Transcripts For CSPAN Campaign 2020 Sen. Warren Campaigns Fo

Transcripts For CSPAN Campaign 2020 Sen. Warren Campaigns For Joe Biden At League 46 Virtual Event 20240712

Point. Eded rand pauls did you see the numbers in florida where the state of florida is reporting that dozens of testing we are going to have to take you to an event with senator Elizabeth Warren campaigning for president ial candidate joe biden. This is live coverage on cspan. And i was on sasha congresswoman gabbards campaign before she endorsed the Vice President. Issuesnce on numerous including climate change, education reform enough a few bq rights. I believe we can truly return the title of bringing opportunity to america get. Im a member of the california students for biden and a former bernie supporter. We need a leader in the middle of this National Crisis that is going to be with us come november and joe can deliver that. My name is michael. I joined team joe because we do leader who is already listening to progressive voices, who is not unwilling to look at mistakes and push through democratic legislation. Thank you for joining this biden for president event. Presents 46 110 days out with senator Elizabeth Warren. Please welcome senior advisors symone sanders. Everyone and, welcome, welcome. My name is symone sanders. As the amazing voice told you, i have the privilege of being one of the senior advisors for the biden for president campaign. Im very excited to be moderating 110 days out in partnership with the progressive mynge committee and with good friend senator Elizabeth Warren. Today, we are doing it differently. We are going to get to know senator warren. Stephanie taylor, one of the cofounders of Progressive Change Campaign committee is going to talk to us a little bit about the work they are doing. How they are moving the ball over the next 110 days. Stephanie will introduce senator warren and we will kick this thing off. We are so excited you joined with us. Pick your phone up and i want 30330. Text joe to unfortunately, we are having technical problems with this event. We are working to correct the problem. Live coverage here on cspan. At a News Conference this morning our effort to mobilize young people from College Students all the way to the suburban moms everyone is talking about. Young elected officials, young professionals, High School Students to getting engage and ged and everything involved. It is young People Like Us who are critical to these efforts. We are the ones who are going to have to deal with everything going on so that is what it is important we are driving, organizing efforts, that we are helping to drive the conversation. Im very excited to introduce you to some amazing folks. Before i do that, i want to bring in stephanie. Thank you for all the work you do. We are very excited to be partnering with you today. Warme give a welcome to stephanie taylor. Stephanie hello, everybody. Im stephanie taylor, cofounder of progressive change committee. I want to start by saying thank you to everyone on this call for being involved in this election and with league 46. We always say every election is the most important of our lifetime, but this one really is. Between the economy and the coronavirus, peoples lives depend on replacing donald trump with joe biden in the white house. And young people are going to make it happen. To give you a quick introduction to the Progressive Change Campaign committee, also known grassroots a organization with a million members. We elect great people to office at the local, state and federal level. We work with them to push forward progressive priorities. Last cycle, we supported over 1100 candidates. Symone 1100 candidates . Stephanie 1100 candidates. Now i can say school board president. If you are thinking about running for office or you want to get more involved, check out the website. When we first started working with Elizabeth Warren years ago when she was a harvard o professor, she was working with a group of young volunteers and students to create the Consumer Financial protection bureau. Even then, she was inspiring people to take action with the power of her ideas. The Elizabeth Warren for Senate Campaign in 2011, we organized hundreds of parties for her in massachusetts. We raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for the first senate run. We kept working with her ever since. She is such a special leader because she knows the progressive ideas are popular. She knows that progressive ideas can win. Like us, she knows that young people are the ones moving our country in a progressive direction. Young people are leading us. If you remember one thing from this call, remember this young people will determine the outcome of the 2020 election. The more young people vote, the more enthusiastic we are to volunteer, the better the chances of victory and the bigger our victory will be. If joe biden keeps going bigger and bolder with his policies like he has been doing, our chances of victory get bigger too. That is why we are so happy to have this conversation, just as joe biden announced a very ambitious climate and clean energy plan. Polling this past week shows that 60 of folks under 45, whether republican, independent or democratic, support 1 trillion investment in Clean Energy Infrastructure and jobs. 60 . Thats good news because joe biden proposed 2 trillion. Polling also from harvards institute of politics shows a whopping 85 of young americans, including 94 of democrats and 76 of republicans, favor student debt reform. Joe biden and Elizabeth Warren both endorse the idea of canceling 10,000 worth of student debt during the coronavirus crisis. When data for progress polled the idea, it was popular by a 2 1 ,mamargin. Elizabeth warren is an incredible advocate for these popular ideas. We are thrilled to be with her today