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Transcripts For CSPAN Campaign 2020 Vice President Pence Hos
Transcripts For CSPAN Campaign 2020 Vice President Pence Hos
CSPAN Campaign 2020 Vice President Pence Hosts Cops For Trump Event In Arizona July 12, 2024
President mike pence here. It is great to see many of you out there. The lights are little bright. We need to support our
Law Enforcement
. We have to defend the men and women in blue. [applause] along with the sheriff and his team a few weeks ago to see what they are dealing with. They need more funding, not to be defended defunded. Amen . [applause] they need more support and we are less than 60 days voting in the most consequential election early in arizona in our lifetime. There is a lot at stake. One of the main questions is going to be, who do you trust to keep us safe . Who do you trust to keep us safe . That will be donald trump,
Martha Mcsally
, republican senator, rumpled inhouse republican house, because we have your back. [applause] tipping point. You know arizona is ground zero to decide
President Trump
s reelection, ground zero to decide the senate majority. I am what is standing in the way of
Chuck Schumer
being in charge. I dont think you guys like
Chuck Schumer
, do you . [applause] i know joe biden and markel he can hide in a basement and bunker all they want, but they are a trojan horse. If they get in power, the radical left agenda will be jammed through in a way that we have never imagined in america. That is what is at stake. Today, we are focused on one of the most important elements of even families safe, keeping communities safe, and supporting those who everything will they put on the uniform and go out there to affect us. Thats protect us. I served in the military and im great all for those who say thank you for your i want to bring up and introduce my friend, our governor. How are you . Sayingto start off by thank you to senator mcsally for her unwavering support of
Law Enforcement
in the
United States
senate. What a packed house. This is the most crowded room ive been in in some time. Its a pleasure to be here and to welcome back the one and only
Vice President
of the
United States
, mike pence. Mr. Vice president , we are delighted to have you back in arizona again. On behalf of our entire state, i have a message for every man and woman in
Law Enforcement
. You are heroes. Doare grateful for what you and arizona will always have your back. My dad it a cop. Up, we knewwing personally what it meant every time he says goodbye to his family. Familiesoodbye to your every day. You can protect our families. Lives so you can save our lives. This is selfless and honorable work. Trump andy president
Vice President
mike pence are going to stop joe biden and the radical left from defunding and defame mean our police. Its time someone started defending our police. You have our back, we have yours. Inzona will back the blue 2020 going forward. The choice is crystal clear. There was only one president ial ticket on the ballot that believes in law and order in this country. Thats why im grateful for all of you and your support. Pleasure tots my introduce somebody you all already know very well. The president of the police association. Thank you. Good morning. Thank you for being here. To say thank you to all of the
Law Enforcement
men and women out here. The secret service as well. Me get my speech out here. Beginning with this, i would like to introduce myself. Im president of the arizona
Law Enforcement
association and the police association. Countyesent 12,000 local and federal
Law Enforcement
professionals. The
Arizona Police
association has 27 associations representing 50 distant
Law Enforcement
agencies. On behalf of the
Arizona Police
association in conjunction with we wouldmember groups, like to welcome
Vice President
, mike pence to arizona. Would also like to acknowledge the elected officials present,
Martha Mcsally
, governor doug ducey, the representatives and sheriffs who are here. Please stand to be recognized. Without you, we couldnt do this job. Law enforcement today is the most complex occupation on earth. It is an honorable profession. Those who stepped in the gap between good and evil to protect their communities do so knowing the risk. Officers are required to make splitsecond conditions under the most stressful situations. Often times at great risk. The millions of contacts between officers and the community annually, officers make those decisions correctly in accordance with the law. High profile not mean highfrequency. In this day and age of instant media,tion and social there is an unrealistic expectation of absolute perfection, its impossible to be perfect every time. We hire from the human race. People are not perfect. Good people do make mistakes. Orchestratedand has eroded the public trust. It has encouraged an air of obstinates and assaultive
Attitudes Towards Police
officers. This has resulted in everything from officers in york city having its of water dumped on their heads to being shot in the back of the head in las vegas, for doing their jobs. Reasons there the has been a drop in
Police Applicants
across the country in recent years. Law enforcement is under attack. Look no further than places like chicago, losyork, angeles, portland. Cut in the50
Seattle Police
department budget, a 1 billion cut to the new york
Police Department
, you will see that these are serious cuts. Officials have essentially told their constituents that law and order is no longer a priority. They are letting the inmates run the asylum. Come to arizona. We love our
Police Officers
. We are hiring. We have the opportunity to have leading thernor, charge along with many other wonderful elected officials who support law and order. They will do whatever they can to ensure that
