Transcripts For CSPAN Arizona Gov. Ducey Holds Coronavirus B

CSPAN Arizona Gov. Ducey Holds Coronavirus Briefing July 12, 2024

Would be delayed until august 17. This runs one hour and 15 minutes. Saying iwant to begin by talked to Health Care Leaders from around the state on friday and they told me some incredibly moving stories about our frontline workers. Our doctors, our nurses, our hospital staff. Everyone that works in health care and all of our caregivers. So, i just want to reemphasize to all of them how grateful we are for what they do. How much we appreciate their hard work and commitment, especially at this time of incredible stress and how much we value them. I know everyone in the room likely knows a doctor, nurse, caregiver, somebody works for a hospital. Please also extent your appreciation. These folks are the heroes on the front lines today for the people of arizona and im grateful for everything they do. I also want to say i am thankful for the people of arizona. Ive asked for a lot of patience and im going to ask for some more patience as we go forward. This pandemic is incredible in terms of the sacrifices that it is asking all of our citizens to continue to participate. Our numbers continue to increase in arizona. They are going in the wrong direction and we are going to take some additional actions andy to contain this virus get back on track. To do that, we will have to persevere and it is going to be for some time into the future. Remember, you are safer at home. The virus is widespread. So if you dont need to go out, dont go out. I know there are many last friday, saturday and sunday that did not go out. You are safer at home. So, if you need to get something done, get it done, get home. Personal responsibility and responsible behavior can go a long way to slow this virus. Here are arizonas latest numbers. Im saying they are going in the wrong direction. I want to show you the brutal facts of our Current Situation today. 74,553 covid19 cases. Averagege, we have 2857 new cases per day. And we have lost 1588 arizonans. So my heart and condolences go out to all the families of arizonans who have lost loved ones through this crisis. And we are going to do everything we can to protect people in this state going forward. This is a dangerous virus and we need to slow it down and contain it. A global pandemic. Its affecting all of our states. And arizona is not alone right now in terms of where we areo n record cases are on record cases and record hospitalizations. You will see most of record cases and record hospitalizations are the west and the south. Visit with the Coronavirus Task force this morning. Dr. Deborah birx, dr. Anthony fauci, cabinet secretary azar. Dr. Birx is actually in new mexico today. She was in texas yesterday and she will be in arizona tomorrow to talk about additional measures that we can take here in our state. We are grateful for their partnership and responsiveness. This is a graphic from the new york times. 29 states have seen increases in covid19 cases over the last week. In arizona, we are seeing an increase higher than many of these other states. Four states in the u. S. That are on the dec line. So, the time of additional action is upon us. This is new reported cases by day in the United States. You can see the steep spike, the flattening, and a beginning of decline and they are on the rise again. And we want to do our part in arizona to bring this number down. Is our weekly covid19 cases by age. One thing that dr. Birx mentioned this mornings we are is we are seeing a different spread of the virus in this time in the United States and arizona versus what we became so familiar with on the east coast in march and april. We are seeing increases in young people. In arizona, that is making up a large portion of our new cases. If you look at the blue demographic here, that is ages 20 to 44. That is a much larger number of cases and an increase in those number of cases. We know statistically that these folks were not in harms way from what we saw in terms of mortality. But, we have new information because of these cases today and its a message we need to get out far and wide in the state of arizona. Now, if you look at hospitalizations, weve had a lot of focus at this table about making sure that we care for folks that are in our most vulnerable category. That is someone who is elderly, with comorbidity and high risk or underlying Chronic Health conditions. That is the largest part of our hospitalizations at 40 . But, i want you to look at the 22 that are hospitalized, that are age 20 to 44, ok . If these folks who are in that category have comorbidities, and dr. Birx pointed out specifically, obesity and diabetes, you are at high risk as well. So, we want to slow the spread of this. We want to stop the spread. If you have not gotten this yet, you can avoid it and we want to make sure you have all the care and resources if you are in one of these positions inside our hospital. We also want to make sure if young people get it, oftentimes, they are going to recover. But they can also share it with mom or dad or grandma or grandfather. Thats a message we need to amplify. The numbers in arizona specifically, i have already mentioned they are going in the wrong direction. This is the criteria we have used. Today, arizona is remaining on pause with additional steps to slow the spread. Thursday, son dont expect a huge change in these numbers. The illness is up in emergency rooms. Our covid patient hospital bed use is up. And our percentage of positive tests is increasing as well. On symptoms, we want to see a downward trajectory in both influenza and covid. Were not. Were seeing it going the wrong direction. If you look at the gold line, that is the flu, influenza like illness. Fluflu is behaving like the traditionally behaves. Whats different is covid19. They call it a novel virus for a reason. Thats unique, it is going the wrong direction, and it is climbing. It is something we have to Pay Attention to. In terms of cases, we want to see a downward trajectory for a 14 day period or a downward trajectory in positive tests. This is where we are. Now, i dont know how well you can see this on your