Sephen good morning and welcome to flight 93 National Memorial. My name is stephen clark, and i have the honor of serving as the superintendent of this very special place. The National Park service is honored and deeply humbled to serve as the steward of this 2200acre memorial dedicated in the memory of 40 amazing heroes. On this day 19 years ago, the passengers and crew members of flight 93 bonded together and prevented their hijacked airplane from reaching its intended target, washington, dc, a mere 18 minutes flying time from this sacred ground behind me. Which, today, marks their final resting place. Their sacrifice saved an untold number of lives. Since that day, these special people have always been remembered as heroes to america and around the world. Membersengers and crew of flight 93 continue to be a testament to the best of humankind, showing incredible strength and resilience in setonse to an unprecedented of challenging circumstances. And again, today, on this special day come again to honor them. President , our first lady, secretary bernhardt, welcome back to this very special place. Representing the department of transportation, two members of congress, our township, county, state, and federal officials, and to the many flight 93 moria ambassadors here this morning, welcome. Who are unable to be with us this morning, and who are watching this ceremony are mostly from around this nation and from around the world, welcome. Please know you are all with us in spirit. And to the families of flight 93, those here this morning, and those unable to attend, we honor your loved ones sacrifice and we will be eternally grateful. It is powerful that we can come together on this day as a nation, pause, and take the time to honor those we lost on the morning of september 11. Here at flight 93, at the pentagon, and in new york. I would invite you all to please stand for the pledge of allegiance. Please remain standing following the pledge for a moment of reflection led by stephen mcewan, who served as the chaplain for the fbi Pittsburgh Division on september 11 and continues to serve in this role today. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america. And to the republic for which it stands. One nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Please remain standing. Let us pray. Most merciful god, as we gather passed sinces has the sacrifice of those we remember today. With all of the agencies and people involved, and we pray too for those who have become ill from being here, and those whose time has passed. We commit to your care all of the families who lost someone that day. Whose life was forever changed and whose faith was deeply challenged. Those of us who were present on our hearts something of that pain and suffering. Manye years passed, families here and throughout the world, no one never gets over it, but by your mighty help, get through it. So we commit this different kind of gathering to you and we ask in all of our hearts that you will bless and sanctify this who visitt all experience something of your love and presence, that it is a holy place, where, mingled the sadness, is a feeling of victory and eternal knowledge that all our forever more in your presence and share in your resurrection life. May these words of a celtic prayer made in our hearts. Keep hope within and despair without. Keep peace within, keep turmoil out. Keep calm within, keep storms without. Circle us, oh god. Keep strength within, keep weakness out. In your most holy name we pray, amen. Ladies and gentlemen, please be seated. At this time, 19 years ago, 40 individuals, mostly strangers, were coming to the realization and formulating a plan that they needed to take action. Morning,oint in the many aboard flight 93 were aware that the World Trade Center and the pentagon had been struck by airliners. Galvanized with this information, these strangers came together in this National Moment of uncertainty. Choice to make a difference this morning has continued to resonate with people around the globe. It is fitting that we take this moment to pause and remember those individuals who unknowingly sacrificed their own lives and saved the lives of ,ountless arbors at 10 03 a. M. When United Airlines flight 93 impacted the earth. The site of the impact now marked with a bolder. As we reflect this morning on the 40 passengers and crew members, i welcome my former colleague, mary jane hartman, who recently retired as chief of interpretation, education, and Visitor Services here at flight 93 National Memorial, to lead the reading of their names. , andrea and is read roy, both retired fbi special agents and Senior Team Leaders for the pittsburgh and cleveland divisions of the evidence 11,onse teams on september well ring the bells of remembrance in their memory. Christian adams. [bell] lorraine. [bell] todd femur. [bell] alan anthony evans. [bell] mark ingham. [bell] deora francis bosley. [bell] sandy bradshaw. [bell] marion britton. [bell] thomas burnett, jr. [bell] William Joseph cashman. [bell] georgine cordam. [bell] patricia cushing. [bell] captain jason m. Dahl. [bell] joseph deluca. [bell] driscoll. Oseph [bell] Edward Porter felt. [bell] james c. Folger. Colleen l. Fraser. [bell] andrew sonny garcia. [bell] jeremy logan glick. [bell] Christian White gold. [bell] julie and her unborn child. [bell] wanda anita green. Donald freeman greene. [bell] linda gronlund. [bell] [bell] richard j. Guadagno. [bell] first officer leroy. [bell] toshiya kuge. [bell] tacy lyle. [bell] hilda marcin. [bell] waleska martinez. [bell] nickel carol miller. [bell] louis j. Nackeii. [bell] onald arthur peterson. [bell] force force jean hoadley peterson. [bell] mark david rothenberg. [bell] christine annsnyder. [bell] john talignani. [bell] honor elizabeth wainio. [bell] sarah jacob welsh. [bell] 6 please join me in a moment of silence as we conclude this moment of remembrance. Thank you. This morning im honored to introduce mr. Ed root. Mr. Root currently serves as the Vice President for the families of flight 93. He is joined onstage today by his wife, nancy. Ds cousin, lorraine grace bay was senior Flight Attendant on flight 93. Those closest to ed know of his personal passion for sharing the history of the american ivil war as both an author and historian. He served on the jury to select the winning design of the ight 93 National Memorial in 2005 and since 2006 ed has served on the board of directors for the families of flight 93. Throughout the memorials creation, mr. Root has served on numerous committees within the flight 93 National Memorial partnership. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome mr. Ed root. [applause] mr. President , mrs. Trump, father mchewn, secretary burnhart, steve, and my wife nancy, honored guests, family members and friends, thank you for attending todays commemoration. A common field one day, a field of honor forever. All of us who are of a certain age certainly remember that september morning when a darkness enveloped a beautiful late summer day that changed our collective lives. As the days passed and we tried to make sense of it all, some of us as family members of the heroes of flight 93 began to come to this place. We came as strangers, strange land. We knew not each other. We knew not the members of this wonderful community. On the First Anniversary of that tragic day, a large number of family members gathered to commemorate to remember. We were housed and traveled together in that first annual ceremony in a convoy of buses. At the moment we were beginning to know each other a bit, learn more about the men and women who shared those last moments of flight 93. As we traveled through somerset and shanksville, we were surprised as traffic stopped and Law Enforcement and others stood and saluted as our buses passed. Many of us were taken aback as we did not feel we personally deserved such honors. This day we as family members ave been treated by local, state, federal officials, the public at large with the respect thats sometimes awkward. We as family members do represent the heroes of flight 93. This is and has been our only goal to honor and remember them. This magnificent memorial established unanimously by congress in 2002 dedicated to the proposition that all who visit this place remember the collective act of courage and sacrifices of the passengers. Revere this Hallowed Ground as the final resting place of those heroes and reflect on the power of individuals who choose to make a difference. We thank the National Park service and the multitude of volunteers and friends who relate the story of 40 heroes f flight 93. It has been 19 years but sometimes it seems like sterday the wounds never truly close completely. The memories of our loved ones linger like a mist or a soft breeze. It could be a song, a special date, a holiday, an article of clothes, a photograph, a name, and it all comes tumbling back. Some of us have crossed over the river and a new generation has joined our family circle. It has been 19 years and those too young or unborn on that fateful september morning come to this place and honor, to learn, the realm of history as taking over as those of us who lived and suffered that day. The image of those rushing into the flames in new york and washington to save others. The coworkers who helped others at risk to themselves. The men and women who rushed here but found no one to save. It is our responsibility as a nation to see that these actions are remembered. Our work is not done. T continues. Weve watched this memorial grow from the common field and seen the multitude of items left by visitors at the early temporary moirls. Some of those items spoke with a logic that needed no explanation. A First Responder with a Law Enforcement badge. Some spoke of continuing service and sacrifice. Purple hearts, combat boots, infantrymen combat badges, items earned with blood, toil and sweat. Other items seemed possibly out of place except that visitors felt the need to leave something of themselves. It might have been something found in a pocket. It might have been a childs toy. The heroes of flight 93 had two elements that those on the other planes and those on the ground in washington and new york did not possess. They had knowledge. Not a lot. But enough. And they had time, not a lot, but enough. And they used that knowledge and they used that time to develop a plan and implement it. They were unable to save themselves but they knew that unless they acted, many more would die. The men and women of flight 93 came from different backgrounds and beliefs. They were mostly americans but also citizens of japan, germany, and new zealand. They had one very important thing in common. They all came from a belief in a free society. Those who embrace the philosophy of terror have proven over and over that they will die for their cause. Their cause is death. They build nothing, they save nothing, they produce nothing. The cause of the heroes of flight 93 was to save a life, certainly their own if possible but knew the cause was greater than their own lives. Its been 19 years, a lifetime for some but a twinkling of an eye in the realm of history. We must be diligent in protecting our freedoms. We must remember and we must honor those who rushed into the flames of buildings and into the cockpit of flight 93. Thank you. [applause] thank you, ed, for sharing your thoughts today and for your ongoing advocacy for the amilies and this memorial. Id like to now welcome secretary david burnhart, the 53rd secretary of the United States of interior which include, among many others, the National Park service and the United States fish and wildlife service. The secretary has been a steadfast supporter to flight 93 National Memorial and directly offered departmentmental support to this special place to ensure the final realization and completion of the 40 wind chimes at the power of voices. We truly appreciate your support, mr. Secretary, and thank you so much. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome secretary of the interior. Thank you, superintendent clark. The department of the interior through the National Park service is entrusted to serve as steward and guardian of our National Parks, our monuments, and battlefields. And each site helps tell americas story, a rich and incredible story. The places we steward and protect often highlight exceptional action by incredible individuals. Site ne more so than this dedicated to 40 heroes. Our sites would not tell the rich stories without the dedicated employees of the National Park service who i want to thank for working so closely with the families of flight 93 over the last few weeks to bring this 19th observance to fruition. Thank you. Last night i had the incredible privilege to join some of you to participate in the chimes dedication ceremony. While there, i had an opportunity to listen to Patrick White and gordon felt eloquently describe the eloquent reality of 40 strangers from diverse walks of life, thrown together by chance, each recognizing the challenge they faced, together uniting for a common purpose and a greater good and then acting with dispatch and resolve against those who wished to attack our great nation. All of these events occurring over such a short period of time is absolutely incredible. Later as i walked with pat and gordon up the pathway to the base of the tower of voices, i reflected on the fact on a fact ive come to know with certainty while serving in President Trumps administration, and that fact is this, throughout my tenure i have witnessed that this president has incredible confidence in and respect for the greatness of the american eople. This confidence in the American People has led him to find unity and make strides forward to our country when no one thought possible time and time again. I did not believe anyone could believe in the goodness of our country and our heroes more, and therefore it is my tremendous honor and privilege to introduce the 45th president of the United States, donald j. Trump. [applause] President Trump thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you, david, very much. Its a great honor to be with you. 19 years ago on this day at this very hour on this field, 40 brave men and women triumphed over terror and gave their lives in defense of our nation. Their names and their stories are forever inscribed on the eternal roll call of american heroes. Today we pay tribute to their sacrifice and we mourn deeply for the nearly 3,000 precious and beautiful souls who were 11, from us on september 2001, took family members of flight 93. Today every heartbeat in america is wedded to yours, your pain and anguish is the shared grief of our whole nation. The memory of your treasured loved ones will inspire america for all time to come. The heroes of flight 93 are an everlasting reminder no matter the danger, no matter the threat, no matter the odds, america will always rise up, stand tall and fight back. To every 9 11 member all across this nation, the first lady and i come to this Hallowed Ground deeply aware we cannot fill the void in your heart or erase the terrible sorrow of this day, the agony renewed, the nightmare relived, the wounds reopened, the last treasured words played over and over again in your minds. But while we cannot erase your pain, we can help to shoulder your burden. We promise that unwavering love that you so want and need, support, devotion, and the very special devotion of all americans on that september morning when america was under attack, the battle turned in the skies above this field. Soon after taking off from newark, new jersey, radical islamic terrorists seized control of united 93. Other hijacked planes struck the north tower of the World Trade Center and then the south tower and then the pentagon. He terrorists on flight 93 had a fourth target in mind, it was called our nations capitol. They were just 20 minutes away from reaching their sinister objective. The only thing that stood between the enemy and a Deadly Strike at the heart of american democracy was the courage and resolve of 40 men and women, the amazing passengers, and crew of flight 93. Donald and Jean Peterson were grandparents traveling to acation in california. Deora was a student headed back to college. Richard guardagno was returning from celebrating his randmothers 100th birthday, loren was three months pregnant with her first child. Every passenger and crew member on the plane had a life filled with love and joy, friends and family, radiant hopes and limitless dreams. When the plane was hijacked, they called their families and learned that america was also under attack. Then they faced the most fateful moment of their lives. Through the heartache and the tears, they prayed to god. They placed their last calls home. They whispered the immortal words, i love you. Today those words ring out across these sacred grounds and they shine down on us from heaven above. When terrorists raced to destroy the eat of our democracy, the 40 of flight 93 did the most american of things. They took a vote and then they acted. Together they charged the cockpit. They confronted the pure evil. And in their last act on this. Arth, they saved our capitol in this pennsylvania field, the 40 intrepid souls of flight 93 died as true heroes. Their momentous deeds will outlive us all. In the days and weeks after 9 11, citizens of all faiths, background, colors and creeds came together, prayed together, mourned together, and rebuilt together. The song God Ble