Transcripts For CSPAN Presidential Debates Post-Debate Viewe

Transcripts For CSPAN Presidential Debates Post-Debate Viewer Calls Part 2 20240712

It isxt number only, helpful if you put your name and city on the text message. We will get to the calls in a minute. Track of speaking time, and they tweet the minutest spoke for 41 and 16 seconds, while the former Vice President spoke for 37 minutes and 53 seconds. Miller tweets, the pool and therom tonight, wall street journal noticed the audience was almost completely , except for one giggle when the president said wind kills all the birds. This from Chris Brennan who covers politics, it took 41 minutes to get a malarkey reference at tonights debate. And jennifer jacobs, who covers the white house for bloomberg says after the debate, Health Officials spotted four people with no masks, but when approached by the health team, they complied. Six had to be reminded to keep their masks above their noses. And the first lady wearing a mask tonight when she entered, keeping it on during the debate, and after as you can see by this noted the first lady wearing the mask tonight as opposed to the first debate. Ivanka trump tweeting this picture from the debate along with her siblings Wearing Masks inside the debate center. The hill newspaper notes the former Vice President entered mask, thewearing a president did not. Dr. Jillett noting biden had a mask that matched her dress. Mariano, beaumont california on or support trump line. How did your candidate do . I think he did good. Why . He made points everywhere. What is an issue you care about . It bothered me that there are only two things people buy, good feelings and solutions to problems. Hiding in his bunker, arguably has a slight edge in good feelings for some people. These feelings might be in question if the allegation of biden denying he knows nothing about his sons involvement in china and russia are proven to be true. This is influence peddling. , maybe because of his frequent tweets makes him unlikable to some people. That is his personality. Cheek. R turned the other not a nice way. Some people find him a nononsense personality. Some refreshingly blunt. Host we will leave it there and talk to jocelyn from nashville, tennessee on the biden line. Of the debate site . Caller i live down the street from Belmont University. We were watching on cspan an hour and a half ago, and i waited up to get my call here at midnight. Thank you for taking my call. Host were you able to hear the motorcades . Caller no. They did not come down my street. I did watch the local news afterwards, and i saw the motorcades going to the airport, bringing them in and taking them off. It is a very exciting night, much better than the first debate. Everybody has said that already. Thought that joe biden did very well. I thought President Trump came across looking better than the first time. And acting better. He was better behaved. Then he started going off the rails as usual. It was entertaining. I think biden made his case very presidencystrong coming up. Host what is an issue of concern to you . Caller you name it. Should i pick one . Climate change. If there is no planet, there is no life. I could start with that, or i could say the pandemic. I have an interesting opinion about that. They always say there is a pandemic versus the economy, but the way i see it is the government only exists to help the people, otherwise why do we need them . I feel the government should have been there to help the , to send this country them support checks or whatever. We got 1200 months ago, but it did not help anything and everyone was compelled to go back to work. If we were assisted in the beginning, we would not have felt the need to go back to the jobs. Host what kind of work do you do . Caller selfemployed music teacher, and my husband and i run a music school, just the two of us. We are small business. The pandemic and shutdown been tough on you . Caller it has, im sorry to say. We have some students from last year when it cut off in march, we put everybody on virtual lessons, and learned that quickly during the spring break, and were up and running. In the summer some continued with their lessons, and opted to and in, now it is the fall, it is a different enrollment. We are looking at whatever we can do to expand our registrations and continue what we love to do, educate people on music. Keep their spirits alive. Host good luck, appreciate your time this evening. Jackson, glendale, california. Undecided, why are you undecided, and did tonight affect your view at all . Caller actually it did not. I think onlican, but the economy trump has the advantage. Policy, in foreign think i know we hear about these deals but if you look at what is going on in the world, it is hard to say our Foreign Policy is anything but stable. We really do not have much of one. If you see what is going on in ica, and in the caucuses we need to be the america we were when reagan was president. When there is someone doing stuff that they should not be doing, killing people and murdering people, ethnic groups, ethnic cleansing, we stepped in when clinton was president. In the balkans in the 1990s. We need to do that. A lot of people probably dont agree with me. I had my mail in filled out, i was going to stand it send it. They did not say anything about what is happening in africa. People need to Pay Attention to what is going on. Biden, hefor me on might be stronger on Foreign Policy is his running mate. I dont trust her. She will say anything and everything. If he had a stronger candidate, he would probably get my vote. But because he picked her, and she is one of the worst numbers of everyone why he picked her, i have no idea. Sexuse of her ethnicity and , that to me is a minus. Host we will leave it there. Caller from poughkeepsie, new york. Hello. I was very happy to see it went better than the last time. Mediatorated the giving tough questions to biden. I thought that was more fair. There are things i wish trump had addressed differently or brought up, like when it was questioned about the health care. He did not mention he is pushing for transparency on prices for medical care. For status