Transcripts For CSPAN Campaign 2020 Colorado U.S. Senate Deb

CSPAN Campaign 2020 Colorado U.S. Senate Debate July 12, 2024

Private sector for the first time in 15 years that will complete a purge of republicans out of high office in colorado. Democrats turned to a man who wanted to be president , the democratic primary voters did not share that desire. So former Governor John Hickenlooper is back running for the senate, the job he said he didnt want and wouldnt be good at. Two men coloradans know well with clear disagreements on healthcare, the economy, immigration, the Supreme Court and how to handle the pandemic. Now all thats left is for them to debate and you to decide. Brought to you by nine news, in association with colorado politics, and broadcasted statewide in every corner of colorado, presented live from the campus of Colorado State university in in fort collins, next presents race for the senate. Here are your moderators, kyle clark and marshall bellinger. Good evening. Next expands to a commercial free our statewide this evening. Statewide this evening for this u. S. Senate debate. We are following Public Health guidelines as well as guidance from our host set Colorado State hosts at Colorado State university. We are holding this debate with without an audience, with social distancing and Health Checks for everyone here including our candidates for u. S. Senate, republican Senator Cory Gardner for the remainder of this debate we will refer to as Mister Gardner and his democratic challenger John Hickenlooper who will we will refer to as mister hickenlooper. The topics and questions have been selected by coloradopolitics. Com and the colorado and have not been shared in advance with anyone to with anyone. The candidates will have one minute for answers, 30 seconds for rebuttals with extended discussion at our discussion. Discretion. You as voters deserve a debate filled with clear answers to clear questions and for the candidates to have an opportunity to speak without interrupting one another. Ting. We will also have one opportunity this evening for the candidates to post direct questions to one another. Lets get started. Colorados covid19 hospitalizations are at their highest point sincethe initial wave of the pandemic in the spring. Artest Positivity Rate today hit five percent. Thats a warning to Public Health experts. Same question to both of you to begin. What is the single most important thing we can do to improve our Pandemic Response and what or who is standing in the way . Gardner. Thanks to Colorado State university, its great to be back on this as a graduate, great to be here and all the other responders. We must have a to really package out of the United States congress, this follows up on the relief packages we alreadypassed. This package includes people with unemployment benefits, additional dollarsfor vaccines, dollars for childcare , dollars for education as help for Small Businesses allowing paycheck perfect attention dollars to be back into the hands of businesses, keep their doors open to make sure that we have a second drop on the loans. These are the kind of things we need to be pursuing and we need to make sure where following socialdistancing , making sure people are practicing good hygiene including wearing a mask but i will say this and start this evening with what john hick and looper would have done had he been there. He would have voted against this, the very bill i described was he said he would, a bill that would have provided unemployment relief and relief for education, for childcare, new dollars for vaccines area we cant afford to havesomebody who refuses to support the people of colorado in the senate. After hickenlooper, if we want to have a long discussion we can and ill restate thediscussion. What is the single most important thing we can do to improve our Pandemic Response and who or what is standingin the way . We did see an introduction that will see a lot, theres been a fair amountof time on the attack. I think there will be a fair amount of distortion and exaggeration ill go to the question. The most important thing we can do is tax relief, a nation that again, corey and i agree on this. Four days ago, corey was emphatic that he thought that covid relief should be a higher priority than making sure that we rush through this Supreme Court nomination which is where the senate focus seems to be and i think the question has to be asked , if covid relief is the most important thing and the protective equipmentfor everyone , he could just say i will not vote to support this thing, if the , if indeed the relief act doesnt get past first andthere are two senators that said yesterday they were not going to vote for it. If his priority would be a strong point towards getting relief. Your hearing here in Northern Colorado where we saw one of thelargest outbreaks in the state. Mister gardner, you brag about gds workers, and leaders say those tests never arrived. Kds also didnt test all its workers before reopening as it has promised. Mister gardner, gds is a significant donor. That company protect its workers did you deliver a 5000 taxipromised. I worked closely with the state of colorado and if you look at the record will see the governor said every employee at jds who want to test can get a test. Thats not me saying it, thats not the new saying it, thats the governor saying there were tests if they wanted them. We have to make sure we have personal protective equipment for our employees whether theyre working at a restaurant or working at a meatpacking plant and we also have to recognize the challenges that our food supply system went through when we had the initial stages of the pandemic hit. Our workers were heroes thats why i worked closely with the governor to make sure we had those tests that they needed to make sure we had them. We need to continue that effort to provide a secure food chains and provide secure Food Supplies for our country area but when governor hickenlooper was in office he had a chance to get a personal protective equipment we needed for the state and yet he refused to provide the personal protective equipment stockpile that could have protected us. Before i read a lot a rebuttal to the 5000 arrived and. You would have to begin check with the governor, the governor said they got allthe test they needed for every employee. Humor name checked in this, did you fail colorado by nothaving proper ppe years earlier . Thats ridiculous. The governor has done a remarkable job and we should recognize that his efforts have been probably, i talked to a number of the workers at jdf and they are in fact they do not get testing capacity. They were asked and forced to go back to work withouthaving that knowledge of who is infected and who isnt. And i think thats a question of willful negligence. He asked them to go back and protect our source of food without giving them the protections any of us would expect. Again, what you heard from a former governor is that he takes no responsibility for failing to prepare colorado or a pandemic. We actually have a state audit that shows while he was governor they failed to prepare the state of colorado for a pandemic. Documentation problem exists today, the same medication problem he had when he was governor so we dont need somebody in washington dc thinks about himself and refuses to take responsibility and will do the job for colorado. He wont do it here and he certainly wont do it in washington. Question for you as we continue our discussion about the best way to get relieffor people who need it. Democrats in congress have loaded up some of the relief bills and economic stimulus bills with a bunch of goodies for political allies of their whether or not you agree with that approach is tough to say that hasnt slowed things down but for the sake of speedalong to democrats doing . I think what we need to get in washington is the ability to actually negotiate. Whats been to me most frustrating is we havent seen any willingness on the republican or democrat side to find where do we agree, where do we disagree and begin looking at. We got six months now since we had any really and people stop getting their Unemployment Insurance in july, their rent protections have gone by, they dont have healthcare in many cases. This has gone on long enough yet on one side or the other continues to say their and their pointing fingers. This is that the status quo, this is what i want to go to washington to change because we need negotiation. We need to sit down and work out what the differences