks look like. so that white wine over on the left is actually the cost ofda generating a megabit of data. notice the line goes straight down in what year is that? 2007. the blue line is the speed of transmitting the data with the two lines cross in 2008, close enough. government work, all right. i forgot the cloud. he was born in 2007. her steer the statistics show up in 2008. in 2007, intel for the first time when of silicon to expand a non-silicon materials into its microchips. in 2005, michael dell, founder of dell computer is retired and in 2007, he decided he'd better come back to work. it turns out 2007 may be understood in time is surely one of the greatest technological inflection point since bloomberg. and always remember, someones will collide when gutenberg invented the printing press and surely some monk turned to some priest and said now that is really cool. i don't have to write out the stylus out longhand anymore. we can stamp them out. i think you are alive that a similar inflection point in 2007. unfortunately, we all completely missed it. why? because the 2008. so right when our physical technologies just took off, like we are the moving sidewalk in an airport that went from five to 50 miles per hour, right would not have been, and all of our social technologies, regulatory reform, political reform, with learning reform all completely froze because we entered the deepest recession since 1929. in that dislocation, many brexit and a triumph of voters were born. you cannot understand what's going on if you don't understand this junction. would have been 2007? your computer has five key parts. cut the processor chip from a story ship, networking, software and a sensor. i traced them about how all fiber in the norse law. what happened in 2007 is they all melted together into thiss thing we call the cloud. the cloud. i never use the term the cloud in my book because it sounds so soft, so fluffy, sounds like a joni mitchell song, i've lookeda at clouds from both sides ♪ casino what i call it in the book is the supernova. those of you who are science and knows the supernova is actually the largest energy source in nature. if the explosion of a star. i think what happened in 2007 was a release of energy in the hands of men, women, machines, the likes of which we have never seen before and overnight changed for kinds of power. first they changed the power of one redwood one person can do today is a maker or breaker is amplified to a degree we've never seen before. we have a president who can sit in his pajamas in the west wing and tweaked to a billion people directly without an editor, lawyer or filter. [laughter] [applause] but here is what is really scary. isis can do the exact same thing from his bunker in rakka province in syria. the power today to be a maker or breaker is fundamentally the power of machines have changed. machines are requiring all senses. we have never lived in a world where machines have all five senses. and as a result, machines can now analyze, optimize, prophesies, customize and automate ties anything. they can analyze if they can find the needle in the haystack of that data is the norm now, not the exception. they can optimize. bake until united airlines exactly what altitude to fly that ge engine for every mile to get the premium energy efficiency. they can prophesies or you see in the ibm and to repair the elevator and the guy says the elevator is not broken any such right now, but it will be in six weeks because of the data we know that. we can customize just for you and we can now digitize an ottoman ties everything and anything. that is in the world, one with never inhabited before. we come across that line of february 2011 on all places come a game show. there were three contestants, two were the all-time jeopardynt champion in the third h contestants simply went by his last name, mr. watt didn't. mr. watson passed on the first question, the buzz than before the two humans on the second question. the question was that used by ay dealer in a casino and said imperfect jeopardy style, what is a shoe? and for the first time, we watched live on tv a cognitive computer figure out a pun faster than two human beings. the world hasn't been the same sense. it seems the ideas now flow, circulate, fracture and change faster than we've ever seen before. confederate statues were up for a century and a half an band, one day we decided to take them down and they're all gone. barack obama ran six years ago stating marriage between a man and a woman. today he says marriage isen between too many humans who love each other and they followedch ireland in that opinion. the fluid change and congeal at a pace we've never seen before. lastly, it is change the power of many. these amplified powers of men, women and machines have become so great that we have become the biggest forcing function on and in nature and that despite the new climate area has been named for us, the anthropic feed. the argument i make in this book is that these four changes in power are not just changing your world. they are reshaping your world and that requires fundamental rethinking of everything and they are reshaping the five rounds. politics, geopolitics, ethics, the community and the work place. so let me spend the next half of this talking about what i mean. so, basically the workplace is being changed in large part because of this graph. i was working on the book interviewing astro teller, the ceo of google research arm and i went to see them and they went over to his whiteboard in nature this very simple graphs. the blue line across the middle you'll notice have a positive scope, very gradual. i said what is that? that's the average rate at which human beings and society adapt to change over time. it is gradual. the white line that starts andpa loops up, not his technology. so if you live at the west end the west end of outlining the 11th or 12th century, we forget if you lived in the 11th century occult century, your bow and arrow did not get better between the 11th century in the 12th century. there is no bow and arrow to point on the 12th century, okay? the line of innovation was very flat and then we got the scientific revolution in galileo and steve jobs and intel where the wind starts to go straight north and then through little diamond fair. i said what is that, astro? that's where we are. we are at a point now where technology is evolving faster than the average human being society can adapt. and then he went out and got a third magic marker. he drew a little dotted line up the blue line and i said what is that, astro? he said that his learning faster and governing smarter. and that is the challenge of thk work place today. how do we enable more people to learn faster and how a society do we govern smarter so we can let the adaptation line to technology where it's taking them. so let me give you some examples of what i'm talking about.d is my chapter another workplace is being reshaped. how to return a.i. into i-a. how do we take artificial intelligence and turn it into a yen cds, intelligent assistant and intelligent algorithm so that more people can learn faster and governing smarter. i believe that is the central managerial governing an education challenge of our time today. today so, i will give you a couple of examples. amc e. -- at at&t. i spent a lot of time. giant global telecom company living right next to the supernova, competes every day with verizon, deutsche, telecom and all these great telecom companies. pretty good chance that at&t was 360,000 employees. whatever is going on in the human resources department coming to a neighborhood near you. so what is going on there? in shorthand, basically what's going on is their ceo, randall stephenson begins the year with a radically transparent speech about where the company is going, what markets they will be in and what skills you need to be an at&t employee back here. then they put out 110,000 of their managers, non-unionized staff in their system. and so they got me in there, tom friedman and then they determine that there are, as dominion is roughly 10 different skill set you need to be a thrivingey are employee at at&t, given where they are going as the company in the world today. i'm a link in profile, turns out i have seven of the 10 skills, but i am missing three. and then they partnered with sebastian, the online learning university. he created nano degrees for all 10 skill set. then they came back to me and said here's the deal. we'll give you up to $8000 a year to take all the nano degree courses for the skills you are missing.'re in we heard your interested in the middle east. if you want to take an archaeology class. in fact if you want to take her one year's masters degree for $6000 to rebuild for georgia tech, we'll pay for that as well. just one condition. you have to take all of these courses on your own time at night, at home and on weekends. not on company time.ow, now if i say, you know, mr. at&t, i climbed up one too many telephone poles. i'm not into this anymore. they now have the wonderful severance package for me. i won't be working there much longer. if i do take the courses, their social contract is stable not go outside. what is at&t's social