put in for a country so we can get lower prescription prices. And he signed an executive voter to demonstrate his commitment to protecting preexisting conditions. Those are things that should have been mentioned. I would have thought it would be good to mention he did say we have the cleanest air than we have ever had. Cleanest in centuries. He could have mentioned that is due to advancements in technology that helps to clean the air and clean things coming out of manufacturing places. Thencements are coming from fact we have a free market economy, which allows people to compete with each other. It also would have been good for him when he was confronted about people at his rallies not Wearing Masks this is a free country, and they have a right to decide for themselves. I would wear one. They have a right to decide. They offer masks, but they will not enforce people to wear masks. Host what is the view of your governor in new york . Caller pretty stringent. He is pretty stringent, and it is hurting small businesses. Businesses are gone. We have lost a lot because of the strictness that he has going on. Host thank you for spending a few minutes. Some local reporting by a tennessee nashville station noted students who lived within the security perimeter of tonights debate had to be moved to the Opryland Hotel ahead of the debate. According to the campus newspaper, residents in several halls were asked to vacate their rooms for 30 hours an estimated 600 students were displaced and will stay at the opryland through friday. They were provided with transportation, meals for the duration of the move. Saying,ersity also hundreds of Belmont University were watching the debate at the nashville music city center. Theythe tennesseean. Com, sent this picture of Belmont University students playing beer pong across the street from where the president ial debate was happening. Attending the debate, supporters of the president , this picture was sent out of kid rock. Also among the attendees, this video showing kid rock and golfer, john daly, waiting to get into the debate hall. Host angela is calling in from evansville, indiana. Caller hi. Host what is your opinion of tonight . Caller i think it went well. Trump handled himself better most of the first half. The last 30 minutes he was getting aggravated. Bidenk many of the things laid out, he was reading from things he had written down to make sure he made his point on things that were asked. I honestly think about health care he really touched on a few things that were important to me. I am widowed on a fixed income and Social Security disability. I am very concerned about medicare and medicaid, they are my supplement because i am on a fixed income. That is why that is the main thing biden touched on about making sure we do not lose our health care. That is what is so important to me. The eight years that obama and biden were in office, they started getting our economy rolling. When trump stepped in, it was not his doing that made everything get great. Startedlready getting when obama and biden were in office. I feel, he said why didnt biden do this or that when Vice President , he was not president. Why hasnt trump done certain things . Also, Climate Change is very concerning to me. I have great nieces and nephews growing up, and i want them to be able to live in a clean atmosphere. I dont want the earth to go away. We have to save where we are living, that is so important. Host thank you for your time. Rob, piedmont, oklahoma. Caller good evening. Host why do you identify as another . Caller im libertarian. Host are you supporting jo jordgensen . Caller for sure. Longtime republican. Second term bushs because of the spending. Government is too big. Republicans used to be for limited government, not anymore. Government. Big is tole of government defend liberty, rule of law. Sad this is the best the democrats and republicans can put up. My intelligence was insulted watching it. I flipped over during the break of the Football Game which was better. I am concerned about data collection. We have not heard about that. This government is printing money. It is putting us more in debt. Been affected by the pandemic . Caller not so much. Local businesses here have been, some restaurants. I am fortunate that i have not been, we are teleworking now. Host what kind of work do you do . Caller im an engineer. Host one of the big debates in washington is a covid relief trillion. Around 2 as a libertarian, what is your view . Caller how many trillion are we up to . The first one was 3 trillion . Is annd myself this election year. Something with the coronavirus. There has to be a balance between keeping businesses open and doing what we can to slow the spread. It hurts. The government will just print money. We will pay for it in the long run. That is my concern. The cycle ofeak democrats and republicans leading us down this road. Will voteple libertarian or green party, just break this cycle. We need competition in our political process. Host this is forest in broomfield, colorado. How was the debate for you . Caller it was definitely better than the first one. Before, it was two old men acting like two children arguing away. In this country, i think president s should be held to a higher standard, they did not show that. Tonight was definitely better. Im a President Trump supporter because after all the shenanigans that the democrats they do notlling, have americas best interest at heart. They have a facade. They are so fake. Governmentig fan of in the first place because all of congress is bought and paid for. They are all criminals in my eyes. We need to end what they are doing. Raise taxes on us. Our government spends money ridiculous and wild. It is not for our best interest. They keep raising taxes on us. This coronavirus thing has been a political stunt. It is hurting families, businesses, our economy. Host what kind of work do you do . Caller i do some construction. I do remodeling. Have you been affected . Caller yes, to a certain extent. Business is still ok. At the same time, it affects our personal lives. Interact with people every day and see how it affects their lives. People want to get