Transcripts For CSPAN Washington Journal 10262020 20240712 :

CSPAN Washington Journal August 20, 1027

Barrett to the Supreme Court, with National Turn it National Journal Senate Reporter. Maryellen klaas, and then Michael Binder. Journal is next. With eight days to go until election day 2020, congas begins with a stalemate over Economic Relief and a response to the coronavirus pandemic and the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the support. The senate has a rare weekend session to move forward on the nomination and democrats are holding the senate in session through tonight, into this morning. You can see live pictures of the senate floor right now. Heres how we are dividing the lines. Republicans, 202 7488001. Democrats, 202 7488000. Ndependents, 202 7488002 you can join the conversation by texting with your first name, city and state, at 202 7488003, or go to twitter, or facebook. Com cspan. Has covid19 impacted your vote . If it hasnt, we want to hear from you as well. What is impacting your vote and if the pandemic impacts your vote, we want to know why. Why has it motivated you to vote in november and how do you plan to vote because of it . The president was campaigning yesterday New Hampshire and here is how he has said that his administration has responded to the outbreak. [video clip] talking about cases. You know why we have so many cases . All we do is test. If we cut the testing in half, they wouldnt say that, but cases would go down. Now we have the best tests and we are rounding the turn. We have the vaccines and everything. We are rounding the turn. Even without the vaccines, we are rounding the turn and it is going to be over. You know who got it . I did. Can you believe it . Every time i had these meetings a lot of people because i cant put myself in the basement for the next year and a half. No, i cant do it. I cant go to a beautiful bedroom in the white house and lock myself in for a year and a half. You have to do your job. I have meetings. I would leave a meeting and i would say that wasnt good, you know . A lot of people. A lot of love in the room. A lot of times theres no love at all. The opposite. That might not be good. But you got to do your job. Host the president in New Hampshire, yesterday. Joe Biden Campaigning in pennsylvania on saturday and here is he had to say about how the administration has responded. Donald trumps presidency, guess what . Than 220 thousand people are dead in america because of covid19. Yesterday was the highest number of new cases since it all began 85,000 new cases in one day. Dying. Ople per day when he told us a while ago, remember what he said when he looked at the camera . He said it is what it is. It is what it is because he was who he is. Thats why it is what it is. Yesterday was the worst day we have had. [cheers] yes. In the debate on thursday night trump was still saying that we are rounding the corner, its going away, we are learning to live with it. We are not learning to live with it, we are learning to die with it. Because hes doing nothing. Joe Biden Campaigning on saturday. Usa today, study protects 500,000 u. S. Deaths, thats the toll predicate for february 28. Are mask usage and reopenings. Pew research spoke to registered voters in last week about the issues they raised as important. Take a look at this. When it comes to the economy, 84 percent of the president s supporters say that issue is very important to them. As opposed to 66 say that they are supporting the Vice President. You can see that healthcare battles and Supreme Court appointments follow that. Take a look at the coronavirus outbreak. 82 of those supporting joe biden, pew said that is eight in 10, said coronavirus would be very important to their vote trumped to 20 of supporters. Thats our question this morning, has covid19 impacted your vote . Yes or no, we want to hear from you. Billy, brooklyn. Caller morning, greta. Im calling because donald trump has been a disaster. This election, no matter how much of the right wing tries to play up the hunter biden stuff, its going to be a referendum in failure starting with the pandemic and the economy. Whichvironment, republicans will just trash because they think that god is going to save us. Trump said that windmills cause cancer. I wouldnt even get into all the stuff he said about race. The coronavirus pandemic is going to be even more determinative to be donald trump. Host billy, are you motivated by this . Absolutely. The economy . The economy is in the tank. Be 500,000ing to people die in with no mitigation efforts and trump wont even pass a National Mass mandate. Dont let it dominate your life when 220 these 220 thousand people have died from it . Its a disaster. Host as many of our viewers probably know, dr. Fauci on friday sounded open to the idea of a National Mask mandate as well. The former fday, commissioner dr. Scott gottlieb, he is writing that winter is coming and it is time for a mask mandate. Richard, oklahoma. You are a republican. Good morning to you. What is motivating you to vote . Caller well, that we are getting the Supreme Court back where it belongs where people understand what was written, not what they feel. Also, joe biden and his cricket crooked family and a whole other whole lot of other things. Democrats are going to cry about it this year like they did in 2016. Host how concerned are you or are you not at all about coronavirus . Caller im not concerned at all. Im 70 years old. Ive lived a long life. If i died today, its not going to hurt me a bit. Up. Ybody needs to wake when this started they were predicting 2 million to 3 Million People dead. 500,000 . Sounds good to me. What do you think . Host have you always voted republican . Caller no. I was raised by democrats. I helped elect jimmy carter. Force base wasir taken away because he wasnt going to fight anymore wars. All right, richard. Larry, excuse me. Go ahead. Caller