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Discusses the 2020 campaign. We take your calls and you can join the conversation on facebook and twitter. Washington journal is next. Host good morning. Its the washington journal. President trump is in arizona and joe biden is in ohio. Senator harris returns to the campaign trail in floor. Early voting begins in that state. Vice president pence is in pennsylvania. He will also go to maine. Devoted to youis telling us about your top issues heading into election day. What is it . Perhaps its the pandemic. Maybe there are other topics. This is how you can let us know. If you support joe biden. 202 7488001 if you support President Trump. If you are undecided, 202 7488002. You can text us. You can post on our facebook. The Gallup Organization pulled republican men and women what their top issues were. Gauging that and response, when it comes to matters of the economy, 48 of republican men and 49 of republican women say the economy versus 38 of democratic men. When it comes to the coronavirus, 19 of republican men say it was extremely important to them. 27 of republican women said the same. 59 of democratic men also expressed that when they said the responses the most important issue. Relations, it is 15 of republican men and 33 of republican women same thats extremely important. 62 ofdemocratic men and Democratic Women same that issue is very important to them. You may have other issues you say are top issues for you. You can call and let us know that. 202 7488001 if you support the president. If you support joe biden. If you are002 undecided and support others. Andcan let us know off text twitter. The wall street journal highlight some of the final stretches of the campaign. The president is holding Campaign Rallies nearly every day. Its a brisk return after he tested positive for coded covid. We will wait for you for a few minutes to let us know what your top issue is. We will talk about matters of the supremeof court. Amy Coney Barrett had her hearings last week. That process resumes this week. Senior reporter from the hill. Good morning. Thanks for joining us. Guest good morning. Host walk us through the next steps. Whats going on behind the scenes as the week starts off . Next steps are october 22, there will be of vote in committee on her nomination. Shes expected to get every single republican vote. Isry single democrat expected to vote against her. Is goingonnell says he to take up her nomination on the floor friday. What that means is he is going to file cloture. The expectation is there would be a procedural vote. Intervening day for the vote. If mcconnell could speed things up by keeping the senate over the weekend, the expectation is he files on friday. On tuesday. The final up or down vote will be wednesday. Senators 30ive hours of debate to talk about the nomination. Then its in the books. Strategy goinghe into next week . Guest theres not a lot they can do. Graham has blocked in the vote for the 22nd. Typically what happens, democrats hold over the nomination for an extra week. Thats not going to happen. Graham has locked in the vote. There is nothing they can do. Boycotting the meeting on the 22nd. Willepublican say they rewrite the rules. Rule that yourum need to have minority members present to vote on something. Deprive the to republicans of the quorum, it wont make any difference. They will vote on a new set of rules. That is something ted cruz has said, hes been in contact with Lindsey Graham. They will do whatever it takes to get this moving. Democrats have said there is no procedure to stop this. Host this is alex bolton of the hill. Morning,a story this when it comes to looking at joe biden and Chuck Schumer in the senate and what might happen if the democrats win the white house and the senate. Could you talk about this . One of the big stories coming out of the confirmation hearings is you calling for dine feinstein to step down as a top democrat of the committee. Its a preview of the headaches that biden and schumer will face if they do win. If democrats take back the senate, if bidens president , there are expectations. Forhave groups gunning Dianne Feinstein after she at the end of the hearing, praise Lindsey Graham for his leadership. Was what 25 years ago it was not so remarkable. The committee has been wracked by acrimony going back to Brett Kavanaugh and before. After she did that, you had groups calling for her head. That democratic activists and some of these ,unior firebrands in the caucus they are not any mood to conciliate with the republicans. They want to get things done. They want bold change. There isoes to show pressure on schumer right off the bat to move ahead with withuster reform, to move old change. There will be pressure for medicare expansion. Thee will be pressure for public option or repealing the trump tax cuts. There hasnt been a lot of talk about what the governing strategy is going to be for democrats. They havent talked much about the agenda. There is somet tension between the establishment and the activist groups. Them byun afoul of doing something as minor as its a Lindsey Graham, call for you to be stepped down. I think its a tough call for schumer. The first group that called for her was to man justice, a group that opposed trump nominees. Its a relatively new group. Other groups, a major group in the democratic think that becomes very tough. Back theemocrats win white house and the senate, its not going to be peachy keen. There will be internal arguments that we havent begun to see. We are starting to. Host if you want to read the story for yourself, thank you for your time this morning. Guest thank you. Host your top issue for the campaign. In maryland, thanks for waiting. Issues, whats on the top of the list . Caller thanks for taking my call. My number one issue is the coronavirus response. This president has been a total disaster. Coronavirus, i remember italy and germany and south korea. They dont have the number of deaths we have in the United States. Its because of the disorderly nature of how he responded to the virus. Thats why i support joe biden. I think they will bring change. They will bring a coordinated response to the virus of people can go back to work. To do a virtual debate with joe biden. Doing virtual classes. Heare working virtually and refuses to do a virtual debate. He is out of touch with reality. He doesnt care about people. We will go to virginia. Hello. I am for joe biden. Stop you going to because this is a line we dedicated to those who support the president. An undecided voter. Good morning. Caller good morning. I am definitely undecided. I think what we have in washington dc is kurtz and politicians. Weve got the number one crook is the president. And should bed locked up. Evasion, is under age and girl ring. Host we are not going to accept that. To North Carolina, hello. Caller Social Security and medicare. Here,lling the seniors on trump said he wants to get rid of the payroll tax, which will kill Social Security. If they take the aca to court and rule it is not legal, they will go after any government insurance, which is medicare. If the republicans it in there, you can forget it. Medicare is gone it. Host what is joe biden going to do . Caller he said hes going to take the cap off, people that make over hundred thousand dollars dont pay so security tax. We pay all our lives. Im still paying taxes on my so security. They will make sure that we have it. They save it all the time. Republicans always want to get rid of it. To the wall go street journal opinion section, a piece taking a look at the plans for joe biden, including the issue of taxes. Nearly every develop country says the rich dont pay enough, theplan would retain levy. There is more to that piece in the wall street journal if you want to take a look at issues of Social Security. From North Carolina, a supporter of President Trump. Good morning. Caller good morning and thank you. Gettingampaign issue is all of our Government Back to work. Representatives, Speaker Pelosi has canceled 90 of our votes, whether we voted for the representative that is in their. Activated thet government in eight months. Because talked about it votes will be taking place on the floor of the house and there are hearings that they do virtually. Thats happening on both the house and senate side. Months, whenight nancy pelosi said they were going out for two weeks. Host are you there . Lets go to brenda. Brenda is in ohio. Hello. Caller thank you for taking my call. Is the virus. Biden and senator they will do something. I have an adult daughter who thinks the virus is only 1 deadly. Only 9000 people have died because of what she watches. She doesnt watch the news. She just goes to her computer. Thats the information. People in theany United States who go from watching, thinking the regular news channels are liars against trump because trump is their king. Host what do you think joe biden brings when it comes to the response . What will be the difference . Caller he is going to actually help each person, not depending on what color their state is. Rulesl follow scientific instead of propaganda. To get the that virus under control, you have to have people working. You have to have them working smart. Be like a law because it is right now. Not putting everybody at risk for the stock market, for his own ego. This is joe biden from yesterday. He is talking about the president s handling of the pandemic. Than two hooded 17,000 americans dead because of covid19. Carolina. 00 and north on friday, we saw the highest number of new cases in one day since july. In the last two days, the worst day since july. The other night, trump said at one of his rallies weve turned the corner. Say thisather would guys gone around the bend if he thinks weve turned the corner. Turn the corner . Things are getting worse. He continues to lie to us. Experts say we will lose his money is 200,000 additional lives between now and the end of the year. All because this president cares and theut park avenue stock market than he does about you. He refuses to follow the science. Masks, we would save 100,000 lives. This is a viewer on twitter. This is rare on twitter. The top issues in the Campaign Cycle for you. We want to get your response. You can call us on the lines. 202 7488001 if you support the president. 202 7488000 if you support joe biden. For our undecided viewers or if you support other candidates, 202 7488002. While he was campaigning, the president was taking interviews and talking about another round of stimulus relief. That has been active in congress. Nancy pelosi offered a deadline i tuesday to come to a resolve. The senate is planning voting on its own package. This is the president talking on what he would like to see. I want the money by tonight. Nancy pelosi thinks its politically good for her not to approve it. Numbers, weat the are incredible. To 11. 4 numbers are up million. Standpoint, wec will announce thirdquarter numbers. I think theyre going to be phenomenal. You will have over 25 gdp. If you look at the number of people being hired, nancy pelosi doesnt want to approve anything. She wants to bailout puli run democratic states. We dont want to do that. , at top issues here supporter of joe biden. Caller for me, my top three issues are the economy, the pandemic, racial inequality. Afraidf republicans are to have this conversation. Three topicsmain or issues that i am concerned about. Was it about the economy that is concerning you most . Caller we see how the pandemic part of the some business where there is hospitality or small businesses. You dont have any traffic. If we get a handle on the pandemic, they go handinhand. How well we respond to the pandemic means we will have a faster recovery with the economy. Some restaurants, i have friends who run restaurants. Their numbers have been going down since the pandemic hit. If we do a better job of handling it, those businesses that are affected have a faster recovery versus what we are currently doing. Host don is. Good morning. Caller thank you for taking my call. I would just like to say my number one topic is the economy. I saw the numbers a while ago. A lot of people agree with me that the economy is the number one problem. So much of this government will falter. We cant have that. What do you mean . You said the economy needed to be corrected. Caller weve got to put people back to work. Ande got to open up smartly control the pandemic. People have to open their businesses. Small businessmen are the heart of the country. Host how much of that is dependent on the white house or governors of states . I live in california. The governor of the state is completely off course. Look at new york city. Mike from ohio. Talking about top issues for the campaign. Hello. Caller thank you for taking my call. , trump issue for me thinks he is above the law. That he won except the election results. He attacks new york and california and illinois. Attack americans who dont agree with him. I think his behavior is shameful. He is disgusting. Thank you. Host rick is joining us from idaho. Go ahead. Caller good morning. Social security, costofliving adjustments, its a one page report. Is 2008cks out the most two 2016. When you look at president 2. 0, a 2. 8. Sted a the question is why . 