Law Enforcement
is funded and safe. Ofall know this notion defund the police is not just unrealistic, it is irresponsible and dangerous. Its not only dangerous to the
Police Officers
, it is more importantly dangerous to the numbers in our community who cant defend themselves. They trust us. They need us. We need them. Look at the her and a in
Violent Crime
since this started. It is clear who the law and order candidate for president is. Thank you. President trump has fought off the liberal media, and hes had an unwavering support and commitment to the rule of law and to the men and women who place their lives in the line every day to keep communities safe. We know he has our back. We have his back. That is why the
Arizona Police
association is proud to extend our endorsement to donald trump for president of the
United States
of america and his
Vice President
, mike pence. [applause] at this time i would like to give a special thank you to
Vice President
mike pence for coming to the great state of arizona to accept this endorsement. Mr. Vice president , could you please come out . [applause] vice pres. Pence hello, arizona [applause] vice pres. Pence officer justin harris, to all the incredible men and women of the
Arizona Police
association and their supporters, and especially their families, governor, senator mcsally, my fellow americans, it is great to be back in the grand canyon state with cops for trump. [applause] vice pres. Pence i appreciate you coming out today. I am very, very grateful and honored to receive that endorsement. I have to be honest. I am here for one reason and one reason only. That is that arizona and america need four more years of
President Donald Trump
in the white house. [cheers] [applause] vice pres. Pence it really is great to be here with so many great friends and some any friends of
Law Enforcement
. It is also a real privilege for me to be here. With a man i actually knew before he had the job he currently holds here in arizona. He has literally emerged as one of the best governors in america. He has seen this economy grow. He has seen schools improve. He has let this great state through trying times over the last many months. Would you join me in thinking governor doug ducey for his leadership and his unwavering support of
Law Enforcement
across arizona. [applause] vice pres. Pence thank you, governor. Speaking of friends of mine, allow me to begin by bringing greetings from another friend of mine. When i told him last night i was heading to the grand canyon state i thought he sounded a little jealous. Let me bring gratitude for todays endorsement from a man he was been a champion for law order every day of this administration. I bring greetings from the 45th president of the
United States
of america,
President Donald Trump
. [cheers] [applause] vice pres. Pence on the president s behalf i could not be more proud to accept the
Arizona Police
association endorsement for four more years of this president in the white house. From the first day of this administration,
President Trump
is cap the promises he made to the people of arizona to rebuild the military, restore the arsenal of democracy, and has the proud father of a
United States
marine stationed right here in arizona, i could not be more proud we are finally giving our soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, and coast guard the support they need to defend this nation. [applause] vice pres. Pence this president has signed the largest increases in our
National Defense
since the days of ronald reagan. None of that would have been possible without the strong and principled support of an american who served this country for more than a quarter of a century in
United States
air force. She made history there is the
First Female Fighter Pilot
ever to fly in combat. For her support for our troops, for her support for our national security, for her support for
Law Enforcement
, we need to send senator
Martha Mcsally
back to washington, d. C. I am honored she is with us today. [applause] vice pres. Pence thank you, martha. We rebuild our military. Before this pandemic struck under this president s leadership we revived the
American Economy
after the slowest recovery since the great depression. Under
President Trump
s leadership businesses large and small treated more than 7 million jobs all across this nation. We literally poured the foundation in this economy on which the economy of arizona and america are already coming back. We also supported the rule of law and the right to life. This president has appointed more conservatives to our federal courts then any president in american history. [applause] vice pres. Pence we stood for the rule of law and we stood without apology for the men and women who serve in uniform of
Law Enforcement
at every level. With this president , this administration, that senator and that governor, we will always back the blue. [applause] vice pres. Pence it is our loud lies in arizona that is helped make the difference. Our allies in arizona that helped us make the difference. We need arizona descent tiffany shed and
Brandon Martin
to a new majority and unites his congress. Tiffany and brandon, step up and take about. Abou bow. Vice pres. Pence for all he has done and all we have yet to do, we need four more years of
President Trump
in the white house. The president spoke to almost every american not long ago and he said, the vast majority of
Police Officers
in this country are selfless and courageous public servants. And so you are. I heard a story on air force 2 on the way here about one such officer. There was a stabbing that happened in tucson. The officer arrived on the scene and the victim pointed out the suspect. I heard the officer chased after the suspect, caught him as he was climbing a fence. The suspect turned, shot him and escaped. Here and escaped. The officer was wounded in the leg but he kept his composure. He radioed a description of the suspect. In two days