screen, but if you look at the cases, the first case happened in arizona in late january. We declared a state of emergency on march 11. And we saw cases, but no real increase in cases for weeks and weeks and weeks. If you remember, stay home, stay connected, stay healthy. That ended on may 15. You can see for two weeks, pretty steady, and then we had an increase in cases for the weeks following. So, from the actions of really slowing that spread down slowly, a twoweek lag, and now we are seeing the increase in cases. I want you to see this so you can see we can take some of the steps that we took to turn this in the other direction. And it really just read amplifies the message that you are safer at home. This is our percentage of positive tests. The Blue Mountain represents the number of tests we have an increase in test. The goldline shows the positivity of tests. Again, heading in the wrong direction. So, weve got more tests, we have more positive cases. An increase in positive cases demonstrate we have more spreading of this virus. So, we are going to test more so we can isolate whos necessary, slow things down, and reduce the cases and positivity. Is see want to see the Blue Mountain grove in terms of tests we conduct and then the goldline go down to lower positivity. Hospitals. We want to make sure we can treat all patients without crisis care. These are our hospital beds in arizona. Gray represents availability. Blue represents inpatient beds in use for something other than covid19. Gold represents covid19 patients. So, you can see an increase in the use of hospital beds and an increase in the number of covid hospital beds in arizona. Now, this does not include the beds that we have prepared for surge availability, if necessary. This is just our current Hospital Capacity without factoring in Surge Capacity. This is our intensive care unit, icu. If you get extremely sick, we want to make sure we can care for you. You can see the availability in gray. You can see blue is other than covid like illness. You can see the increase in covid19 cases inside our icu facilities. This does not include Surge Capacity. If you remember, we went and did the press Conference Much different than this press conference on april 9 at st. Lukes. We have been preparing since march, april and through may for what is upon us in arizona right now. Is we are prepared for what coming. This also is a graphic that will show you we pretty much have been in terms of icu beds flat, in terms of noncovid19 patients and increasing in covid19 patients in arizona. Ventilators, weve got a lot of availability on ventilators. Although we do have an increase in terms of covid19 patients using them, but we have plenty in our stockpile, if necessary. I want you to know we are working very closely with our hospitals and our hospital leaders. They have been responsive and we work to ensure that we can build capacity within this hospital system. Weve done that through communication, partnership, relationship, and executive order. I want to thank peter fine at banner health, linda hunt at dignity health, robert gray at the mayo clinic, todd laporte at honor health. Mihs. Pervis at formerly and judy rich at tucson medical. I was able to meet with each of them, hear their thoughts, talk about our situation in arizona. And i also want to thank them for their very good recommendations on how to contain this spread going forward. O dr. L turn it over t crist. She is leading the Health Care Public Health Effort for her teams hard work. And talk a little bit about our hospital relationship mean arizona. Thank you. We have been working very closely with our hospital partners, the chief medical officers, chief clinical officers. As part of the crisis standard of care plan which is a plan that wasnt limited in arizona at the end of 2014, beginning of 2015. We have a state disaster medical advisory committee. This consists of members of hospitals, health care coalitions, the medical board, the nursing boards. Groups of experts that come together. That group on friday recommended implementing the crisis standards of care is really the framework so that facilities can be prepared if they need to have if there is a reduction in the type of resources or their ability to be able to provide care at that specific facility. These standards, it was recommended that we implement that. We will activate the crisis standards of care. This will encourage our hospitals. We are recommending they activate tactics to address their space, gets surge beds up. Make sure they have staffing and resources as necessary for that hospitals Current Situation. This is being put proactively into place so that hospitals on their own individual trajectory can implement these standards if necessary. We are asking them to prepare for surge and anticipate fully staffing their hospitals. For those that do determine they are in a crisis level, that they cease all surgeries except essential surgeries and procedures that do not impair the care of other patients, we have asked them to activate their hospital incident command and do that on an increasing frequent basis. And to make sure they are establishing regular communication with their local Health Jurisdiction or local Public Health department. Gov. Ducey thank you, doctor. Lets talk about testing in arizona and our focus on testing and the information that it shows us. In arizona, we have done over 677,000 tests. Overe diagnostic or pcr, 500,000 have been done and over rheology oreveral the antibody test. We will continue to focus on testing and increase testing. It is important. It gives us the information that we need. We are building capacity around testing. If you do want to get tested, and we would like you to get tested, go to azhel alth. Gov testingblitz. So, we simply cannot let up. This is a time for us to put on a full court press as a state. We cannot be under any illusion that this virus is going to go away on its own. Our expectation is that next week, our numbers will be worse. It will take several weeks for the mitigations that we have put in place and are putting in place to take effect, but they will take effect. So over time, we will see reductions and