16. Second reference, april and 30. Ges 28 50 billion. We cut foreign aid. We put americans back to work. My message is simple. Joe biden didnt it right. America, get on board. John is in ohio. An undecided voter. Hello. I think i tried to find a third party. They are barred from any balance. The candidate of the green party, i will probably vote for him. Both parties are united and bipartisan about death and destruction. The trillion dollars that were taxed every year through propaganda from the media. You will find out ever since the vietnam war, democrats and republicans bankrupted our country for the benefit of the war profiteers. Host have you always voted third party . Have you voted for democrats and republicans in the past . Caller thats a long time ago. Since ive gotten alternate we aretion, i realize being lied to by the existing rightwing media. Contrary to what these rightwing radio stations say about the liberal media, it doesnt exist. War. Peddle propaganda for host that is john in ohio. Howie hawkins is the candidate of the green party. He was on this program the same day the libertarian candidate was on this program. Questions about their campaigns. If you go to our website, you can find information about that. New york is next. Hello. Caller good morning. There are three main issues for me. That are so many things are going haywire today. , thehree main issues handling of covid19 and the economy and Social Security. If covid19 had been handled correctly and he had listened to the scientists, we would not be in the condition were in now. We have people out of work. Its going crazy. The governor in michigan who is trying to keep her people safe, they saw how these people went into her office with guns a rally. They did nothing about it. Look what happened. A kidnapping. Ting he makes fun of it a rally. Thats crazy to me. I dont understand. If we have another four years of trump, i dont know where we will end up. Host host ok, we will go to canton, ohio, a supporter of President Trump. Say my i would like to main issues in this campaign is jobs, jobs, and jobs. All the rest is just a bunch of bother. To think that the president shut the economy down or really to do anything about a covid virus nobody can run from a virus. Nobody can hide. The numbers from the cdc not break anything out anymore. Every death in america is a covid death. We need to get a grip and get away from this crap and get back basee big six two the get back to the basics. Host what should be done at all . Caller i will take a repeat of the first three years before this crap covid came along because we were smoking on our economy. If the guy could do it once, i trust him to do it again the rest is just because. Host to give you a sense of what is going on in papers across the United States, particularly battleground states, we will show you some of the headlines. Miami herald starts us off. You may have seen them in your own state, but they highlight the fact that ahead of early voting, which starts today, campaign caravans are going through miamidade county, some supporting the president and some supporting joe biden. More of that if you go to the miami herald and look at its pages. If you go to the Orlando Sentinel, it gives you a highlight, right at the center, of returned mail ballots, and issue going on in many states. Thoseling state wide of returning ballots. 754,346 republican ballots being turned back. 1,222,436 democratic ballots. A little more than half a million. That is just a feature you can find on the Orlando Sentinel website if you want to check out those returned ballots. Maybe your state has similar information online. If you go back to the miami herald, it talks about what will be a feature in many states, also including florida, lawyers being deployed for this election, and they highlight and 2000ck to bush v gore, the election, and highlight some of the numbers that you can see of lawyers and those who will be watching polling places and the like. That story in the miami herald. States, too,round the North Carolina paper, it talks about the Vice President s recent stop there. You saw a little bit of what he had to say, and he also criticized the president on leadership and also issues of health care. If you go to the columbus dispatch, it talks about the potential of ballots being tossed out in that state and what that could do to the overall count. The story you can find delayed the dispatch saying nearly 23,000 ballots could be discarded in ohio. Found the ohion ballots could be more than one million rejected nationwide, compared to 316,000 in 2016. There is more there. You can find out what is going on there in ohio at the columbus dispatch. A sampling of some of the papers in battleground states. We are talking about Campaign Issues for wherever you live. If you support president and mike pence, it is 202 7488000. If you support joe biden and kamala harris, 202 7488000. If you support President Trump and mike pence, it is 202 7488001. If you support others, it is 202 7488002. Lets hear from bonnie, supporter of joe biden and kamala harris. Caller good morning. Thanks for taking my call. For me, it is the virus. All of the issues are important, but the virus, it is spreading, and i am scared that trump is going for heard immunity herd immunity. Host what does joe biden do differently . Believes in the science, and i think he would have a better handle on what to do with it. I mean, they have got to do something. They just cannot let it spread wildly. I am 60 seven, so it scares me. Host off of facebook, lisa ann, says her top issues include First Amendment rights. Todd says equal rights under the law is always the number one issue on the list. Without it, it does not matter what number two is. Nevada, we will hear from keith, a supporter of others. Your next. Good morning. Thank you for taking my call. I am a truck driver and drive all over this country. I have to tell you that the number one issue is always our individual rights in america. The masks, the vaccines, all of the health concerns, that is individual choices. You know, it is interesting, the left always says prochoice versus prolife, but they are not prochoice when it comes to masks or vaccines. They want to force and plunge a needle in our arm, according to dershowitz. What i am saying is, as an american, our government is supposed to secure our Civil Liberties and our godgiven rights as individual americans. So the masks is a choice. If you want to be afraid and hide in your home, go ahead. But for me, i am going to go into a store without a mask because i am protected under the american disabilities act, which allows me to be an american and not to be, you know, actually discriminated against by these tyrannical mask mandates. Host so you call in unaligned that says you support others per who are you supporting . Caller i have always gone with the Constitutional Party. But trump is a populist, and i am still concerned and want to hear him talk more about individual rights instead of safety and security. We, in america, have to secure our individual freedoms. That is what america is all about. Host you made that point. Who is the president ial candidate for the Constitution Party . Caller well, the Constitutional Party and there is also the green party and Libertarian Party there are a lot of different candidates out there that are good, but joe biden is paid and funded by the communist regime. Host but for all those other parties that you listed, who are you supporting . Said, i aml, like i still undecided and still looking at all the candidates. But i want to hear one president ial candidate talk about securing our individual rights. Host ok, you made that point several times. Steven in kentucky, supporter of joe biden. Caller good morning, pedro. Thank you for your time. I have some issues on my mind that are very important to me. The first is definitely the economy, and the second is the legalization of marijuana. Those are my two main topics. Host why the second one . Caller it is putting people into jails. It is a bigger issue in the sense of racism. And it will help the economy. All of these things are looking for money. Marijuana legalization, just like colorado, like california, tax it, put it back into the economy. I think a lot of states that are suffering economically would do very well with medical and recreational marijuana. Currentat is kentuckys stance on recreational or medicine oh marijuana . Caller it is illegal here. However, during covid, they were going to discuss about it, but i think the topic has been pushed under the carpet because of covid. But it was a topic of discussion this year. Ok, stephen in kentucky talking about issues of importance to him, including marijuana. One of the things you are seeing in the final days are the final weeks of the campaign ads, here are some of the latest from both the Trump Campaign. I am donald j. Trump, and i approve this message. Joe biden insulted millions of black americans. If you have a problem figure out whether you are for me or trump, then you aint black. Havess incarceration laws destroyed a generation of black families. We have no choice than to take them out of society. Lock the s. O. B. s up. We must not elect him president. Vote. The 16, i did not i did not think it mattered. I will not make that mistake again. One thing i have learned in life, you have to make the most of every opportunity you get. Right now you have the opportunity to make positive change in your community by voting. When you vote, you use your voice and you flex your power to change. You want to change . Go vote. Use your power. I am joe biden, and i approve this message. In fort will go to dean worth, texas, a supporter of President Trump. Good morning. Caller morning, pedro. A couple things. Totallythe left is leading us in the wrong my finalcause of thought was when part of bidens story came out in the post, that totally, totally turned me completely towards trump. Has nott denounced preexisting conditions. He says he will protect them, will protect Social Security, medicare for the elderly. He will give free what is it desimine, to people in the hospital, and he was ready to deliver it if the fda would get off their butts and ok this stuff. That biden hass totally lied about so many debates then the every one of the debates are democrats asking questions. It was a total farce when they were asking trump questions. Was thet 20 minutes moderator debating trump before they went to the first question. They had two or three of the people that asked questions were actually democrat working for obama. I think it is totally unfair. Ok. that is dean in fort worth, texas, another supporter of President Trump. This is linda in tennessee. Caller hello, thank you for my call. I already voted, voted straight republican. My biggest thing is the economy and all the chaos going on around this country. Say the economy, specifically, what is your concern about it . Biden because i know joe cant do nothing. They did nothing before. I used to be a democrat, and i changed to republican. Now a lot of other democrats changing. Time i am registering straight republican. Host ok. A couple more suites this morning. One viewer says that when it comes to those issues, it is systematic racism and the police, economy, the environment, voting, health, and education. This morning from denver, colorado, saying that my top concerns are seniors, affordable living, health care, trumpding the swamp and 2020. You can also text us at 202 7488003. Like lender there, put your name, city, and state like lola there, but your name, city, and state. Carl from new york, supporter of joe biden, you are next. Caller i have two things. The first thing is getting rid of this virus. And that is the only way to get the economy back. Trillion out of the treasury and gave it all out to all the rich people. Billionstuck away 500 for himself or him and trump and the rest of the crew. Host where did you read that . What is the source . Caller now they dont want to give the people know money. 1200 aint nothing. Them crazy they give money, 25 million. What kind of nonsense is that . Out of 3 trillion, they could have gave every family in america seven thousand dollars, closed the whole country down, and nobody dont do nothing. Make them respect wearing the mask. Americas use and strength is at risk here. Trump, they got the cure. They gave it to him, but we cannot get it because it cost one hundred thousand dollars. Host ok. Lets go to robert in kentucky, a supporter of President Trump. Hello. Caller how you doing . Thank you for taking my call listen, i want to tell you, you know, everybody blame all this on trump would i want to know what biden would have done. I want to know what he would have done if, you know, if he would have i want to know what biden would have done if he would have been in there. You know . Host so your top issue for this election is what . Caller my top issue for this election is donald trump is the only one going to get this country back. The democrats are damn crooks. Everybody know that. How you think they get billions and billions of dollars to build these big houses and everything with if they aint get all that kickback . Host that is robert in kentucky. The Postal Service, you might remember, earlier this year, coming into question concerning matters of election day. Thelatest story in Washington Post says the Postal Service is blocking members of congress from inspecting postal facilities despite questions about the todling of mailin ballots avoid putting their workforce at , violatingle risk the hatch act. Have been denied access to postal buildings in their home states for the past six weeks. Lawmakers often tour agencies to gather insight to shape their decision and maintain government accountability. The Postal Service citing the hatch act and ethic rules and turning away tours and questions about anyone turning in a ballot. More than 85 of congress, every member of the house, which has twoyour terms, and one third of the senate, sixyear terms, thousands of state and local officials prohibited from visiting male facilities. You cant visiting mail facilities. We go to a supporter of joe biden. Hello. Caller good morning. Thanks for taking my call. My top issues are obviously the economy and the pandemic. I just want to say that, for the people that do not believe in wearing masks, i think it is so shortsighted to not want to wear a mask today, just sort of join into the culture that is making is so much harder for us to get past this pandemic, and the artificial stimulus that is being i mean, the stimulus is being given to americans now because they need it, and i agree with it. The economy is being supported by that money, and were going to continue to have to need that to avoid a depression. And for the people actively out there saying they will not wear a mask, they refuse to wear a mask i mean, the real truth is until they get this virus under the correct cash under control, the economy will continue to suffer until the virus is under control, the economy will continue to suffer. Host what will joe biden do differently . Caller i think he will listen to scientists. They