are but corey said four days ago in our debate he would place a priority on this and he stood up and said im not going to vote for justice until we get relief. Then we get negotiations, thats what we need to move forward. I didnt hear an answerto the questions i asked again. I asked you about your side, aside you might haveinfluence with. Do you think that democrats should stop loading up the economic billswith duties to get them through faster . I was in washington i would do everything i could to make sure there was a process to get a leading buildable forward. Thank you very much. Afew times tonight youre going to respond. Were going to talk about the associated issue of healthcare , if you want to talk about health topic. Reference disparity in chicago. And that is healthcare. The person black and latino coloradans with Health Insurance almost doubled with the expansion of medicaid coverage in the Affordable Care act. Mister gardner, if you succeed in getting ready read of the Affordable Care act the loss of Health Insurance would disproportionately fall on black and latinocoloradans at the same time a pandemic is affecting those communities. We will focus on patientcentered care system in the low people to increase the quality of care by decreasing the cost of that care we will do so through risk pools. We have to recognize the work that has been done for communities across colorado by growing our economy. If you are a black family in the state in you have senior wealth grow by 33 of hispanic families have seen their wealth grow by 65 as a result of the economic policies. What im concerned with is governor hickenloopers governmentrun program that would take 176 million americans insurance policies away from their workplace. Thats his plan. Thats irresponsible to destroy americans insurance. Thank you mr. Gardner. Mr. Hickenlooper described this with governor kasich and its come up in a number of discussions of 30 seconds for you to tell us what is that plan and are you still pursuing it and what would it mean to coloradans . I have 30 seconds and you want me to. This is your rebuttal and he is describing your plan and im giving you 30 seconds to tell folks what that plan is. John kasich the republican governor of ohio we came together not to replace the Affordable Care act. I never said that and he never said that. We are looking at ways to improve it especially poking out focusing on ways we can make exchanges more costeffective for people. The Affordable Care act the republicans tried to take it away and never allowed us to report to repair it or improve it and again and again these attacks are threatening to dismantle it completely without any kind of a suitable fix. Mr. Gardner the Affordable Care act some might call it preexisting. If youve introduced an eight line bill did that you say will require Insurance Companies to cover preexisting conditions. What part of that though requires an Insurance Company to offer me coverage in the first place . The bill requires coverage for people with preexisting conditions. Maybe only eight lines and i remind you we are here today under the First Amendment radium of speech and freedom of press freedom of religion freedom to assemble. Obviously it was 45 words long in the First Amendment got a pretty doggone right through this as a guiding principle that the democrats and republicans agree to that will provide coverage for people with preexisting conditions and we will make sure the Insurance Companies and thats what my bill does is provide that coverage. There may be some who disagree. Lets work on it together to make sure that its right. Thats the guiding principle as her First Amendment is the guiding principle for freedom of speech. Lets make sure that protection for preexisting conditions continues. What you heard governor hickenlooper say was he didnt want the Affordable Care but hes on record saying he wants to go to the governmentrun health care system. The danger of veteran harm it would have barbour hospitals. We are at the bottom half of access to Health Care Thanks for his leadership role he was governor. I didnt hear the answer mr. Gardner that requires the bill that requires insurance for everyone including a section that included guarantee availability of coverage. If the Affordable Care act were to be repealed that guarantee goes away with it. Where is that exist . The bill requires people to be covered if they have preexisting conditions. It is a bill that provides that guidance that principle that we will cover people with. Existing conditions. You may have a different interpretation. Every single one of the 11 bills that passed and signed into law have changed from the time they were in committee to the time they got signed into law. The guiding principle remains i support and will be demand covers for people with preexisting conditions. I will not like governor hickenlooper take coverage away from 17 million americans. If this bill exists does everyone get coverage you want to . Thats my goal. Preexisting conditions you say . My bill were choirs people do get coverage for preexisting question coverage. Mr. Hickenlooper youre the purse person held in contempt by the Ethics Commission and accepting illegal gifts. You blame the republicans. You misleadingly claimed you were exonerated on dozens of allegations and you told marshalls journalist should be protecting you on this. Do you regret breaking the lawn perhaps more importantly would you change your behavior voters return you to elected office . While i recognize that there were two reporting errors in the Ethics Commission and found this in violation on those two occasions. They referred to it as a relatively minor mistake and i guarantee you they were inadvertent. Get inadvertent. We had a team of people worked on this but they obviously werent perfect. I think we should recognize these allegations came from a dark money Republican Organization that was created two days before those allegations were filed and their soul purpose was to try to create material for attack ads. C this summer those attack ads were relentless and thats bringing washington politics to colorado. Again i paid a 2800dollar fine and i take responsibility for that. I certainly will make sure that never happens again. I testified for three hours and from the commission and told the truth to every question they asked. Mr. Hickenlooper another question about honesty and ethics come from earnest a recorded question and hes a partner at cover politics. Com. Of them even endorsed by all the leading gun safety legislation and after signing those bills you told colorado sheriffs that you had expected the magazine ban to be so controversial and you only signed it because of a staff member committed to using one thing publicly and privately saying the opposite that something you accused senator gardner of doing. Let a be very clear i stand by my record on gun safety. We are the first purple state to roll up our sleeves and do personal background checks. To this day cory gardner a Mitch Mcconnell dont think universal background checks worth work. They no one can get it onto the floor as long as Mitch Mcconnell as Mitch Mcconnell as the majority leader of the senate because they dont think its effective enough. The bottom line is and you can step back and look at this cory gardner has received almost 4 million in support from the nra and gun manufactures. Mitch mcconnell received even more. This is big money at play in politics and cory gardner has received more corporate pac money 5. 