Transcripts For CSPAN Pres. Biden On Infrastructure Spending

Transcripts For CSPAN Pres. Biden On Infrastructure Spending At GM Factory In Michigan 20240709

president biden: hello, detroit. it's great to be back. before i begin, i just want to mention three pieces of good news today. first, through the leading agencies on wall street confirmed today, not a liberal think tank, to wall street outfits, the economic proposals we put forward for the nation, the infrastructure law we just signed in the build back better plan are being considered this week and congress will not add inflationary pressures in the economy. here's what one of the agencies said, they do not add inflation pressures. let me repeat that, do not add inflation pressures. reason, because the policies are proposal -- i propose "help lift long-term economic growth by stronger productivity, labor force grows, as well as taking the edge off inflation." we learn the job growth in the the bureau of labor statistics reports yesterday the number of jobs created were lost in the country that month. then they go back and they look at more information. they give us an updated final number. when we look back at last four months, we actually created 710,000 more jobs in the country than previously reported. it is good news. americans are working and wages are up as well. by the way, sit down if you have a seat. i am not used to being president. a walmart and target -- in target -- walmart and target said they will have all the toys that shoppers are looking for in the holiday season. that is going to happen. it is good to be back in detroit. [applause] that hummer is one heck of a vehicle. as some of my senators and collies will know, excuse the point of personal privilege. i came up in an automobile family. my dad ran this. i was raised on cars. i have a 1967 corvette that i got as a wedding gift from my deceased wife. the point was that it goes 0-60 in 5.3 seconds. this time -- this truck is three times heavier and it goes zero to 60 in three seconds. besides, there was a beautiful red corvette i am driving home over here. thank you for the introduction. no one does more to look out for american autoworkers than ray curry. happy birthday. [applause] i want to thank the team here at gm. thank you for hosting us at the very same facility where you once served as a plant manager. 30 years ago, my dad managed those dealerships back home. i used to work with my dad's operation. i guess i got a promotion. i got a chance to drive a pretty incredible machine back there. the first ever all electric hummer which i first got to check back in august when gm brought want to the white house lawn. along with the electric ford 150 and the electric jeep wagon ear. masterpieces of water manufacturing. proof that america has what it takes to win the competition of the 21st century. i want to thank represented to leave -- representative talib. i want to thank you for the passport to your city. i want to thank marty walsh for joining me here as well. the infra-structure law i sent on monday would not be possible without the michigan convention delegation. -- congressional delegation. this was the driving force to make sure this included a national network of vehicle charging stations. gary peters was instrumental in securing $5 billion for high-speed internet and this law. families will finally have the broadband emperor structure they need to get connected and expand the possibilities for them and their children. dan continues to be the continued voice for infrastructure in small towns and communities. dan and debbie or sponsor before an additional tax credit for union made vehicles. [applause] haley stevens looked to mix offices, roads and bridges. this law allowed us to start replacing lead pipes in michigan on america. we are lucky to have brenda lawrence. debbie dingell, never i am in trouble, i call her first. that does not mean i follow her advice, sometimes it means i may not have followed it. debbie may help drive us across the finish line. it is not hyperbole to say that this delegation is laser focused on your needs, the needs of the people michigan and the american people. the kinds of conversations that take place around your kitchen table. conversations as profound as they are ordinary. how will i get on work on time if i 75 is flooded again? how can i be sure that the auto plant will still be here? more broadly, how do we emerge from this pandemic with not just a little breathing room but a real fighting chance to get ahead. for most of the 21st century, the lead the world by a significant margin because we invested in our people. we invested in ourselves. something went wrong along the way. we stopped. china and the rest of the world are catching up. we are about to turn that around in a big way. we will be building again. we will be moving again. as the united states of america. it starts here in detroit. you know how critical it is. mary, i can remember talking to you way back in january. by 2035, jim would be 100% electric. it changed the whole story, wherever you are. you did. you've electrified the entire automobile industry. you lead and it matters. and drastically improving the client -- climate. up until now, china has been leading in this race. that is about to change. for the first time in 20 years, the infrastructure investment will be far greater than china's. we will put union members to work. we will put charges stations along our highways. governor whitmer has already proposed ways to expand travel routes across the state. gm announced it will solve 40,000 argent stations as we will only show a lot more than that. we are going to make sure that the jobs of the future and up in michigan, not halfway around the world. that means that here in detroit, we will set a new pace for a letter vehicles. this is not hyperbole, this is fact. we are going to kickstart new batteries, materials and production and cycling. boosting the manufacturing of queen vehicles with new loans and new tax credits, creating new purchase incentives for consumers by american-made, union made clean vehicles like the electric,. or the silverado. this will cover the -- we have thousands and thousands of vehicles in the federal fleet. we will all go electric. all of them down the road, supporting the electric transit systems, electric school buses. and that is not all we will do. we will start to replace 100% of the bikes and service lines. every child in michigan and across the nation can turn on the faucet and drink clean water. 