have done it in other countries in europe, able to get it under control. I think taiwan has had a total of 300. They have been able to get it under control. Some did not have to close our economy at all because of the response to it. I think that some viewers are not looking at this global view that there are countries that are making this work. They use their masks. They do it because they want to save their economy. Host when it comes to masks themselves, what do you think joe biden will be able to do about that . Are you saying he should support a mandatory mask measure . Caller listen, i do not think he has the power to do that. I think the narrative about not wear a mask that happened propagated and i do not want to just criticize trump, that was not my point. But i think there is so much going on that is a direct result of not having leadership in place that is modeling the behavior that we need and putting the scientists up front and letting them talk to the beginning, the Coronavirus Task force briefings were very helpful. And everybody tuned in. They wanted to hear what the scientists had to say. Host ok. Debbie in columbia, missouri, undecided voter. Good morning. Caller good morning, pedro. You are my favorite. You are the most fair of all the moderators. I would just like to say, my priority in this issue, in this campaign is getting corruption out of our own government, because it seems like we have career politicians that have just been doing things illegally to get our tax dollars. And also freedom of speech is one of my top issues because it seems like the media has become just a tool of propaganda. Sometimes they are not truthful, and they are not trusted. And they are censoring free speech. Know whysks, i do not we do not get the data from the hospitals, f from the hospitals, find out if the people in the hospitals had worn masks while they were in public. Also, what kind of Mass Gatherings had they intended . Host about the first point you made, you talked about corruption and equated that to career politicians. How do you resolve that, in your mind . What is the result . Caller we need to do some investigations and find evidence. Host so how do you think that fixes the problem of corruption then had yes, if they have messing with the money for Campaign Donations or through their family members making money fromtting foreign governments, things like that. Like what is going on i think there was something about emails theredens family and if has been any business dealings on the trump family, like if they have a hotel in moscow. You know, are they making money while he is in office or after he gets out of office . I guess that would be legal. Host ok. I will have to leave you there. I apologized there there are callers lined up and just a few more minutes for this segment. There are some events to watch out for today and this week, these last weeks of the campaign the president heading to tucson today, in arizona, a live event you can see at 6 00 this evening. Watch it on cspan. You can also go to our website at cspan. Org. And you can take advantage of our free radio app if you want his and otherg to events. And later on this week, things to watch out for concerning the theidents nominee for Supreme Court, amy Coney Barrett, the Senate Judiciary committee having its market vote on thursday at 9 00 in the morning. And that you can see on cspan. Also taking advantage of the website and the radio app, too, to follow along. That follows several days of confirmation hearings last week and questions to the nominee. All that available at the website. William in massachusetts, a supporter of president. Hello. Caller you know how trump keeps saying how the heroes would bail out big cities . Host ok . Caller i can show you quickly how that will happen. You look at speaker. Govs website, under the heroes act, there is something you can click on where you can download a file that shows every single town and city in the United States and what they are getting from the heroes act. Then you look at representative delgados out of new york website where he made a press release about the amendment that would give more money to big cities of over 50,000 people. Now if you do me a favor and you go to the file and you look at what fordham heights in illinois is getting, which is just outside of chicago, a povertystricken city, they are per is a net, while chicago gets over 1200 per resident, all because nancy pelosi and the democrats pushed money meant for all cities and pushed it into big cities. Host with all that said, how does that relate to your top issue for this campaign . Caller because, why would we support biden, who supports the heroes act, when all the money from that local funding for the heroes act was meant for every city and town . Delgado amendment to push money from the small towns to the big cities, but in cities, there are rich areas of cities. Host ok. Lets go to stephen in indianapolis, indiana, a supporter of joe biden. Hello. Caller good morning. I am faced with two major issues, at least they are major issues to me, and that has to do with two different diseases. The first would be this corona disease, corunna yeah, disease. It is affecting all of us in many, many ways. Then there is another disease, and that is the disease of racism, which also affects us in so many ways. It is difficult for me to understand, how could it be that so many people are following trump and i started recognizing it and looking at things differently, and as i see it, seems to me it is all due to racism and ignorance. I fail to understand, how coulda all this information that is now out there about joe biden and the biden family regarding this beena incident all hvave proven to be nothing but a lie, and the fbi is now investigating people through the Trump Campaign have perpetrated this lie, and we still have ignorant white people calling in host lets go back to racism, what does joe biden do, and do you think you will be able to reduce it or fix it or whatever he can do on the topic of racism, what does joe biden bring to it . Caller he will not be like trump, perpetrating it he will try and bring us all back together. What is trump doing . You have these ignorant people out there who called themselves trumpists who do not recognize it or they are so racist, and they are proving this is what they also want. Valley,ir in sun california, a supporter of President Trump. Caller hello, good morning. I am a minority over here in california, lifelong democrat, turned independent as of recent. My top issue with respect to the 2020 election is the elites that control society via the media, Campaign Contributions to politicians, and putting extremist groups like antifa and blm the main thing is they are trying to flip the narrative. Democrats, with Campaign Contributions, are playing political games for political purposes. In the california, theyre shutting down the economy, the society, not letting people go out, and they are suppressing the economy for political purposes. I, myself, and many of my family and france are suffering as a result. Our businesses are going down. We are losing jobs, so on and so forth. In the last caller, with respect to saying that trump is a racist, that is exactly what i mean. The media is pushing this narrative, but if people would use their phones are use the internet to research, you would see that biden was against desegregation in 1974 and wrote the 1994 crime will where he calls us minorities, predators with no conscience. President trump came up with criminal Justice Reform opportunities, billions of dollars for historically black colleges, hispanic prosperity initiative, 400 billion for the latino people, have a trillion dollars for the africanAmerican People. I hope the minorities open their eyes and see what is going on. Ok, lets hear from louise in miami, oklahoma, last call for this segment supporter of joe biden. Caller yes, i think the main concern is get something done or there coronavirus is not going to be anybody left alive to do anything. Thank you. Host that is louise in oklahoma even her thoughts on the top issue for campaign 2020. We appreciate all of you who called this morning. Two guests will be joining us throughout the course of the program to talk about various issues. First my from Judicial Watch, their president tom fitton. He will talk about the origins of the fbis russia probe and related topics. That is coming up next. And later on, we will hear from guy cecil, the chairman of an organization known as priorities usa, the largest democratic super pac supporting the joe Biden Campaign. He will talk to us and you about issues related to that. Those coming up on washington journal. Judge barrett nomination, and then friday at 10 00 a. M. On begins, the full Senate Debate on amy Coney Barrett is confirmation. Live on cspan and cspan2. Stream or on demand at cspan. Org. Or live on the cspan radio app. The president s, available in paperback, hardcover, and ebook, from public affairs, biographies of every president , inspired by conversations with noted historians about leadership skills that make for a successful presidency. As americans go to the polls next month to decide who should lead our country, this collection offers perspectives into the lives and events that forged each president s leadership style. To learn more about all our president s and the books future historians, visit cspan. Org the president s, and order your copy today wherever books are sold. Tonight on the communicators, the republican fcc commissioner talks about 5g infrastructure, free speech on the internet, and regulation of big tech companies. I think that we should bring a light touch approach to regulating big tech, but up to now, there has been a no touch approach. We have never had a gap between the size, scale, and power of an institution like big tech in the absence, or near absence, regulation. Communicators tonight at 8 00 eastern on cspan2. Washington journal continues. Us, the president of Judicial Watch, tom fitton. He serves as the president of judicialwatch. Org, the website. Here to talk about issues of the russia investigation and other topics. Mr. Fitton, good morning. Remind the viewers about the purpose of your organization, tell our viewers how you are funded. Guest Judicial Watch is funded through voluntary donations from the American People. We are a Nonprofit Educational Foundation that tries to bring more transparency, accountability, and the rule of law to our nations public life. One of those issues of transparency your organization spends a lot of time on is that of this look into the russia investigation and the background of it. Remind people i guess because we heard about it a lot, but remind people again what was essentially your take on what was done in that investigation. Guest my take is that the Obama Administration and the Hillary Clinton campaign were very nervous about the legal issues surrounding Hillary Clintons emails and, frankly, other of the Obama Administration in 2016 as it related to Hillary Clintons imos and as it related to the targeting of President Trump, so they doubled down on it, manufactured false allegations against President Trump to spyse unprecedented operations and then later criminal investigations into trump and his team. Host as far as all that investigation, what substantially came out of that . I know we saw the Mueller Report eventually, but as far as the investigation itself, what was the evidence that we found . Hadt just recently we information that our Intelligence Community had intelligence that the russians, evidently listening to Hillary Clinton in confidence, new that Hillary Clinton was making it all up or was trying to use these russia allegations, collusion allegations, that were fanciful to distract the American People from her email allegations. And that was briefed to the president of the United States, barack obama, and it was actually referred to the fbi for further investigation. But obviously, not much was done with it. Host as far as the actual release of information, one of the things people were looking for was a report with releases what was the report, and what was released from it . Guest durham has not released anything. There have been some disclosures by the office of the director of National Intelligence and other agencies, traditional watch, for instance. Judicial watch received key documents for what was going on. But durham had one prosecution plea deal and not much else. Host i think the Washington Post reported less week that there are still no criminal charges or public report on this reported last week that there are still no criminal charges or public report on the speed why do you think that is . Ask theu would have to Justice Department. I think it is a disappointment. Durham was appointed, and as far as i am concerned, there is no excuse for a lack of action. I have not seen evidence that he has actually done a serious investigation, compare and contrast to Mueller Operation you saw what a significant d. C. Criminal investigation looks like with witnesses and grand juries, all the minutia of a serious criminal investigation. None of that present in the durham operation. Host in the most recent days, the president you probably saw this, as well, said in a tweet, as far as the authorization of a declassification of sorts are talking little bit about that tweet, what resulted, and what you expect from it. Guest he said he was ordering it and it was related to the russia probe and Hillary Clintons emails. The Justice Department has not done anything. They have not released anything to us. They told us the tweet has no meaning legally. I do not know whether that is a legally right or true. But my question is, why is the Justice Department and the state Department Come all these agencies, continuing to cover up documents . And this is not required by law. It is usually discretionary, despite the president s wishes to the contrary. Host when you say and use the word coverup, who is behind the cover up, and are you pointing directly to the people appointed by the president to handle these issues . Like the attorney general responsible. They know these documents are out there, but they do not have much