7 million in any elected official and colorado history and suddenly the corporations get these massive tax breaks. Thank you mr. Hickenlooper. If we could target the question to what coloradans know. Coloradans know what art gun control landscape looks like so perhaps you could explain mr. Gardner would gun control laws do we have in colorado but you dont think apply or should be passed nationwide . Could you compare what we have here to a elected scene nationwide . I also want to reply to the governors attacks because he is attacked quite frequently in this debate and ive had always had a chance to respond. I believe we have laws in place the need to be enforced but i dont think when it comes to prohibiting the sale between a father and a son interfering at that level that is a good thing for our country. Colorado may be handling this in a different way but i dont think we should infringe on those rights that are family sales if i want to give my son the 12gauge i grew up learning to hunt with i would not feel it to do that but if you look at the bands the governor put in place they had limited effect and he lied to the county sheriffs about that. He lied to the county sheriffs about that effort. He wants a national gun license. He wants everybody in the state to have a Governor John Hickenlooper<\/a> is back running for the senate, the job he said he didnt want and wouldnt be good at. Two men coloradans know well with clear disagreements on healthcare, the economy, immigration, the Supreme Court<\/a> and how to handle the pandemic. Now all thats left is for them to debate and you to decide. Brought to you by nine news, in association with colorado politics, and broadcasted statewide in every corner of colorado, presented live from the campus of Colorado State<\/a> university in in fort collins, next presents race for the senate. Here are your moderators, kyle clark and marshall bellinger. Good evening. Next expands to a commercial free our statewide this evening. Statewide this evening for this u. S. Senate debate. We are following Public Health<\/a> guidelines as well as guidance from our host set Colorado State<\/a> hosts at Colorado State<\/a> university. We are holding this debate with without an audience, with social distancing and Health Checks<\/a> for everyone here including our candidates for u. S. Senate, republican Senator Cory Gardner<\/a> for the remainder of this debate we will refer to as Mister Gardner<\/a> and his democratic challenger John Hickenlooper<\/a> who will we will refer to as mister hickenlooper. The topics and questions have been selected by coloradopolitics. Com and the colorado and have not been shared in advance with anyone to with anyone. The candidates will have one minute for answers, 30 seconds for rebuttals with extended discussion at our discussion. Discretion. You as voters deserve a debate filled with clear answers to clear questions and for the candidates to have an opportunity to speak without interrupting one another. Ting. We will also have one opportunity this evening for the candidates to post direct questions to one another. Lets get started. Colorados covid19 hospitalizations are at their highest point sincethe initial wave of the pandemic in the spring. Artest Positivity Rate<\/a> today hit five percent. Thats a warning to Public Health<\/a> experts. Same question to both of you to begin. What is the single most important thing we can do to improve our Pandemic Response<\/a> and what or who is standing in the way . Gardner. Thanks to Colorado State<\/a> university, its great to be back on this as a graduate, great to be here and all the other responders. We must have a to really package out of the United States<\/a> congress, this follows up on the relief packages we alreadypassed. This package includes people with unemployment benefits, additional dollarsfor vaccines, dollars for childcare , dollars for education as help for Small Businesses<\/a> allowing paycheck perfect attention dollars to be back into the hands of businesses, keep their doors open to make sure that we have a second drop on the loans. These are the kind of things we need to be pursuing and we need to make sure where following socialdistancing , making sure people are practicing good hygiene including wearing a mask but i will say this and start this evening with what john hick and looper would have done had he been there. He would have voted against this, the very bill i described was he said he would, a bill that would have provided unemployment relief and relief for education, for childcare, new dollars for vaccines area we cant afford to havesomebody who refuses to support the people of colorado in the senate. After hickenlooper, if we want to have a long discussion we can and ill restate thediscussion. What is the single most important thing we can do to improve our Pandemic Response<\/a> and who or what is standingin the way . We did see an introduction that will see a lot, theres been a fair amountof time on the attack. I think there will be a fair amount of distortion and exaggeration ill go to the question. The most important thing we can do is tax relief, a nation that again, corey and i agree on this. Four days ago, corey was emphatic that he thought that covid relief should be a higher priority than making sure that we rush through this Supreme Court<\/a> nomination which is where the senate focus seems to be and i think the question has to be asked , if covid relief is the most important thing and the protective equipmentfor everyone , he could just say i will not vote to support this thing, if the , if indeed the relief act doesnt get past first andthere are two senators that said yesterday they were not going to vote for it. If his priority would be a strong point towards getting relief. Your hearing here in Northern Colorado<\/a> where we saw one of thelargest outbreaks in the state. Mister gardner, you brag about gds workers, and leaders say those tests never arrived. Kds also didnt test all its workers before reopening as it has promised. Mister gardner, gds is a significant donor. That company protect its workers did you deliver a 5000 taxipromised. I worked closely with the state of colorado and if you look at the record will see the governor said every employee at jds who want to test can get a test. Thats not me saying it, thats not the new saying it, thats the governor saying there were tests if they wanted them. We have to make sure we have personal protective equipment for our employees whether theyre working at a restaurant or working at a meatpacking plant and we also have to recognize the challenges that our food supply system went through when we had the initial stages of the pandemic hit. Our workers were heroes thats why i worked closely with the governor to make sure we had those tests that they needed to make sure we had them. We need to continue that effort to provide a secure food chains and provide secure Food Supplies<\/a> for our country area but when governor hickenlooper was in office he had a chance to get a personal protective equipment we needed for the state and yet he refused to provide the personal protective equipment stockpile that could have protected us. Before i read a lot a rebuttal to the 5000 arrived and. You would have to begin check with the governor, the governor said they got allthe test they needed for every employee. Humor name checked in this, did you fail colorado by nothaving proper ppe years earlier . Thats ridiculous. The governor has done a remarkable job and we should recognize that his efforts have been probably, i talked to a number of the workers at jdf and they are in fact they do not get testing capacity. They were asked and forced to go back to work withouthaving that knowledge of who is infected and who isnt. And i think thats a question of willful negligence. He asked them to go back and protect our source of food without giving them the protections any of us would expect. Again, what you heard from a former governor is that he takes no responsibility for failing to prepare colorado or a pandemic. We actually have a state audit that shows while he was governor they failed to prepare the state of colorado for a pandemic. Documentation problem exists today, the same medication problem he had when he was governor so we dont need somebody in washington dc thinks about himself and refuses to take responsibility and will do the job for colorado. He wont do it here and he certainly wont do it in washington. Question for you as we continue our discussion about the best way to get relieffor people who need it. Democrats in congress have loaded up some of the relief bills and economic stimulus bills with a bunch of goodies for political allies of their whether or not you agree with that approach is tough to say that hasnt slowed things down but for the sake of speedalong to democrats doing . I think what we need to get in washington is the ability to actually negotiate. Whats been to me most frustrating is we havent seen any willingness on the republican or democrat side to find where do we agree, where do we disagree and begin looking at. We got six months now since we had any really and people stop getting their Unemployment Insurance<\/a> in july, their rent protections have gone by, they dont have healthcare in many cases. This has gone on long enough yet on one side or the other continues to say their and their pointing fingers. This is that the status quo, this is what i want to go to washington to change because we need negotiation. We need to sit down and work out what the differences