10 million homes have those clean pipes going in. tens of thousands of plumbers and clean -- pipe cleaners will get to work. and we will be able to eliminate the chemical, pfas. it is in a greatly dangerous chemical. this will create jobs laying down that line. a lot of places, there is no broadband infrastructure at all. this will make high-speed internet affordable everywhere in michigan. urban, suburban, rural, it will create jobs laying down broadband lines. no parent should have to do what a lot of you did in my state and all over america. they should never have to sit around a parking lot so the child can use -- their child can use the internet. this is the united states of america. this law makes the most significant investment in infrastructure in 70 years. fixing so many of those 1200 bridges, 7300 miles of road in michigan that are in poor conditions. so when the family drives the car, there will be -- it will be a whole lot safer. this is the most significant investment in passenger rail in years. the mayor is on a honeymoon. he helped pull the city out of a really tough spot. most of the jobs are outside the city. 60% of those people did not have vehicles to get outside the city. we provided buses and transit. things began to change. now we will change that again. that means revising nearly 1/5 of the transit vehicles. it means jobs for people making the upgrade. good paying union jobs. jobs you can raise a family on, jobs you can't outsource. this will modernize the airports, it will make it easy for companies to get goods to market. it will lower costs for families. this builds up our resilient against extreme weather events. you camera member the flooding this summer that shut down parts of i 75 and i 90 the power outages and tornado warnings. they are costing the state billions of dollars. listen to this, nationally, last year, the extreme weather because of america $99 billion. $99 billion. from hurricanes in louisiana to 20 inches of rain in the northeast to fires in the west. they literally consume more land than the entire state of new jersey. that is how much has burned to the ground. this law builds back our bridges and water systems, our powerlines, our electric grids, better and stronger. few americans will be flooded out of their homes or lose power for days and weeks at a time in a storm hits. this bill rewards companies for paying a decent wage. for american sourcing their products right here in america and not abroad. this will help the united states export clean energy technology including a letter vehicles made in michigan to the entire world. there is so much more to this law. most of all, it does something truly historic. this law will help rebuild the backbone of this nation. i wanted to restore the soul of this country, decency. i wanted to restore the backbone of this country. working-class and middle-class people. and i wanted to unite the country. rebuilding the economy from the bottom up. this is a blue-collar blueprint to lead america. same goes for my build back better plan. it is for our people. if you are paying 14 or $15,000 a year for child care so you can work, a lot of families in america are doing that. my build back better plan will make it -- childcare costs will limit 7% of your income. the build back better plan will provide access to education. one reason we went ahead to the rest of the road is we are first nation world that is not based on any background or income. we are going to make sure that every three-year-old and four-year-old in america has access to quality preschools. school, school, school. all the data shows that will increase by 56% the possibility of going through all 12 years of school. young people graduating high school have access to education beyond high school. we are increasing pell grant and providing a printer ship programs. we are going to make a use different for those 2 million women in america who can't get back into the workforce because they can't afford childcare. my build back better plan will help solve that. no one will pay more than $35 a month for that. none of my plans will lower costs for prescription drugs, allowing them to negotiate prices. prescription drugs, that is what this does. one more thing, it is fully paid for. it does not increase the deficit one cent. as a matter of fact, it reduced to the deficit according to the experts. again, no one in america earning less than $400,000 will pay a single penny more in federal taxes. [applause] [laughter] -- [applause] no one. how are we doing that? i come from the corporate capital of the world. there are more corporations in my state of delaware then all states combined. guess what? they are not paying enough. sorry mary. look, i am a capitalist. if you want to make a million or a billion dollars, have at it. pay your fair share. we have 55 corporations, 55 of the largest corporations in america, the most successful paying not a single penny in federal taxes the last several years. guess what? they made $40 billion. i want them to. that is good but pay your fair share. that is how we pay for it. it does not cost a cent. it is paid for. from now on, they will have to pay their fair share. not an exorbitant number but just a fair share. let me close with this. throughout our history, we have emerged from the previous crises stronger than we were before the crisis. every major crisis that has occurred in american history, everyone, we have come out stronger after it then before it happened. because we invested in ourselves. we built the transcontinental railroad uniting us, east and west. creating jobs and opening up america in a way that had never occurred before. during the cold war, we booked the interstate highway systems. this allowed us to spread out across the nation. now, there is work to put the covid-19 pandemic behind us. we will build an economy of the 21st century. it matters. on monday, i held a virtual meeting for 3.5 hours with president xi jinping of china. years ago, when i was vice president, i was in china with him. we were near the tibetan plateau. we had over 25 hours of private meetings. i had an interpreter and he did. we got to know one another. he turned to me and said can you define america for me? i said absolutely. in one word. possibilities. possibilities. we are the only nation in the world that believes everything is in our gambit. there is nothing impossible when we set our mind to it. it has never been a good bet to bet against america. never. there is no limit to at the american people can do. there is no limit to what nation can do. this is not just a political speech. i believe this is a fact of history. no limit given half a chance, just have a chance, the american people have never let the nation down, ever. this is again delegation, this new law gives our people a chance. we are at an inflation point in world history. things are changing. not this year but across the world. the question is how do we respond to it westmark what do we do? -- to it? what do we do? i give you my word. 15 years from now, historians will look back at this moment, the last two years and they will determine whether or not that moment did america win the competition for the 21st century or did we lose it? that is where we are. all of the pieces of the globe are changing. we had get back in the game. we don't have to hurt any other nations. we have to get back in the game. if we don't get back in the game, who else is going to deal with the crisis in the middle east? who else will deal with the israeli and palestinian issue? who else will be the nation that decides that we have to have a plan to deal with the next pandemic and lead the world? there will be others. i am betting on america. i am betting on the american people. we have to focus on what made the nation great. i have no problem with wall street bankers and others. but they did not build america. the middle-class built america. unions built the middle class. god bless you all and may god protect our troops. thank you. committee. i served there seven years myself. i rise today as the speaker of the house