interest in having them released in a timely way, if at all. Host i suppose you are not it is not the first time youre asked this question, but its far as the timing so far out from the russia investigation, why do you think it matters today . Guest the coup is still going on. You still have illegal leaks targeting President Trump, classified information. What took place during the russia investigation was a crime, in my view. The more information we have about it, the more accountability there will be. Certainly, it is not sufficient to get a criminal investigation or prosecution going. What if we do not know what they did, there is going to be zero public pressure on the Justice Department to hold them accountable. One of the reasons that durham has been able to skate without much in the way of having to do anything is because only now are we learning some key aspects about the corruption behind russia gate. Host such as how . Guest that brendan knew and barack obama knew specifically brennan and barack obama knew that the russia gate smears were just that and were concocted by the clinton campaign. That flynnormation was knowingly and falsely targeted for prosecution by the Obama Administration and the Mueller Operation. We are only hearing about that in the last few months. Thist durham know about early on . And if he did, why hasnt he acted on it . Host tom fitton running us on this discussion. If you have questions, give us a call. You can also post on twitter and our Facebook Page as far as our discussion with tom fitton. Relatedst entry into matters, tom fitton, are these series of stories coming out of the New York Post. On its face, what do you think of them . Guest they confirmed that there is significant corruption with the way biden and his family were operating during his vice presidency, probably before that, that they were trading on his name, trading on his office, to line their pockets. That is what the evidence shows, and it shows you why they were given what went on lets forget about impeachment and the two attack on President Trump earlier in the year. Remember, the president asked a question or two of ukrainians about what was going on with biden and his mom and baris ma, and they went crazy, his political opposition, and now we know why, because he was onto something probably even bigger than he knew. Confirms, you say it how do you qualify that . Guest Vice President biden, for instance, admitted to firing or having fired the top prosecutor in ukraine that, coincidentally had been investigating his sons board on burisma. We have emails from the state department showing that they had longstanding concerns the email suggest they have longstanding concerns about biden and burisma. One said it is the gift that keeps on giving and complained about russians trolling biden over the issue. It was confirmed in testimony during the impeachment, and we are seeing it in documents. And now we are having it, the blanks filled in as to what moneys were being sloshed around in these new hunter biden emails, it looks like. Host so you probably heard then that there were a lot of investigations calling for the removal of that investigator anyway because he was slow walking the process. How do you respond . Guest those are afterthefact rationalizations. How many prosecutors of Foreign Countries get involved in firing . It is insane. The New York Post story, is there a direct line on the computer itself come at the person who founded, Rudy Giuliani, is there a direct line into evidence . Is there a question of the validity of the evidence . Guest if they figure out the chain of custody, i would hope the Justice Department and fbi are doing something about it. I am concerned theyre covering it up and leaking to try and undermine the allegations. It seems to me a relatively straightforward issue is to figure out whether those emails are legit or not. Namely, we have information that Hunter Bidens lawyer was seeking return of material, and i have not seen anything from the Biden Campaign that suggests the emails are not accurate. Itfact, they are confirming this weekend were biden is reported to tell someone how he was making money for the family, and then we have politico being told by the Biden Campaign, well, there is no official scheduled meeting between biden and a burisma official, but we cannot rule it out formally. Boy, this is piling up around biden, and i suspect it will get worse. Has the Washington Times a story this morning, and the first sentence says emma hunter biden says, hunter biden ,imself with a laptop computer and it was given to the fbi, and later President Trumps attorney or the shop owners told that to a senate committee, according to the story. Guest when you can from that to an official government body, youre putting yourself at risk if you were lighting lying. Lets get it out. I want to hear what joe biden has to say about these emails. Did he, for instance, get any money from his brother and his son . Did he get money from them . Where was that money covering coming from . And we want the details about where hunter biden was getting money. The scandal of the biden issue is significant, obviously. I am also concerned about what the Justice Department and fbi have been sitting on this material for almost a year. What have they been doing . Attorney general barr you may remember earlier this year, he said i dont see any evidence biden plus risk involvement in the crimes. Did he know about the laptop at the time . If not, why not . Host what is the likelihood that any other information from the Justice Department fbi related will come up so close to election day . Guest i dont know. We may just get documents in the ordinary course, the scheduling of the freedom of information act lawsuits, and what is required on what comes out between now and then separately, we may get some documents about dr. Fauci and his top deputy and their communications about china , who, and coronavirus as soon as next week. We never know what will be in the mail the next day. Host tom fitton with Judicial Watch. The first call comes from new hampshire. This is sarah on our independent line. Go ahead. Caller good morning. Thank you. When donald trump asked the russians for help during his campaign, while we were fighting the russians in syria, i think that should have been enough to open a full investigation on donald trump and his minions, and they should have been totally vetted out of the campaign, the race, at that time. They would have found out all the ties between Donald Trumps men, his campaign people, between them and russia, them and ukraine, and we would not be in this debacle right now with this sociopath running our country into the ground under a russian coup. Overis a russian coup our country that donald trump and his people are perpetrating against the American People, democracy, and against our constitution. Then we had donald trump shaking down the ukraine, which is extortion, donald trump lying to the American People 20,000 times, and not protecting us from covid19. 250,000 americans dead. You know, and he host you brought up a couple topics. We will let our guest address that. Guest on the russian side, that is a crazed Conspiracy Theory not backed up by evidence. President trump, nor any other american, knowingly worked with the russians to interfere in our campaign. That is the conclusion of the Mueller Report, the conclusion of every indictment that mueller brought related to the russian hacking, a legend, of the dnc and democrat emails. There is nothing there, so you are saying a bunch of words that are not backed up by reality. Host from massachusetts, james is next. Democrats line. Caller good morning. Mr. Fitton, i would like to ask you a couple questions. You mentioned that if you testify before congress and tell a lie, there should be criminal consequences over it. And i would like to know if you think, you brought up dr. Fauci shortly, do you believe that the four times that he went before congress and swore, under sworn testimony, that donald trump was following all the information he was given, following the science, and doing everything he was told, do you believe dr. Fauci should go to jail for that . One other question for you. Lindsey graham had an interview horowitz, and if you want, i would like to tout cspans archive, if i could. If you go onto the archive, you can find that entire testimony. And there is a picture of Lindsey Graham, and that picture says,t above caption that please listen to 35 minutes of Lindsey Grahams lies and conspiracy theories. So that is what is going on at cspan and every other news agency in america, censorship, carrying the water of joe biden like i cannot even believe. Host mr. Fitton, go ahead. Guest i am not aware of dr. Fauci lying to congress. I was not quite sure what the question was there. Not quite sure what the question is about, with respect to general horowitz. You know, horowitzs report is worth reading, his reports, i would say. That, to me, is something everyone ought to be reading, if they have not already, because it really demonstrates the fraudulent and criminal nature russiagateagate attack on our republic. Host republican line, virginia. Caller good morning, cspan. I have a couple questions about virginia voting. Over 500,000 was that are not being counted or something or there was something wrong with them. I was wondering about that. And i was wondering about the investigation over the last three years and how that erased all, people, their phones. Is there going to be something come out of that . Host mr. Fitton, it is a good segue because one of the other issues Judicial Watch does is look at this idea of mail in voting and watching over that talk about your work with that and related to the callers question. Guest Judicial Watch has several lawsuits on this issue, that the roles are not clean intoh to mail blindly them, where you have ballots being mailed to people, rather than ask for them, ballot applications being mailed to people who have not asked for them. I think it will be 100 million total ballots, and people have not asked for them. Typically, ballot applications in mostts are mailed states to people who have asked to them, and in some states you have a vote by mail generally. But we have this massive increase in the vote by mail wayations, as i said, in a that puts increases the risk for voter fraud. I think the caller is referencing numbers that occurred during the 2020 primary where you had over 550,000 vote by mail ballots thrown out because of challenges and other problems with the ballots, and that number was above the 319,000 number for the 2016 general election. So the concern is you are potentially going to have millions of people disenfranchised because they relied on a mailin ballot vote, and if you vote by mail, it is generally understood your vote is more likely to be challenged, intercepted, lost, or thrown out. My view is you should be voting in person. Host your colleague at Judicial Watch took a look at inconsistencies or problems in specific areas of the United States. Overall, if those are true, do you think it is enough to sway an election . Guest you know, the problem is we do not know, and that is why you want to have a system in place that reassures people that the votes are going to be counted competently and accurately, that only eligible voters are voting. We Just Announced a study last week that showed, in 29 states, there are 1. 8 million extra meaning you rolls, have got more people than are living and eligible to vote. Itn you have dirty lists can mean dirty elections. My concern is that they are going to be counting ballots well after election day, not so much because they got a lot of ballots on election day but because some states are counting ballots that arrive after election day, which invites voter fraud. Ll belifornia, they wi counting ballots for 17 days after the election. That is absurd. I understand why it may be more convenient to vote for weeks before election day, but it is at odds with the best way to run an election. For instance, look at the biden emails, something trump is saying on the others may sway people that otherwise would have voted against him, and they cannot change their vote two weeks, three weeks out. Once you make your vote, if something comes up that might change your vote, it is too late. Host a lot of teams will be involved in the process. Does Judicial Watch insert itself in that way . Guest yes, we are examining and monitoring what has been going on. We sued in the california to try to prevent a lawless mail ballot scheme. We entered the suit after they fixed the law and promised they would not be mailing essentially dead people and people who moved away. We have three active lawsuits to clean things up in North Carolina, colorado, and pennsylvania, and those lawsuits will continue past the election. Haveour warnings to states had positive impacts. Allegheny county, pennsylvania, we warned them late last year that they had dirty names on the rolls, and they immediately removed 69,000 names of people who should not be there. Over is the concern widespread mailin voting or is it absentee voting or both . Guest these days, it is a distinction without a difference because you have so many ballots going to people who have not asked for them in the district of columbia, they mail the Voter Registration list, more or less per that is happening in california and nevada, as well. When you have inactive names on the list, they will not necessarily get a ballot, but those names can be used to request ballots, and obviously anyone with that name can show up in voted layperson. But when you have got dirty lists, you really should not be mailing blindly into them. It is a recipe for fraud and chaos. Tom fitton. We will hear from ohio on our independent line. This is greg. Caller good morning, mr. Fitton. Andve all the work you do, digging up some of that biden crap. As fortis this voter stuff, all the people have to do is look at as far as this voter stuff, all people have to do is look at hr1, the first bill passed, and if they cannot get that done, they tried this mail and c mailin crap. Theyre going to ruin this. To ruin media is going it. I love your work. Keep it