are but corey said four days ago in our debate he would place a priority on this and he stood up and said im not going to vote for justice until we get relief. Then we get negotiations, thats what we need to move forward. I didnt hear an answerto the questions i asked again. I asked you about your side, aside you might haveinfluence with. Do you think that democrats should stop loading up the economic billswith duties to get them through faster . I was in washington i would do everything i could to make sure there was a process to get a leading buildable forward. Thank you very much. Afew times tonight youre going to respond. Were going to talk about the associated issue of healthcare , if you want to talk about health topic. Reference disparity in chicago. And that is healthcare. The person black and latino coloradans with Health Insurance<\/a> almost doubled with the expansion of medicaid coverage in the Affordable Care<\/a> act. Mister gardner, if you succeed in getting ready read of the Affordable Care<\/a> act the loss of Health Insurance<\/a> would disproportionately fall on black and latinocoloradans at the same time a pandemic is affecting those communities. We will focus on patientcentered care system in the low people to increase the quality of care by decreasing the cost of that care we will do so through risk pools. We have to recognize the work that has been done for communities across colorado by growing our economy. If you are a black family in the state in you have senior wealth grow by 33 of hispanic families have seen their wealth grow by 65 as a result of the economic policies. What im concerned with is governor hickenloopers governmentrun program that would take 176 million americans insurance policies away from their workplace. Thats his plan. Thats irresponsible to destroy americans insurance. Thank you mr. Gardner. Mr. Hickenlooper described this with governor kasich and its come up in a number of discussions of 30 seconds for you to tell us what is that plan and are you still pursuing it and what would it mean to coloradans . I have 30 seconds and you want me to. This is your rebuttal and he is describing your plan and im giving you 30 seconds to tell folks what that plan is. John kasich the republican governor of ohio we came together not to replace the Affordable Care<\/a> act. I never said that and he never said that. We are looking at ways to improve it especially poking out focusing on ways we can make exchanges more costeffective for people. The Affordable Care<\/a> act the republicans tried to take it away and never allowed us to report to repair it or improve it and again and again these attacks are threatening to dismantle it completely without any kind of a suitable fix. Mr. Gardner the Affordable Care<\/a> act some might call it preexisting. If youve introduced an eight line bill did that you say will require Insurance Companies<\/a> to cover preexisting conditions. What part of that though requires an Insurance Company<\/a> to offer me coverage in the first place . The bill requires coverage for people with preexisting conditions. Maybe only eight lines and i remind you we are here today under the First Amendment<\/a> radium of speech and freedom of press freedom of religion freedom to assemble. Obviously it was 45 words long in the First Amendment<\/a> got a pretty doggone right through this as a guiding principle that the democrats and republicans agree to that will provide coverage for people with preexisting conditions and we will make sure the Insurance Companies<\/a> and thats what my bill does is provide that coverage. There may be some who disagree. Lets work on it together to make sure that its right. Thats the guiding principle as her First Amendment<\/a> is the guiding principle for freedom of speech. Lets make sure that protection for preexisting conditions continues. What you heard governor hickenlooper say was he didnt want the Affordable Care<\/a> but hes on record saying he wants to go to the governmentrun health care system. The danger of veteran harm it would have barbour hospitals. We are at the bottom half of access to Health Care Thanks<\/a> for his leadership role he was governor. I didnt hear the answer mr. Gardner that requires the bill that requires insurance for everyone including a section that included guarantee availability of coverage. If the Affordable Care<\/a> act were to be repealed that guarantee goes away with it. Where is that exist . The bill requires people to be covered if they have preexisting conditions. It is a bill that provides that guidance that principle that we will cover people with. Existing conditions. You may have a different interpretation. Every single one of the 11 bills that passed and signed into law have changed from the time they were in committee to the time they got signed into law. The guiding principle remains i support and will be demand covers for people with preexisting conditions. I will not like governor hickenlooper take coverage away from 17 million americans. If this bill exists does everyone get coverage you want to . Thats my goal. Preexisting conditions you say . My bill were choirs people do get coverage for preexisting question coverage. Mr. Hickenlooper youre the purse person held in contempt by the Ethics Commission<\/a> and accepting illegal gifts. You blame the republicans. You misleadingly claimed you were exonerated on dozens of allegations and you told marshalls journalist should be protecting you on this. Do you regret breaking the lawn perhaps more importantly would you change your behavior voters return you to elected office . While i recognize that there were two reporting errors in the Ethics Commission<\/a> and found this in violation on those two occasions. They referred to it as a relatively minor mistake and i guarantee you they were inadvertent. Get inadvertent. We had a team of people worked on this but they obviously werent perfect. I think we should recognize these allegations came from a dark money Republican Organization<\/a> that was created two days before those allegations were filed and their soul purpose was to try to create material for attack ads. C this summer those attack ads were relentless and thats bringing washington politics to colorado. Again i paid a 2800dollar fine and i take responsibility for that. I certainly will make sure that never happens again. I testified for three hours and from the commission and told the truth to every question they asked. Mr. Hickenlooper another question about honesty and ethics come from earnest a recorded question and hes a partner at cover politics. Com. Of them even endorsed by all the leading gun safety legislation and after signing those bills you told colorado sheriffs that you had expected the magazine ban to be so controversial and you only signed it because of a staff member committed to using one thing publicly and privately saying the opposite that something you accused senator gardner of doing. Let a be very clear i stand by my record on gun safety. We are the first purple state to roll up our sleeves and do personal background checks. To this day cory gardner a Mitch Mcconnell<\/a> dont think universal background checks worth work. They no one can get it onto the floor as long as Mitch Mcconnell<\/a> as Mitch Mcconnell<\/a> as the majority leader of the senate because they dont think its effective enough. The bottom line is and you can step back and look at this cory gardner has received almost 4 million in support from the nra and gun manufactures. Mitch mcconnell received even more. This is big money at play in politics and cory gardner has received more corporate pac money 5. 