talking about the stakes in this years election. Every day counts. Thank you for getting involved with joe bidens league 46 initiative and thank you for caring about this country. Sen. Warren it is terrific to be here with you. I love being with powerful women. Symone, good to see you. Stephanie, good to see you. It is fabulous to be here. I also brought a special guest today, if i can get him to stand up. Here. Bailey. Hes asleep right now. Stephanie we love bailey. Sen. Warren bailey, bailey. Come here. Come here, bud. Im bribing him here. Say hello. Come on, say hello, bailey. Can everybody see bailey . There we go. Symone greetings, bailey. Sen. Warren bailey is definitely going to vote in november and he is voting democrat all the way. Bailey for biden. Good to see you. Stephanie, youve got some questions . Actually, yeah, senator, we do have questions. Symone before, i want to bring in jackson early. He is going to ask you the first couple of questions today. We appreciate you for bringing bailey to hang out with us. Wheres jackson . I see you. Jackson hi, hows it going . Heard, my name is jackson. Im the president of Northeastern University for biden in your home state of massachusetts. Sen. Warren northeastern rocks. Jackson love northeastern. Yeah, im going to ask you a couple of quick questions and introduce you to everyone in the call. Grab a drinkur series throughout the primary with voters. I was just wondering what is your go to drink. Coffee, tea, Something Else . Sen. Warren oh, all day long, it is tea. I dont drink coffee. Jackson what type of tea . Sen. Warren stuff in it. Like vanilla tea, hazelnut tea. I love the flavored teas, with lots of cream. Jackson im a big iced tea fan. So, moving on a little bit more, theres a lot of great music out now. What song or songs are you listening to or tuning into these days . Sen. Warren good question. I spend a lot of time with powerful women. Aretha franklin, patsy cline. Those are kind of dolly parton. I love hearing this kind of thing. I love hearing the oldies that i can sing along with because it brings me comfort. Johnny cash, hank williams, maybe a little jazz. Kind of a mix. Things that feel familiar. That is the kind of music that feels good to me right now. Jackson i definitely agree with you there. It sounds like you have a lot of great music choices. So, this one is a little more serious. In all of your time as a u. S. Senator, you have cast many votes. Out of all of those votes, what did you think has been the most critical and most important . Sen. Warren oh, thats a good question. Before i start, i do want to say how frustrating it has been to have Mitch Mcconnell calling the shots in the United States senate. So thatto vote him out we can make real change. That is what weve got to do. Have been a lot of really important votes. The dream act, gun reform after sandy hook. But, there is one vote that really shows the power of democracy. And that was the vote to stop the republicans from repealing obamacare. Its why millions of people still have Health Care Coverage today. Jackson well, thank you so much for casting that vote. Im sure i speak for everyone on this call that obamacare is definitely one of the most critical pieces of legislation, especially in my lifetime. Im very fortunate to not remember life before obamacare. Thinking of it not existing and not having that option for americans across the country is honestly terrifying. As a young person, as a student, i really appreciate you casting that vote. So, you had mentioned everything thats going on right now. What is it like being a senator at home . How does that compare being in d. C. . You showed bailey, i am sure he enjoys yo having you around the house more. Sen. Warren i really miss being able to connect with people facetoface. But, i like being able to spend time with my sweetie bruce. Bailey is in dog heaven. I dont know if you heard him when he hit the floor. Hes snoozing right here. He seems to have found ways to maximize getting exactly between wherever bruce and i are. I think he studied geometry or something. And wherever it is you might want to step next, bailey is stretched out there. He really is in dog heaven. Thats what matters. Jackson he is always one step ahead of the game apparently, getting in between the two of you. Yeah, symone, that is all the questions i have. Sen. Warren they were great questions. Symone thank you. Senator, i must be honest. I did coach him and tell him you have to ask him about the coffee because i find it interesting you dont drink coffee. I dont know how you have this energy off the t but it is definitely admire about. We appreciate you. We are 110 days out officially from election day today. I want to bring in another good friend of mine. Who hastate senator been a good friend of ours since the primary. She is helping lead our efforts in nevada. Hey, senator. I want to bring herein to talk people because frankly, like to organize around issues as well. Yes, this is an important moment, but we also know this is an important moment for policy. There are lots of things we are talking about on the campaign trail. Double ticket over to her and she will ask you some i will kick it over to her and she will ask you some policy questions. Have at it. Thank you. It is so good to see you. Im in my legislative office because we are in special session in nevada dealing with our budget crisis as a result of our Public Health crisis. It couldnt be a better time to talk about policy, not only because we have 110 days until we kicked donald trump out of the white house, but because young people need to be engaged in policymaking and in formulating ideas and reaching out to their representatives at all levels of government. And especially as we get ready to really kick the election into high gear. Im so excited to know