Related Keywords

China , Delaware , United States , Detroit , Michigan , Louisiana , Israel , Americans , America , Palestinian , American , Haley Stevens , Debbie Dingell , Gary Peters , Marty Walsh ,

© 2024 Vimarsana
Transcripts For CSPAN Pres. Biden On Infrastructure Spending At GM Factory In Michigan 20240709 :

Transcripts For CSPAN Pres. Biden On Infrastructure Spending At GM Factory In Michigan 20240709

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president biden: hello, detroit. it's great to be back. before i begin, i just want to mention three pieces of good news today. first, through the leading agencies on wall street confirmed today, not a liberal think tank, to wall street outfits, the economic proposals we put forward for the nation, the infrastructure law we just signed in the build back better plan are being considered this week and congress will not add inflationary pressures in the economy. here's what one of the agencies said, they do not add inflation pressures. let me repeat that, do not add inflation pressures. reason, because the policies are proposal -- i propose "help lift long-term economic growth by stronger productivity, labor force grows, as well as taking the edge off inflation." we learn the job growth in the the bureau of labor statistics reports yesterday the number of jobs created were lost in the country that month. then they go back and they look at more information. they give us an updated final number. when we look back at last four months, we actually created 710,000 more jobs in the country than previously reported. it is good news. americans are working and wages are up as well. by the way, sit down if you have a seat. i am not used to being president. a walmart and target -- in target -- walmart and target said they will have all the toys that shoppers are looking for in the holiday season. that is going to happen. it is good to be back in detroit. [applause] that hummer is one heck of a vehicle. as some of my senators and collies will know, excuse the point of personal privilege. i came up in an automobile family. my dad ran this. i was raised on cars. i have a 1967 corvette that i got as a wedding gift from my deceased wife. the point was that it goes 0-60 in 5.3 seconds. this time -- this truck is three times heavier and it goes zero to 60 in three seconds. besides, there was a beautiful red corvette i am driving home over here. thank you for the introduction. no one does more to look out for american autoworkers than ray curry. happy birthday. [applause] i want to thank the team here at gm. thank you for hosting us at the very same facility where you once served as a plant manager. 30 years ago, my dad managed those dealerships back home. i used to work with my dad's operation. i guess i got a promotion. i got a chance to drive a pretty incredible machine back there. the first ever all electric hummer which i first got to check back in august when gm brought want to the white house lawn. along with the electric ford 150 and the electric jeep wagon ear. masterpieces of water manufacturing. proof that america has what it takes to win the competition of the 21st century. i want to thank represented to leave -- representative talib. i want to thank you for the passport to your city. i want to thank marty walsh for joining me here as well. the infra-structure law i sent on monday would not be possible without the michigan convention delegation. -- congressional delegation. this was the driving force to make sure this included a national network of vehicle charging stations. gary peters was instrumental in securing $5 billion for high-speed internet and this law. families will finally have the broadband emperor structure they need to get connected and expand the possibilities for them and their children. dan continues to be the continued voice for infrastructure in small towns and communities. dan and debbie or sponsor before an additional tax credit for union made vehicles. [applause] haley stevens looked to mix offices, roads and bridges. this law allowed us to start replacing lead pipes in michigan on america. we are lucky to have brenda lawrence. debbie dingell, never i am in trouble, i call her first. that does not mean i follow her advice, sometimes it means i may not have followed it. debbie may help drive us across the finish line. it is not hyperbole to say that this delegation is laser focused on your needs, the needs of the people michigan and the american people. the kinds of conversations that take place around your kitchen table. conversations as profound as they are ordinary. how will i get on work on time if i 75 is flooded again? how can i be sure that the auto plant will still be here? more broadly, how do we emerge from this pandemic with not just a little breathing room but a real fighting chance to get ahead. for most of the 21st century, the lead the world by a significant margin because we invested in our people. we invested in ourselves. something went wrong along the way. we stopped. china and the rest of the world are catching up. we are