7 million in any elected official and colorado history and suddenly the corporations get these massive tax breaks. Thank you mr. Hickenlooper. If we could target the question to what coloradans know. Coloradans know what art gun control landscape looks like so perhaps you could explain mr. Gardner would gun control laws do we have in colorado but you dont think apply or should be passed nationwide . Could you compare what we have here to a elected scene nationwide . I also want to reply to the governors attacks because he is attacked quite frequently in this debate and ive had always had a chance to respond. I believe we have laws in place the need to be enforced but i dont think when it comes to prohibiting the sale between a father and a son interfering at that level that is a good thing for our country. Colorado may be handling this in a different way but i dont think we should infringe on those rights that are family sales if i want to give my son the 12gauge i grew up learning to hunt with i would not feel it to do that but if you look at the bands the governor put in place they had limited effect and he lied to the county sheriffs about that. He lied to the county sheriffs about that effort. He wants a national gun license. He wants everybody in the state to have a National Federal<\/a> license for a firearm infringing on our 2nd amendment rights. What he is saying is here is different than what he had to want to do in washington. Its to John Hickenlooper<\/a>s. One wants to do something here in one wants to do something there and its not right for stay. Mr. Hickenlooper i want to give them a chance to answer the question could be answered a question about yourself saying that you Say Something<\/a> privately and Something Else<\/a> publicly. My record on gun safety my original intention was we should have limits that would pass a year later for a variety of reasons. The bottom line is before covid we were having one mass shooting a day and its long overdue that we began begin looking at how do we keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people and background checks making sure we dont have highcapacity magazines available whenever to whomever wants them. They are still widely available so to that talking point we have proven hasnt changed in colorado. Im not trying to be argumentative. Oftentimes when laws are passed it takes a while come it takes years sometimes before they become the norm, they become part of culture. If you dont pass the laws and you dont set requirements that everyone is going to buy a gun your drivers license you should be a lot find out. We found when we look to the background checks from 2012 there were 138 people that have been convicted of homicide in cal colorado. They tried to buy gun and we stop them. If i could have another minute because i think its important. We are going to shifts now to Justice Ruth Bader<\/a> ginsburg who died 46 days before election day. Four years ago Justice Scalia<\/a> died 429 days before the election. You said you the americans to server role must process a now your k. With a nominee. Why should anyone trust to stand by anything you are are telling us tonight . In 2016 when this occurred i was expressing the senates ability to follow its requirement and advice as part of the constitution and to follow the precedent at the time laid out by then Vice President<\/a> joe biden during his time in the u. S. Senate. Today we are following the president laid out since the late 1800s and continuing to adhere to the advice and consent of the United States<\/a> constitution. The constitution clearly allows the president nomination. We did not provide that consent in 2016 based on the precedent. As we have the nominations with hearings moving forward. To be clear though the people of colorado certainly deserve a chance to get an answer from joe biden and John Hickenlooper<\/a> on what they want to do with the Supreme Court<\/a>. I oust john last week if he supported courtpacking and i dont know if you want to answer that tonight john but i would say this joe biden doesnt think the people of colorado are this country deserves an answer on courtpacking. I hope you agree that deserves an answer on whether or not you support packing the courts with additional judges. Mr. Gardner thank you. Mr. John hickenlooper i want to talk about the issue. Both you and joe biden didnt answer measures seen as retaliation or reform based on what republicans have done with the Supreme Court<\/a>. Lets try this in a different format. Lets try these as yes, no or i dont want to say. Do you support expanding or packing the Supreme Court<\/a> if republicans confirm Amy Coney Barrett<\/a> . Its a hypothetical. I will put it this way. I dont like the idea of courtpacking the end we are seeing it right now in its full. It doesnt make any sense. With people in washington you wont have to do that institutional change. We are going go on to the next yes, no or i dont want to say. You support term limits for Supreme Court<\/a> justice . Again theres so many variables. No, i dont support term limits but who can say in the future . Another idea has been rotating Supreme Court<\/a> justices onto the Supreme Court<\/a> for fresh blood. Ive never heard that so ive been taught about it. You ask support expanding the size of accord to expand the judiciary . Again ive been seeing the pros and cons and ive not delved into that. Another thing that been talked about the democrats could do with retaliation with what the republicans are doing to the Supreme Court<\/a> is grading statehood for the district of columbia and puerto rico. Those are different issues long before we got into this. Just for the record long before we saw this courtpacking i had said i think washington d. C. Should be a state so im on the record with that but it has nothing to do with courtpacking. Understood and puerto rico . Puerto rico i could be persuaded. Again this is similar in many ways to hawaii when we brought hawaii into the United States<\/a>. Thank you very much. Mr. Gardner on the Court President<\/a> trump Supreme Court<\/a> nominee amy cohen and barrett is a postabortion she said today that roe v. Wade is not a super precedent and its not safe for being reversed. Last week there were conservative justices that suggested marriage should be overturned. Are you comfortable with overturning a womans right to an abortion and americans right to marry . Settled laws of president that should be respected but i want to make sure we understand here what courtpacking means. Its an orwellian. Mackin newspeak to say courtpacking is what is taking place today. Core packing or 150 plus years in this countrys history has been identified as adding judges to the lower courts or the u. S. Supreme court until you get enough judges on the court to rule your way. John knows exactly what courtpacking means produce trying to hide tonight behind the law fulfilling of nominations and approval by the United States<\/a> senate so the question is to governor hickenlooper do you support, do you support adding justices to the Supreme Court<\/a> more than nine, 10 or or 11 and thats a question you should answer because thats the definition of courtpacking. Just as a quick followup on the principle that you just outlined one consequence of core packing or expanding the court is democrats do it and the republicans do it again and the democrats are beginning to skin a larger court. I assume from what youre saying if you are reelected and continued to serve in the senate if democrats packed the court you adamantly oppose republicans doing it im returned. Is worse for 150 years is too bad governor hickenlooper can admit that. Mr. Gardner this is the part youve been waiting for. Youve left a question dangling out there and if this is the opportunity to ask each other questions. A question from you. I just heard one and maybe its the same one youre about to ask that mr. Gardner ill let you ask the first question. Over the last several months we have seen Great Division<\/a> in our country. We have seen Racial Injustice<\/a> and we have seen racial inequality. We have seen the murder of george floyd on television. We have seen Defund Police<\/a> movements across the country. We have seen violence this weekend with the death of a protester. Governor hickenlooper you supported a fund called chinook that included funding for recreate 68 or radical organization that demented violence in the 2008 convention in denver. That supports the defunding of police and supports violence of do you stand behind your support for recreate 68 . I dont know anything about recreate 68. Genetic was a foundation where activists were trying to improve their own community and have the responsibility and the opportunity to give to all kinds of organizations. I was not involved and havent been involved with the genetic project in 30 years so again the whole point of chin neck is they are trying to allow people that opportunity to make decisions to improve their own community. Mr. Hickenlooper you can asked the question of mr. Gardner now. Senator gardner you have talked to about the meeting you convened in january and one of the first meetings to recognize the seriousness of covid19 and ben and i think there were a couple of senators that sold stock there but three weeks later you came back to Colorado Springs<\/a> and there was a large rally with President Trump<\/a> and many thousands of people without masks and