Law Enforcement
here in tucson tracked that suspect down and brought him to justice. The officer went back to work as soon as he could, where he served the people of tucson for more than 15 years. Would you join me in thanking officer jobie dickinson for his service of that day and every day before and since. [applause] vice pres. Pence thank you, jobie. [applause] vice pres. Pence great job. I also heard we are joined by another officer who not long ago was dispatched to report a home invasion. The victim was literally tied up and helpless. The officer spotted the suspects vehicle, drove after them. The suspects fired more than 100 rounds over more than 10 miles of a chase. At one point the officers vehicle was disabled from the gunfire. Another
Police Officer
picked him up and they kept after it. They kept going until they caught the suspects, rest of them arrested them, and brought them to justice. Join me in thinking officer troy wallen. Where are you, troy . Take a bow. [applause] vice pres. Pence never quit. [applause] vice pres. Pence great job. Heroes like these officers are why the majority of americans back the blue. We back you everyday. When others run away from danger,
Police Officers
run straight into harms way. You count our lives as more important than your own. Put your lives in the line to protect someone that in most cases youve never even met. Nowhere has that been true or or more poignant truer or more poignant than over the past five months here in arizona and across america. Our hearts and our prayers are with them more than 160,000 americans who have lost loved ones in the midst the coronavirus pandemic. As we continue to marshall a whole of america response, as the governor often says, we all have a role to play to do our part and slow the spread and protect the vulnerable and save lives. The people of arizona are doing just that. Last week, the governor was in washington to brief the president on the progress you have made. We are pleased to lend the positivity rates have dropped 21 , down to 12 . New cases have been steadily dropping for a month. That is tribute to your governor, pay tribute to the people of arizona. We have a ways to go and we will continue to flatten the curve and save lives. As i said, in these challenging times not have done more to save american lives that are heroic healthcare workers, first responders, and the men and women of
Law Enforcement
here in arizona and across the country. [applause] vice pres. Pence its true. [applause] vice pres. Pence you stepped into harms way. Often without regard to your personal safety. The rendered assistance. You got people of the communities across the state to the care anyone of us would want a family number to have. You stood in the gap in the midst of a pandemic. You have the thanks and admiration of the
American People
. That is why it is amazing to think that in the wake of all that heroism, even the heroism of these recent days, some of the leading politicians and the
Democratic Party
today like in
Law Enforcement
officers to stormtroopers. Joe biden said not long ago that well armed
Police Become
in his words the enemy. I want to assure you youre president , youre
Vice President
, and the overwhelming majority of the
American People
know the men and women of
Law Enforcement
are the best people in this country. [applause] vice pres. Pence
Law Enforcement
isnt the problem. Law enforcement is the solution. [applause] vice pres. Pence much like
President Trump
and our entire administration back the blue, like everyone gathered here today. We will stand with a minute women who serve on the thin blue line every day. You are literally what separates order from chaos. [applause] security is the foundation of our prosperity. So, it has been you, you and the uniform, who have strapped on a sidearm, who have kissed your families goodbye in the morning and walked out into that squad car or walk to the beat, it is you who made the freest nation in the history of the world possible. You make it possible for this nation to thrive and prosper. And in these challenging times, to recover. And for every american, to be able to live in peace and security, that every citizen so richly deserves. So, my fellow americans, we are passing through a time of testing. But i am here today because we will soon come to a time for choosing, the choice in this election has never been clearer, and the stakes have never been higher. It really is a choice between freedom and opportunity versus socialism and decline. Joe biden and the radical left offer a path starkly different from the past
Law Enforcement<\/a>. We have to defend the men and women in blue. [applause] along with the sheriff and his team a few weeks ago to see what they are dealing with. They need more funding, not to be defended defunded. Amen . [applause] they need more support and we are less than 60 days voting in the most consequential election early in arizona in our lifetime. There is a lot at stake. One of the main questions is going to be, who do you trust to keep us safe . Who do you trust to keep us safe . That will be donald trump,
Martha Mcsally<\/a>, republican senator, rumpled inhouse republican house, because we have your back. [applause] tipping point. You know arizona is ground zero to decide
President Trump<\/a>s reelection, ground zero to decide the senate majority. I am what is standing in the way of
Chuck Schumer<\/a> being in charge. I dont think you guys like
