Fortunate to have a military leader such as you serving in a time of great peril. I want i want to ask a question of you if the objective were to destroy isys, not to we cannot a great but utterly destroy what would be required militarily to accomplish that objective . It would not be possible to destroy. I do think the military aspect is critical. If the timeframe i suggested is not feasible feasible but let me ask you a followup question what will be required to destroy isys and what timeframe is necessary . If that were the objective what would be required to accomplish it . Clicks from my perspective today this is a longterm endeavor a longterm endeavor on the order of years, not months. And what would be required to do that in whatever timeframe is necessary . From military perspective we need to take action to deny sanctuary where everything takes root that will require us to build local forces in the Partnership Capacity with local forces that would be the defeat mechanism. Mechanism. You would have to have Effective Governance so that you have the conditions set for longterm stability or isys could not get traction will address the foreign financing for they get their money as well as economic assets, assets, would have to address the movement of foreign fighters and probably the one thing we need to do is undermine the narrative and discredit the narrative clicks in your personal judgment are you concerned about the rules of engagement for our current use of air power that it is overly constraining the effectiveness . Clicks senator klein am not. We conduct personality and planning and discrimination and execution in the thing were doing now is ensuring we dont have civilian casualties which practice supports our narrative and gives us the credibility we need to be successful longterm clicks in recent days the administration has informed congress that we are arming the kurds something i have called for for a long time. I spoke this week with the senior kurdish leader who reported that the commanders on the ground, are are not confirming that. What can you tell this committee about the extent to which we are providing serious arms to the kurds and it is actually getting to them rather than being bogged down in baghdad clicks sen. , i would agree with you the most Effective Ground forces in syria and iraq today are in fact the kurds. Kurds. My understanding is the issues associated have been addressed in their now getting there now getting the Material Support that they need. If confirmed i will go over there visits, and make sure i am able to make my own personal in my Opening Statement cannot we have the most Capable Military force clearly rooted in the minimum and we have. It is not something i would be complacent about. I have concerns about how horribly have been running our men and women. We have a plan where we wanted to have a wonderful redeployment ratio which means are forces the void and allowed us to get adequate training take care of families command to be a sustained rate of fire. Many of us are at or below 01 to two deployment the home for less than twice as much time that continues on and has not affected the families and our ability to train across the range. If confirmed this will be one of the areas i focus on. I think i think i have responsibility to lead the men and women in uniform. Articulate to our as well as the executive branch Material Support they need to remain the finest fighting force in the United States. It bothers me greatly if our young men and women dont have confidence. I can tell you, if confirmed that will be an issue a priority for me. Again the trust and confidence and let them know that they are properly represented and we recognize where asking them to do a lot. I can fit that is exactly what i will i will do. Thank you. Sequestration uncertainty which has contributed to this drop in morale clicks chairman thanks. I should have mentioned that there is a tremendous amount of banks driven by the uncertainty about how big the force will be and will be have the equipment necessary to accomplish the mission. I do think that sequestration is a factor clicks senator a followup question. Thank you. I just want to get back to the issue of the militarys role in relation with congress. Do you think it is an Important Role that we have to make sure our services dont replicate missions and core competences quakes i do. Let me provide a quick a quick example. One of the Core Competencies as largescale airborne units that can employ on a moments notice. You you think that is a core competency . I do. A military general testified in front of one of the subcommittees i i love putting troops and helicopters on naval shipping for expeditionary maneuvers. I would associate with that of the no space marine corps. Clicks with that surprise you . Clicks it would not. Not. I have seen that description. A Redemptive Mission and not a good use. Given the shortfall tomorrow speaking now is service to give it a priority out to go to the United States marine corps. Would it be appropriate to try to limit such redundancies the making sure military funding goes to core competency . I do agree. The congress is a critical role. At the joint capability and capacity. Clicks thank you. Clicks thank you mr. Chairman clicks thank you for that followed question. Clicks thank you. I apologize for getting back so late. I was an appropriations markup. The servers and your willingness to continue to serve. After watching you before the crowd and hearing from them how impressed they were forward to the impression you will make as the new chairman of the joint chiefs. I wanted to follow up on senator workers question about europe in the concerns in europe because i recently returned from a visit to poland have you. The