shouldertoshoulder with their and he stood sidebyside with donald trump brady didnt warn any of the coloradans about the risk that they were facing like being at that rally. Why was that . Thank you governor hickenlooper. I held the first briefing in the night as the senate to make sure that we heard from admiral gerard and dr. Fauci and dr. Redfield to discuss what was happening with this novel coronavirus. I will hope to everyone in the senate would attend this briefing unfortunate there were only 12 people because it was at the beginning of the virus and people were encouraging like nancy pelosi to go to chinatown to mayor de blasio and encouraging people there were mistakes at every level of government including the experts who said we dont know if masks are effective or not. We have to improve our response every single minute of the day. Thats our local level, our state and federal level and thats what i continue to focus on but i wish more people would have attended that first hearing. A clarifying question mr. Gardner. At the time of that february rally when you were shouldertoshoulder with President Trump<\/a> we now know thanks to the journalists but the president thought of covid19 at that point. It was way worse than the flu airborne and so forth. And President Trump<\/a> tell you before you sat next to him in that crowd that he knew all those things that they do have that knowledge . I did not that we knew this was something we had to deal with. We knew we had something from china that we didnt understand. China was lying to us and lying to the world saying he couldnt be transmitted the way we now know it can. W. H. O. Is covering up for china. We have to make sure we dont follow the same mistakes the nancy pelosi made inviting people the chinatown but its also importantly standup to places like china. Governor hickenlooper last week said china is not the problem. I wasnt asking about china or nancy pelosi or anybody else but i was asking if whether you wish the president had leaned over and told you what he knew which was this is way worse than im saying it here we are in a crowd. I dont know if he knew or didnt know. I wish we would have the information at the beginning for the World Health Organization<\/a> in china if you look at nancy pelosi i bring that up because nancy pelosi was saying mayor de blasio. There were a lot of mistakes early on on all sides. Lets return to dispiriting colorado and racial equality and specifically Police Reform<\/a>. Mr. Hickenlooper during your term as mayor settlements and incidents that have continued since. How will you be able to perform these when he warned us mayor or governor . I look at the progress we have made before i was even inaugurated as the mayor we began Police Reform<\/a> and we worked with the black Ministerial Alliance<\/a> and we created some of the first major reforms civilian Oversight Commission<\/a> and in office of independent monitoring to investigate claims of misconduct by the police. We began trying to hold for accountable. Our General Assembly<\/a> this past year acted on a bipartisan level pass legislation that is a model which we should do nationally. They banned chokehold then they banned noknock warrant. They required Police Officers<\/a> to keep their cameras on. They helped Police Officers<\/a> accountable for their actions and they passed litigation on qualitative immunity. This is the type of reform that needs to go to washington instead of what we have seen so far in washington which has been suggestions without any real teeth. Thank you mr. Hickenlooper. Mr. Gardner how do to believe systemic racism affects coloradans and what have you done . I believe this country is inherently good. I believe that this nation is a great nation that is made mistakes yes that we learn from those mistakes. Our souls were seared in a way that perhaps we have never seen with the murder of george floyd and we must make sure that we are passing reforms like the justice act the John Hickenlooper<\/a> has belittled here tonight. Legislation that would have provided tracking for Police Violence<\/a> and opportunities for us to get more dollars in the hands of states to do the right thing when it comes to Police Reform<\/a>s. We need to make sure we pass the justice act and we focus on things like the First Step Act<\/a> which is our bill to reform sentencing and their efforts to provide historically black colleges and universities of mandatory funding so we can bring more equality but again what you didnt hear from John Hickenlooper<\/a> tonight is why he didnt step away and why he didnt condemn recreate 68 which called for violence and the funding police. Why he wont call for an investigation into what he now describes as a murder. Lets talk about Climate Change<\/a> and they industry. Mr. Gardner bursary where contingency impacts of Climate Change<\/a> play out in colorado in the form of devastating wildfires record heat and intensifying drought. You called yourself an environmental activist with her last three years ago to rollback limits on Greenhouse Gas<\/a> emissions for the fossil fuel industry and confirmed lobbyists as leaders of the epa and the department of the interior. Why did you vote against Climate Action<\/a> even if Climate Change<\/a> continues to be out of control in your state. Thank you for the question but if you look at the commercials running on tv they talk about the Great American<\/a> outdoors act produces most important conservation legislation that is passed in over 50 years. It would create dozens of jobs here in colorado with the biggest infusion im of money to public hands in the history of our country by the National Resources<\/a> this council has set up that legislation that addresses to pressing issues of our time. One, Climate Change<\/a> in two two biodiversity project over to scott signed into law addresses Climate Change<\/a>. Ive also passed a nearly 50 in crease in funding of the National Renewable<\/a> Energy Laboratory<\/a> right here in colorado to focus on efforts to address Climate Change<\/a> to reduce emissions but my plan doesnt include laying off 230,000 coloradans. Thats what johns plan would do. John would destroy the livelihoods of 230,000 colorado families because he wants to make their job obsolete. A few miles down the road from us the county relies on those jobs. My hometown relies on those jobs that John Hickenlooper<\/a> is planned in to shoot those jobs down. The specific votes related Greenhouse Gas<\/a>es in the confirmations of epa and the department of the interior. You look at the work we continue to do the Great American<\/a> outdoors act addresses Climate Change<\/a> and im sure the number of jobs they would have cost is too high. I dont think we have to punish our economy in order to achieve reductions in pollution and to address Climate Change<\/a>. What those rules and regulations would have done is the cost of electricity for those in least afford it and when it comes to the point is im excited about the fact that colorado has a secretary of interior interior place in washington d. C. We were in colorado breaking ground on her arkansas conduit. I will not destroy the economy in pursuit of a radical further than Green New Deal<\/a> agenda. You have 30 seconds for rebuttal. Is because you want environment to build is making an enviro lands list environmentalists. We should recognize he has voted to roll back the air and clean Water Protection<\/a> in the voted to put back the coal lobbyist in charge of epa and when solar and battery electric bill is going to go down. We are going to transition to a Clean Energy Economy<\/a> and the old create six times more jobs and will be lost. I have got a question on your oil and gas rig a view supported the industry and your tenure as governor and he drank the water to prove it was safe in our pushing for one of electric renewable. Why should people who care about Climate Change<\/a> trust that he will follow through on your platform . I always was focusing on Climate Change<\/a> but i got a masters in earth and Environmental Science<\/a> in 1979. We called the greenhouse effect and we knew it had the potential to be an existential threat to all of humankind and we are seeing those consequences now. What we did in colorado we were the first state to hold oil and gas industry accountable and create methane regulations. Methane is 80 times more harmful to the climate than co2 and yet those methane regulations were rolled out by canadas National Policy<\/a> and the United States<\/a> National