back to normal. Everything out of proportion. Question to you, who will win the senate race, John Hickenlooper or cory gardner . Caller that is a tough one. I hope cory, but this is a very liberal state. I am voting for cory. Texas. Oshua dickinson, how did your candidate do tonight . Caller biden did well. Everybody giving trump too much credit. If it was not for the mute button, it would have gone like the last debate, he has no selfcontrol. Saidous callers, some lady 90 of fracking is on federal land, that is false. Only 11 is on federal land, what biden wants to ban. If you are going to make statements, you cannot have alternative facts like the trump administration. Know your facts before you state them. Host austin, another texan. Hi. Er host how did your candidate do . Caller i think he did a pretty good job emphasizing his accomplishments with africanamericans in general. Showed biden that he has no achievements. He signed the 1994 crime bill. I am a student at the university of texas in austin. , they havellow peers nothing to say about what they like about joe biden it is, i dont like trump. Host are you at ut now . Caller yes. In personing a lot of classes or remote classes . There i am online, but are a lot of in person and hybrid classes now. Host are you living in a dorm . Caller yes. Host have they reduced the student population . Think a lot of people showed up. My roommates and everyone, a lot of rooms are empty. I think everyone is afraid of the coronavirus. I dont see it as a problem right now. Open, the bars and restaurants and downtown area . Caller not really. A lot of it is shut down. Up. El it is slowly opening i have gone to restaurants. The masks and social distancing is all still there. T is slowly opening up hopefully with the mayor, he is a different story. Host they have had fans at the longhorn games . Caller they have. I have a lot of friends go to the longhorns game. It is limited capacity. Races down in texas, wendy davis is running for a congressional seat where you are living in austin, and john cornyn is running for senate. What is your take on those races, and how will you be voting, by mail . Caller i think john cornyn will do way better than donald trump. , idy davis against chip roy think chip roy pulls it out. Read a recent article that austen democrats are donating to republican candidate, but with regards to the election, i am voting on election day. Are you registered in austin . Caller i am registered in austin, and the place is across the street. Host thank you for your time. Ta joe biden spoke to reporters after the debate, after leaving nashville. He was asked how the debate went . That is for the public to judge. I felt good about it and i thought the moderator made it run smoothly. It was a more rational debate than the first one. And according to the Washington Post the former Vice President was asked about his answers on fossil fuels. Quote, we will not get rid of fossil fuels. We will get rid of subsidies for fossil fuels. Mostlysident has been retweeting other peoples tweets. One includes this one, Las Vegas Review journal tweeted a pole result that they took of who won the debate, and their result, 92 said the president won. Kapur who reports for nbc news reports this, by my count, the president mentioned former president barack obama 11 times unprompted, almost each time, that occludes the obamacare mentions. Host 11 days until the election day on november 3, though 50 million americans have already voted. The campaigning continues tomorrow live on cspan. Joe biden will make remarks on covid in wilmington, delaware at 2 30 p. M. In the afternoon. Senator harris will be in atlanta, and that will be live on cspan2 at 10 00 p. M. Eastern time. Saturday, former president obama campaigns in miami. Cspan will cover that. P. M. E trump side, 1 00 friday mike pence will hold a rally in ohio. The president will be in florida at the villages at 4 30 p. M. , and in pensacola at 8 00 p. M. Both live on cspan or cspan. Org. If you go to cspan. Org, the full schedule is there. That is the next two days coming up. Everything we have covered in this campaign, including the debates and the Vice President ial debate are available on our website, cspan. Org. You can watch Campaign Events live as well. When it comes to the debate, if you have a question you wanted to look up and share, or specific topic, you can search and do all of that at cspan. Org. Brian, frederick, maryland. How did your candidate do . Caller he did all right by me. Say i will be a not the idealis election, i have to admit. I wanted to say i appreciated the concept of the muted microphones, and more of a gentlemanly proceeding between the candidates. Sayxpand on that, i would that is where my vote is going. Host that has been a common theme, everybody seems to think the debate was better than the first. What is it about joe biden that attracts your support . Caller i have always been a democratic vote since i was able to vote. Eileen those ways with politics in general. Those ways with politics in general. Trump has a tendency toward qualities i dont appreciate, as far as being a bully, things like that. Held himself biden together with his reactions. Anthony in rancho cucamonga, california. Undecided. Did your needle get moved . Caller i do have to say it might have. Keptdering the moderator it tight, and i appreciate the muting of the microphones. It was a more cordial situation. Compared to the first debate, definitely. Both of their points, and i think trump has some good stuff to say, considering i have been a registered democrat. There is a lengthy exchange when it comes to trump. I appreciate everybodys time. Politicall typical statements, things could have been construed clearer, but i feel trump seems to be moving forth in such a strong point that i might have been shifted. Host how do you plan on voting, by person or in mail . Caller that is a great question. I believe nearby some ballots were set on fire. You probably saw that on the news. Tohink i will go straight the post office with my ballot. I am voting by mail. I have faith in it. I have faith in the

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