contract with their employees today? it's very simple. you can be a lifelong employee at at&t, but only if you're a lifelong learner. if you are not ready to be a lifelong learner, you can no longer be a lifelong employee at at&t. that is the social contract coming to a neighborhood near you. the days when you could go to college for two or four years been dining out on not knowledge over the next 30 are completely gone in the age of acceleration. what you learn now in your first year may be added a prayer for dear and therefore being a lifelong learner becomes the single most important competitive advantage you can have in the age of acceleration. which is why my friend, heather mcgowan likes to say today,wa never ask your kid what you want to be when you grow up because whatever it is, unless its policemen or firemen, not going to be there. only ask your kid how you wantbe to be when you grow up. will you have an agile 30 minute that?in will you be predisposed to lifelong learning? that's why another friend of mine, the ceo instituted a future in palo alto likes to say the biggest divide in the world we are going into now is no longer the digital divide. you remember the digital divide, washington d.c., upstate maryland, central africa didn't. the digital divide is going to be gone in five years if it isn't already., and when it's gone, the biggest divide in the world is going to be the self-motivation divide. who has the self-motivation to be a lifelong learner after you left, graduated school and momom and dad are not fair to say have you done your homework? and i believe one of the things in our society today is this issue of realizing the importance of self-motivation because a lot of people were built to show up to work and do what they were told. and by the way, these are goodco people and that built oursk country. we ask them to show why. we asked them to do what they were told and they did it and they did it in a mall. but the world has changed now and one of the things roiling the society is necessity of lifelong learning and how more important self-motivation is becoming. that is by example -- my example is the janitorial staff at qualcomm. i spent a lot of time at qualcomm because they profiled and when i was there i discovered qualcomm had takenth six of their buildings and had fit sensors everywhere, every door, window, fossett, air-conditioning, heating system, computer, sensors everywhere. they've been all of that data up to the cloud come onto the supernova and now they be w midtown to an ipad was incredibly user-friendly interface for your janitors. if i leave my computer on, they note just when i do it if not nt faster in a swipe down to see who can fix it or how to repair it themselves. qualcomm is turn your janitors into maintenance technologies. they now give tours to foreign visitors. what do you think that does for the dignity of the janitor because he or she now is an intelligent assistant enabling them to live and learn at a higher pace. my example of intelligent algorithms is between the college board and card academy, the online learning platform. we all know the story in 11th grade. you have to take your psat exam, preparatory s.a.t. exam can get you ready for your s.a.t. exam to get you for the college of your choice. parents will go out and hire a tutor for $200 an hour to boost their kids sats and sats scores. don't worry. many did it. he completely rigged game. if you come from the neighborhood or family that can't possibly afford such a tutor come you aren't a real disadvantage. three years ago david: i'm a college board and created an alr intelligent algorithm or three p. sats and sats. the way it works is i take the 11th grade and get the results back in the result say tom, tom conti did really well and verbal. you could have a career in writing may be, but you specifically have a problem with fractions in writing. it then takes me to a practice site just for fractions in right angles coming just for the things they link out. doesn't waste any time in my strength. takes me to another place. the city could be in 18 in math. no one in my neighborhood with an 18 math -- ap math. another site for college scholarships at the boys and girls clubs of america are volunteering to shepherd other young people through thishe intelligent algorithm. last year, 3 million american kid got free p. sats and s.a.t. prep through this intelligent algorithm. last example -- [applause] is opportunity of work. we have a real problem in this country. we have roughly 82 million people who started college but never finished. one year, two and a half, three and a half years they dropped out before they got a degree. they go to apply for a job. so there are groups likeke opportunity at work that have come along and now you can come to them. they will dodge what you learned in one years, two years enabled then partner with employees to flock u.n., based on what they have determined you now. so i profile in the book a younw african-american woman who is going to michigan tech, studying computer science.hree a she had dropped off for family reasons after three and a half years. ended up having to drive the bus to and from a computer school. could make data. poppy lawyers rediscovered thei. life. she was discovered by a group like opportunity at work. they targeted with mastercard, today she is a senior systems engineer at mastercard and in the last line in her interview in my book, she says mr. friedman, i still don't have my ba. that is an intelligent algorithm. now i'm going to make a bet with every one of you. i'm going to bet none of you have heard of any of this. and that is because you were paying attention to our last election. you see, the fact is there is massive innovation going on in our country on the pathway of education to work. in fact, there's so much innovation. i thought at one point i couldo, just write a book on that. whatever you can think of come promise you someone is sent to thinking about that.what w unfortunately, what was our last election about? ernie sander's big idea is to tear down the big names. donald trump was to tear down hillary clinton and hillary clinton's big idea was to direct you to her website, www.hillary but the fact is there is massive innovation going on around a centrally important subject of education to work. it touches every home and no one is telling anyone about it. that brings me to my section that needs to be reshaped deniem politics. so i use a lot of parallels from nature in my book and make inking in general and mentally to think about politics today, you have to understand we are in the middle of three climate changes that ones. we are going for what i call later to now. i could fix that lake inin minnesota and i could do it now. or later. not anymore. leader is officially over. later will be too late. so whatever you are going to save coming you better think of saving it now. that is the climate change. we are in the middle of a change of the climate of globalization. we are a world that's interconnected to a world that is interdependent. that's a different of some degree, of kind. an interdependent world, youren friend can kill you faster than your enemy. if they go bankrupt, we'll all feel it here. they are allies. they can kill us today. your rivals following in an interdependent world becomes more dangerous than your rivals rival. frankly, china takes more islands in the south china sea. i couldn't care less. if china's growth goes from 0% -- 6% from 0%, this festival will not be held next year. that is what happens in an interdependent world. your rival solid becomes our dangerous than your rivals rising. that is climate change. lastly we are going through this climate change in technology. machines cannot analyze, optimize, proselytize, customize, anything. we talked about politics. i said to myself, we are going through all these climate changes. who can i interview, what you want when the climate changes, you are brazilians. you need to be able to take a blow, but you also want propulsion. we want to move ahead just because requirements are changing that ones. i thought who can i talk to you about how you get in when climate changes. and then i realized, i knew a woman. she was 3.81 billion years old. her name is mother nature and shootout with more climate changes than anybody. so why don't i interview her? i called her 800 number, made an appointment and went out to see her. i sat her down. is that mother nature, how do you reduce when the climate changes? she says first of all, everything i do i do unconsciously. these are my strategies. first of all, i'm incredibly adaptive. and i do it through a mechanism might call natural collection. second, she said i'm incredibly entrepreneurial. isolate the plant or animal quickly adapted to that niche. lastly, she said -- thirdly she said i am incredibly diverse. i tried 20 different species to see who wins. i love diversity. fourth, she said i'm incredibly sustainable. eat, food, blue, nothing wasted in my world. i'm incredibly highbred. i tried all kinds a lady is then mixed them together make sending birds with any trees, flowers, beads, any of any soil. lastly, she said i do believe in the loss of bankruptcy. i kill all