that our young people all over the country who want to make their voices heard. I cant think of a better person to talk to about policy than you because of your ability to take these complicated ideas, these phils antics plane them only as a former professor could. Areas i would like to chat with you about. Before we do, let me say as someone who has grown very codependent of my dog during the quarantine, i love how much you love bailey. It is incredibly sweet. Sen. Warren he is a sweet boy. The first area i want to chat about relates to the high cost of Prescription Drugs. People often think about health care holistically and it is important to talk about health care reform. I spent a lot of time digging into Prescription Drug costs because they can be very, very lifechanging for individuals that face them. One of the areas that is most exemplary of this is in the high cost of insulin. So, if you have type 1 diabetes, you rely on insulin to live. You have type two diabetes, you likely needed and the cost of the drug skyrockets. As a result, young people are forced to make decisions about what jobs they seek, where they live, the care they can access. Youve been an outspoken supporter of making sure we rein those costs, not only as it relates to insulin but across the board. I would love to hear from you about how we can get young people to engage in this issue and what we can do under a Biden Administration to bring in the high costs of restricting drugs generally, but especially insulin. Sen. Warren you frame this exactly the right way. It is about our health and our finances, and how these two linked together. My daddy had a heart attack when i was a little girl and it nearly sent our family over a financial cliff. Today, i think about the young people who are facing the double blow. An illness or a really bad diagnosis, and then they turn around and have their lives upended while they are trying to pay medical bills. No american should ever, ever die or go bankrupt because of healthcare costs. Gofundme campaigns to pay for care. To try rationing insulin to make it last longer. No more choosing between medicine and groceries. Why are drug costs so high . Nte Health Care Industry spen 4. 7 billion lobbying over the last decade. So, if we want to pass Meaningful Health care changes in washington, we are going to need to start with comprehensive anticorruption reforms to rein in these drug companies. That means closing the revolving door between drug company lobbyists and the government. It means ending the practice of Large Pharmaceutical Companies vacuuming up all of the senior government officials so that they can get them in their businesses and then use them to have influence on people who are currently in government. It works in the other direction too. No more drug lobbyists in charge of federal health care policy. And, theres another part of this. It is insane that members of congress who can Pass Health Care policy are currently allowed to own stock in drug companies. HavePresident Biden and i both long refused to own or trade individual stocks while we are in office and this should be a requirement of every elected official, not a choice. A requirement for members of congress, a requirement for other senior government officials. That is where i start. It is going to be tough. It is going to be a hard fight and we cant do this alone. Joe needsy it is that a Grassroots Movement fighting alongside him. The folks who have power are not going to give it up easy. The only way thats going to happen with a president in the white house and a Grassroots Movement to back him up. That is how we get real change. I couldnt agree more. As a former union organizer, i have gotten to live the power of the collective and it is so true that in this election, we have an opportunity not only to elect joe biden to the white house, but to build a Grassroots Army to enact the policies we all care about. The second question is unrelated, but it goes along the same vein and it has to do with the work you spent a lifetime in, and it is Consumer Protection. I have worked on legislation here in nevada to rein in payday lenders. They are one example of shortterm highinterest loans that can put people into the quicksand of economic despair. In a moment where we see such Economic Hardship created by Donald Trumps supreme mismanagement of the covid19 crisis, a lot of folks are vulnerable to what sounds like really good opportunities for quick cash. What can we do not only in the short term to ensure that people have the best information to make financial decisions, but as policymakers and as Leaders Within our communities, whether we are at our College Campuses or acrosstheboard, to make sure that we continue to push for Consumer Protection . Sen. Warren so, it is a great question. Say a word about the Consumer Financial protection bureau. We are about to celebrate the 10th anniversary of president obamas signing it into law. And the republicans have had the cfpb in their crosshairs from the moment that we began calling for a watchdog to bark back at the big banks. Now, donald trump has gone right along with that and he has proven time and time again that the only priority he has is to line the pockets of himself and his billionaire buddies. If that means cheating consumers, he doesnt care. But after years of industry attacks and gop opposition, i want to note a couple of weeks ago that a conservative Supreme Court recognized what we have known all along. That is that the cfpb itself and the law that created it are constitutional. So, cfpb is here to stay. That at itsen knows core, the fight to protect consumers is a fight to get rid of corruption in washington. As president , he is going to make sure that the cfpb can do its job and put consu

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