nato exercises. And her extreme concern about the potential for prudent to engage in asymmetric instigation in the baltics and other Eastern European countries. I am concerned about the failure today of europe to commit to the 2 of gdp for defense spending and wonder if you have thoughts about what more we might be able to do to encourage them clicks sen. I think it is important that our nato partners bear their share of the burden. That is an issue that has been addressed. They came out of conference with a commitment for nations to meet that 2 percent. Given the shortfall capabilities and capacities and areas like intelligence strategic left and so forth, it will be critical for our partners to develop the capabilities and capacities. I would also add that when our nato partners are properly resourced they have capabilities and capacities they can be integrated to great effect. I think the alliance can be a very effective force for stability in europe as as well as for out of europe operations. I agree, and hopefully we will see that commitment follow through on. Clearly threat continues. Our Eastern European allies are concerned. I want to ask you about you talked about the deployment pressures on our military. I wonder if you could give me your perspective on the appropriate active to reserve ratio and the importance of the National Guard and reserve and continuing a military mission that we have clicks sen. I can. One of the of the things we have to do is balance the consent of employers and families with the willingness and desire for a guard and reserve to continue to serve and whats more the operational and strategic sense. There was in the past the sense that the guard and reserve would be something in the case of a major war that we would mobilize. I think we found today of the guard and reserve is much more operational in that they are useful or when it comes to stopping isys the stated goal is to degrade and destroy. What can america expect . I think you will see an expansion only across the middle east but outside and have seen elements all the way over to afghanistan. And expanding power quakes expanded in terms of geographic location. I have not yet included they have expanded in terms of capability. If we dont stop these guys we can expect as me. Clicks sen. Come i think it is fair. It is exactly what i said. I dont want this analogy, you will have to stop these guys. Is it fair to say they need to be viewed as one battle space . Absolutely. The enemy does not respect the boundaries. Can you envision a a scenario with Regional Army go into syria and fight isys alone the sod off the table . Clicks senator, it is hard for me to see that degree of integration given the divergent interest, but i can see that would be an effective way to deal with this. My question is if you did not put removal on the table it will be hard to get them to justify joining. Clicks thats right. Most of the countries you spoke about have a a shared goal quakes would you agree that as sods presence is a magnet for sunni extremists . If not be a proximate cause, certainly one of the primary drivers. If we go down to a thousand and 2017 in afghanistan to be substantially is those are Counterterrorism Mission . A significant degradation would we lose our eyes and ears along the afghan pakistan border . We would. Would that would create a lot of risk to the gains we have achieved over the last decade if we did not have those in Counterterrorism Forces . No question it would create risk. When it comes to 63 Syrian Army Troops being trained under the current regime would you agree that it would be hard to recruit people to go into syria if you dont promise them protection from a solid because a solid because if they get any capability and sought with assume that capability would be turned on him one day day, and he will not sit on the sidelines and watch a force majeure and development. I agree with that assessment. The most logical consequence is that alassad will see them as a threat to his regime and most likely attack clicks i agree quakes and it would be immoral to put someone in that position knowing that is coming their way without capability to defend themselves. My assessment as if we trained the moderate Syrian Forces we ought to also provide them with the wherewithal to be successful. If this war continues to do you worry about stability . I do. Do you worry about stability in lebanon . I do. The consequences of going into syria with their Regional Force and all the problems associated have to be balanced against the consequences. I agree quakes in your view over the long haul is it in Americas National security interest to do things necessary to the grand destroy . I do believe. Do you agree with me that whatever Regional Army we may form there are certain american capabilities that would be outcome determinative and it would be in our National Security interest to provide them clicks particularly i agree with that in the case of aviation Intelligence Surveillance reconnaissance a special a special operations capabilities. If a soldier on member of the military falls trying to destroy isys would you agree that they died protecting the homeland . I would. And that is the reason some of the may have to go back clicks there is no question 3500 inside and those in the surrounds checking our nation clicks come blessed. God bless you. Best of luck. Thank you. On behalf of the chairman let me thank you for your testimony and your service. I now adjourned the hearing. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] quakes basically undo both of those in go back to to current policies allowing those black suit but a grave sites and for the sale of merchandise. That came merchandise. That came up and debate late on wednesday evening. Thursday morning comes around and speeches start having. Tell us what happened. About midmorning republican of the bill. He got a lot of questions basically saying he did not want the flag to become applicable. He knew he knew it was becoming a distraction and pulled it. He did not pull just the amendment but the whole bill itself. We did not get that. From your perspective was democratic taken by surprise by this amendment the reaction on thursday morning . Managing debate. She said on wednesday night and thursday morning she was surprised and taken aback by the fact that the amendment would come up so soon. They really rallied around this issue. They had issue. They had a series of speakers ready to go. They had a printout of the flag they used and are slamming both the flag and the decision to take up the amendment. So they were ready to go clicks you mentioned briefly the speakers reaction and you tweeted about that. I believe its time for members to sit down and have a conversation on how to deal with this issue in a responsible way clicks we have not gotten that yet. If this is something longer lasting story he may have to lay out what out what he means. Means. This whole issue has blown up around the country. A a lot of states are considering their flag displays. It has been an issue that has come up on the hill a couple times and it may be something that there needs to be a sort of they are reckoning on it sometime. Clicks on that issue democrats are looking to have the mississippi flag which has the confederate battle flag in it removed from at least house buildings in the capitol complex. Where does that stand . Clicks that was the amendment put on the floor essentially forcing republicans to vote on whether or not to remove that flag. Republicans said no. They did that they did that with another democratic resolution on the same matter earlier. There has been no movement she movement, she caused a bit of a ruckus on the floor there was a debate. It was more of a protest. Republicans were not going to attack but it allowed democrats to go after republicans on this issue. Clicks clicks back to the politics, the amendment was proposed. He released a he released a statement saying he was asked by gop to put forth this amendment based on the request of some seven republicans. What was behind that . Seven republicans, couple have come out to say that they were upset. Democratic amendments were attached to the bill. I was a bit of a concern that there may not they may not be enough votes to pass the bill if republicans and i get the chance to vote on amendments. Republicans were upset that they were attached to one of the chance to vote. He basically said i put up this bill or this amendment for vote but it was something the wanted to push is there any indication that the timing of this Governor Haley signing the bill in the law in the afternoon on thursday the timing of this vote would have happened at about the same time back. Not necessarily. Questions and the issues they addressed really about the issues that congress dealing with. These two amendments were attached on tuesday and he wanted to repeal an undue on thursday, i dont think its anything to do with what happened in south carolina. The truth is they are not done with this issue. Midtolate the final consideration. What happens and it finally comes that amendment is still attached. That is the interesting part. Defense to the Environmental Protection agency because of ways to to go about blocking Obama Administration on the rules. This really puts them over the top. Anyway, i know to hell no. So they are going to have to resolve the flag issue. They arent are going to have any hope democrats. Stefan henry with the help. You can read more. Appreciate you joining us clicks thank you. Clicks the Us Supreme Court wrapped up work with the summer coming on cspan2 a look at some of the cases decided by the courts term. Then court system. Then a conversation with california congresswoman loretta sanchez. Clicks we will re air these programs sunday evening. Also radio talk talkshow host on Hillary Clintons second run for president. Saturday night starting at 8 00 eastern 8 00 eastern congressional commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the vietnam war. Good morning. Welcome. Strategic communications heritage. Cosponsored us. I want to introduce the moderator first panel today. The director and senior fellow at the Heritage Foundation meals under where he writes and speaks on a variety of law related topics. Prior to coming he worked in different positions including a partner as an assistant United States attorney and Deputy Assistant attorney general. Also served as executive Vice President and director of world antipiracy antipiracy operations with the Motion Picture association of america and distinguished practitioner and is a resident the from law school and general counsel of the Us Commission on International Religious freedom. [applauding] and different story. They experienced significant and surprising losses and some major cases. At least two of the scribes perceive a discernible leftward shift. We have assembled we have assembled an excellent panel to discuss some of the major cases each of which is argued many cases before the United StatesSupreme Court and are considered among the elite group. I will introduce them each briefly from afar to briefly, and then we will begin our discussion. Time permitting will take questions. My. Left is a partner at jones day where he focuses his practice unconstitutional appellate civil rights civil litigation against the federal government. Mike served in several senior positions including Deputy Assistant attorney general and Deputy Assistant attorney general of the office of legal counsel. He has counsel. He