up. Guest thank you. 1, number one, it was the number one piece of legislation introduced by the new pelosi house when she took over again, and it incorporates many of the socalled election and voting reforms the left wants, making National Ballot harvesting, eliminating essentially voter reforms that of they are now trying to mandate through litigation. The left opposes voter id. They oppose us on cleaning up the rolls. They oppose virtually every sensible security regulation related to voting. In my view, it does not make any sense unless they want to be able to steal elections when necessary. Host stephanie in brooklyn, new york, democrat line. Toler yes, i am responding the russia investigation. Turned theame in, he report around, the Mueller Report, which he lied about. Was his administration was and still is with russia. Giuliani, his lawyer, who is a crooked lawyer, this propaganda stuff with bidens son is all a story. Everybody is going to look back when all this is over with about trump, his children, soninlaw jared kushner, his daughter, and all that is going on and how much they are stealing from the people from the people, from the working people. We have nothing. The deficit is high. The rich is richer, and the poor is poorer. Host what would you like the guest to address . Caller about the russia investigation. And mr. Fitton, you are always on fox news, a Propaganda Organization that tells lies. Host go ahead. Guest when i talked about russia, i try to talk about and refer back to government documents about what went on. Barre caller alleges that lied about the Mueller Report. He did not lie about it. I encourage your viewers to read barrs analysis of it, and then read the Mueller Report. Read the documents Judicial Watch is getting where, for instance, the Justice Department official working with the gps and hisaigns wife working with fusion gps and having easy access to the Justice Department and fbi, he is telling everybody, look, these guys have it in for trump. Here is the information, but you should know that. And looking at the federal Court Rulings in the pfizer court highlighting the illegal fisa warrants being used to spy in the trump team through carter page. All these are government documents, and we are going to look back on this and see what i think President Trump correctly terms as the biggest Corruption Scandal in American History. And i feel what is going to happen next, this gang that pursued trump so illegally and abused the powers entrusted to them by the American People are able to get away with it. I think it will get worse. Host west virginia, this is brian, republican line. Caller good morning. Tom, i would like to commend you on the work you do, and i know sometimes you probably get really disgusted because it seems like you are just banging your head against the wall. The point i would like to get to is, you know, a lot of times on President Trump appoints these people, bill barr, john durham, whoever takes these investigations over, it just seems like they ramp up and get into it, and then they just start backpedaling. And they lose momentum, change their minds. I often wonder if sometimes that they are not influenced, you know, maybe i should not say this, but they get their own obituarys read to them from a group of people and then they start backing off. And with the deep state going deep, you know, there is democrats that are really deep in this corruption, and i am almost certain that there is probably republican saturday but in this corruption, too. Do you think sometimes that President Trumps own party has a hand in some of this . We all know the democrats do. They have never ever peacefully change of power over. But do you honestly think that there are actually some republicans guest thats literally true. Mccain andith john his top people pushing around the fake dossier against President Trump. My concern on the republican side is the president has been alone in defending himself. There been members who have tried to expose what went on. The leadership has largely been a wall in the face of this corruption. Its been intolerable, the lack of concern by both establishments of both parties about the criminal victimization of President Trump and others. Host from new york. Morning. Ood how is everyone . Ive been listening. Discouraging. I remember Judicial Watch chasing after Hillary Clinton and the clintons and all of this other propaganda business. To have an informed electorate. The people know American History , who have regard for our morals and institutions and the fact that we are about perfecting herself to make a more perfect union. Everyone is entitled to their beliefs. Everyone is not entitled to inordinate facts. The report outlined the fact that the president could have been indicted for obstruction of justice, but he is the standing aesident and there is memoranda that says you cannot indict a sitting president. He said in his campaign it, russia are you listening. Withanaforts relationship the russian Intelligence Officer has been exposed, the same people in ukraine that have been exposed being russian intelligence agents. Host what would you like our guest to address . Caller i would like him to be america, and for to be for the proponents of our democracy and our Democratic Institutions and not cite russian intelligence for the morass in which we are living. Host we will leave it there. Guest its just amazing that so many on the left, i appreciate following up on conspiracies being put out by the left now. Her buying into this abuse of cia, the fbi, the state department, the defense department, the white house to abuse a political opponent. Im concerned about the country. We have this casual corruption in washington dc. They will come after you. They will try to jail you. When you leaked classified information, you are replacing lives at risk. That has been the modus operandi on a weekly basis from the deep state. Riskountry is being put at by this attack on our republican form of government. Host one more topic to address, the confirmation process for amy Coney Barrett. What was the take away . Guest she hit it out of the park. She talked about the conservative approach to constitutional law, that we dont want to make it up as we go along. Text asto follow the best understood by those who wrote the law. Rather than change the law with time based on political preferences. We dont want politicians and robes. We will have a new Supreme Court justice. She will be an excellent addition to the court. People toe your listen about the conversation. The best type of nominee ive seen in my 20 plus years. Host one of the things that spun out was the idea of expanding the Supreme Court. One of people talking about that coons. Ocrat chris i want to play you a little bit about what he had to say. If democrats win back the senate, would you vote to expand the number of justices on the Supreme Court . Like joe biden, im not a fan of expanding the court. Seeave a few weeks to whether there are more republicans who will step back from this precipice. President trump is pressed for this nominee so he can have a plea boat vote. It is the republican majority that is responsible for racing forward with this unqualified nominee. She is unqualified because of her philosophy. That is who should be bearing the brunt at the ballot box. They are doing this to get to takeon the court away Critical Health care protections from a majority of americans. Be in theen to pattern where we have President Biden, we will have to look at what the right steps are to rebalance the judiciary. Host your mind is open . Yes. Host the you think its a realistic possibility . Tost the left is committed adding justices to the Supreme Court in a way that would undermine the courts independence under the constitution. Assault on the judicial branch. Its never been done before, at least not in 150 years. In the ninth circuit, there are 50 judges on the court. Is that what we will have in the Supreme Court . People opposed it. It is a revolutionary concept. When you start adding members of the court, its not just limited to your side. Republicans will want to balance the court. Where does it end . In minnesota. Nda go ahead. Excitedi cant get donald trump, jr. Making money for speaking at different functions. We have mcconnells wife who is. Aking money off transportation she is the head of transportation. Talk about abuse. We have heard about obamas travel for eight years. You guys never let up on it. One thing about trump is hes going to be with us forever. Hes going to be charging secret service for their rooms and golf carts, even when hes long gone. Please explain to us how much thats going to cost us out here. Go ahead. Money to moves the president around. Weve been looking at those numbers. The media has focused on the numbers. When we were examining obama, we were the only ones doing it. The left media that hates him has done all the work. There Holding Trump to a standard that they didnt hold obama two. Its really just laughable to hear them complaining i dont know if its true or not, donald trump, jr. Making 100,000 for speech where you had the Vice President. We have a Senate Report showing that hunter biden got 3. 5 million from a shady russian interest. , these new documents emails suggest that he was funneling money to his father. I dont know if thats true. Thats what the emails suggest. That will be confirmed one way or the other. Corruption. S level in miless is jeff texas. Good morning. Caller good morning. Host go ahead. Caller can you explain why we havent had a declassification of the report from the pfizer court. Unauthorized searches with nsa . It was reconfirmed in the declassified report. Explain about the to hop. Ule for the carter page guest im not sure about the document. Generally host . There was information from the director of National Intelligence. Guest are you talking about the Hillary Clinton . Pieces of three intelligence information. Julylearned early on in that the russians had information that Hillary Clinton had come up with this scheme suggested by an advisor to raise the issue of russian collusion. That was elevated to the president of the United States by john brennan. Cia referred it to the fbi later in the year. Me, its pretty extraordinary all around, the validity of the myormation fits in with theory of the case. Its been obvious they wanted to distract from their own criminality by making up garbage about President Trump. It worked in many ways. Hillary clinton and obama and all the rest have not been subject to criminal investigation. When they appointed someone specifically to look into it. Clarify the validity or the accuracy of the information . Guest subsequent material suggests it was accurate and valid. There is going to be a battle over what information can be released. There is little doubt that the cia considered it significant enough that they one of the fbi to follow up on it. Host one more call for our guest. Could morning. Caller thank you. Thank you for taking my call. Im surprised you had this guest on here. I do not understand what qualification he has to say whatever he wants without evidence. Itfar as the Mueller Report, did find donald trump his campaign guilty of misleading the investigation. He sits there and says he doesnt accept a tweet from donald trump about releasing classified documentation. That was addressed to the departments to release that information. Its not through a tweet. What is your question specifically . Caller what are his qualifications . Im surprised you have this guest on here. Host go ahead. Guest i rely on government documents to talk about this. The idea that you can personally attack someone as a means to distract from the facts im bringing out there. Im talking about documents we have recovered to the freedom of information act. These are documents from the fbi and the state department. Thoseden refuses to deny emails were inaccurate. Im waiting for that to happen. Im still waiting for criminal investigation of what i believe to be criminal activity. President trump was impeached and targeted with unprecedented harassment. Riminal host you have a book coming out in the next couple of days. The public under assault. Guest its what we are talking about. We have this attack against the president of the United States. Ask listeners have to themselves, who do you want to be deciding who is president . Should your vote be negated by people in d. C. Who think they know better . Right now, trump. We have a right to govern ourselves. Byhave these agencies run career staff or temporary subjectes who are not to the scrutiny they should be. Thats a coup. Our republic has been under assault in ways weve never seen before. Host if you want to check out the website, thanks for your time today. Ofning us next, the chairman priorities usa. Its the largest democratic super pac. We will talk about the state of campaign 2020 when we return. With the Senate Confirmation hearings concluded, watch the next step. Thursday, the Senate Judiciary Committee Votes on her nomination. Friday, live on cspan 2, the Senate Begins debate on her confirmation. Watch live on cspan it. The competition is on. Be a part of the student competition. Middleton high school students, be the start of the national conversation. Be bold with your documentary. There is 100,000 in total cash prizes, including the grand prize of 5,000. The deadline is january 20. Rules,l find competition tips, information how to get started on our website. Do i let my people run well . If i run it badly, they will probably blame him. Cost 10ready has Million People their health care they had to their employers because of the recession. The second president ial debate between a President Donald Trump and Vice President joe biden. From nashville, tennessee. We are just weeks away from election day. Stay with cspan it to hear President Trump and joe biden make their case to the American Public and watch debates and some of the hotly contested house and senate races. Coverage every day cspan. Org, or the cspan radio app. Washington journal continues. Is guest is the chair of priorities usa. We have a couple of organizations. The first is focused on making sure we are doing everything we can through