Chuck Schumer<\/a>, do you . [applause] i know joe biden and markel he can hide in a basement and bunker all they want, but they are a trojan horse. If they get in power, the radical left agenda will be jammed through in a way that we have never imagined in america. That is what is at stake. Today, we are focused on one of the most important elements of even families safe, keeping communities safe, and supporting those who everything will they put on the uniform and go out there to affect us. Thats protect us. I served in the military and im great all for those who say thank you for your i want to bring up and introduce my friend, our governor. How are you . Sayingto start off by thank you to senator mcsally for her unwavering support of
Law Enforcement<\/a> in the
United States<\/a> senate. What a packed house. This is the most crowded room ive been in in some time. Its a pleasure to be here and to welcome back the one and only
Vice President<\/a> of the
United States<\/a>, mike pence. Mr. Vice president , we are delighted to have you back in arizona again. On behalf of our entire state, i have a message for every man and woman in
Law Enforcement<\/a>. You are heroes. Doare grateful for what you and arizona will always have your back. My dad it a cop. Up, we knewwing personally what it meant every time he says goodbye to his family. Familiesoodbye to your every day. You can protect our families. Lives so you can save our lives. This is selfless and honorable work. Trump andy president
Vice President<\/a> mike pence are going to stop joe biden and the radical left from defunding and defame mean our police. Its time someone started defending our police. You have our back, we have yours. Inzona will back the blue 2020 going forward. The choice is crystal clear. There was only one president ial ticket on the ballot that believes in law and order in this country. Thats why im grateful for all of you and your support. Pleasure tots my introduce somebody you all already know very well. The president of the police association. Thank you. Good morning. Thank you for being here. To say thank you to all of the
Law Enforcement<\/a> men and women out here. The secret service as well. Me get my speech out here. Beginning with this, i would like to introduce myself. Im president of the arizona
Law Enforcement<\/a> association and the police association. Countyesent 12,000 local and federal
Law Enforcement<\/a> professionals. The
Arizona Police<\/a> association has 27 associations representing 50 distant
Law Enforcement<\/a> agencies. On behalf of the
Arizona Police<\/a> association in conjunction with we wouldmember groups, like to welcome
Vice President<\/a> , mike pence to arizona. Would also like to acknowledge the elected officials present,
Martha Mcsally<\/a>, governor doug ducey, the representatives and sheriffs who are here. Please stand to be recognized. Without you, we couldnt do this job. Law enforcement today is the most complex occupation on earth. It is an honorable profession. Those who stepped in the gap between good and evil to protect their communities do so knowing the risk. Officers are required to make splitsecond conditions under the most stressful situations. Often times at great risk. The millions of contacts between officers and the community annually, officers make those decisions correctly in accordance with the law. High profile not mean highfrequency. In this day and age of instant media,tion and social there is an unrealistic expectation of absolute perfection, its impossible to be perfect every time. We hire from the human race. People are not perfect. Good people do make mistakes. Orchestratedand has eroded the public trust. It has encouraged an air of obstinates and assaultive
Attitudes Towards Police<\/a> officers. This has resulted in everything from officers in york city having its of water dumped on their heads to being shot in the back of the head in las vegas, for doing their jobs. Reasons there the has been a drop in
Police Applicants<\/a> across the country in recent years. Law enforcement is under attack. Look no further than places like chicago, losyork, angeles, portland. Cut in the50
Seattle Police<\/a> department budget, a 1 billion cut to the new york
Police Department<\/a>, you will see that these are serious cuts. Officials have essentially told their constituents that law and order is no longer a priority. They are letting the inmates run the asylum. Come to arizona. We love our
Police Officers<\/a>. We are hiring. We have the opportunity to have leading thernor, charge along with many other wonderful elected officials who support law and order. They will do whatever they can to ensure that
Law Enforcement<\/a> is funded and safe. Ofall know this notion defund the police is not just unrealistic, it is irresponsible and dangerous. Its not only dangerous to the
Police Officers<\/a>, it is more importantly dangerous to the numbers in our community who cant defend themselves. They trust us. They need us. We need them. Look at the her and a in
Violent Crime<\/a> since this started. It is clear who the law and order candidate for president is. Thank you. President trump has fought off the liberal media, and hes had an unwavering support and commitment to the rule of law and to the men and women who place their lives in the line every day to keep communities safe. We know he has our back. We have his back. That is why the
Arizona Police<\/a> association is proud to extend our endorsement to donald trump for president of the
United States<\/a> of america and his
Vice President<\/a> , mike pence. [applause] at this time i would like to give a special thank you to
Vice President<\/a> mike pence for coming to the great state of arizona to accept this endorsement. Mr. Vice president , could you please come out . [applause] vice pres. Pence hello, arizona [applause] vice pres. Pence officer justin harris, to all the incredible men and women of the