my failures at every turn into the great manufacturer in the sky and i use their energy to nourish. you can even put the sign down. i thought it. thank you. so as i thought about that, it occurred to me that the political party that's going to thrive in the age of acceleration is the one that most closely mirrors mother nature strategies. and as i thought about that, i thought it was 2016, why don't i start my own political party. i created in the book mother nature's political party. based on those ideas. i won't go into details with you on that, but a sickly the core idea is on some issue, of course it's a proxy for my own politics, the mother nature is actually to the left of bernie sanders. mother nature would be for universal health care. she would understand that in an age of acceleration, we need to improve our safety net and trampolines because more people are going to find this world too fast. at the same time, mother nature would be to the right of "the wall street journal" editorial page. she would be for abolishing all corporate taxes and replacing them with a carbon tax, a tax on sugar, and a small financial transaction tax. mother nature would want to get radically stronger safety nets over here and to pay for them, she would want to get radically entrepreneurial over here. unfortunately, in our politics if you respond to safety nets, if you're for radical entrepreneurship committee were never for a stronger safety nets, what would mother nature callback? that's what she would call it. she would tell you you can never build propulsion that way. i won't spend anymore time on politics. quickly the last two areas in no finish this they need to be reshaped. the first is ethics. ethics, what if that have to do with moore's law? [applause] thank you. my chapter on the subject is called is god in cyberspace. the book to her 1999 in portland, oregon. demand hands up in the balcony. he says, mr. friedman, i have a question. is god in cyberspace?a. i said i have no idea. i got home, called my spiritual teachers, i met at the heart of the institute and an interestind character. i got a question i never hadace, before.wh is god in cyberspace? what should i have answered? she said tom, basically we have two concepts of the almighty.sp, in cyberspace with, and now we know fake news. but he said fortunately, a poste biblical view of god, which says god manifests himself by how we behave. we have to bring him here by how we behave.e. only we can bring god into cyberspace. as i thought about that, i put in the paperback edition after 20 years and there it was. i started writing this book and suddenly i start asking myself this question again. why are you asking yourself that question? it became square for two reasons. the first happened last year. 2016 was the year we started living 51% of our lives in cyberspace. password to get our news, sign a book, buy a book, buy a house, find a date, find a spouse. we are now living in the developed world with 51% of our lives and sabers base. by definition a cyberspace is that it's a realm where we are all connect today no one is in charge.. it is the ultimate guide for your realm. there's no stoplights, no police, no ethics code -- we are living our lives in a realm that is ethics and godfrey and at the same time, because of thesest accelerated powers i've written about, we have never stood up before as a human species. in 1945, we entered a world where one country could kill all of us post-hiroshima. this one country and i was mine. i believe we enter a world where one person can kill all of us and were at the same time, all of us could actually fix everything. the same amplified powers are creating a world where one of us can kill all of us and all of us would actually educated every person on the planet if we put our minds to it. we have the power to do it. >> have never stood at this intersection before. what does that mean? it means we have never been more godlike as a species than we are today. we lived most of our lives in the wild that god creates and we are increasingly godlike. that means whatever one thinks,r feels and believes matters now more than ever. that means that everyone today has to be in the embrace of sustainable values, particularly every faith shares the golden rule. we now live in a planet where more people can do unto you faster, deeper and cheaper than ever before.e. you can do unto others deeper, cheaper than ever before. everyone today has to embrace the golden rule. i know what you are thinking. how naïve. no, what is naïve in thinking we are going to be okay if everyone isn't in the embrace of the golden rule. i either take advantage of acceleration is the new realism. where does the code will come from? two places in my view, strong family and healthy communities. i am an expert on strong healthy communities because i grew up on one in minnesota in the fifth is, 60s and 70s called st. louis park and that's why my book and the short story in minnesota in the 40s, the capital of anti-semitism by parents or board in minneapolis and i was on the north side of the city, which is a ghetto basically, which is and african-americans. not because they're integrated there, but we were isolated there. aaa in the 50s or anti-semitism is a real problem until hubert humphrey became mayor of the city. after the war, the entire jewish community of north minneapolis moved out in a three-year period to one little town called st. louis park about 20 minutes, half our way out at a central minneapolis. an overnight come a town that had been 100% white protestant catholic scandinavian. the sweden and israel had of beating it would be st. louisok park.. i tell the story of how we built the community together, how we built a inclusive community together and there were problems and broken hearts and in the end, we've built a really interesting community. i went to high school or religious school or in the the same neighborhood, roughly the same time with the koch koch brothers. all franken, norm ornstein, philosopher michael sandel, mark hessman, coach of the chicago bears. dan wilson. it was a freaky place. the man with a better hebrew school. if you saw no country for old men can remember the scene where he upa car outside of ae pharmacy in mexico to go when can steal drugs and at the end of the thing he bids to the firemen and it's called mike does drugs which is the little drugstore. i tell the story of thatnd community and how i learned us, something there that affected all of us, franklin, sandel, myself we took in politics as different somebody called minnesota nice weird how to explain minnesota nice if you are not from minnesota. i was homered in the book and i went to my friend's wedding and my friend jay goldberg was there and told me, tom, my life i leave was on minneapolis todayo in a driver almost drove her ofj the road and she came home and said jay, i was so mad i almost talked. [laughter] that is minnesota for road rage. another story come a jewish mafia minnesota in the 30s and 40s. he wasn't in the mafia i swear. but when i was a young boy, my dad came home and told me a friend of his had been into jail.. if your dad knows someone who went to jail. that is freaky. he said son, he was shopping ine a store before it was opened. that is minnesota for breaking and entering. anyways, i tell the stories of minnesota in 1971 to discover the world and came back four years later to write this book and found they had discovered white protestant catholic scandinavian. and 30% somali. small african-american committing community. another diversity challenge both religiously and racially much bigger, the chatham that has to be built. they are doing pretty well. "washington post" does in the state of minnesota it's a struggle every day. if you want to know why the book i conclude you as an optimist guy. the problems argued, but when you go to these communities, it is amazing the number of people who get caught trying. whenever anyone asks are you an optimist effectiveness, he says i need there. he says i believe in a polite hello. and i believe in the plato. you want to be an optimist about america today, hands on your head or the country looks sop much better from the bottom up in the top down. [applause] it's not that we don't have communities that are struggling in nailing, but we also have a huge number where people are applying hope. and that is why my book in this talk ends with a theme song. can i buy this song so when you open the book could play this song like a hallmark card plays happy birthday. it is really big and some of our time by brandi t -- i never was afraid that it would die. you can dance in a hurricane, but only if you are standing in the high. you see, i think these accelerations i've written about, they are a hurricane. we have a president who's trying to build a wall against thethato hurricane. i'm advocating an eye, that moves with the storm throughout energy from us, but dynamic stability, the healthy community where people feel connected,d, protected and respect it. the great struggle in our politics going forward is going to be between the wall people in the high people in the book of the manifesto for the high people. thank you very much. [applause] thank you very much. [applause] thank you. thank you very much. [applause] [inaudible conversations]