litigation and organizing to fight Voter Suppression around the country. We are focused on making sure we representation and underrated communities. Our super pac is focused on defeating donald trump. With all of those activities, how much are you planning to spend . Around 225 now, million over a twoyear election cycle. Host how does that spending look . How does it break down . Guest its a variety of activities. We are advertising on television and online. We are the largest funder of litigation focused on voting rights. One of our particular areas of focus is making sure we are thoseng protections for voting by mail. Organizations like the latino victory fund, color of change, its designed to bring together progressive and democratic organizations in the candidates up and down the ticket. How would you classify where you get your money from . Guest from a wide variety of organizations and individuals, labor unions, other organizations focused on the work. Its a wide variety of sources. Host what do you think joe biden has to do in the next two weeks, not only is far as the campaign, who do they have to address . Guest obviously, we are no longer in a country where voting happens on one day. Of americans have already cast their votes. Early voting starts this morning in florida. We need to continue to focus on mobilizing and turning out voters in battleground states around the country. That turnout operation doesnt just happen in person. It happens online, over the phone, by text message. We need to make sure we are recruiting to turn out the vote. Voters that you might imagine are still making their decision on who to vote for. Doing well is is trying the contrast between what their administration would look like and addressing issues of racial inequity. That compares to the recklessness of this administration. Host early voting is underway in many states. Millions of voters already cast their ballots. There is a long way to go. We think the race is closer than people think, a lot closer. Guest i agree with her 100 . The reality is we should expect a close election. We are seeing some encouraging signs in early voting it, vote by mail numbers in terms of people turned out. We are expecting higher turnout on the trump side as well. The public polls have been wrong before. We should ignore them. We should vote on the task at hand. That is doing everything we can to turnout our friends. We should run this race all the way through. The Washington Post talks about these issues, saying when it comes to the deja vu from 2016. Fundamentally a different race. We are running against an incumbent present. Of the big differences is joe biden over the course of the has seen his Approval Rating rise to a net positive Approval Rating compared to a net negative for donald trump. This is a different race in terms of how people are voting and the challenges we are facing. The point is not to over learn lessons from 2016. I am still optimistic we will win this election. Doesnt movelling anything unless those votes are actually cast. Every democrat needs to make sure we are just completing the race ahead of us. If you202 7488000 support President Trump. If you support joe biden. 202 7488002 if you are an undecided voter or you support others. You can text and tweet on our Facebook Page. We have this conversation with the head of parties usa. What do you think joe biden is doing better than Hillary Clinton . Guest i think one of the interesting things about where we are now is the map for donald trump is shrinking and the map for joe biden is expanding. Places where there was a lot of campaign activity, traditional battleground states like pennsylvania and North Carolina and florida, but we see now is the Trump Campaign is spending a. Ot of money on states if you look right now, they are spending more money as a percentage of the budget in georgia than they are in wisconsin. That is a telling sign that the map is much wider than it was for Hillary Clinton at this point. Most of the work that the Trump Campaign is doing is trying to shore up the base, trying to protect what they did in 2016. Joe biden is leading. We hear about the size of the crowds and the rallies that are taking place. How do you factor those in . One of the ways we factor in is these events are super spreaders of covid19. Whether its happening at the white house or if its happening in places like wisconsin. This is rising in a dramatic level. You should not be having rallies without social distance. In terms of politics, i think it will do more harm than any game he might get by having a rally. This is janice in california. Good morning. Go ahead. Caller good morning. I am an africanamerican woman who lives in the suburbs in san diego. The democrator party is why is it that none of you tells the truth about biden and his history. In 47 years, hes done absolutely nothing. The hunter biden emails are fact. Everybody should know this. The emails are evidence. My question is, why is someone covering up for biden if he is so above and beyond reproach . Why isnt anybody asking him real questions. Im not hearing anything about biden. I dont understand why isnt re as much host thank you. Guest i think its important to realize the joe bidens record has been scrutinized. Ofhas had a long career public service. He went through a very crowded democratic primary. He was up against the president doesnt hesitate to criticize. He has a record he is proud of. He passed the violence against women act. He is helping rebuild the economy after the economic collapse at the end of george bushs term. He has a plan for the future. Fundamentale is a thing. Educationebuild our until we address covid19. From the very beginning, donald trump has downplayed this. He has ignored the experts. He continues to attack experts. In terms of the conspiracy theories around the attack against joe biden, the attacks on joe biden have been so specious and so questionable. The reporter who wrote the initial the story refused to attach her name to it because there were so many questions about the story. I am proud to support joe biden. When it comes to comparing his record against donald trump, there is no question who anyone should support. Host people would call and ask what joe biden would do different about the coronavirus. Guest listening to the science seems like a low bar. I wish this president would listen to the science. We would be better off today than seen cases skyrocket around the country. The Vice President has been very clear about the preparations that need to be done to make sure testing is safe and available and distributed in the most effective way possible. How to get more investment into the state of local governments that are having challenges administering election. Do we get our kids back to school in a safe way . How do we deal with the supply chain that continues to be a problem months after the onset. Almost every governor will tell you this has been an every governor for themselves in terms of the supplies necessary. In addressing these key fundamental issues and listening to the science, listening to medical experts, its critical to getting the country act on track. From tampa, florida. An undecided voter. Caller thank you for taking my call. Im undecided both ways. Side of trump and his personality. People dont care for his aggressiveness. He does get a lot of things done. You see biden has a lot of compassion and kindness. Thesem watching oversight committees and im hearing, impanel curious. I watched several of these. Are the democrats trained to be so aggressive to the person who is being questioned . I thought they were extremely insulting to that woman last week. The Supreme Court committee hearing. That concerns me very much. If i was sitting in her position and she wasnt able to answer a lot of the questions. Between theto United States republicans and democrats. All of us have our own point in how we feel about politics and so forth. I thought they were very abusive to that woman. Host we will let our guest respond. Guest i think in terms of getting things done, one of the mental chances we are facing is were not addressing the fundamental challenges that we have been facing over the last seven months. We still have challenges with addressing covid19. We get mixed messages. Its not about donald trump being aggressive. Its about whether or not we responsibly,d aggressively to covid19. Withre we still dealing this challenge . Why do we have such a high rate of death in this country . Joe biden has a record of getting things done it, of getting legislation passed in working with both sides, even republicans in the senate acknowledged how critical he was as Vice President to passing important legislation. In terms of the Supreme Court justice, part of this is a reflection on how important this is. The facts are the Supreme Court is going to hear cases brought by the administration and republican attorneys general to eliminate the Affordable Care conditions ate preexisting conditions. To eliminate your child being on your health care until they are 26. They can argue about whether some of us are too aggressive, whats at stake is really important. A majority of the American People dont think it should be rushed through. Host this is jerry in new jersey. A couple ofve questions and concerns. I am a registered democrat. I heard you say about President Trump being a super spreader. My concern is how hypocritical we look. The protesters have been out there for a long while. Nobody wants to talk about them and them going home to their families. They are bringing the disease home. Both ways . Cern are you concerned about the protesters and are you concerned about the rallies . We need to set that straight. Concerned that we are not setting our own standards. Ask,ther thing i want to the Boilermaker Union came out this morning and said biden said they were supported by them and got their endorsement. They said thats not true. The third question, can you how hunter biden made his money . Can you explain that rationally . Know people think how did he make his money . How did he get it from china . Can you explain that. Thats a lot of questions. All, we want everybody to where masks and respond. I wore a mask. I socially distanced when it was possible. That is a stark contrast to what you saw on the ground. Centers were hugging people that were in the crowd. Was wearing a mask. We look of the fallout from the protest, there was an aggressive spread. Stark contrast. The president posting an event that the white house where hes encouraging people not to socially distanced, not to wear masks, not to protect one another. Of course, we want people to behave responsibly. We want them to behave safely. There is a contrast between how most protesters were behaving and how the president of the United States, United States senators, how they were behaving. In terms of Union Endorsements, the Vice President has a huge rash of Union Endorsements from those that represent working laborers, askrs, the teachers around the country. We are proud of working with our labor partners. We are rebuilding the middle class and the working class. Building strong unions, with protecting collective bargaining, making protect workers and not ceos and boardrooms. Host she asked about hunter biden. Guest i think this has been litigated over and over again. Hyder hunter biden is one of the most investigated people. Republicans in the senate went through a sham investigation about nothing. Journalists of gunther investigations that have found nothing. Now, we are relegated to New York Post stories without bylines, conspiracy theories from Rudy Giuliani who is been the target of russian intelligence agencies. There is no there there. We should move forward with how we rebuild the country, how to respond to the covid crisis. Host the Washington Examiner had an editorial taking look at joe biden in which they say this. What do you think of that assessment . Most americans agree we should raise them them wage. Most americans agree that we should provide childcare. Most americans agree we should protect preexisting conditions, that we should expand medicare so more people have access to Affordable Health care. Most americans agree with the policies of joe biden. We have heard about infrastructure from this president for four years. This is the year we are going to get it passed. There has been no infrastructure investment. Tomost issues, if you want define them as moderate or progressive, most americans agree with the democratic platform. The reality is between the , how do we make sure every american has health care . How can americans afford Prescription Drugs . Party wants to protect pharmaceutical companies. How do we reduce the footprint so small that americans lose their health care and the crisis continues to skyrocket. I consider the source. Its the Washington Examiner. On most of these issues, the American People agree with us. Host do you want them to go there himself . On those items i just laid out, around health care and infrastructure. As tohe will go as far care for all . Guest hes been very clear that his plan is to expand medicare, to provide a public option, but not to eliminate private insurance. He wants to give people the option of using choosing what is best. That is what he ran on through the entire primary despite the attacks from those that were on stage with him. Host do you think he will be able to keep the peace within the party . Guest the great thing about the Democratic Party is we are verse. We come to the table with different perspectives and backgrounds. We have different approaches on how to get things done. Can we get something done for the people . I do think joe biden has a track record. I think he will do that is president , working with democrats and republicans in the house and senate. James goodnnecticut, morning. Caller thank you my first comment will be the covid19 issue. The reason i support President Trumps i am focused on Foreign Policy then domestic policy. I think President Trump has been the only person going back to reagan who has been willing to stand up to this outsourcing trend to china. Idea of up to the around the world. Claim to theaid sea of china, which is 600 miles of