Advisory board and advocated for all americans to wear a mask. This runs 10 minutes. Pres. Elect biden good afternoon, everyone. As i said on saturday, i am humbled by the trust and confidence the American People have placed in me and Vice President elect harris. We are ready to get to work addressing the needs of the American People. Today, we start that process to get covid19 under control so we can reopen our businesses safely and sustainably, resume our lives, and put the pandemic behind us. We just received positive news that there has been progress made toward successful vaccine. The process must also be grounded in science so the American People can have every confidence that any vaccine is safe and effective. At the same time, its clear that this vaccine, even if approved, will not be widely available for many months. The challenge before us right now is still immense and growing and although we are not in office yet, i am laying out what we expect to do and hope can be done. The purpose of this is to let you know what were going to do once we are sworn in. And so, there is a need for bold action to fight this pandemic. We are still facing a very dark winter. There are now 10 million covid cases in the united states. We had 120,000 cases. Infections are going up. Hospitalizations are going up. Debts are going up. Deaths are going up. This crisis claimed nearly 1000 lives a day. The projections still indicate we could lose 200,000 more lives in the coming months before the vaccine can be made widely available. We cannot forgo the work that needs to be done between now and then to get our country through the worst wave yet of this pandemic, to reduce the spread, save lives. That is why today we are comprising an Advisory Board with experts to translate the bidenharris plan into action, a blueprint we can put into place as soon as we are sworn into office on january 20, 2021, and we will seek to add other members to this board. This group will advise on detailed plans built on a bedrock of science. We are keeping passion and and empathy for every american at its core, while we prioritize getting vaccines first to be people in the nation providing detailed information to reopen and operate safely during the pandemic to protect workers and the public. Scaling up producing lifesaving treatments and therapeutics, and when it is ready, making sure that the vaccine is distributed efficiently and free for every american. We are going to get states, cities, and tribes the supplies they need. We are going to protect vulnerable populations most atrisk, older americans, those with preexisting conditions. We will address the health and economic disparity that means that this virus is hitting the pacific islanders, black, native American Communities harder. The bottom line i will spare no effort to turn this pandemic around once we are sworn in. To get our kinds back to back to school safely, and we will follow the science. We will follow the science. Let me say that again. We will adjust to new data when it comes in and we will listen and work with governors and local leaders in both parties who are fighting this virus in their communities to this very day. There is so much good work happening at state and local levels across the country governors, mayors, they are stepping up. The Advisory Board will listen and learn lessons from their experience. And because we know that we wont fully defeat covid19 until we have defeated it everywhere, my Advisory Council also includes experts on Global Health security, so that we can restore u. S. Global leadership and fight this pandemic. This is a crisis that affects everyone. As i have said throughout this campaign, i will be a president for every american. This election is over. It is time to put aside the partisanship and the rhetoric that is designed to demonize one another. Its time to end the politicization of basic, responsible Public Health steps like mask wearing and social distancing. We have to come together to heal the soul of this country so we can effectively address this crisis as one country, where hardworking americans have each others backs. We are united in our shared goal defeating this virus. As we work toward a safe and effective vaccine, we know the single most effective thing we can do is wear a mask. For the foreseeable future, a mask remains the most weapon against the virus. Todays news does not change that reality. I wont be president until january 20, but my message today is for everyone, it does not matter who you voted for, where you stood before election day. It does not matter your party, point of view. We could save tens of thousands of lives if everyone would just wear a mask for the next few months. Not democrat or republican lives, american lives. Maybe it would save the life of a person who stocks the shelves at your local grocery store. Maybe it saves the life of a member of your place of worship. Maybe it saves the life of one of your childrens teachers. Maybe it saves your life. I implore you, wear a mask. Do it for yourself, your neighbor. A mask is not a political statement. It is a good way to start pulling the country together. I want to be very clear, the goal of mask wearing is not to make your life less comfortable. Or take something away from you. It is to give Something Back to all of us, a normal life. Our goal is to get back to normal as fast as possible. Masks are critical in doing that. It wont be forever, but that is how we will get our nation back up to speed economically, so we can go back to celebrating birthdays and holidays again. So we can attend sporting events. So we can get back to the lives and connections we shared before the pandemic. It does not matter whether or not we always agree with one another, it does not matter who you voted for, we are americans and our country is under threat. We are called to do the same thing that generations of proud americans have done in the face of crisis throughout our history, rise above to defend the strength and vitality of our nation. That is the character of patriots. That is the character of america. We have to do this together. Wearing a mask may seem like a small act. Maybe you think your individual choice wont make any difference. Through our history, we have seen over and over how small acts add up to enormous achievements. It is the weight of many small acts together that bend the arc of history. You know, i know there is nothing the American People cant accomplish when we work together. We can get this virus under control, i promise you. We can rebuild our economy back better than it was before. We can address racebased disparity. It is in our power. So, lets wear a mask, lets get to work. Thank you, and may god bless you, and all of those who lot somebody, our heart goes out to you. We know what it is like. Our heart goes out to you. May god protect our health workers, health care workers, and all americans. Thank you. Live on tuesday, the Supreme Court hears oral argument in a consolidated case that questions the constitutionality of the Affordable Care act at 10 00 a. M. Eastern on cspan. Naacppan2, the president talks about the 2020 Election Results and the impact of black voters in the Racial Justice movement. The senate is back to consider the nomination of james knapp to be a court judge for northern ohio. On cspan3, former acting fbi testifiesndrew mccabe before the Senate Judiciary committee as part of its investigation into the fbis russia probe. Next, a discussion on the election and Foreign Policy under a biden presidency