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New York , United States , Washington , Brazil , China , Minnesota , Whitehouse , District Of Columbia , Syria , Oregon , Michigan , South China Sea , Brunei General , Brunei , Somalia , Ethiopia , San Francisco , California , Mexico , Israel , Chatham , Sweden , Brazilians , America , Somali , Ethiopian , American , Jay Goldberg , Michael Dell , Protestantcatholic Scandinavian , Barack Obama , Marti Baron , Michael Sandel , Brandi Carlisle , Hubert Humphrey , Tom Friedman ,

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Transcripts For CSPAN2 Thank You For Being Late 20170904 :

Transcripts For CSPAN2 Thank You For Being Late 20170904

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best-selling author, tom friedman. [inaudible conversations]. >> from the failing "new york times," the truth is, that the "times" succeed on some fronts. and the central reason is that it is home to outstanding journalists, a standout among them, is tom friedman. [applause] you may have noticed in the program that there is a photo that purports to be tom friedman. you know, tom is young but looks like he is accelerating in reverse in that photo. tom has spent his life getting out into the world doing thorough research and speaking to people in every station of life, and walk of life around the planet. the result is something quite different from the cynicism and snark and aggression we encounter so often in today's media universe. what we get instead is a pair of rarities, insight and wisdom. they are the products of real reporting and serious reflection, themselves, all too rare. those qualities can be found, could be found in tom's previous best-selling books, you can find them in tom's latest. thank you for being late, an entrepreneur mist guide. the former editor of bloomberg and former editor of the economist, wrote his review of tom's book for "new york times," he wrote, it is hard to think of any other journalist explained as many complicated subjects to so many people. among the central subjects tom explains now is the ever moreai exhausting pace of technological change. there have to be many of you, who like me, wonder whether theg can keep up with the rush of thm new in technology we encounter every day. and wonder too, what thewi seemingly endless revolutions in technology will signify for workers and kids and the entire human race. tom explains why and how technology is changing with such speed, why things are going to get faster still, and where all this appears to be taking us. now when tom tells us that things will get faster, and reminds us while there are at u least 10 billion things connected to internet, that is 1:00 mers of the possible total, you may well suffer anxiety that this book aims to cure but tom lets us know that it is going to be okay. you will be hearing from an optimist. let's see if he can make optimists from all of you. there are other great forces tom addresses, the global markets which move with astounding speed and adaptability, finally and importantly, climate change. we can use those word here, by the way. [applause] bloomberg's calls tom's book an honest explanation for why the world is the way it is without miracle cures or scapegoats. "the financial times" in its review notes that tom offers sensible solutions but quote, does not offer, easy, slogan-friendly ideas. imagine that, someone has proposed ways to confront the challenges of our world without slogans, without miracle cures, and without scapegoats. that makes tom friedman a tonic for our times and it is my pleasure and honor to yield the floor to the great tom friedman. [applause] >> thank you. thank you very much. [applause] wow, it is great to do a neighborhood concert. this is fantastic. marti, thank you. we are in a golden age of journalism at least regards to newspapers, "the new york times" and "washington post." we are going at it every day.pas [applause] one of the people essentially responsible for that golden age is marti baron. e it is an honor for me to be introduced by him. [applause] if you would silence your cell phones or put them on stun i will be forever grateful so. thank you for being late, an optimist's guide to the age of acceleration. people ask plea, where does come the title, thank you for being late? it comes from meeting people in washington, d.c. i live in bethesda for breakfast. i like not to waste breakfast downtown eating alone. i have organized business breakfast. every once in a while someone comes 10, 15 lates. tom, i'm really sorry, the weather, the traffic, the was ays, the doug ate my homework. the one of these days, my friend came and meeting at the adam, came usual. tom, the weather traffic, the dog ate my homework. i spontaneously said to him, actually, peter, thank you for being late because you were late. i have been eavesdropping on their conversations. [laughter]. fascinating. i've been people-watching the i hay. fantastic! and best of all, best of all i just connected two ideas i've been struggling with for a month. so thank you for being late. people started to get into it. they say, well, you're welcome. because they understood i was actually giving them permission gi to pause, slow down, reflect.. my favorite quote in front of the book from my friend dell, when you press pause button on computer it stops but when you press the pause button on a human being, it starts. it starts to reflect, rethink, and reimagine. and boy, don't we need to do a lot of that now? now this book, this book actually was triggered when i paused, when i engaged with someone i wouldn't normally engage with. . . once a week i take subway to work. that means driving from my home on bradley boulevard to bethesda hyatt in the public parking garage and take the red line into dc to the new york times office not far from the white house. three years ago i did that, parked my car, spend the day at the office, kicked the redline back, drove to the cashier, looked at it, and said i know who you are. great. i read your he said i don't always agree. i thought get me out of here. but they actually said well that is good. that means you always have to check them and i drove off thinking the parking guy reads my column. i took my trip to d.c. l parking garage, redline, parking garage, car, time stamped ticket, cashiers booths, same guy as they are. this guy he says mr. friedman, i have my own would you read my blog? i thought my god, the parking guy -- [inaudible] what just happened? write it down and i'll look it up. he tore off a piece of receipt paper and wrote it down. i got home, i called it up on my computer. it turns out he's ethiopian, was writing about ethiopian politics from the of the people, a real democracy advocate. and it was pretty good. it was a pretty good blog. i thought about him for a few days and i eventually concluded this was a sign from god that im should pause in engage this guy. but the only way i could do it was parked in the parking garage every day. not three or four days. but we overlapped one morning at 7:00 a.m. and i parked under the so i couldn't come down. i got out of my car and i now know his name. i said i would like your e-mail. i would like to send you a message, which he gladly gave me. that night, we began an e-mail exchange and most of them in the front of the book. they are kind of funny. but i basically said to him in that sense, i have a propositio for you. i will teach you how to write a column for "the new york times." if you will tell me your life story. and he basically said i see you are proposing a deal. i like this deal. so he asked that we meet near his office out in bethesda at peet's coffee house, brought some of and a gift certificate for putting them in the boat, which we did two weeks later. i came with a six page memo on how to write a column and he came with his life story. his life story is economics from a highly scholastic university was a political act to this, a democracy advocate. his democracy activism eventually earned him a one-way ticket out of ethiopia. we welcomed here in our country as a political exile. yes we did that. [applause] and he told me he was blogging on ethiopian website, but they wouldn't turn the stuff around fast enough, so eventually he decided to start his own blog and now mr. friedman, i feel his google metrics say he's read 30 different countries. it's a wonderful story. he's a wonderful man of how anyone today can participate in the global conversation. and he taught me so much about that and about his own country come ethiopia appeared i then paesented him with a six page memo. so the world is a big data problem, and this is my algorithm. i thought about some of this before, but i never put it together until i did it in the memo for him. i basically explained to him that a new story is meant tontii inform and it can do better orn worse. the post of marvel write a story about this and marty will tell w them whether they did that or worse. abo but a column, an opinion article is meant to provoke. it's meant to produce a reaction. i need during the heating business or lighting business. that's what i