territorial waters. Onlymost countries recognize a 200 mile limit. We all agree its a very serious issue. By calling it know that thisl virus originated in the city of wuhan. Doesnly city in china that have a virology laboratory. Y have been expect experimenting on that viruses. Host with all of that, what do you want our guest to address . Media why is it that no it has been willing to ask joe biden whether china is responsible. The calmness leaders of china responsible for bringing the scourge to america and the world. They should be punished and pay for it. Host we will let our guest respond. Thet just dealing with beginning of the question, the reality is donald trump been strong on china. The trade deficit with china is worse now that it has ever been. Our economy is struggling to cover, the chinese economy is going forward. We havent held china accountable for anything. All talk and no substance. We have a president who failed when it came to negotiate with north korea. We have iran that is closer to developing a Nuclear Weapon than they were at the beginning of the administration. He walked away from our agreement with iran and our allies. We are less respected in the world because we have failed to engage smartly and thoughtfully with other countries. Instead, we have a foreign based on on bluffing. Im not going to talk about conspiracy theories are what we should name the virus. What we should talk about is how do we recover from it. We dont ignore medical experts. We dont model terrible behavior by engaging in superspreader fearss of the white house. We dont recover when we refuse to invest in improving our supply chain. Understanding how we would distribute a vaccine. We dont recover when we dont invest in governments that are closed to the problem. We need a president that will respond and deal with and listen to experts around covid19, not relitigate, rename wherever it came from. We know where it came from. Host this is a supporter of joe biden. Caller good morning. Something i want the democrats to talk about. Want to becans dont dictated to about masks. They want to dictate to women about abortions. Guest not just abortion. Publicans went to dictate whether or not i can be married to my husband. They want to dictate a lot of things. They want to dictate whether or not i should be fired from my job or whether my other lgb to brothers should be fired. They want to dictate the loud for more deregulation, allowing our water to become polluted. In thes a hypocrisy Republican Party about when they choose to have government involved in our lives and when they want to step back. Protect thes to powerful or corporations or big businesses. If the message was responsible from the very beginning, if we had invested in the resources we needed to respond to the virus, we wouldnt be in this position today. Trump ofccusing donald creating covid19. Ofwas accusing donald trump purposefully spreading the virus. The facts are it didnt have to be this bad. We should be recovering. Our restaurants should be reopening. Our theaters should be reopening. We should be able to visit our loved ones in nursing homes. Donald trump and the administration ignored experts, downplayed the threat. We continued to fail to prepare us for what is to come. Forget trying to win the election. The irony is the way donald trump will win the election is bypassing the stimulus. He can help himself by preparing and fighting the virus i listening to scientists. Is next. Rida hello. Caller thank you for having me. I want to say one thing. Ive been a democrat for 35 years. I am voting for donald trump. I will give you the reasons why. Elected,ld trump was they were shooting missiles over japan. He stopped that. Trump brought the economy back. I am blind in one eye. Hands with arthritis. We are allowed to go out to eat in florida because weve got a republican governor. If the democrat governors would open up their states, the rate of unemployment would drop dramatically. Nancy pelosi needs to release the money. Something. U said becausent get it done the democrats hold the money. Theyve got to release the money to do it. And the one who wears the big hat, she is in control of the money. I dont know why the democrats hates trump. Host we will let our guest respond to that. Guest there is a lot packed in there. I would just point out that republicans have the majority in the senate and house and white house for two years and there was no infrastructure bill. Stimulus package was proposed in the house and passed two months ago. Which mcconnell sat on it. Now we are still negotiating. To side wants to give money big businesses and ceos. The other wants to extend the earned income tax credit for hardworking people. There has been ample opportunities. Every turn, republicans have made it clear they dont want with thethat can deal problem at hand. Korea, whereorth closer today than they were to a nuclear missile. Donald trump has failed, coddling a dictator. Complement to him on killing his own uncle. Writing him love letters. This is not the way you deal with whats happening in north korea. , Donald Trumpre has been a failure on this front. Host when it comes to your organization, is it just the president ial race you involved in it . Guest we are focused on a handful of senate races, including the senate race in maine and arizona. We are investing in organizations to do down ballot races. Int this is from paul indiana. Good morning. You are on the undecided line. You are next. Morning. Ood im undecided because of the question of religious liberty. I could vote for biden if it was confirmed. That would secure religious liberty. A question is when will President Biden renew his assault on the Little Sisters of the poor. The Supreme Court said trump onld change obamas position forcing the little scissors to give up Birth Control pills. That means biden could change it back. He has said he wants to do away with a height amendment, which provides federal funding for abortions. Is, he says hes a practicing catholic. Walkedother hand, he has away from the Catholic Church position on abortion. The question is, what is his real position on religious liberty and would he require Little Sisters to facilitate sexual promiscuity by having them hand out Birth Control pills. Host that is paul from minnesota. I am also a of all, person of faith. Before i got into politics, i was in the ministry. My faith is important to me. You wouldre how define religious liberty. From my perspective, its about having the freedom to worship my and to engage in fellowship bible study and engage in my Community Around issues of social justice based on the two greatest commandments, love god and love my neighbor. From my perspective, joe biden is right on point. He is a practicing catholic. He does believe we should be allowed to worship the god of our choice. He does believe we need to protect religious liberty. Thatso believes as i do women should be able to make their own choice about their health care. That includes reproductive care. That is a decision for the woman to make. Its a decision she should make in consultation with her doctor, with her faith if she practices. Its not a decision for men like me and you to make. Its not a decision for the government to make. Democrats including joe biden believe we should protect the fundamental right of religion, to worship, to love one another, to engage in spiritual practices that are meaningful and important to us. I would support a candidate. I know that its our responsibility to make sure we are giving other people that opportunity as well. Texan texas, here is anna. Caller thank you for what you just said. I appreciated a lot. When people talk about joe biden, what he didnt do. Around and economy that was failed. Jobs they called it because he had to save the banks. This is ame up, personal testimony for me. My husband died eight months ago. 2001, he was diagnosed with an incurable disease, cancer. He was one of only 25 people in the United States in the world to ever get it. When the Affordable Care act was passed, his doctor said to him, you need to thank god. They were getting ready to throw you off the roll. When my husband died, his bill was over 2 million. Had it not been for the Affordable Care act, i would be living under a bridge. Bideneople talk about joe , ebola, two deaths in texas. Presbytery at hospital. I dont know where a lot of these people have been. I guess in a height out and they suddenly crawled out. Thank you very much. Thank you for listening to me. First of all, you should be on this side of the camera. You make a compelling case. I am sorry for the passing of your husband. Worry should have to about whether or not they can afford a hospital bill or a Prescription Drug bill. When they are dealing with an illness in a life or death situation. Thats what were talking about. We are talking about health care being available to everyone, the matter how much you are. Toryone should have access Quality Health care so they are not worried about paying the bills. Aboutre not worried anything except caring for the person they love. One more call from connecticut. Caller im calling because i want to correct something. They were saying the ratings in abc were very high for biden. The reason people tuned in one because they saw george. As far as litigation on his son, its in the hands of the fbi right now. They are looking into it. It seems like there is so much evidence there to go after him. Host is there a specific question . Caller that is the question. Everybodyon is why is putting so much faith in joe biden. Hes going to be running the country like bernie. He already signed over on it. He does not know nothing. He said everything they asked him was wrong. Host we will finish off. Though ahead. Happy that more americans decided to tune into here joe biden then here the same stuff from donald trump. And you know, george did not ask about the Vice President s no one asked about Donald Trumps children and their Business Practices and engagement. The reality is we should be focused on the future. We should be focused on how we build a country where every upson, every person can live to their potential, where every person has a chance of becoming who they want to be. That want a country ignores science, that build and administration based on , to weng one another safer, that we are a more United Country . That. E a chance to change early vote as the gets moving, and especially in my home state, that people will turn out recognizing that we need a new president. We need joe biden and kamala harris. Thank you for your time. Guest thanks for having me. Host in the final halfhour of the program, we will turn to what is your top issue . You call us on the line to let us know if you support President Trump and mike pence, 2027488000. If you support joe biden and kamala harris, 2027488001. If you are8002 undecided or support other candidates. We will take those calls when washington journal continues. Whats the next stop in the confirmation process. Vote on theill confirmation thursday a. M. And than the full Senate Begins debate on amy Coney Barretts confirmation. Watch live on cspan and cspan cspan2, stream ondemand or listen live on the cspan radio app. Contenders about the men who ran for the presidency and loss, but changed history. Tonight, minnesota senator and Vice President of the United States, hubert humphrey. On cspan3. Thenight on fccunicators, republican commissioner brendan carr talks about the regulation of big tech companies. A i think we should bring light touch when it comes to regulating big tech, but right now it has been no touch approach. In the never had a gap thesee or near absence of regulations. Watch on cspan2. Journalngton continues. Continuespresident campaigning in tucson, arizona. You can see that at 6 00. ,nd just to give you a heads up havet forget that we cspan. Org in the radio app to access the. Get your thoughts on what your top issue is. You can tell us on the phone line, 2027488000 if you 2027488001 if you support President Trump and mike pence. 2027488000 if you support joe biden and kamala harris. Be your issues might concern for 2020 and how the candidates approach spending. There is a story in the Washington Times, taking a look at the close of the fiscal year. The Fiscal Year Ended on theseber 30 and they saw spending going from 4. 4 trillion to 4. 8 trillion. Spending skyrocketed to 6. 