nonincreases. That is the goal. It will not happen overnight, but it will happen. If every arizonan would join in this and follow these steps, well slow this spread, well save lives along the way and we will see it reflected in this data. Our objective is to protect lives and to protect livelihoods. And when in doubt, we will err on the side of protecting lives. We are going to err on the side of caution to make sure that we can deal with this pandemic in the state of arizona. The objective is to slow the virus. The virus is not going away at this point in time. There is no cure. There is no vaccine. We want to slow it down. Weve done that before and we can do that again at this time. We need to do that again in this time. We want to protect the most vulnerable. And, the better we communicate and people realize how contagious and dangerous this virus is, the better able we will be to protect lives and protect our most vulnerable. The best way you can do this is to wear a amask. Mask up. I want to remind arizonans to please wear a mask. I want to thank our local leaders for their communication on this with mask wearing across the state. We are also going to make sure at the state level, with state resources, that everyone has access to a mask in our state. By the end of this week, not only will we have that program in place, and every one of our correctional facilities, from Correctional Officers to inmates, will have a mask. Our inmates upon release are given two masks so they can begin their time in public wearing a mask. And the increased masking is working. This is the ihne modeling. Sometimes it has been on target, sometimes it has been off target. Arizona within mask usage on june 28, yesterday, we would be at 3891 in terms of cases. We hit that. We are at 3858. They project if you look at that descending line, that the continual use of masks, the decline it will happen cases in the state of arizona. So, this gives us hope, it gives us a target and a plan. I think we all know this and understand it. If we all hold ourselves accountable to doing it, it will make the biggest possible difference in the spread of the virus in arizona. Im asking every arizonan to do their part. As we know more about this, it really makes sense that this idea of physical distancing, of washing your hands, of staying at home where you are safer can make the difference in terms of slowing the spread. Its common sense. Its personal responsibility. Its good habits. But, we are not going back to normal anytime soon. This is the way to protect the most people in our state. Lets make sure it is part of our routine. I also want to talk about a number that i dont think has ever come up at this press conference. Its a number that is on discussion with the white house Coronavirus Task force. Its one thats been topical also on the governors Conference Calls. It is called the if you look at that symbol of r, lowercase t. Ught. Ronounce that rna that shows the average number of people that will become infected by an infectious person. What you want that number to be is less than 1. If it is less than 1, you are slowing the spread of the virus. If it is more than one, you are increasing the spread. I have talked a lot about states that were hit first and hit hardest and hit before us. New york certainly received a lot of attention and we learned a lot from what happened in new york. Massachusetts was in that same juggernaut of virus spread. And charlie baker, the governor of massachusetts, helped me understand some of the things they did to get folks to understand how to get this below 1. I want to show you where ever zone it is today. Were at 1. 18. Ok, so we are 18 basis points over 1. It was not that long ago that arizona was under 1. And for those of you that want to check more into this stuff, that is the website at the bottom of the page. Slash, slash, rt. Live. You have to put both of the slashes in or you will go to the wrong website. You can look interactively where arizona is, where every other state in the nations. You can see it was not that long ago, we were beneath 1. That is where we need to begin to trend again. That allows us to slow the other and in time have alternatives in terms of therapeutics, vaccine, cures, whatever our incredible medical professionals across the nation are going to bring to us. But until then, we have got to slow and contain the spread. We brought this number down a bit in the last couple of weeks. We have seen it flattened and lower. We need to bring it down further and we need to bring it down faster. This gives you an idea of how the math works. If you have 3858 cases on a daily basis, how quickly that can increase to 16,000. And if you want to plug in a number less than 1 four you look at the number where arizona was below 1, it is the inverse. Andbegin to see it slow reduce and our trends will begin to go in the right direction. And the best way to do all of this is to mask up. Remember, you are safer at home and be responsible. The idea of physical distancing, respecting others physical distance is incredibly important. So, reactions that we are going to take today are going to be to minimize gatherings and large congregations. Arizonans have been by and large terrific, fantastic, and responsible. But, we have found some categories where we need to take more aggressive actions and thats what we are going to do today. Todays executive order will pause the operation of bars, gyms, movie theaters, water parks, and tubing. Effective at 8 p. M. Today with a targeted reopening date in 30 reopen, these to establishments would have to attest and adhere to Public Health regulations and parse it for the public to see. Enforcement will be let by local led by local Public Health officials and local authorities. We all saw the photos and videos of some of the things that were happening around our state this weekend. And the result of that has been an increase in the spread. So with this targeted approach, we know that we can pump the brakes in arizona, we can pause. Our aspirational goal is to get these establishments reopened in 30 days with enforcement by county Health Officials, but w

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