Arizona Police<\/a> association and their supporters, and especially their families, governor, senator mcsally, my fellow americans, it is great to be back in the grand canyon state with cops for trump. [applause] vice pres. Pence i appreciate you coming out today. I am very, very grateful and honored to receive that endorsement. I have to be honest. I am here for one reason and one reason only. That is that arizona and america need four more years of
President Donald Trump<\/a> in the white house. [cheers] [applause] vice pres. Pence it really is great to be here with so many great friends and some any friends of
Law Enforcement<\/a>. It is also a real privilege for me to be here. With a man i actually knew before he had the job he currently holds here in arizona. He has literally emerged as one of the best governors in america. He has seen this economy grow. He has seen schools improve. He has let this great state through trying times over the last many months. Would you join me in thinking governor doug ducey for his leadership and his unwavering support of
Law Enforcement<\/a> across arizona. [applause] vice pres. Pence thank you, governor. Speaking of friends of mine, allow me to begin by bringing greetings from another friend of mine. When i told him last night i was heading to the grand canyon state i thought he sounded a little jealous. Let me bring gratitude for todays endorsement from a man he was been a champion for law order every day of this administration. I bring greetings from the 45th president of the
United States<\/a> of america,
President Donald Trump<\/a>. [cheers] [applause] vice pres. Pence on the president s behalf i could not be more proud to accept the
Arizona Police<\/a> association endorsement for four more years of this president in the white house. From the first day of this administration,
President Trump<\/a> is cap the promises he made to the people of arizona to rebuild the military, restore the arsenal of democracy, and has the proud father of a
United States<\/a> marine stationed right here in arizona, i could not be more proud we are finally giving our soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, and coast guard the support they need to defend this nation. [applause] vice pres. Pence this president has signed the largest increases in our
National Defense<\/a> since the days of ronald reagan. None of that would have been possible without the strong and principled support of an american who served this country for more than a quarter of a century in
United States<\/a> air force. She made history there is the
First Female Fighter Pilot<\/a> ever to fly in combat. For her support for our troops, for her support for our national security, for her support for
Law Enforcement<\/a>, we need to send senator
Martha Mcsally<\/a> back to washington, d. C. I am honored she is with us today. [applause] vice pres. Pence thank you, martha. We rebuild our military. Before this pandemic struck under this president s leadership we revived the
American Economy<\/a> after the slowest recovery since the great depression. Under
President Trump<\/a>s leadership businesses large and small treated more than 7 million jobs all across this nation. We literally poured the foundation in this economy on which the economy of arizona and america are already coming back. We also supported the rule of law and the right to life. This president has appointed more conservatives to our federal courts then any president in american history. [applause] vice pres. Pence we stood for the rule of law and we stood without apology for the men and women who serve in uniform of
Law Enforcement<\/a> at every level. With this president , this administration, that senator and that governor, we will always back the blue. [applause] vice pres. Pence it is our loud lies in arizona that is helped make the difference. Our allies in arizona that helped us make the difference. We need arizona descent tiffany shed and
Brandon Martin<\/a> to a new majority and unites his congress. Tiffany and brandon, step up and take about. Abou bow. Vice pres. Pence for all he has done and all we have yet to do, we need four more years of
President Trump<\/a> in the white house. The president spoke to almost every american not long ago and he said, the vast majority of
Police Officers<\/a> in this country are selfless and courageous public servants. And so you are. I heard a story on air force 2 on the way here about one such officer. There was a stabbing that happened in tucson. The officer arrived on the scene and the victim pointed out the suspect. I heard the officer chased after the suspect, caught him as he was climbing a fence. The suspect turned, shot him and escaped. Here and escaped. The officer was wounded in the leg but he kept his composure. He radioed a description of the suspect. In two days
Law Enforcement<\/a> here in tucson tracked that suspect down and brought him to justice. The officer went back to work as soon as he could, where he served the people of tucson for more than 15 years. Would you join me in thanking officer jobie dickinson for his service of that day and every day before and since. [applause] vice pres. Pence thank you, jobie. [applause] vice pres. Pence great job. I also heard we are joined by another officer who not long ago was dispatched to report a home invasion. The victim was literally tied up and helpless. The officer spotted the suspects vehicle, drove after them. The suspects fired more than 100 rounds over more than 10 miles of a chase. At one point the officers vehicle was disabled from the gunfire. Another
Police Officer<\/a> picked him up and they kept after it. They kept going until they caught the suspects, rest of them arrested them, and brought them to justice. Join me in thinking officer troy wallen. Where are you, troy . Take a bow. [applause] vice pres. Pence never quit. [applause] vice pres. Pence great job. Heroes like these officers are why the majority of americans back the blue. We back you everyday. When others run away from danger,