ok, thank you. I want to ask one question. You know, the sky is falling. Everybody is in a panic. , they juste respect keep telling people that they are going to die. That haver friends had the virus, ok . One, im 66 years old. Two of them are my age. One of them has a heart condition. They went to the hospital and were treated and are doing just fine. I have a younger one, shes, everybodys, i mean we have to treat this as though its going to be here. We have to learn to live with it. He sky isnt falling not every case is going to, you know, kill you. Its just ridiculous the way this thing is being promoted. And its all political. Larry, what are the top issues for you . Caller top issues . Number one, the lies. All the lies im hearing. Its like nobody even challenges them. Biden, for example. Why wasnt he challenged on this laptop . Why . Why wasnt the questions asked . Its just ridiculous. You know, im not a big trump fan. Im an independent. I believe the person who fits the position and can do the job should be elected and thats basically very simple. It if we keep it simple, were ok. But once we start throwing politics into it, its just ridiculous. Host larry, are you still there . You broke up a little bit. Caller yes, maam. Host did you vote for the president in 2016 . Caller yes. Host in 2012 ended 2008 . For, im ashamed to even say, i did vote for obama. Host in both of those elections. Caller i thought that he was going to really help but what he did was he divided everything up. You know . It was a disaster. I mean im 66 years old and i thought obamacare was the greatest thing that was going to happen. m paying more now its crazy. Im paying more now for medical than i was before. Host are you on medicare . Caller yeah, and i have a supplement plan. My deductibles are crazy. My copay. You know, my daughter had a policy that koster 65 a month. Her 65 a month medical. It didnt have all the whistles and bells. He said that if you like your policy you can keep it and if you like your doctor you can keep it. She calls me up one day and goes dad, they are canceling my insurance. I said are you sure . She goes they are. I went over and read the letter. Sure enough, they cancel the insurance and i thought this is nuts. She is paying i think what was it, 198 . This is nuts. How is your daughter going to vote . Caller my daughter . Host yeah, november. Caller oh, she will vote trump now. She will. Host larry in michigan. Athens, tennessee. Richard, this morning we are asking if this covid19 pandemic is impacting your vote. What do you have to say, richard . Caller no, its not going to impact my vote. Its really confusing. Like the last caller, we get a lot of disinformation out here. In the real world. Biden wants to do a National Mask mandate. I mean in all actuality, we all dont drive the speed limit, we all dont wear seat belts. I dont see how trying to force somebody to wear a mask, what are you going to do, have mask police out there . We are going to have to learn to live with it. Not everybody can seclude themselves in their house in the basement. Its just difficult. Host richard, whats a top issue for you . Caller as a christian, i look for people that uphold my values and my concerns. The Republican Party does that. Host ok. Richard, in tennessee. West virginia, democratic caller. Pronounce that town for me, the name . Caller its [indiscernible] host ok. Is covid19 impacting your vote . My mind made up before coronavirus. I have to say trump is a disgrace on the country. I will vote that way because i cant stand the man. Hes unfit as president. But thats not the only reason. You know, these people just calling in, you can see the perfect reason why people want to get trump out of office. They believe everything he says. Hes nothing but a liar. As far as the coronavirus, im going to be a poll worker on november 3. Im going to be a number three commissioner. That means i have to go to work work allnd i have to the way through until we get the ballots in the courthouse so that they can be counted. I had to take a class three weeks ago. All of the people, the number bus the number three threes, the number one commissioner is a republican. My brother died of covid19. So, you can see how i feel about this mask business. The guy that im going to work with did not wear a mask, even in the class with the people and we was getting discussion on what we supposed to do. But im supposed to work with him for 18 hours . How do you think im going to feel if that man does not wear a mask where i wore one for 18 hours. Are they saying it is mandatory if youre going to work at this bowl place . Caller yes. I can tell you that i worked a special election, too, greta. We had signs up on the desks. Its mandatory to wear a mask into a public building for voting. To we had a guy that worked the polls in another precinct. He never put a mask on not one bit, nobody ever said anything to him, they never kicked them out. This guy that im going to work gonna contact him, telling him what supposed to be the mask, but if he doesnt do it im going to have a predicament. There. Ll right, middleton, west virginia. Democratic caller. Has covid19 impacted your vote . If you have already voted or plan to vote, if it is or isnt we want to hear from you this morning. We want to get more of your calls after we listen to the former president , barack obama, campaigning for joe biden in miami on saturday. Here is what he had to say. [video clip] we literally left this white house a pandemic a book that show them how to respond before a virus reached our shores. With thee lost along Republican Health care plan. We cant find it. Months into this pandemic. Eight months into this pandemic, new cases are breaking records. Donald trump isnt going to suddenly protect all of us. He cant even take the basic steps to protect himself. [cheering and honking] theres no sense that hes