about to turn that around in a big way. we will be building again. we will be moving again. as the united states of america. it starts here in detroit. you know how critical it is. mary, i can remember talking to you way back in january. by 2035, jim would be 100% electric. it changed the whole story, wherever you are. you did. you've electrified the entire automobile industry. you lead and it matters. and drastically improving the client -- climate. up until now, china has been leading in this race. that is about to change. for the first time in 20 years, the infrastructure investment will be far greater than china's. we will put union members to work. we will put charges stations along our highways. governor whitmer has already proposed ways to expand travel routes across the state. gm announced it will solve 40,000 argent stations as we will only show a lot more than that. we are going to make sure that the jobs of the future and up in michigan, not halfway around the world. that means that here in detroit, we will set a new pace for a letter vehicles. this is not hyperbole, this is fact. we are going to kickstart new batteries, materials and production and cycling. boosting the manufacturing of queen vehicles with new loans and new tax credits, creating new purchase incentives for consumers by american-made, union made clean vehicles like the electric,. or the silverado. this will cover the -- we have thousands and thousands of vehicles in the federal fleet. we will all go electric. all of them down the road, supporting the electric transit systems, electric school buses. and that is not all we will do. we will start to replace 100% of the bikes and service lines. every child in michigan and across the nation can turn on the faucet and drink clean water. 10 million homes have those clean pipes going in. tens of thousands of plumbers and clean -- pipe cleaners will get to work. and we will be able to eliminate the chemical, pfas. it is in a greatly dangerous chemical. this will create jobs laying down that line. a lot of places, there is no broadband infrastructure at all. this will make high-speed internet affordable everywhere in michigan. urban, suburban, rural, it will create jobs laying down broadband lines. no parent should have to do what a lot of you did in my state and all over america. they should never have to sit around a parking lot so the child can use -- their child can use the internet. this is the united states of america. this law makes the most significant investment in infrastructure in 70 years. fixing so many of those 1200 bridges, 7300 miles of road in michigan that are in poor conditions. so when the family drives the car, there will be -- it will be a whole lot safer. this is the most significant investment in passenger rail in years. the mayor is on a honeymoon. he helped pull the city out of a really tough spot. most of the jobs are outside the city. 60% of those people did not have vehicles to get outside the city. we provided buses and transit. things began to change. now we will change that again. that means revising nearly 1/5 of the transit vehicles. it means jobs for people making the upgrade. good paying union jobs. jobs you can raise a family on, jobs you can't outsource. this will modernize the airports, it will make it easy for companies to get goods to market. it will lower costs for families. this builds up our resilient against extreme weather events. you camera member the flooding this summer that shut down parts of i 75 and i 90 the power outages and tornado warnings. they are costing the state billions of dollars. listen to this, nationally, last year, the extreme weather because of america $99 billion. $99 billion. from hurricanes in louisiana to 20 inches of rain in the northeast to fires in the west. they literally consume more land than the entire state of new jersey. that is how much has burned to the ground. this law builds back our bridges and water systems, our powerlines, our electric grids, better and stronger. few americans will be flooded out of their homes or lose power for days and weeks at a time in a storm hits. this bill rewards companies for paying a decent wage. for american sourcing their products right here in america and not abroad. this will help the united states export clean energy technology including a letter vehicles made in michigan to the entire world. there is so much more to this law. most of all, it does something truly historic. this law will help rebuild the backbone of this nation. i wanted to restore the soul of this country, decency. i wanted to restore the backbone of this country. working-class and middle-class people. and i wanted to unite the country. rebuilding the economy from the bottom up. this is a blue-collar blueprint to lead america. same goes for my build back better plan. it is for our people. if you are paying 14 or $15,000 a year for child care so you can work, a lot of families in america are doing that. my build back better plan will make it -- childcare costs will limit 7% of your income. the build back better