Policy<\/a> and President Trump<\/a> came in and was supportive of cory gardner and got rid of those regulations. Not only that they rollback the limitations on emissions from via goals, from coal generation and all these emissions are now going unchecked. If i could respond the court struck down those regulations for the methane regulations Still Standing<\/a> colorado. He may have drank the fracking good buddy also drank the koolaid want to go further than the Green New Deal<\/a>. Make no mistake with the means for coloradans. If you work in oil and gas he wants you gone from your job. If you work in the coalmines around colorado he wants you gone from most jobs. Thats your record and you are running tv commercials about the fact that you close those down. Mr. Gardner thank you 30 seconds for you to respond and well move on. Surrogates happily where the ridiculous. The bottomline is we will create more jobs in a new Energy Economy<\/a> than will ever be lost. Clean energy is less expensive but we have an integrated basis on a national level. The best practices we start in colorado again cory gardner has voted again and again to rollback the protections of cleaner clean water. He didnt just go neutral and Climate Change<\/a> he took us in the wrong direction. Thank you mr. Hickenlooper. Mr. Gardner when you are running for the senate quote when my party is wrong i will say it. Democrats point to your unwavering loyalty to President Trump<\/a> and majority leader Mitch Mcconnell<\/a> and say that you broke that promise but theres another way to look at it in which the promise holds but that would mean the reason you dont defy them is because you think they are right almost all the time begin to explain how you view that pledge im with you to . I contend is stand up for the people colorado and fight for those jobs in colorado that John Hickenlooper<\/a> wants to destroy. I fought against my party and immigration because i believed we needed an immigration policy that works. I believe states rights matter in the state of colorado is leading the way. I fought against my opponent when it comes to conservation is why we convince the president change his mind on permanent funding of the land and Water Conservation<\/a> fund. At past 11 bills into law the third most bipartisan member of United States<\/a> senate for a reason because i believe if you build enough support with republicans and democrats you can get things done. Im sure that every democrat in the state including John Hickenlooper<\/a> is happy with my record probably because gardner is is an r but in fact weve been able to get things done for the state supporting the people of colorado supporting the people of colorado 100 of the time for things like the bureau of Land Management<\/a> of colorado and i will continue to fight for the state rates mr. Hickenlooper youve been in previous elected roles in the private sector and thats one of the reasons not wanting for to be a senator. U. S. Residents to what was the last job he had where you werent the boss and were you any good at it . The last job i had was as a geologist in the early 1980s. Certainly as the boss as a Small Business<\/a> owner i was the optimist and a problem solver. And we did that by brie in and the whole Team Together<\/a> as the mayor and the governor. I wasnt the person that had to dominate every conversation where our success was in attracting people that knew how to get things done about the problem in washington. You hear all the things that cory gardner says it sounds like everything washington is fine. We have all these bills that nothing is changing and nothing is happening thats going to change our lives or the threat of Climate Change<\/a>. Look at. Existing conditions where his bill with five Fact Checkers<\/a> say there are no protections for people of. Existing conditions and if you remember one thing tonight that lie is not just a lie to mayor to the viewers at the lie to 24 million coloradans who have preexisting medical conditions. Mr. Kusatv as i heard a lot about cory gardner but the second question was in your job really your job or your any good at a . To be very blunt i was a good geologist but i was not a great geologist and i worked for two years after the industry collapsed in the 80s and i finally ended up opening when i walked into that restaurant the first day and Electric City<\/a> and having brought people together and creating a team that was really going to do Something Special<\/a> to resurrect the whole economy downtown. After that deep dive into the link in profile we will ship shift to a discussion about whether an american president will peacefully give up power after losing, the hallmark of our republic for centuries. Ernest has a question for mr. Gardner pitts senator President Trump<\/a> several times has refused to commit himself to peaceful transfer of power after the election and in last weeks debate Vice President<\/a> mike pence also wouldnt say where he will accept the peaceful transfer of power grid as we saw here in denver over the weekend things in this country are the oiling point. First are you okay with it president you are endorsing ding any less clear on this question and second win or lose what concrete steps will you take to make sure there is a peaceful transfer of power at the white house . Thank you or miss. The every Single Person<\/a> in this country should be Crystal Clear<\/a> there will be a peaceful transition of power. Theres no doubt about that. Thats the hallmark of our democracy and thats exactly then i put out. This is the hallmark of democracy a peaceful transition. We will follow the constitution. We will follow the law and follow the constitution. Governor kusatv thes last question he was asked this last job he had where he was in charge. I can tell you right now i have one of those jobs rhyme not in charge. The people of this country and the people of the state that are in charge of this position in the United States<\/a> senate. I work for the people of colorado. We all work for the people of our country as elected officials to the United States<\/a> congress and what you heard his answer is once again an example of somebody who wants to go to washington not realize they will work for the people that they are the boss and they are in charge, thats what matters in this election. Thank you. Now some questions about the role they detect plays in our lives and politics. Mr. Hickenlooper supported bringing amazon Second Headquarters<\/a> to colorado. Do americas Big Tech Companies<\/a> like Amazon Google<\/a> facebook stifle competition and you see the need for any specific additional regulation crags. We are seeing over the last eight or nine years that we have seen at her medic a dramatic decline in the number of new businesses started after your pet i think theres no question in big tech theres a level of consolidation and corporate size that they some number of different polls. When we look at the responses to covid and the first cares act it didnt have sufficient support for the truly small as this is. They are the back one of america so whether you are looking at amazon or google these behemoth companies have to be much more responsible to their community and they have to be able to address the issues and how it squelches competition and how it inhibits entrepreneurs from starting businesses. We also have to deal with the consequences. We have seen in the past we have laws that demonstrate that size can be a barrier to competition and innovation. A quick 30second followup what should social media giants do about conspiracy theories on line that they dont take action as a place for congress to get involved . Thats when at the trickiest questions you are going to get. This country is based around the notion of free speech but that is one of our most sacred rights and we shouldnt lightly discuss it. That being said we have got to have some confidence in the media where we are getting our news that they are getting real facts and they think we are long past the time where facebook in these large media giants and behemoth tech companies, they have to be responsible whether its its truth or untruth. Mr. Sadberry social media attacks and extremism come together on line pay last week facebook crack down on account spreading the qm nond conspiracy parody reclassifying it as a militia. Of campaign along q1 on supporting candidate lauren and for those who dont know q. Announced the conspiracy. The President Trump<\/a> will round up and execute democrats [reading names] babies. If we could