coming up with an approach for a new plan. He doesnt even acknowledge that theres a problem. Just this week he complained that the pandemic was making him go back to work. If he had been working in the first place, we would never have seen the situation get this bad. [continued honking and sharing] cheering] i have said this before. Im going to say it again. Would have been tough for any president. We havent seen Something Like this in a hundred years. But the idea that somehow this white house has done anything but completely screw this thing up is nonsense. President inmer miami. Compare that to mike pence campaigning for the trumppence ticket in tallahassee on saturday. Heres what he had to say. [video clip] im here to tell you that before the first documented case, President Trump did what no american president ever did. He suspended all travel from china, the second largest economy in the world. Now, joe biden call that xenophobic. It is. Actually said it was hysterical. He actually wrote in usa today a couple of days before the president took action that closing off travel from any country in the world during a pandemic would make things worse. Im here to tell you, as head of the White House Coronavirus task force these last eight months, joe biden got it wrong. President trumps actions shutting down travel from china bought us invaluable time to stand up the greatest mobilization since world war ii and it saved countless american lives. In that time we reinvented testing. We saw the distribution and manufacture of billions of medical supplies. We went to work on therapeutics that as we speak are sending lives saving lives around america and under operation warp speed we will have literally tens of millions of doses of the first Coronavirus Vaccine in the world before the end of this year. President from over the weekend. As many of you may have heard from the washington post, and many newspapers this weekend, five in the Vice President s orbit have tested positive, but not the Vice President , and he will continue to campaign. Cbs has been doing a Battleground Tracker poll. Florida, georgia, north carolina. When they ask like we likely voters if they are worried about catching coronavirus, 50 of those supporting biden said they are, as opposed to 13 of the president s voters. Similar numbers in georgia and north carolina. That 91 ofund those supporting the Vice President say that coronavirus is a major factor in their vote for president. This is in the battleground state of florida. 45 of those supporting the president say it is a factor in their support. You can see personal character, the economy, and immigration where they rate higher for President Trump. 96 of those who say they are going to vote for the president say that the economy is a major factor in their vote for the president. Lets go to richard in louisville, kentucky. Richard, good morning to you. Has covid19 impacted your vote . No, it hasnt. I already voted for donald john trump. When the coronavirus hit, you know, everyone in america was in washington, d. C. , they wasnt sure what to do. He put all the right people together. He shut down travel. He was criticized for it. Impeached him,y they was trying to remove him from office. He kept his focus. He brought all the pharmaceutical people together and said you have got to attack this. President d me of a fdr and world war ii. He brought all of his top people together and said we have got to fight this. Thats all i have to say on that. I, i, i just want to say one more thing. , who is doing so much for africanamericans in this country, when he comes out and says they are killing black kids, black babies every day, we have got to stop the genocide, god bless that young man. Hes working hard to protect africanamericans and will go down in history as one of the greatest young black men in this country. Richard. Right, brian, independent line, good morning to you. Good morning, go ahead. Caller most of this stuff is missing some misinformation about the covid thing. The speech that pence just made about banning china . There wasnt really a ban. The trump ban against the let in all kinds of Business People and it didnt affect them. The only thing it affected was tourists. Thousands of people on business in the United States were still allowed to come in. He tried to take credit on the but trumping of ppe, had nothing to do with that. That was a lot of private industry. He had mismanaged it, him injured kushner monopolized at all. He stood at the beginning of that parade and took credit for it like he usually does. To address the caller about the , a lot of care act states were allowed not to participate into opt out. That did not opt out, that participated, the Affordable Care act was really very affordable. The resistance from the Corporate Community against the Affordable Care act made it more expensive in the states that opted out. Thatpposition to it use distance to say that all of the Affordable Care act, when the opposite is true. Brian, where does the response from this administration to the pandemic rate for you and how you are voting . Caller im sorry, can you repeat the question . Issueshat are your top and where does your response to the pandemic fall . Caller the response to pandemic is that the execution was total mismanagement. He never did, the Trump Administration never did the mandate for anything. We live in a state where its not mandated for everybody to have Car Insurance. If they have an accident without Car Insurance as motorists, guess what, the insurance hits yours and theirs, too. They dont even have to participate. Host i will leave it there. , democratic ursula caller. Voting the reason im for Vice President biden is trump, our president , want to cut taxes on the rich , bute and the poor people they dont cut no taxes on the poor people. Then he want to

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