do. i mean there in motion in your illuminating something for you and if i do it well, i do a reaction and i can tell a site created heat or light at the reaction i get from readers. some might read your column and say i didn't know that. that's a good reaction. some might say never looked at it that way. that's a good reaction. i never connected those things more like your favorite you live for this is a columnist, happens four times a year. mr. friedman, you said exactly what i felt i didn't know how to say. god bless you. i want to kill you dead come to you in all your offspring.t i get that. that is usually heat and light also. but i explain to produce heat and light actually required a chemical reaction and he had to combine three chemicals.s the first is what is your value set? what are the set of ideas, values and principles you areri promoted in the world are you a communist, capitalist, neocon libertarian, marxist, with a set of values you are pushing? second, how do you think the machine works? the machine is my shorthand. what are the biggest forces shaping more things in moreewayi places in more ways than more days? as a columnist i am always in my head a working theory about how they work. because i'm trying to take my values and push the machine in their direction. and if i don't know how the, machine works, i either won't push it or i will push it in the wrong direction. in many ways, all my books have been an exploration about how the machine works. lastly, what have you learned about people and culture, at the machine affects different people and culture and how they come back and affect the machine. there is no column without people in there so people without culture. stir those three together, mix it up, let it rise, and bake for 45 minutes and if you do it right, you will produce a column that produces heat ideas. the more engaged on this, we had three sessions at peak coffee house and e-mails in between, the more i stepped back and said to him, that is what a column is about, what's my value set. those of you who read me i know i have a rather quirky set of values, not quite a liberal, certainly not conservative. that's because my values emerge from the small community i grew up with in minnesota in the 1950s and 60s and 70s at a time and place where politics work.. and that had a huge impact on me to this day. how do i take the machine works today and what have i learned about people and culture? i decided that was the book i wanted to write and that is what "thank you for being late" is all about. the first half is about how the machine works in the second half is about how this machine today is not just changing your world. it is reshaping your world and it is reshaping five realms in particular, the work place, politics, geopolitics, ethics and community. so let me try to give you a quick run through. how does the machine work today? well, i think what is shaping more things in more places in more ways on more days is the i fact that we are in the middle of three nonlinear acceleration and all at the same time withh the three largest forces on the planet, which i call the market, mother nature and moore's law. i should tell you that i fixed the three together for a reason. one of my teachers in this book, something he's really taught me, which is i think essential to doing proper journalism today is never think in the box and never think out-of-the-box. today he must think without a ay box. you need to be melding all of these disparate things together and in my case they are the market mother nature. so the market for me is digital globalization. not your grandfather's globalization. those containers on ships, planes and trains. if you do that today would go down. the digital globalization, whether through facebook or amazon, google, twitter, if you put that, it looks like a giant hockey stick. mother nature for me is climate change, biodiversity loss and population growth in the developing world.. if you put that on a graph, it looks like a hockey stick. a moore's law, the first might appear for a second, point by gordon or the cofounder of intel in the 65. the speed and power of microchips would double roughly every 24 months and the price would stay roughly the same. moore's law has held up for 52 years. it is the engine driving all ethnological change today. moore's law tries more globalization. about once a year for the last 52 years, someone has written an article saying moore's law is going to run out and for 52ha years, what they all have in common is they were all wrong. moore's law is alive and well. but your computer at home now is probably operating on an intel chipset is a 14-nanometer chip. it has 37.5 million transistors per square millimeter. you cannot see this. at the end of 2017, intel will introduce the under moral spa 100 million transistors per square millimeter. i know that is very abstract, hard to conceive what that means. basically what it means is the difference between those two chips is between the self driving car that means the whole trying to contain the brains of that car so i can drive it helps in the self driving car will be of little box under the front seat. so if you think your world is fast now, wait until the end of the year. the intel engineers once try to explain the power of moore's law. what if in 1971 volkswagen beetle had improved at the same white microchips have?n what would it be like today? a calculated the 1971 vw beetle today would go 300,000 miles an hour. he would get 2 million miles per gallon and it would cost 4 cents. ubl to drive your entire life. that is the power of the technological exponential now driving our life. so my chapter on moore's law and i'm going to talk about that today. not the climate in the market. my chapter is called what the happened in 2007. what the happened in 2007? what is this guy talking about? here is what happened in 2007. the year was kicked off in january 2007 when when steve jobs introduced to this, the first iphone at the center in san francisco, beginning ag process by which about half way through putting one of thoseg into the hands of virtually about halfway now, everyone on the planet. that is a handheld computer with more compute paper that doubles as a phone in the camera. that is the year it again. in 2007, a company called facebook, which has been previously confined to high schools and universities in late 2006 opening a platform to anyone with the registered e-mail address in mid-2007, three spoke with global. in 2007, a company called i twitter went off on its own independent platform and went global. in 2007, the most important software you may have never heard of, named after the founder's sons toy elephant launched its algorithm into the wild and enabled a million computers to work together as if they are one seamlessly. that is the data now. it is based on two algorithms invented by google. but as the founder explains to me in the boat, google is in the future and send us letters back home. what google did was leave aav trail of red crumbs to the open software community and its algorithms they reversed the public version bearing this in a major company in washington d.c. somewhere in the backgroundunnid running. in 2007, in the second most important software you may have never heard called the adam wire went public. it is what enabled any operatint system to work on any computer. you are used to that now, but it was very unique back then and that is what enabled cloud computing. other commodity servers can run the operating system. 2007 a company called get help, the world's largest repository for open source software opened his doors. in 2007 the company called google about a little-known tv company called youtube. in 2007, google launched its own algorithm into the wild called android. in 2007, marty's box, just as those introduced the world's first e-book reader called the kindle and in 2007, ibm started the world's first cognitive computer called watson.were in 2007, three design students in san francisco were attending the design conference that year and they notice all the hotel rooms were sold out. but one of them had three spare air mattresses and they decided to rent them out to people who couldn't get hotel rooms and it worked out so well in 2007 they started a company called air bmv. that is why it's called airbnb because of the three air mattresses. in 2007, the internet cost a billion users for the first time. actually late 2006, skilled in 2007. here's what else happened. the cost of sequencing the human genome. for those of you in the back, in 2001 that cost us $100 million sequencing the human genome. 