plan will provide access to education. one reason we went ahead to the rest of the road is we are first nation world that is not based on any background or income. we are going to make sure that every three-year-old and four-year-old in america has access to quality preschools. school, school, school. all the data shows that will increase by 56% the possibility of going through all 12 years of school. young people graduating high school have access to education beyond high school. we are increasing pell grant and providing a printer ship programs. we are going to make a use different for those 2 million women in america who can't get back into the workforce because they can't afford childcare. my build back better plan will help solve that. no one will pay more than $35 a month for that. none of my plans will lower costs for prescription drugs, allowing them to negotiate prices. prescription drugs, that is what this does. one more thing, it is fully paid for. it does not increase the deficit one cent. as a matter of fact, it reduced to the deficit according to the experts. again, no one in america earning less than $400,000 will pay a single penny more in federal taxes. [applause] [laughter] -- [applause] no one. how are we doing that? i come from the corporate capital of the world. there are more corporations in my state of delaware then all states combined. guess what? they are not paying enough. sorry mary. look, i am a capitalist. if you want to make a million or a billion dollars, have at it. pay your fair share. we have 55 corporations, 55 of the largest corporations in america, the most successful paying not a single penny in federal taxes the last several years. guess what? they made $40 billion. i want them to. that is good but pay your fair share. that is how we pay for it. it does not cost a cent. it is paid for. from now on, they will have to pay their fair share. not an exorbitant number but just a fair share. let me close with this. throughout our history, we have emerged from the previous crises stronger than we were before the crisis. every major crisis that has occurred in american history, everyone, we have come out stronger after it then before it happened. because we invested in ourselves. we built the transcontinental railroad uniting us, east and west. creating jobs and opening up america in a way that had never occurred before. during the cold war, we booked the interstate highway systems. this allowed us to spread out across the nation. now, there is work to put the covid-19 pandemic behind us. we will build an economy of the 21st century. it matters. on monday, i held a virtual meeting for 3.5 hours with president xi jinping of china. years ago, when i was vice president, i was in china with him. we were near the tibetan plateau. we had over 25 hours of private meetings. i had an interpreter and he did. we got to know one another. he turned to me and said can you define america for me? i said absolutely. in one word. possibilities. possibilities. we are the only nation in the world that believes everything is in our gambit. there is nothing impossible when we set our mind to it. it has never been a good bet to bet against america. never. there is no limit to at the american people can do. there is no limit to what nation can do. this is not just a political speech. i believe this is a fact of history. no limit given half a chance, just have a chance, the american people have never let the nation down, ever. this is again delegation, this new law gives our people a chance. we are at an inflation point in world history. things are changing. not this year but across the world. the question is how do we respond to it westmark what do we do? -- to it? what do we do? i give you my word. 15 years from now, historians will look back at this moment, the last two years and they will determine whether or not that moment did america win the competition for the 21st century or did we lose it? that is where we are. all of the pieces of the globe are changing. we had get back in the game. we don't have to hurt any other nations. we have to get back in the game. if we don't get back in the game, who else is going to deal with the crisis in the middle east? who else will deal with the israeli and palestinian issue? who else will be the nation that decides that we have to have a plan to deal with the next pandemic and lead the world? there will be others. i am betting on america. i am betting on the american people. we have to focus on what made the nation great. i have no problem with wall street bankers and others. but they did not build america. the middle-class built america. unions built the middle class. god bless you all and may god protect our troops. thank you. committee. i served there seven years myself. i rise today as the speaker of the house

Related Keywords

China , Delaware , United States , Detroit , Michigan , Louisiana , Israel , Americans , America , Palestinian , American , Haley Stevens , Debbie Dingell , Gary Peters , Marty Walsh ,

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