Police Officers<\/a> run straight into harms way. You count our lives as more important than your own. Put your lives in the line to protect someone that in most cases youve never even met. Nowhere has that been true or or more poignant truer or more poignant than over the past five months here in arizona and across america. Our hearts and our prayers are with them more than 160,000 americans who have lost loved ones in the midst the coronavirus pandemic. As we continue to marshall a whole of america response, as the governor often says, we all have a role to play to do our part and slow the spread and protect the vulnerable and save lives. The people of arizona are doing just that. Last week, the governor was in washington to brief the president on the progress you have made. We are pleased to lend the positivity rates have dropped 21 , down to 12 . New cases have been steadily dropping for a month. That is tribute to your governor, pay tribute to the people of arizona. We have a ways to go and we will continue to flatten the curve and save lives. As i said, in these challenging times not have done more to save american lives that are heroic healthcare workers, first responders, and the men and women of
Law Enforcement<\/a> here in arizona and across the country. [applause] vice pres. Pence its true. [applause] vice pres. Pence you stepped into harms way. Often without regard to your personal safety. The rendered assistance. You got people of the communities across the state to the care anyone of us would want a family number to have. You stood in the gap in the midst of a pandemic. You have the thanks and admiration of the
American People<\/a>. That is why it is amazing to think that in the wake of all that heroism, even the heroism of these recent days, some of the leading politicians and the
Democratic Party<\/a> today like in
Law Enforcement<\/a> officers to stormtroopers. Joe biden said not long ago that well armed
Police Become<\/a> in his words the enemy. I want to assure you youre president , youre
Vice President<\/a> , and the overwhelming majority of the
American People<\/a> know the men and women of
Law Enforcement<\/a> are the best people in this country. [applause] vice pres. Pence
Law Enforcement<\/a> isnt the problem. Law enforcement is the solution. [applause] vice pres. Pence much like
President Trump<\/a> and our entire administration back the blue, like everyone gathered here today. We will stand with a minute women who serve on the thin blue line every day. You are literally what separates order from chaos. [applause] security is the foundation of our prosperity. So, it has been you, you and the uniform, who have strapped on a sidearm, who have kissed your families goodbye in the morning and walked out into that squad car or walk to the beat, it is you who made the freest nation in the history of the world possible. You make it possible for this nation to thrive and prosper. And in these challenging times, to recover. And for every american, to be able to live in peace and security, that every citizen so richly deserves. So, my fellow americans, we are passing through a time of testing. But i am here today because we will soon come to a time for choosing, the choice in this election has never been clearer, and the stakes have never been higher. It really is a choice between freedom and opportunity versus socialism and decline. Joe biden and the radical left offer a path starkly different from the past
President Trump<\/a> set our nation on three and a half years ago. Where we have cut taxes across the board for working families, businesses, ranches and family farms. Joe biden would actually raise taxes by 4 trillion in the midst of a global pandemic. Where
President Trump<\/a> has cut more federal rate tape than any red tape than any other president , joe biden plans to bury our economy under an avalanche of red tape, stifling jobs. Joe biden even has a plan to abolish fossil fuels. But we are not going to let it happen. [applause] v. P. Pence we are going to stand for less taxes, less regulation, more american energy. That sounds like an arizona agenda to me. [applause] v. P. Pence and is not just about jobs, it is about values. President trump has not only stood for the rule of law, but for the sanctity of human life. And joe biden [applause] v. P. Pence where joe biden abandon his historic opposition to taxpayer funding of abortion, he now supports using taxpayer dollars to
Fund Abortion<\/a> in this country, and is calling for historic increases to planned parenthood. And maybe worst of all, as we gather today for cops for trump in arizona, joe biden believes america is, quote, systemically racist. And that
Law Enforcement<\/a> is, again, an implicit bias against minorities. Where the president has supported the men and women of
Law Enforcement<\/a>, the radical left says we have to choose between supporting our police or supporting all the families of our communities. But i think the people of arizona know different, the make and people know that we do not need to choose between supporting
Law Enforcement<\/a> and is supporting our africanamerican neighbors. We can do both. We have done both. And we will keep doing both for four more years. [applause] v. P. Pence the truth is, as we stand here today, as justin said, cities across the country, there are people who think they need to make that choice. And are making the wrong choice. And cities across the country, in those cities you have elected officials stepping away from support for
Law Enforcement<\/a>, believing they have to choose between supporting the men and women who protect the community, and supporting families in the community. I just heard minneapolis has already begun dismantling their