2006 that filed a 10 million then you'll notice in one year it goes over a cliff like an ekg headed for a heart attack. that year is 2007. the price of sequencing the human genome collapses to $10,000. in 2007, solar energy took off.s as the process for extracting natural gas from shale called for hacking. between 2006 and 2008, america's total natural gas reserves increased 35%. that is a spectacular number in 2007. here's a graph of what social networks look like. so that white wine over on the left is actually the cost ofda generating a megabit of data. notice the line goes straight down in what year is that? 2007. the blue line is the speed of transmitting the data with the two lines cross in 2008, close enough. government work, all right. i forgot the cloud. he was born in 2007. her steer the statistics show up in 2008. in 2007, intel for the first time when of silicon to expand a non-silicon materials into its microchips. in 2005, michael dell, founder of dell computer is retired and in 2007, he decided he'd better come back to work. it turns out 2007 may be understood in time is surely one of the greatest technological inflection point since bloomberg. and always remember, someones will collide when gutenberg invented the printing press and surely some monk turned to some priest and said now that is really cool. i don't have to write out the stylus out longhand anymore. we can stamp them out. i think you are alive that a similar inflection point in 2007. unfortunately, we all completely missed it. why? because the 2008. so right when our physical technologies just took off, like we are the moving sidewalk in an airport that went from five to 50 miles per hour, right would not have been, and all of our social technologies, regulatory reform, political reform, with learning reform all completely froze because we entered the deepest recession since 1929. in that dislocation, many brexit and a triumph of voters were born. you cannot understand what's going on if you don't understand this junction. would have been 2007? your computer has five key parts. cut the processor chip from a story ship, networking, software and a sensor. i traced them about how all fiber in the norse law. what happened in 2007 is they all melted together into thiss thing we call the cloud. the cloud. i never use the term the cloud in my book because it sounds so soft, so fluffy, sounds like a joni mitchell song, i've lookeda at clouds from both sides ♪ casino what i call it in the book is the supernova. those of you who are science and knows the supernova is actually the largest energy source in nature. if the explosion of a star. i think what happened in 2007 was a release of energy in the hands of men, women, machines, the likes of which we have never seen before and overnight changed for kinds of power. first they changed the power of one redwood one person can do today is a maker or breaker is amplified to a degree we've never seen before. we have a president who can sit in his pajamas in the west wing and tweaked to a billion people directly without an editor, lawyer or filter. [laughter] [applause] but here is what is really scary. isis can do the exact same thing from his bunker in rakka province in syria. the power today to be a maker or breaker is fundamentally the power of machines have changed. machines are requiring all senses. we have never lived in a world where machines have all five senses. and as a result, machines can now analyze, optimize, prophesies, customize and automate ties anything. they can analyze if they can find the needle in the haystack of that data is the norm now, not the exception. they can optimize. bake until united airlines exactly what altitude to fly that ge engine for every mile to get the premium energy efficiency. they can prophesies or you see in the ibm and to repair the elevator and the guy says the elevator is not broken any such right now, but it will be in six weeks because of the data we know that. we can customize just for you and we can now digitize an ottoman ties everything and anything. that is in the world, one with never inhabited before. we come across that line of february 2011 on all places come a game show. there were three contestants, two were the all-time jeopardynt champion in the third h contestants simply went by his last name, mr. watt didn't. mr. watson passed on the first question, the buzz than before the two humans on the second question. the question was that used by ay dealer in a casino and said imperfect jeopardy style, what is a shoe? and for the first time, we watched live on tv a cognitive computer figure out a pun faster than two human beings. the world hasn't been the same sense. it seems the ideas now flow, circulate, fracture and change faster than we've ever seen before. confederate statues were up for a century and a half an band, one day we decided to take them down and they're all gone. barack obama ran six years ago stating marriage between a man and a woman. today he says marriage isen between too many humans who love each other and they followedch ireland in that opinion. the fluid change and congeal at a pace we've never seen before. lastly, it is change the power of many. these amplified powers of men, women and machines have become so great that we have become the biggest forcing function on and in nature and that despite the new climate area has been named for us, the anthropic feed. the argument i make in this book is that these four changes in power are not just changing your world. they are reshaping your world and that requires fundamental rethinking of everything and they are reshaping the five rounds. politics, geopolitics, ethics, the community and the work place. so let me spend the next half of this talking about what i mean. so, basically the workplace is being changed in large part because of this graph. i was working on the book interviewing astro teller, the ceo of google research arm and i went to see them and they went over to his whiteboard in nature this very simple graphs. the blue line across the middle you'll notice have a positive scope, very gradual. i said what is that? that's the average rate at which human beings and society adapt to change over time. it is gradual. the white line that starts andpa loops up, not his technology. so if you live at the west end the west end of outlining the 11th or 12th century, we forget if you lived in the 11th century occult century, your bow and arrow did not get better between the 11th century in the 12th century. there is no bow and arrow to point on the 12th century, okay? the line of innovation was very flat and then we got the scientific revolution in galileo and steve jobs and intel where the wind starts to go straight north and then through little diamond fair. i said what is that, astro? that's where we are. we are at a point now where technology is evolving faster than the average human being society can adapt. and then he went out and got a third magic marker. he drew a little dotted line up the blue line and i said what is that, astro? he said that his learning faster and governing smarter. and that is the challenge of thk work place today. how do we enable more people to learn faster and how a society do we govern smarter so we can let the adaptation line to technology where it's taking them. so let me give you some examples of what i'm talking about.d is my chapter another workplace is being reshaped. how to return a.i. into i-a. how do we take artificial intelligence and turn it into a yen cds, intelligent assistant and intelligent algorithm so that more people can learn faster and governing smarter. i believe that is the central managerial governing an education challenge of our time today. today so, i will give you a couple of examples. amc e. -- at at&t. i spent a lot of time. giant global telecom company living right next to the supernova, competes every day with verizon, deutsche, telecom and all these great telecom companies. pretty good chance that at&t was 360,000 employees. whatever is going on in the human resources department coming to a neighborhood near you. so what is going on there? in shorthand, basically what's going on is their ceo, randall stephenson begins the year with a radically transparent speech about where the company is going, what markets they will be in and what skills you need to be an at&t employee back here. then they put out 110,000 of their managers, non-unionized staff in their system. and so they got me in there, tom friedman and then they determine that there are, as dominion is roughly 10 different skill set you need to be a thrivingey are employee at at&t, given where they are going as the company in the world today. i'm a link in profile, turns out i have seven of the 10 skills, but i am missing three. and then they partnered with sebastian, the online learning university. he created nano degrees for all 10 skill set. then they came back to me and said here's the deal. we'll give you up to $8000 a year to take all the nano degree courses for the skills you are missing.'re in we heard your interested in the middle east. if you want to take an archaeology class. in fact if you want to take her one year's masters degree for $6000 to rebuild for georgia tech, we'll pay for that as well. just one condition. you have to take all of these courses on your own time at night, at home and on weekends. not on company time.ow, now if i say, you know, mr. at&t, i climbed up one too many telephone poles. i'm not into this anymore. they now have the wonderful severance package for me. i won't be working there much longer. if i do take the courses, their social contract is stable not go outside. what is at&t's social contract with their employees today? it's very simple. you can be a lifelong employee at at&t, but only if you're a lifelong learner. if you are not