6 upllion, adding that it is , with therillion largest increase of any president ial term in history. You can see more on that in Washington Times. The wall street journal looks at house democrats, looking to expand their majority, saying democrats currently control 232 197s in the south, with held by republicans in the house, with 197 held by republicans. It is the trump effect according to david wasserman, who analyzes house races. He goes on to say we are seeing lou koller women and seniors move away from the president and that has compounded his problem. Cycle,p issue in this grove city ohio, you are up first. Good morning. Caller i wanted to respond to the gentleman earlier. Host which gentlemen are you talking about . Caller guy cecil, the previous guest the one you were just talking about . Host guy cecil, the previous guest. People i heard a lot of got blocked out of channel four, a lot of people did not get to watch nbc. Host top issue this Campaign Cycle. Do you have one . Caller a lot of what he said was bothering me. I dont think he was honest with his responses. People dont want more government in their lives. Government want the taking care of their children, their house payments, telling them what to wear, what to buy, what dr. To go to. I think they want less government. He is trying to drain the swamp, not add to it, and i just want to say i dont think hes honest about a lot of the rings he says things he says. Host a supporter of joe biden, good morning. Caller i am concerned about the virus. The president of the United States shut down the Pandemic Response team. I dont see how anyone can vote for a man that decided to decimate our country because he hated obama. Fighttold to us that we , and we areer there trying to push past people are getting infected and they are and werom this disease say we want our freedom. We dont have freedom. Our freedom to die because were not doing what we need to do. Will continuedent to support the virus ravaging our country and blacks and are dying in droves from this virus and he is acting like it doesnt exist. Thats unconscionable. A supporter of President Trump. Go ahead. Caller hi. Not getemocrats do their way, they will invoke laws so they get their way, and how can they blame trump for the deficit given that republicans and democrats agreed to these bills to help the American People . Laws when you say invoke so they can get their way, what do you mean by that . With trump, since he has gotten into office, well, even before, they have always been against him. I have never seen a party be so hard on a president. I did not personally vote for obama but i supported him. Theres nothing positive about trump ever for helping the middle class. If they do not get this election may will find another orson to try to impeach him do more than what they are already doing. I dont want california and new york to decide what this whole country is supposed to be about. Lets hear from jewels in pennsylvania, a supporter of joe biden. Caller good morning. How are you . Host i am well. Go ahead. Caller i am looking at a situation where the president of the United States is in court trying to kill the Affordable Care act in its entirety. At the same time he comes out in public and says hes going to protect people with existing conditions and hes going to lower the cost of drugs and he duping everybody, he is sitting there and saying one thing, but doing another and he isfollow his actions, always out there and i hate to say this about the president of the united days because i respect the office, probably more than he does, but to sit there and lie to the American People why not be honest you are trying to kill the aca . He does not want to do that and with his supporters like the last caller saying that he cant do anything, youre going to impeach him again he would not be impeached again if he was not giving a reason to be impeached. The last time the Senate Republicans basically admitted Lamar Alexander was the first 1 when he came out and said that, you know, the democrats proved their point, but its not impeachable, is not removable. It is not removable. We would not be dealing with the covid failure because mike pence would be doing a better job, i believe. When it comes to the efforts in congress to pass relief, nancy pelosi and the president spoke about it. Lets. From the House Speaker first up, talking about the chances of passing a package before the election. Thege madam speaker, are people going to get results before election day . Pelosi the heart of the matter is to stop the spread of the virus. Let me talk about children. That is my why. Why am in government, and politics. They get a tax break, the richest people in america. On whoseion depending calculation you use. People are in poverty in our country. This will take millions of and they will have the separation of ventilation have the correct this affectings that is hispanic children in a much greater way and that takes us back to state and local governments, education, first responders. I think we can get there. Childcare. Jecting people cannot go to work if their children cannot go to school. In reporting today, the speaker giving until tuesday to come up with some kind of Coronavirus Relief package. For his part the president of the United States look to reporters quickly about what he sees as a possible deal. [video clip] talkingt trump we are about it. I think nancy pelosi may be coming along. We will find out. You want to do it, i want to do it. If she will go along, i think they would, deal well with the stimulus, so lets see what happens. Issues related to stimulus may be your top campaign issue, perhaps. We have john in oregon, a supporter of joe biden. I have two comments and a question. One thing that was telling for me, when donald trump was asked during this online town hall, he might have been dealing with masks or covid, he said, i have that it almost seems like he listens to stories as opposed to the facts and i am hearing a lot of people supporting donald trump that talks about getting things done, but im wondering how much of it is governance, where his actually finding signing much are executive orders that are covering everyone . In they interested integration of a lot of what hes doing is through executive order. Tampa, florida, a supporter of President Trump. First up, the november election is november 3. This virus will probably most likely be in the Rearview Mirror by the time the president takes office. They are giving vaccines. We will have a vaccine probably by the end of november. They are doing human trials. O, the vaccine is coming most of the things that biden is running on will be irrelevant. The virus, he wont have to doing thing about it. The economy will probably be back. The wholesue is 7eral agenda. It he wants trillion on new programs for daycare, preschool, 7 trillion when we still have an made solvent medicare. Thats an issue we talk about, medicare, Social Security. They should be solvent first. The whole agenda of the left, open borders, liberal justices. I dont what liberals on the court because they do not use the constitution to decide cases. They want their own personal experience. Thats what ginsburg would do and some you sotomayor. You are in since florida, have you already voted . Caller no. Host will you vote early . Yes. R we have early voting from o november 1. Its very easy. This thing about people not being able to vote, it cracks me up. Host so you will vote in person or vote early . Caller i will vote in person early. Its very simple. All democrats cant vote. I never realized what democrats have such a hard time voting. Lets hear from another for literate hand, a supporter of joe biden. Lets hear from teresa. Caller yes, good morning. I chew top issues. I believe that sharo i have two top issues. Trump is pushing us toward this herd immunity. Second topic i find important. The Supreme Court pick, amy barrett, she supposed to have a good judgment. It was reported on your show a week ago that both her and her husband have already contracted the virus many months ago. Why would she bring her children to the rose garden without a mask and inside the white house without a mask . Think about that. Her children more vulnerable and she didnt care. Int we will hear from phil georgetown, kentucky. A supporter President Trump. Caller i have two issues. The first one is covid. I think it is just about dead like the previous caller before said. The second issue is the 800pound gorilla no one was to talk about. Gone control. Gun control. They are going to take our rifles and i guess whatever else they can get. That will create a hot civil war if they come for peoples guns. It is so big. This issue is beyond belief and the news media will not talk about it. This is issue number one. It is our second amendment. None of our rights are any good unless we can defend the. Defend them. Host one thing you see play out on the sunday shows was on meet the press, Gretchen Whitmer talking about the president s comments and that alleged plot to dr. Of ducked her. Abduct her . Anyoes the president have doubts about what he said about Governor Whitmer and joining the crowd saying lock her up . No, they want to see the state open back up. We were pretty swift to condemn the anarchists. Whitmer,ng governor that was reprehensible and i am glad that President Trumps doj was able to get these psychopaths. But the fact of the matter is people in michigan want to get their state open back off. They feel like it is to heavy too heavyhanded. The hourly wage is have to get back to work to support their families. Host that was the Senior Advisor to the Trump Campaign, jason miller, responding to comments from governor witmer. Governorichigans talking about her experiences. [video clip] you became the target of the president personally, a lock her up chant. It seemed to be encouraged by the president. You have already come under threat once. What does this do you personally. I know how you are dealing with this . Governor whitmer its incredibly discover disturbing 10 days after a plot to kidnap me, but we had trapped him in a secure me, the president is inspiring and incentivizing and inciting this kind of domestic terrorism. It is wrong. Its dangerous, not just for me and my family, but for Public Servants everywhere doing their jobs in trying to protect their fellow americans. People of goodwill need to step up and call this out and bring the heat down. This is the United States of america. Like not tolerate actions giving heat to. We have a caller in North Carolina. Good morning. Caller [indiscernible] you know, the tribunal seas,hout 7 continents, 7 they worship mans laws more than gods word. This virus is a plate for punishment, against you alls rebellion that you play god, and that is a no no and we are fixing to show you all that all things are not as yall. Tommy in lets go to kentucky, a supporter of joe biden. Caller hello. Theuld like to comment on serum russia is sending to us. I would never take us there that russia has anything to do with. I am wondering how we can go all the way back to this joe biden stuff about his son, but they was there why putin with trump for three hours in helsinki and no one knows what they discussed to this day and i thank you for this time. Host lets here from harry in norcross, georgia. Caller thank you. There nice to talk to you. Very nice to talk to you. On the Supreme Court nomination i would encourage everyone to listen to the podcast that al franken has where he proposed the questions he would ask of this judge. This is an atrocity. Thank you. Host a supporter of President Trump, eric in virginia. Good morning. Caller good morning, how are you. Topics that are, to me, most important. The first is social media censorship. I find interesting we would never allow the u. S. Government to censor our free speech, but ,omehow we allow a private forprofit company to do so. Social media is a societal necessity. I think this should be like. Roperty and Eminent Domain they want to take it over. Its for the greater good of society. Host republicans are talking they are at least thinking about letteraing the head of twitter. Caller it needs to be an affirmative subpoena. It doesnt do anything. They get out there. They need to repeal i think it is article 230 where social media is protected from litigation. Wouldocial media they be able to be sued and they would not be able to do it. Thats the most critical thing they are ableause to fashion what millions of americans get. They are shadow banning whatever site they are on and when you start doing that you can shape ridiculous it is ridiculous. Host that is eric in virginia. This is pamela, a supporter of joe biden. Caller thank you for taking my call. I am very concerned about what im seeing, and you mentioned this morning, Governor Whitmer. I am feeling very disgusted. If this was any other american, trump would have been gone. He should be tried for treason the way he has done. Of thisncourage all with kidnapping and in his speech is the last two days he said locker of. This is very dangerous, and if it were any other american, we would have been in prison. This man is not the owner of the white house. These illegitimate, whatever you want to call him. Witheally, really upset how he has behaved and how people have let it slide. Thank you. In lincolnton, North Carolina, a supporter of President Trump. Caller thank you for taking my call. Ive been trying for two years to get on here. Im grateful. Me, the bias,e the news bias that is spread against trump and illegitimate, he has been under constant. Arassment from the media in what is going on with hunter , it would be plastered all over it was one of trumps kid. The virus was headed a direct and we would all love to the this country and, a booming economy and the tax breaks for three peopleave who have kids and the tax breaks they have gotten during the administration have almost ,oubled an extra 1000 per kid so i want to touch on some of the things that other people have said. That is why i support trump. Times storyyork this morning looking at proposals by joe biden and what it would do for the economy, adding mr. Biden, the democratic president ial nominee has proposed sweeping tax increases on the higher earners a large corporations, which various independent forecasting models predict will raise 2. 5 trillion dollars. They have sought to elevate those tax plans. The most bullish of those analyses from mr. Biden comes from moody analytics, which reports it mr. Biden wins and democrats control the house and the senate the real Gross Domestic Product will be 960 and larger at the end of his term with republicans controlling houses, and the gains from these Spending Program would outweigh the drag from tax increases according to moodys and others have found relatively small effects on growth from the taxes from the caps on vision which typically forecast large gains. The biden plan would reduce the size of the economy by want. 5 1. 5 . Again, that is in the New York Times this morning if you want to refer to that. Lets go to nancy in pennsylvania, a supporter of joe biden, hollow. , good morning. I am calling i am a halt. I am appalled. Their parties, they are sticking with their parties and only think about the facts , wewhat we can believe cannot believe much of what President Trump is set at all through these four years, and that is just i dont understand the reasoning. The parties are not important. It is the facts. Nancy, we have to leave it there. That is the end of our program. We are going to take you to an event hosted online, the Atlantic Council taking a look at national security. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2020] to address the most formidable Foreign Policy and security chances challenges, the council has launched a series of events focused on andicas role in the world convened a panel for a strategic nonpartisan conversation on key prioritiesreats and for the next administration via democratic for

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