Police Department<\/a>. In new york city, mayor bill de blasio actually cut the nypd budget by 1 billion. And on monday of this week, the
Seattle City Council<\/a> actually approved millions of dollars in budget cuts to the
Police Department<\/a>. After watching anarchists and rioters take over part of their city for more than three weeks. And when joe biden was asked if he would support cutting funding to
Law Enforcement<\/a>, he replied, yes, absolutely. You know, amid efforts to defund the
Police Across<\/a> the country, cities are struggling with rising crime rates. History teaches that weakness arouses people. And as we see major cities stepping away from support for
Law Enforcement<\/a>, buying into the agenda of the radical left, we are also seeing crime rise in those very same cities across the nation. Just this past weekend alone, we had 40 people shot in chicago. New york city reached its 1000th victim,and has had more shootings this year than in all of the last year already. In fact, in our
Nations Capital<\/a>, 21 people were shot at a block party just a few days ago. In city after city, we see the crime rate rising, the murder rate rising. In cities that are stepping away from support for
Law Enforcement<\/a>. And for the sake of those families, in every major city in this land, men and women of arizona, this has got to stop. [applause] v. P. Pence we must restore law and order to the streets of our communities for every american of every race and creed and color, and this we will do. [applause] v. P. Pence we are going to do it. Honestly, those heartbreaking numbers are just a preview of joe bidens agenda. The truth is, you will not be safe in joe bidens america. After years of plummeting crime rates under
President Trump<\/a>, joe biden would double down on the policies that are leading to violence on the streets of american cities. When democrats call for defunding the police, remember what is at stake law and order, safety, and the peace of mind that our families and our children have every right to expect in the greatest nation on earth. As they make their case, on the airwaves of the nation next week, i want you to hear this directly from me, on behalf of the president of the
United States<\/a> and our entire administration, we are not going to defund the police, not now, not ever. [applause] v. P. Pence we are going to back the blue. We are going to back the blue with more resources and with more support. We are going to back of the bluebird making
Resources Available<\/a> to
Law Enforcement<\/a> agencies all across the country, to improve public safety, enhanced training and accountability. We are going to continue to expand funding like the funding we provided for 4000 new
Police Officers<\/a> through the cops program. And as the president announced a month ago, by making
Resources Available<\/a> to departments across the country. We are going to help
Law Enforcement<\/a> officers. We are going to help them get better trained to do their job in the most difficult circumstances. All of you gathered here know, especially those of you wearing the uniform, no one hates bad cops, only bad cops. There is no excuse for what happened to george floyd, and justice will be served, but there is no excuse for rioting and looting and the arson that took place in the days of that followed. [applause] v. P. Pence burning churches is not protest, taking down statues is not free speech. Throwing rocks at officers in tucson is not peaceful protest. And those who do such things are not peaceful protesters, they are criminals and they will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. [applause] v. P. Pence while joe biden and the
Democratic Party<\/a> continue to coddle the radical left, from our
Nations Capital<\/a> to cities across the country,
President Trump<\/a> is taking action to restore law and order. Just last month at the white house, he announced what we call operation legend, a surge of federal
Law Enforcement<\/a> officers into our hardest hit cities. Cities that are experiencing enormous surges in violence and crime. Due to miss governance misgovernance in the drive for defunding and the driver defunding from the radical left. The operation is named after a four year old africanamerican boy, named legend. Last month, little legend was gunned down while sleeping in his home in kansas city, missouri. That fouryearold boy had spent the night before building a pillow force with his dad. Fort with his dad. And when he was shot, he was sleeping in the fort he and his dad had made. When
Police Arrived<\/a> on the scene, they rushed him to the hospital but it was too late. Little legend died of his injuries. With the launch of operation legend, i promise you that little legend will not have died in vain. [applause] v. P. Pence the operation in his name is, as we speak my bringing peace and security to cities all across the country. When his mother heard about the operation, even heard some of the criticism, his mom said, if you are against that, maybe you need to reevaluate. She was right. But its stories like legend, that break the heart of the
American People<\/a>. But i also know that is, its little ones like legend, and like his family, the community in which he lived, that drew those of you who wear the uniform into service. Law enforcement isnt an occupation so much it is a calling. And i never talk to a
Police Officer<\/a> that didnt speak of it just that way. Its a selfless calling. To count others as more important than yourself. Its a calling to protect the vulnerable, to stand the watch. And it is a calling that is born more of the heart than of the mind. And every