ready to be a lifelong learner, you can no longer be a lifelong employee at at&t. that is the social contract coming to a neighborhood near you. the days when you could go to college for two or four years been dining out on not knowledge over the next 30 are completely gone in the age of acceleration. what you learn now in your first year may be added a prayer for dear and therefore being a lifelong learner becomes the single most important competitive advantage you can have in the age of acceleration. which is why my friend, heather mcgowan likes to say today,wa never ask your kid what you want to be when you grow up because whatever it is, unless its policemen or firemen, not going to be there. only ask your kid how you wantbe to be when you grow up. will you have an agile 30 minute that?in will you be predisposed to lifelong learning? that's why another friend of mine, the ceo instituted a future in palo alto likes to say the biggest divide in the world we are going into now is no longer the digital divide. you remember the digital divide, washington d.c., upstate maryland, central africa didn't. the digital divide is going to be gone in five years if it isn't already., and when it's gone, the biggest divide in the world is going to be the self-motivation divide. who has the self-motivation to be a lifelong learner after you left, graduated school and momom and dad are not fair to say have you done your homework? and i believe one of the things in our society today is this issue of realizing the importance of self-motivation because a lot of people were built to show up to work and do what they were told. and by the way, these are goodco people and that built oursk country. we ask them to show why. we asked them to do what they were told and they did it and they did it in a mall. but the world has changed now and one of the things roiling the society is necessity of lifelong learning and how more important self-motivation is becoming. that is by example -- my example is the janitorial staff at qualcomm. i spent a lot of time at qualcomm because they profiled and when i was there i discovered qualcomm had takenth six of their buildings and had fit sensors everywhere, every door, window, fossett, air-conditioning, heating system, computer, sensors everywhere. they've been all of that data up to the cloud come onto the supernova and now they be w midtown to an ipad was incredibly user-friendly interface for your janitors. if i leave my computer on, they note just when i do it if not nt faster in a swipe down to see who can fix it or how to repair it themselves. qualcomm is turn your janitors into maintenance technologies. they now give tours to foreign visitors. what do you think that does for the dignity of the janitor because he or she now is an intelligent assistant enabling them to live and learn at a higher pace. my example of intelligent algorithms is between the college board and card academy, the online learning platform. we all know the story in 11th grade. you have to take your psat exam, preparatory s.a.t. exam can get you ready for your s.a.t. exam to get you for the college of your choice. parents will go out and hire a tutor for $200 an hour to boost their kids sats and sats scores. don't worry. many did it. he completely rigged game. if you come from the neighborhood or family that can't possibly afford such a tutor come you aren't a real disadvantage. three years ago david: i'm a college board and created an alr intelligent algorithm or three p. sats and sats. the way it works is i take the 11th grade and get the results back in the result say tom, tom conti did really well and verbal. you could have a career in writing may be, but you specifically have a problem with fractions in writing. it then takes me to a practice site just for fractions in right angles coming just for the things they link out. doesn't waste any time in my strength. takes me to another place. the city could be in 18 in math. no one in my neighborhood with an 18 math -- ap math. another site for college scholarships at the boys and girls clubs of america are volunteering to shepherd other young people through thishe intelligent algorithm. last year, 3 million american kid got free p. sats and s.a.t. prep through this intelligent algorithm. last example -- [applause] is opportunity of work. we have a real problem in this country. we have roughly 82 million people who started college but never finished. one year, two and a half, three and a half years they dropped out before they got a degree. they go to apply for a job. so there are groups likeke opportunity at work that have come along and now you can come to them. they will dodge what you learned in one years, two years enabled then partner with employees to flock u.n., based on what they have determined you now. so i profile in the book a younw african-american woman who is going to michigan tech, studying computer science.hree a she had dropped off for family reasons after three and a half years. ended up having to drive the bus to and from a computer school. could make data. poppy lawyers rediscovered thei. life. she was discovered by a group like opportunity at work. they targeted with mastercard, today she is a senior systems engineer at mastercard and in the last line in her interview in my book, she says mr. friedman, i still don't have my ba. that is an intelligent algorithm. now i'm going to make a bet with every one of you. i'm going to bet none of you have heard of any of this. and that is because you were paying attention to our last election. you see, the fact is there is massive innovation going on in our country on the pathway of education to work. in fact, there's so much innovation. i thought at one point i couldo, just write a book on that. whatever you can think of come promise you someone is sent to thinking about that.what w unfortunately, what was our last election about? ernie sander's big idea is to tear down the big names. donald trump was to tear down hillary clinton and hillary clinton's big idea was to direct you to her website, www.hillary but the fact is there is massive innovation going on around a centrally important subject of education to work. it touches every home and no one is telling anyone about it. that brings me to my section that needs to be reshaped deniem politics. so i use a lot of parallels from nature in my book and make inking in general and mentally to think about politics today, you have to understand we are in the middle of three climate changes that ones. we are going for what i call later to now. i could fix that lake inin minnesota and i could do it now. or later. not anymore. leader is officially over. later will be too late. so whatever you are going to save coming you better think of saving it now. that is the climate change. we are in the middle of a change of the climate of globalization. we are a world that's interconnected to a world that is interdependent. that's a different of some degree, of kind. an interdependent world, youren friend can kill you faster than your enemy. if they go bankrupt, we'll all feel it here. they are allies. they can kill us today. your rivals following in an interdependent world becomes more dangerous than your rivals rival. frankly, china takes more islands in the south china sea. i couldn't care less. if china's growth goes from 0% -- 6% from 0%, this festival will not be held next year. that is what happens in an interdependent world. your rival solid becomes our dangerous than your rivals rising. that is climate change. lastly we are going through this climate change in technology. machines cannot analyze, optimize, proselytize, customize, anything. we talked about politics. i said to myself, we are going through all these climate changes. who can i interview, what you want when the climate changes, you are brazilians. you need to be able to take a blow, but you also want propulsion. we want to move ahead just because requirements are changing that ones. i thought who can i talk to you about how you get in when climate changes. and then i realized, i knew a woman. she was 3.81 billion years old. her name is mother nature and shootout with more climate changes than anybody. so why don't i interview her? i called her 800 number, made an appointment and went out to see her. i sat her down. is that mother nature, how do you reduce when the climate changes? she says first of all, everything i do i do unconsciously. these are my strategies. first of all, i'm incredibly adaptive. and i do it through a mechanism might call natural collection. second, she said i'm incredibly entrepreneurial. isolate the plant or animal quickly adapted to that niche. lastly, she said -- thirdly she said i am incredibly diverse. i tried 20 different species to see who wins. i love diversity. fourth, she said i'm incredibly sustainable. eat, food, blue, nothing wasted in my world. i'm incredibly highbred. i tried all kinds a lady is then mixed them together make sending birds with any trees, flowers, beads, any of any soil. lastly, she said i do believe in the loss of bankruptcy. i kill all my failures at every turn into the great manufacturer in the sky and i use their energy to nourish. you can even put the sign down. i thought