start with a yes or no answer do you share the fbis view that q. One on is a domestic Terror Threat<\/a> . I dont believe in qm nond and i believe they are threat. I was just asking about the fbi. To follow up on the larger issue so if you trust the fbi that its a domestic Terror Threat<\/a> why would shoot campaign along somebody who has expressed support for a . Im not here to defend lauren no good for some things she did or didnt say. You can take her interpretation and i take her ads for her word that she does not support qanon. Extremism is not something we should accept on the left or the right and we must condemn that hate every time we camp it is no room for White Supremacy<\/a> and theres no room for discrimination in this country. We have to stop the people who want to spread the kind of misinformation but we also cant allow our Big Tech Companies<\/a> in Silicon Valley<\/a> to stifle legitimate speech whether its on the left or the right critics said this before with the concerns i have is if you have 2000 in d. C. Which is worst . We need to find the truth and make sure extremism doesnt take pace. Like anadarko who paid for policy initiatives in his governors office. They have a patent play plan were corporations would take initiatives and policies and pay for that thats something thats been discussed. Mr. Hickenlooper 30 seconds to respond specifically her actions involving anadarko. We had Public Private<\/a> partnerships like governors before me and governor is utilizing them now. You have a tight budget and to provide resources to various programs. For us it was getting books in the hands of 4yearold to making sure we had senior efforts to make them state more hospitable for seniors and usa today ranked as one of the top states for seniors. These were efforts where you are transparent. We havent done great on the yes or no but well try again. Yes or no to let voters know where you stand. Theres enough information amendment be that repealed the gallagher of amendment which keeps Residential Property<\/a> taxes are going down like they are supposed to. Do you support at first mr. Hickenlooper . Yes, you do. Mr. Sadberry. I dont believe in increasing taxes on residents so no. You to disagree on a lot of things but im curious either believe your opponent is a moral and ethical man. Thank you i have great concerns with governor hickenlooper. I have grain great concern about contempt. Mr. Hickenlooper do believe that mr. Gardner is an ethical man . Yes. Do believe that mr. Trump is a moral and ethical man . Yes. I wish hed be more colorados proposition 1a team would outlaw abortion after 22 weeks except to save a womans life. To support this . I am prolife. Coloradans are asked to join the popular vote for proposition 131 toward our Electoral College<\/a> votes to the candidate who gets the most votes nationwide. Do you support the National Popular<\/a> vote mr. Hickenlooper . Its a double negative but yes. Missed her gardener . And the question is do i support the National Popular<\/a> vote . The want to keep the Electoral College<\/a> because i believe. So your answer is no. Proposition 22 would create a. Family medical leave program that would revive 12 weeks of. Time off through payroll tax cap by employees in half by employers. Second still trying to find out the impact on Small Businesses<\/a> in particular. We are the only industrialized country that is now. Leave. Climb time for closing statements by a flip of the coin earlier. Mr. Gardner you have 60 seconds. Thank you and thank you for the chance to be a today. In Northern California<\/a> on the fur. To buy 25 Eastern Plains<\/a> and the western the state thats has been made great by early pioneers in native americans a state made great by our immigrants who have fought hard and agriculture and engineering and medical science princess kate that this university has played it dramatic role in developing truly need somebody washington is going to fight tooth and nail for all four quarters of this day. Some may believe i 70 doesnt and then failed and doesnt end in strasburg and that we value every job whether its in craig colorado or wells county in greeley colorado. Those jobs matter. Ive been honored to serve in the United States<\/a> senate the last six years as the third most bipartisan member of the u. S. Senate passing more of his place in than the entire colorado congressional delegation combined. Advantage of have your support for the next six years as we fight corner to corner for the people of this great state. Thank you very much mr. Gardner. Mr. Hickenlooper your closing statement. Senate thank you to kusatv and nine news for lively debate. Some have lunch and a barrage of attacks of lies and distortion and exaggeration. I think people see through that and i know people understand the stakes that are involved. Colorado has a choice are we going to protect health care for people with preexisting conditions are rare going to take it away . Are going to tackle Climate Change<\/a> have on them protect their garment or are we going to keep rolling back clean air and clean water regulations. Are we going to step up and give away tax breaks to corporations or recreate our economy and way that actually allows more people to create their own American Dream<\/a> . Nothing is going to change if we dont change washington. I want, thats what i have to ask why you need your support and why i need your vote. Together we can change washington. Thank you mr. Hickenlooper. We do a lot of these debates and its rare for us to have a stage with so many combined years of Public Service<\/a> to colorado. The off chance that one of your two careers in Public Service<\/a> this november thanks on the behalf of the people of colorado for the many years youve served in the state despite the cynicism that exists today they are still good to be done in Public Service<\/a> and both of youve been an arena for a long time so thank you very much and thank you for being here tonight. Thank you as well to all of the wonder full folks at Colorado State<\/a> university that were willing to their with us here pandemic year to put together debate that got it that information to voters in kept everybody here say. Thanks for partners of the colorado along with the radio and tv partners to ensure this debate was broadcast to every corner of colorado but if you missed any of this debate and you want to watch it again are sure with someone whos undecided on the senate race he can find a link to the old commercialfree our at nine news. Com at the next youtube channel. Voting or minds in colorado you can register at and vote up until election day they ballot drop boxes are open in Person Voting Centers<\/a> start Opening Monday<\/a> october 19. Your voting by mail make sure you are getting it and a week before election day on November November<\/a> 3 so monday october 26 should be aired deadline for mailin ballot. This nine news voter guide can be found on nine news. Com for races of interest marshals selling air breaks down all the ballot issues. You can join us weeknights at 6 00 as we go to the ballot page by page and ill drop it off together. Thanks for joining us. The race for President Trump<\/a> is in arizona today, a state he won in 2016. Watch this evening at 6 00 eastern on cspan, online at cspan. Org, or listen on the free cspan radio app. Menhe contenders, about the who ran for the presidency, who lost, but changed political history. Tonight, minnesotas hubert humphrey. The contenders, this week at 8 00 p. M. Eastern on American History<\/a> tv on cspan3. The candidates for north roylina governor incumbent cooper and governor dan forest took part in a debate unc tv studios with the North Carolina<\/a> association of broadcasters sponsor this hourlong debate. The 2020 gubernatorial candidates debate is presented through a partnership with the North Carolina<\/a> association of broadcasters education foundation. Good evening and welcome. Im the North Carolina<\/a> tv news anchor your moderator for tonight and welcome to the 2020 North Carolina<\/a> Gubernatorial Debate<\/a> produced in association with the North Carolina<\/a> association of broadcasters Educational Foundation<\/a> and umc tv. We introduce the candidates tonight, the governor of North Carolina<\/a> democrat roy cooper. And the Lieutenant Governor<\/a> of North Carolina<\/a> republican dan forrest. And we should note the debate is happening of course during a critical time for the state, the covid pandemic. 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