Police Officer<\/a> ive ever spoken to about why they serve has made it clear, you serve because you love this country. You love your city. You love this state. And i want you to know that arizona and
America Olivia<\/a> right back. Love you right back. [applause] v. P. Pence as
President Trump<\/a> said, we may come from different backgrounds but we are united in our desire to share peace. You are the instrument of securing that for every american, of every background and every walk of life. So for all you do on behalf of a grateful nation, i promise you that we will always have your back. This president , this
Vice President<\/a> , this administration will always back the blue. [applause] v. P. Pence because we are all grateful, grateful for what you do. It seems like sometimes i reflect on the fact that all of my heroes wear uniforms. Not on the gridiron, not on the hardcourt, but wear the uniforms of
Law Enforcement<\/a>, wear the uniform of our armed forces. When i was a little boy, we would drive to chicago to my grandmothers house, and i got to see my uncle. He would dress out every day that we were there. When he would come walking out of his bedroom wearing that chicago
Police Department<\/a> uniform, that shiny leather belt, the sidearm, badge on his chest, it made me proud. I also want to say that we are grateful to each and everyone of you that wears the uniform, but tell your families we are just as grateful to them, because i will never know what it is to wear that uniform, but i know what it is to be a member of a family that does. And we are grateful for your families, for the love and support that they give you as you serve. [applause] v. P. Pence on behalf of your president and all of the grateful
American People<\/a>, im here to say thanks. And i know that you have the gratitude and respect of this nation. You see it when you are walking the beat, when you stop to get a cup of coffee, when you bump into people at the grocery store, the church or synagogue or your place of worship. People show you that respect. I know that you feel it every day. Despite what happens in public debate or on the airwaves of television, i know her on the streets of tucson and all across arizona, you feel the gratitude. I also hope you feel one other thing. I hope as you go out the door in the morning, i hope you know that i believe with all of my heart that you are carried into
Service Every<\/a> day by the prayers of millions of people who pray for you, pray for your safety in pray for your
Service Every<\/a> single day and pray for your
Service Every<\/a> single day. [applause] v. P. Pence this is the nation of faith. I hear people speak about it everywhere i go, and i never want you to doubt it. When you put on the uniform you do not go alone, you go with the confidence of your president , the confidence of the governor and the people that you serve. I believe you also go with the grace of god. The men and women of
Law Enforcement<\/a> bear great response ability, it has always been true responsibility, has always been true. The bible reminds us there is no authority but which god has established, and each one of you that protects and deserves, or as the good book says, service for good, do not bear the sword in vain. People understand that truth, they understand the risks that you take and are grateful for what you do. On their behalf, and on our behalf, thank you for your service. Thank you for coming out today. [applause] v. P. Pence it is wonderful to be back in arizona. Thank you for coming out to support
President Trump<\/a>. And thank you for coming out to support senator mcsally. And i know, just seeing the enthusiasm in this room, if we do what we need to do between now and election day, in arizona and across america, we will win a great victory for the people of this country. We are going to reelect that senator to a republican majority, and we will elect a new republican majority in the house of representatives with tiffany and brandon. [applause] v. P. Pence and with
President Donald Trump<\/a> in the white house for four more years, we will see our way through these challenging times. We will make arizona more prosperous than ever before. We will make arizona safer than ever before. And to borrow a phrase, we will make
America Great<\/a> again, again. Thank you all very much. God bless the men and women of
Law Enforcement<\/a>. And god bless america. We are taking your calls live on the air. We will discuss policy issues that impact you. The 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th amendment. We will talk about the history of women in politics with debbie walsh. Journal, liveon at 7 00 eastern sunday morning. Watch our live coverage of the
Democratic National<\/a> convention monday at 9 00 eastern. Andh live or on wpbf. Com find the latest information. Atn up for our newsletter cspan. Org. The men who ran for the presidency and lost, but changed political history. The four term governor of new york al smith. Democratic attorneys general speak about
Police Reform<\/a> and
Racial Disparities<\/a> caused by the coronavirus. This session was part of a net roots nation conference. For joining usch today. On the to our
Panel Democratic<\/a> ags. They are the frontline line of our democracy. I am the political director for the democratic attorneys general association. Truthappy to be back at","publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","width":"800","height":"600","url":"\/\/\/25\/items\/CSPAN_20200815_152700_Campaign_2020_Vice_President_Pence_Hosts_Cops_for_Trump_Event_in_Arizona\/CSPAN_20200815_152700_Campaign_2020_Vice_President_Pence_Hosts_Cops_for_Trump_Event_in_Arizona.thumbs\/CSPAN_20200815_152700_Campaign_2020_Vice_President_Pence_Hosts_Cops_for_Trump_Event_in_Arizona_000001.jpg"}},"autauthor":{"@type":"Organization"},"author":{"sameAs":"","name":""}}],"coverageEndTime":"20240716T12:35:10+00:00"}