it. thank you. so as i thought about that, it occurred to me that the political party that's going to thrive in the age of acceleration is the one that most closely mirrors mother nature strategies. and as i thought about that, i thought it was 2016, why don't i start my own political party. i created in the book mother nature's political party. based on those ideas. i won't go into details with you on that, but a sickly the core idea is on some issue, of course it's a proxy for my own politics, the mother nature is actually to the left of bernie sanders. mother nature would be for universal health care. she would understand that in an age of acceleration, we need to improve our safety net and trampolines because more people are going to find this world too fast. at the same time, mother nature would be to the right of "the wall street journal" editorial page. she would be for abolishing all corporate taxes and replacing them with a carbon tax, a tax on sugar, and a small financial transaction tax. mother nature would want to get radically stronger safety nets over here and to pay for them, she would want to get radically entrepreneurial over here. unfortunately, in our politics if you respond to safety nets, if you're for radical entrepreneurship committee were never for a stronger safety nets, what would mother nature callback? that's what she would call it. she would tell you you can never build propulsion that way. i won't spend anymore time on politics. quickly the last two areas in no finish this they need to be reshaped. the first is ethics. ethics, what if that have to do with moore's law? [applause] thank you. my chapter on the subject is called is god in cyberspace. the book to her 1999 in portland, oregon. demand hands up in the balcony. he says, mr. friedman, i have a question. is god in cyberspace?a. i said i have no idea. i got home, called my spiritual teachers, i met at the heart of the institute and an interestind character. i got a question i never hadace, before.wh is god in cyberspace? what should i have answered? she said tom, basically we have two concepts of the almighty.sp, in cyberspace with, and now we know fake news. but he said fortunately, a poste biblical view of god, which says god manifests himself by how we behave. we have to bring him here by how we behave.e. only we can bring god into cyberspace. as i thought about that, i put in the paperback edition after 20 years and there it was. i started writing this book and suddenly i start asking myself this question again. why are you asking yourself that question? it became square for two reasons. the first happened last year. 2016 was the year we started living 51% of our lives in cyberspace. password to get our news, sign a book, buy a book, buy a house, find a date, find a spouse. we are now living in the developed world with 51% of our lives and sabers base. by definition a cyberspace is that it's a realm where we are all connect today no one is in charge.. it is the ultimate guide for your realm. there's no stoplights, no police, no ethics code -- we are living our lives in a realm that is ethics and godfrey and at the same time, because of thesest accelerated powers i've written about, we have never stood up before as a human species. in 1945, we entered a world where one country could kill all of us post-hiroshima. this one country and i was mine. i believe we enter a world where one person can kill all of us and were at the same time, all of us could actually fix everything. the same amplified powers are creating a world where one of us can kill all of us and all of us would actually educated every person on the planet if we put our minds to it. we have the power to do it. >> have never stood at this intersection before. what does that mean? it means we have never been more godlike as a species than we are today. we lived most of our lives in the wild that god creates and we are increasingly godlike. that means whatever one thinks,r feels and believes matters now more than ever. that means that everyone today has to be in the embrace of sustainable values, particularly every faith shares the golden rule. we now live in a planet where more people can do unto you faster, deeper and cheaper than ever before.e. you can do unto others deeper, cheaper than ever before. everyone today has to embrace the golden rule. i know what you are thinking. how naïve. no, what is naïve in thinking we are going to be okay if everyone isn't in the embrace of the golden rule. i either take advantage of acceleration is the new realism. where does the code will come from? two places in my view, strong family and healthy communities. i am an expert on strong healthy communities because i grew up on one in minnesota in the fifth is, 60s and 70s called st. louis park and that's why my book and the short story in minnesota in the 40s, the capital of anti-semitism by parents or board in minneapolis and i was on the north side of the city, which is a ghetto basically, which is and african-americans. not because they're integrated there, but we were isolated there. aaa in the 50s or anti-semitism is a real problem until hubert humphrey became mayor of the city. after the war, the entire jewish community of north minneapolis moved out in a three-year period to one little town called st. louis park about 20 minutes, half our way out at a central minneapolis. an overnight come a town that had been 100% white protestant catholic scandinavian. the sweden and israel had of beating it would be st. louisok park.. i tell the story of how we built the community together, how we built a inclusive community together and there were problems and broken hearts and in the end, we've built a really interesting community. i went to high school or religious school or in the the same neighborhood, roughly the same time with the koch koch brothers. all franken, norm ornstein, philosopher michael sandel, mark hessman, coach of the chicago bears. dan wilson. it was a freaky place. the man with a better hebrew school. if you saw no country for old men can remember the scene where he upa car outside of ae pharmacy in mexico to go when can steal drugs and at the end of the thing he bids to the firemen and it's called mike does drugs which is the little drugstore. i tell the story of thatnd community and how i learned us, something there that affected all of us, franklin, sandel, myself we took in politics as different somebody called minnesota nice weird how to explain minnesota nice if you are not from minnesota. i was homered in the book and i went to my friend's wedding and my friend jay goldberg was there and told me, tom, my life i leave was on minneapolis todayo in a driver almost drove her ofj the road and she came home and said jay, i was so mad i almost talked. [laughter] that is minnesota for road rage. another story come a jewish mafia minnesota in the 30s and 40s. he wasn't in the mafia i swear. but when i was a young boy, my dad came home and told me a friend of his had been into jail.. if your dad knows someone who went to jail. that is freaky. he said son, he was shopping ine a store before it was opened. that is minnesota for breaking and entering. anyways, i tell the stories of minnesota in 1971 to discover the world and came back four years later to write this book and found they had discovered white protestant catholic scandinavian. and 30% somali. small african-american committing community. another diversity challenge both religiously and racially much bigger, the chatham that has to be built. they are doing pretty well. "washington post" does in the state of minnesota it's a struggle every day. if you want to know why the book i conclude you as an optimist guy. the problems argued, but when you go to these communities, it is amazing the number of people who get caught trying. whenever anyone asks are you an optimist effectiveness, he says i need there. he says i believe in a polite hello. and i believe in the plato. you want to be an optimist about america today, hands on your head or the country looks sop much better from the bottom up in the top down. [applause] it's not that we don't have communities that are struggling in nailing, but we also have a huge number where people are applying hope. and that is why my book in this talk ends with a theme song. can i buy this song so when you open the book could play this song like a hallmark card plays happy birthday. it is really big and some of our time by brandi t -- i never was afraid that it would die. you can dance in a hurricane, but only if you are standing in the high. you see, i think these accelerations i've written about, they are a hurricane. we have a president who's trying to build a wall against thethato hurricane. i'm advocating an eye, that moves with the storm throughout energy from us, but dynamic stability, the healthy community where people feel connected,d, protected and respect it. the great struggle in our politics going forward is going to be between the wall people in the high people in the book of the manifesto for the high people. thank you very much. [applause] thank you very much. [applause] thank you. thank you very much. [applause] [inaudible conversations]

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